jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
holla 4/30/2003 2:58:52 AM |
CrazyBenni Absolut V 9156 Posts user info edit comment |
apparently there were 22 noise tickets this weekend 4/30/2003 3:02:44 AM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
well i know where 4 went two weekends ago...
[Edited on April 30, 2003 at 3:07 AM. Reason : ;] 4/30/2003 3:06:26 AM |
yuri82 All American 10579 Posts user info edit comment |
well damn the man...
i shall now stop delaying my graduation so i can get the fuck outta here quicker...
4/30/2003 7:00:05 AM |
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit comment |
yep...my friends got a ticket a couple of weekends ago. $150 each!!! luckily my parties i've only gotten warnings and gone into the infamous "party book" HEH. party book...
cops suck.
i think the cops should be paying more attention to the cars that keep getting broken into in my complex versus stupid noise ordinances. and my feeling for older individuals out of college that complain about parties, don't live in a fucking college area of town. duh. the homeowner's association in my complex is real shitty about that...that's all they talked about at the meeting was parties, even brought a cop in to "clear things up." but back then he was talking decibels and not zero tolerance...
[Edited on April 30, 2003 at 8:15 AM. Reason : yep] 4/30/2003 8:03:27 AM |
Patman All American 5873 Posts user info edit comment |
I think its time for the people who have gotten these tickets to get together and contact the ACLU and take the NPO to court. 4/30/2003 8:37:41 AM |
HackerGirl All American 1487 Posts user info edit comment |
So if RPD is cracking down on noise complaints, and RPD's jurisdiction covers North Raleigh too, if I throw a loud party in N. Raleigh, RPD should be just as tough on any complaints. But I highly doubt they would be... this whole policy seems a little biased toward NC State students, and that can't be 100% legal... I second the ACLU motion 4/30/2003 8:48:02 AM |
ajohnson1 All American 1527 Posts user info edit comment |
it seems as though nobody has the time/balls to take this shit to court, but i wish someone would. 4/30/2003 9:05:33 AM |
Nighthawk All American 19636 Posts user info edit comment |
Fuck you partycrasher. You can kiss my ass and everybody elses. 4/30/2003 9:08:57 AM |
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit comment |
Fuck the police politicians! 4/30/2003 9:34:54 AM |
Wienke All American 3496 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "and that can't be 100% legal... I second the ACLU motion " |
any law that is only enforced upon a certain group is 100% illigal
as for the ACLU...there was talk of getting them involved before, but when it comes down to it, students are too lazy and unmotivated to do anything about this....which is why it's still on the books4/30/2003 10:31:52 AM |
WCH777 All American 2378 Posts user info edit comment |
This is really fucked up. I live near crabtree valley mall. Not many students around here and there is noise all the time. One old lady loves to blair for music sometime. It doen't bother me but you NEVER see a cop around here. This is truely targeted at students around NCSU. I hate seeing our taxes go to shit like this. FUCK RPD. 4/30/2003 10:32:30 AM |
HackerGirl All American 1487 Posts user info edit comment |
http://www.acluofnorthcarolina.org 4/30/2003 10:37:59 AM |
RhoIsWar1096 All American 3857 Posts user info edit comment |
Just remember that more than likely it wasn't the cop writing you the ticket so don't take it out on him. In fact, I KNOW it wasn't him. Cops are fucking lazy and wouldn't volunteer for any extra work. I filed a police report yesterday and the lazy fuckers wouldn't even drive out to my house to take it - they took it on the phone and told me to hand-deliver some evidence rather than them coming by and picking it up. What woulda happened had I not had my own car? I wish some cops lived near me... I'd wait til they had a barbeque this summer and call the RPD on them under the nuisance ordinance and harass the everliving shit out of them when they weren't written a ticket. Or even better yet, keep an eye on the Raleigh City Council's houses, and other Raleigh administration.
