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 Stories » New Administration=New F**$*D up RULES!

New Administration=New F**$*D up RULES!

submitted by EVroccck on Monday, December 11 2000 at 1:25 AM

For all of you that don't know about how to get tickets for the bball game over break here is what you do: TICKETS

Now on to my point. New administration comes in here and changes all the rules and our traditions (Brent Rd. and Campout, etc...), and messes up our world. Just let us have our damn tradition of campout. The one tradition we have as a school at NC State you take away. This is what i dont get: You can gaurntee that everyone who gets a voucher will get a ticket, why couldnt you do that with everyone who got in line last year. It would have cut the crowd in half and we wouldnt be at this problem that we are at now. But they want to blame it on us and being "too rowdy" or whatever their excuse was...ITS JUST PLAIN RIDICULOUS!!! BLAME THE STUDENTS FOR EVERYTHING!!.
What is their reasoning for changing things that have been successful for decades? It is just another example that the school is out for the benefit of itself and the not the students that make it up.

*note, If it were up to me, I wish all the students would get together and boycott these damn games with the new "lottery" distribution to show them how we feel.
**Editted for Cursing

posted by Satch on Monday, December 11 2000 at 1:59 AM

All American
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This certainly sounds a bit perplexing. Is this really a better policy? Half the fun of going to basketball and football games is sitting (standing) with your group of rowdy friends.

12/11/2000 9:33:37 AM

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So here's an idea, not sure if it has been tossed around before but:
Why not just stage a demonstration, a sit-in (or as the case is, a sit-out), over a weekend before a ticket distribution.

The demonstration could simply start on a Saturday, beside Reynolds, in the same place campout was. The demonstration could last the weekend, with people camping out, etc.

If it is a demonstration, <B>and well run</B>, than I would imagine we are within our rights (of course, it'd be best to figure out what legal grounds there are for this).

This could be a simple way for many students to "demonstrate" their desire for a return to a camp-out system, along with a demonstration of the student body's ability to act in a responsible manner.

12/11/2000 10:28:21 AM

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Man thats a good idea do you think we could get this going?

12/11/2000 10:30:52 AM

All American
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i agree with ya EV,so far anything we try to get campout back won't work. the ticket task force by SG and some students thought we had a solid policy in place for the UNC, Duke games that was fair and wouldn't get anyone trampled. But admin. decided to go stright over yours and our heads and make their own "Magical Great Policy" that just happened to be there. I feel like we all have been set up and taken for a ride.
Hell i've been here 1/2 year, and want campout back as much as..damn, as much as anything else man.
if not anything esle this is just like the Amer. Revolution, taxation without representation,...we got adminstration without listening to us, the people, so we got no represenation!! URGH!

12/11/2000 10:31:23 AM

All American
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Count me in for a protest..

12/11/2000 10:35:01 AM

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If it was up to me, I'd have this plan for tickets: For each ACC game you want tickets to, you have to present two ticket stubs from early-season non-conference games (e.g. UNCG, Charleston Southern, Penn State, etc). I'm sick of these fucking drunkards showing up JUST for UNC or Duke and ruining the whole damn campout for the fans who support the team all season long.

Do I think that it was right for The Man to cancel campout? No. But I can see how they would feel that way.

12/11/2000 11:40:44 AM

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the ticket stub idea is decent! but there are lots of flaws with that

12/11/2000 11:43:20 AM

All American
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Yeah, like you could get non-conference tickets but not go to the games. That's one flaw. . . still, I think it would help. . . often on game days, I ask my friends whether they're going to the game and they say "no, I would, but I didn't pick up tickets." They don't really care as much about the games if it's a non-ACC opponent, and I think the prospect of future UNC/Dook tix would be enough to have more people get non-conf tickets.

12/11/2000 1:02:51 PM

All American
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Isn't that kind of what the Wolfpack club does?

12/11/2000 1:10:59 PM

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i see your point tallyho, i agree that is a good idea. i bet most of the people on TWW who dont go to games is b/c they didnt pick up tickets!

12/11/2000 1:40:00 PM

El Pidio
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Your a genius! We might be on to something here........., I'll have to toss idea around in my head and get back to you!

12/11/2000 1:49:31 PM

All American
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I agree with trying to do something to get at the administration's attention but the way i see it they don't want us going to the games anyway they havn't given us the time of they in really considering our position. I bet they would rather we protest so they can go ahead and make a profit off of what is rightfully ours anyway but go ahead El Pidio think of something. The ticket stub idea would be nice but like it was said earler it has its flaws. I just want a fair distribution for all true and loyal student Wolfpack fans.

12/11/2000 2:19:07 PM

All American
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"but the way i see it they don't want us going to the games anyway..." What the fuck are you talking about?

12/11/2000 2:24:10 PM

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how about by SENIORITY!

12/11/2000 3:04:44 PM

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how bout fuck seniority!! cause im a freshy i shouldnt be able to go? bullshit. soory ev i usually agree with ya, but not on that one.

12/11/2000 3:53:49 PM

All American
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i say boycott some bball games and let them know how we feel. also flood the admin. with emails and letters telling them how we feel and offer suggestions to change the current screwey system. we dont need more/new administration, we need people who care more about the students and the school than their own wallets

12/11/2000 4:00:36 PM

big king
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there is no point in demonstrating or protesting anything because they are just like the government, they don't give a damn about us..all they want is our $..

12/11/2000 4:01:05 PM

All American
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sorry big king...i'm not in it for any $..i'm just trying to help us all, seruiosly.

12/11/2000 4:12:57 PM

All American
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Yeah, boycott basketball games, great idea They'll just cut the allotment if there is no interest in the student seats. And daPACKman - if you call yourself a "freshy" you deserve the shit that is dealt out to you And jsquared and big king -- what are you talking about, "pad their wallets, mo' money," etc. It's a damn State job, that's all, they get a set range of money, I would be interested to see what exactly you think the chancellor's salary is. You think that Nortel gives every provost their own Learjet too I bet. You people just bash the administration with baseless claims. They have their faults and those need to be called out, but instead you make shit up rather than base your claims on facts, and then YOU look like an ass.

P.S. jsquared - I still got love for a fellow Pens fan - Blawnox/Aspinwall represent

[Edited by TallyHo on 12/11/2000 at 4:23:59 PM. Reason: too harsh]

12/11/2000 4:22:01 PM

All American
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rogue: You aren't the administration though.

12/11/2000 4:22:07 PM

All American
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yeahyeah, i knew that

but really i am part of SG, and i dont want big_king thinking all gov't acts the same. we're trying

12/11/2000 4:26:32 PM

All American
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I like the Idea of bringing campout back, and I think you could push something through Student Government to do so. But a SG bill would probably only be a reccommendation, rather than law. The administration has already hinted that they would turn down such a bill because they have a figure of about $30G's (I think) that it cost the School after the "bondfire" incident. I'm not too sure about figures, but you'd have to convince the admin. that something like that wouldn't happen again. If anyone can come up with a reasonable way they'd like tickets distrubuted, I'll help sponsor it through senate. The atheltics dept. has said that they would follow whatever policy the students wanted, as long as it was OK with the admin.

12/11/2000 4:49:10 PM

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I think the pre-conference ticket stubs idea is ludicrous.

There are plenty of valid reasons for not going to games, and just because you don't go to them shouldn't lock you out of the ACC games. I for one have to work a fulltime job co-oping and couldn't exactly wait in line to get tix.

What if you have a death in the family or have an accident and are laid up in the hospital for a month? I mean it's a good idea in principle in that it rewards the real fans, but it would never work.

12/11/2000 5:36:12 PM

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well first off, i dont think seniority would be all that bad, one b/c eventually everyone would get front row tickets to the DUKE and Carolina games, regardless of how many other games they have been to. How many have you been to Freshy??

Why dont they do a campout for jjust sunday night not hte whole weekend., the whole campout idea worked magnificently until the ADMIN and SG allowed 2 times as many students out there then there should have been. Look at Duke those students have to Campout for months and they never have this problem.

12/11/2000 5:37:34 PM

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I think the demonstration is the best thing that we have going for us at this point. If we get enough folks out there then we have everything going for us. 1) If the admins sick the cops on us then they look bad (read negative media press) for busting up a peaceful ("and I do hope it would remain peaceful") demonstration. 2) If they don't bust it up then they are aware that we aren't happy, if they do nothing, we continue until we get what we want. All the noise being made around the whole deal would get media attention and would get administrations attention. The problem with this idea is that it is too hard for us WW's to organize. Not so much that we don't have the ability to get large numbers of people, but we don't have one key thing, credibility. Who has credibility and the ability to mobilize a large number of people. Hmmmmm STUDENT GOVERNMENT. That is the only way we could pull this off. And that is the only way that administration is going to listen to us. They are our representatives, our voice. Just my 2 cents.