Either way guys, we need a voice. I saw in the Technician yesterday that a student is running for city council. When it comes time, change your voter registration to Raleigh, District D. Then elect him to voice the concerns of 28000 people that have been ignored for the last who-knows-how-many years! 4/30/2003 10:48:47 AM |
Magnet All American 1626 Posts user info edit comment |
this is one reason why i'll be glad to move the fuck out of the shit-hole town in a few more months, however I do see it as somewhat necessary to have police involvement when people don't listen to requests to try to be quiet so others can sleep. People need to acknowledge that living in a city means you are really close to neighbors, so respect them a little 4/30/2003 10:49:38 AM |
RhoIsWar1096 All American 3857 Posts user info edit comment |
That's the thing - it's not an issue of responding to requests to be quiet anymore. There is no request or warning now - the official policy is "people call cops, cops come, arrest owner of property." Not "people call cops, cops warn partiers, leave, everyone is happy." 4/30/2003 10:52:22 AM |
wolfpackchad All American 4901 Posts user info edit comment |
Sec. 13-3017. NUISANCE PARTY. (a) Definition. A nuisance party is a party or other social gathering conducted in the City and which, by reason of the conduct of those persons in attendance, results in any one (1) or more of the following conditions or occurrences: public drinking or drunkenness; public urination or defecation; the unlawful sale, furnishing, or consumption of alcoholic beverages; the unlawful deposit of trash or litter on public or private property; the destruction of public or private property; the generation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic which obstructs the free flow of residential traffic or interferes with the ability to provide emergency services; excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noise which disturbs the repose of the neighborhood; public disturbances, brawls, fights or quarrels; or any other activity resulting in conditions that annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, comfort or repose of the neighboring residents, or results in any obscene conduct, or results in any immoral exhibition or indecent exposure by persons at the gathering. (b) Any person being the owner, occupant, tenant, or otherwise having any possessory control of any degree of any premises who either sponsors, conducts, hosts, invites, suffers, permits, or continues to allow a gathering to continue which is or becomes a nuisance as described in subsection (a) above is in violation of this section and may be punished by any of the criminal or civil enforcement penalties available to municipalities. Any person attending a nuisance party is also in violation of this section.
that is the part of the law that really troubles me. jail time for loud music? i could understand the fighting, public drunkness, and destruction of property, but loud music? (c) This section shall not apply to gathering held at locations holding valid entertainment center permits or any other gathering authorized by this Code.
4/30/2003 11:00:17 AM |
wolfpack1100 All American 4390 Posts user info edit comment |
No remember this the cop that comes to your place will probably be the nuisance party cop. If it is him just say thank you and start taking the tickets as you right them cause there is going to be more than one. The problem is that everyone decides to throw parties and stupid people move into apt's that are largely based with college kids living there. just hope that this pass's over cause if it doesn't brentroad next year will not be able to throw a party cause they will write the owner of the house a ticket at first complant. 4/30/2003 11:03:23 AM |
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit comment |
[Edited on April 30, 2003 at 11:07 AM. Reason : fff] 4/30/2003 11:06:52 AM |
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "Student Conduct will now be contacted when a ticket is filed in an NCSU community and/or NC State will have the ability to prosecute on campus due to the students' tickets." |
...damn right they will be
This is total bullshit. Not to whine, but when we lived on Fraternity Ct. we NEVER had any problems with nice complaints (obviously). But now whenever we have music playing in the house or throw a party, you better believe the cops will show. I think we've had one, maybe two parties in the year we've lived in the new house where the cops didn't show.
JRattB All American 2008 Posts user info edit comment |
Do the cops have to hear the noise? From my experience, if they're called, they would issue a warning even if you weren't making noise right before he came up. My problem with this is
1) Many peoples' neighbors do not ask to quiet down. They immediately call the cops even if its ~8PM on a Fri/Sat.