12/11/2000 6:04:08 PM

All American
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"There are plenty of valid reasons for not going to games, and just because you don't go to them shouldn't lock you out of the ACC games. I for one have to work a fulltime job co-oping and couldn't exactly wait in line to get tix."

Well, Joe if this is the case then I don't expect to see you at the ACC games either because you won't be able to get tickets riiiight???? Yea I bet you'll find a way to get into the ACC games just like you could've found a way to get into the early non-conference games. Give me a break people you know you all make excuses about why you couldn't make pre-ACC games but come ACC season and the big non-conference game against Syracuse your butts will be right there. So all these excuses about not making early non-conference games is a bunch of bullshit in my opinion

12/11/2000 6:12:13 PM

All American
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What XNoid said, PLUS the fact that if you really want to go, there are OVER 15 THOUSAND other seats in the ESA.

12/11/2000 6:27:01 PM

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I'm working the fall semester and I'll be taking classes the spring semester. So yes, I'm sure I'll "find a way to get in" to the ACC games. making excuses? My ass-I've got to be at work at 8am in RTP and I don't get home till 5. You want my friends to pull some DZ shit for me? Riiiight.

12/11/2000 6:33:27 PM

All American
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Joe - there is a difference between DZ (300 tickets) and you (1). Come on.

12/11/2000 6:36:54 PM

All American
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Case in point I'm trying to make Joe is that if you're gonna "find a way" to get to the ACC games and all then you could've found a way to get into the non-conference games either. You mentioned pulling a DZ stunt, well I bet if we were playing Mich St., Arizona, Kansas tomorrow nite or something you would've had your friends pulling a "DZ" stunt to get you in. You and everyone else who makes excuses for not coming to the other games would be right there. I mean man I do apologize for coming down on you because I know you're not the only one out there doing this but it does piss me off how people don't support the Pack for the small non-conference games etc. then come Duke, and UNC games they cry like little bitches over how they got screwed outta tickets and shit. Well, I say serves your tail right. Need more true fans in the ESA than bandwago ones. And if you're curious I went to the Red/White game, both exhibition games and been to every home bball game except Char. Southern b/c it was Thanksgiving break. Just thought I'd let you know that incase you try to question my support for the team.

12/11/2000 6:59:39 PM

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look ya'll-I'm not getting in a pissing war with you guys. As a matter of fact, I went to the red and white game too.

What I meant by "finding a way" to the ACC games was by having my ass in line. Having to work in RTP at 8am means I am unable to wait in line for tix-I have to count on other people to get me tix and they can't always come through. Not everyone has the luxury of all the time in the world to devote to sports, which does not mean they do not support their team any less.

I hate the fuckers who only come to the big games, come drunk, and don't pay attention just as much as the next guy. I'd come to every game and support the team if I had the time. And I'm not going to fucking shell out the $$$ for non-student tickets as a student.

[Edited by Joe on 12/11/2000 at 8:24:20 PM. Reason: because I can]

12/11/2000 8:11:36 PM

All American
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If this school had any kind of organizational ability campout would not be a problem. 1st of all SG knows how many tickets are going to be given out. There is absolutely no reason to have 5 times the people in line than tickets to be given out. The school wonders why there were problems...morons.
This could very easily be tracked in a spread sheet which they should fill in as the lottery for spots are taken. Once the lottery is over they can post a sign in each line that marks the last group that will recieve tickets. They know how many people are in a group and the number of tickets to be given out. That way they don't have a huge mob of poeple running around. Also each group should have it's members registered ie social security #,drivers licence etc. This way if one of group memebers is acting like a moron and the police catch him your group is kicked out of line. If the line rules were enforced strictly there would not be so many problems. Many other schools have campouts that run a lot smoother. I should not be that hard.

You could even have the week before a registration for all the groups in the lottery. I am sure this could be done online. Where you select a group name and list your members and school IDs. The lottery could be done fairly also with a radom slection rather than SG putting thier friends groups at the front of the line. Also get rid of listening to the Wolfpack radio for campout, that was the most annoying thing ever!!

[Edited by Rob on 12/11/2000 at 8:38:16 PM. Reason: blah , blah blah]

12/11/2000 8:19:05 PM

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Joe its as simple as this, The games at the ESA were not sold out, If you really wanted to go you could have gotten a ticket..If not after work, then on the day of the game at the ESA. YES They do give out student tickets at the game....

ANyway point being, there really just isnt a demand to watch a strugglin NC STATE team play non conference game...I can't wait for christmas break games, ill be front row b/c no one will be there!

12/11/2000 9:06:03 PM

All American
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Okay gents, let's get off Joe's back, he gets the point and has even said he agrees with us. That said, attention must be turned to improving future ticket distribution.

12/11/2000 9:10:45 PM

All American
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oh and EV -

"I can't wait for christmas break games, ill be front row b/c no one will be there!"

"I'll Be There" like the Jackson 5

12/11/2000 9:12:26 PM

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Joe knows i love him

12/11/2000 9:44:27 PM

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i've been told by people at stroud center that they were NOT giving tickets out at the ESA when in fact they did...

grrrrr..cuz i would've gone

12/11/2000 9:59:45 PM

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gee at times like this i am glad i am in the band

hey i am not gloating just counting my blessings. Good luck with your protest

12/12/2000 4:19:53 AM

Starting Lineup
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The solution is alumni. We need to get powerful alumni to topple our adminstration for us.

12/12/2000 12:31:22 PM

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perhaps i misunderstood what JOE said about not being able to stand in line for tickets because he's a co-op student and works full-time, but just so the rest of you know, if you are a co-op, all you had to do for non-conference games was present your student ID at the ticket window in the arena and you got admission with a general student seating ticket. i don't know how this is going to work for the acc games, but i will look into it and let you know.

12/12/2000 5:17:47 PM

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Well here is what i took out of this meeting!(and btw i did not get to say everything i wanted).

1. Dr. Stafford was an extremely nice guy and was kind of shocked when i told him i represented 1100+ members of our "organization"
He also made not that i think all students should know. He is the one that canceled Campout and not FOX. Also he made a note that FOX is one of the most avid supporters for letting the students have their off campus festivities.

2. The new plan has been directly copied from Carolina. Except its not the bracelet idea, its vouchers. I dont think the plan is all bad, but its just going to be miss understood and, as would anything its going to be rejected b/c its not campout.

3. I dont think the admin really wants to listen to us. We will make them listen to us. They get set on their Ideas and that's the final word. So they think. Harold has a lot to do with this too. Dr. Stafford said that he turns to Harold to get students ideas and opinions. How many times has Harold come up to you all and asked you what you think?? Negative. One of the points i did not to fully get in was the Miss represenation by the SG. I will go into that later.

4. Campout has a possibilty to return NEXT YEAR, IF it can be organized. Which i already have a plan to do if they are willing to listen. Which im not sure about! Personally I dont think Alcohol is to blame for the campout fiasco last year, but im sure it didnt help the situation. The fact that there were 1600+ people out there who weren't going to get tickets and just there to cause trouble so to speak.

overall, i think we let it known that we are out there and are not planning to get snowballed by the admin. Thats all i have for now will add more later...

12/12/2000 11:40:34 PM

New Recruit
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I'm all for this. If we get enough people out there, it doesn't matter what the hell our "legal rights" are. I saw we fucking do this shit.

12/13/2000 12:29:10 AM

All American
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here's my idea, consider it bullshit if you'd like, but i reccomend that we should get tickets online, just like registering for classes through TRACS. i mean, everyone here has access to a computer and TRACS puts you in order the way that you log on. this would keep everyone from camping out, and the first person signed on would get the best ticket. you'd just log in the way that you always do for TRACS, then you show up at Reynolds at a specified time to redeem your ticket. i think that would be the best as well as, the easiest way to distribute tickets. anyone agree with me, or am i a complete idiot????

12/13/2000 6:55:07 PM

New Recruit
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Fuck that, they screwed the only tradition we had. We need to take action now, dammit.

12/13/2000 7:18:41 PM

All American
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a question for everyone...
will we let technology do everything for us? like the proposed by packman04..and that was mentioned by Stafford too, right EV?
when will we knowing give up human values, like representation(SG?) and loyalty(Campout) and let them slip away?

think about it, we have a chance to change this campus..can we do it?


12/13/2000 7:37:40 PM

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Stafford mentioned that about the ONLINE tickets, and as much as we all love to be online. I dont like them taking away the ticket distribution let alone campout!

12/13/2000 7:53:54 PM

All American
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so if we think about it...this could be campout last's stand...
our last chance for redemption..maybe..

12/13/2000 8:53:12 PM

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