2) Could you in theory call the cops and say your neighbors are being loud and would a cop drive up and immediately issue a ticket, no questions asked? 4/30/2003 12:21:58 PM |
doozer511 Veteran 366 Posts user info edit comment |
http://www.izack.com/politics -- check it out, sign up to help. It's our opportunity to stop this insanity! 4/30/2003 12:44:51 PM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62484 Posts user info edit comment |
lets elect that zach guy, and see if he can do shit about it, i doubt he can 4/30/2003 1:43:39 PM |
tkcrowshaw All American 9437 Posts user info edit comment |
i say we do this.....get a bunch of people together. go throw a party in norht raleigh away from campus. no one dress like a state student (ie nc state apparel) videotape the shit outta it, and have someone call the cops on us. betcha there wouldnt be a single ticket written. with that, that one videotape, you can sue the rpd if they write a ticket for your nuisance. 4/30/2003 1:55:01 PM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit comment |
hey here's a fun idea, lets call and report a noise incident on the Zero Tolerance creator-guy-dude... if the cops go there, he is Sure to get a ticket 4/30/2003 2:37:11 PM |
wolfpackchad All American 4901 Posts user info edit comment |
It would be great to call and complain about noise at the town hall during a city council meeting 4/30/2003 3:31:08 PM |
Wolfpacker06 Suspended 5482 Posts user info edit comment |
What ever happened to boycotting Raleigh businesses except the ones that support students? The whole W*A*R thing? We should bring that back, definitly....this whole issue with the RPD makes me 4/30/2003 3:45:03 PM |
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit comment |
fuckin nazis 4/30/2003 3:46:22 PM |
4howl1 All American 4252 Posts user info edit comment |
W*A*R was tabled by SG while the outcome of the roommate ordinance is pending. The task force is supposed to report back to the City Council with its recommendataions on either May 6 or May 20. I'm pretty sure if the council passes a modified rooommate ordinace at the recommendation of the task force, the W*A*R boycott will be reconsidered. 4/30/2003 4:13:05 PM |
Wolfpacker06 Suspended 5482 Posts user info edit comment |
w0rd 4/30/2003 4:41:54 PM |
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit comment |
I am completely not at fault for this. I warned you it would happen !! 4/30/2003 5:20:39 PM |
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "the destruction of public or private property;" |
It is illegal for me to destroy my own pencil (private property).
Quote : | "any other activity resulting in conditions that annoy ... the neighboring residents" |
I get annoyed when my female neighbors dont give me sex0r. I'm calling the cops.
Quote : | "or results in any immoral exhibition" |
who the fuck decides what is "immoral". This is full of shit.4/30/2003 5:25:52 PM |
BiggBaddChad Veteran 220 Posts user info edit comment |
i hear ya "elkaybie".............."and my feeling for older individuals out of college that complain about parties, don't live in a fucking college area of town" Thats WTF im talking about, if you don't like it why did you move here dumb fucks. Did you really think this would be a good place to raise your children???? C'mon
4/30/2003 5:49:37 PM |
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit comment |
my neighbors got a noise violation ticket and all he had was 7 people on the back porch....damn cop mother fuckers 4/30/2003 5:51:19 PM |
JustinW All American 594 Posts user info edit comment |
Just did a bit of quick math and here's what I found out: approxamatly 11.6% of the Raleigh population go to NCSU oo Meredith. Now if you take out the percentage of the population that isn't at least 18 (i.e. can't vote (and we assume everyone in college is 18, although it isn't true)) then 14.6% of people capable of voting in Raleigh are in college(in Raleigh). That's a pretty fucking big block of votes right there. Yes I know that most people(college students) aren't registered to vote in Raleigh, but considering how much time we live here I doubt we'd have much trouble changing where we are registered to vote (I am assuming). So if we united against all these anti-college student laws (and the other bs laws that are stupid and annoy us) I beleive we could get some changes made. But all this is based on a lot of assumptions (that every college student would vote, that we are all at least 18, etc...) but I still feel that we, as a group, have more clout than we think. But that's just my $.02.
And we also have to deal with the fact(oid) that we are generally lazy people (I know I am).
(sorry for errors in my math and any words i mis-spelled, and any other flaws)
Statistics data: 2000 US Census: http://factfinder.census.gov/bf/_lang=en_vt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DP1_geo_id=16000US3755000.html Population of Meredith: http://www.meredith.edu/visitors/quick-facts.htm Population of NCSU: http://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/UPA/enrollmentdata/history/history1889-present.htm
I just did some quick math using enrollment numbers from meredith and NCSU, didn't check the 2k census for that info...
[Edited on April 30, 2003 at 8:15 PM. Reason : Dude below me is probablly more right, but still the general point stands..] 4/30/2003 7:53:09 PM |
thesponge All American 1304 Posts user info edit comment |
12.7% of people in raleigh as of 2000 are students
if you exclude those under the age of 18 including college students then 16.1% of the voting population in Raleigh is going to college
[Edited on April 30, 2003 at 8:06 PM. Reason : 18 yrs old] 4/30/2003 8:04:00 PM |
V0LC0M All American 21263 Posts user info edit comment |
this is dumbest fucking thing i have ever heard, i bet Chanc. Fox is behind this (that fucking bitch) 4/30/2003 8:51:34 PM |
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit comment |
Here's a plan. Find the councilmen that voted on this ordinance (or whoever might be personally respondible), and find where they live. Whenever they do anything even remotely violating the NPO (as enforced on the students), call the cops on them. Maybe have some guys nearby with video cameras to see how evenly this law is enforced. It's probably not a good idea to make bullshit reports, but if they so much as have two people on the porch drinking, go for it. Unfortunately, who has the time to watch all these houses. 4/30/2003 10:18:12 PM |
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit comment |
but who are you going to tell on them to?? That's the problem, there's no balance of powers. 4/30/2003 11:50:19 PM |
TUCKERCITY New Recruit 2 Posts user info edit comment |
WANNA FIX WHATS WRONG WITH THE NUISANCE PARTY ORDINANCE? THEN REGISTER TO VOTE HERE IN DISTRICT D (if you live on campus or the surrounding apartments/houses you can, go http://www.izack.com/Politics to find online forms and where to send them) AND ELECT ZACK MEDFORD FOR CITY COUNCIL
[Edited on May 1, 2003 at 2:43 AM. Reason : .] 5/1/2003 2:38:41 AM |
MovieGirl5 Veteran 101 Posts user info edit comment |
yeah, my friends got $150 tickets weeks ago, yet this meeting just happened. . . fucking pigs, and one was just so unrelenting and rude it was sickening. the other one was decent tho. . . fuck him too anyways! 5/1/2003 11:17:42 AM |
ironmike All American 12948 Posts user info edit comment |
y'all need to realize that the cops are only doing their jobs...they don't make the rules, they just enforce them...so instead of bitching about the cops, bitch about the politicians 5/1/2003 11:48:16 AM |
tbrtb Veteran 160 Posts user info edit comment |
is there a link directly to the text of the nuisance party law? i am a senator and wish to write tom stafford about it but dont want to quote from brentroad.com. it would obviously mean more if i could link him to the raleigh govt website. thanks 5/1/2003 1:00:59 PM |
chocoholic All American 7156 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "...damn right they will be
This is total bullshit. Not to whine, but when we lived on Fraternity Ct. we NEVER had any problems with nice complaints (obviously). But now whenever we have music playing in the house or throw a party, you better believe the cops will show. I think we've had one, maybe two parties in the year we've lived in the new house where the cops didn't show." |
word, I was pretty pissed a couple weeks ago, we had a cop come by the sorority house to "inform" our President and House Mom that they'd had complaints about our neighbors (TKE) and to warn us that from now on they'd be ticketing everyone in the house should they be called back in the future. it was nice of the cop to give us a heads up, but still frustrating bc it's like, hey don't go visit your neighbors on the weekends, else you might come home w/ a ticket even if you're just hanging out talking/watching a movie/whatever.5/1/2003 3:25:14 PM |
stateboi Veteran 387 Posts user info edit comment |
I know there will be a party going on at the chancellor's resident a day or two before graduation... somebody can call the cops on that.....
5/1/2003 5:47:10 PM |
vloves2ski New Recruit 18 Posts user info edit comment |
For the record, I don't like parties and I don't like noisy neighbors when I'm trying to sleep, but even I think this ordinance is baseless and pretty messed up. There are enough places in Raleigh that enforce no-party rules via the Homeowners Assoc or rental entity that anyone who doesn't want to deal with the typical college party scene can find a place without parties and noise-I know this because that is where I live. If you don't want to deal with the students, don't move in next to them... Chances are, they were there first. 5/1/2003 6:18:58 PM |
bboogy1 New Recruit 0 Posts user info edit comment |
I live on Brent and we recently had a party last weekend which lasted until around 2 something until the cops rolled up. Basically I think they hired some fucker to walk around undercover to the parties and call the cops from thier cell phones, because I've never had a party broken up before, mostly because I'm cool with all of my neighbors, even the ones that stay in Gorman crossings. Stupid ass cop arrested me last weekend without even telling me what I was being arrested for. He was basically being a smart ass because he has nothing better to do than to harrass college students because maybe he was one of the guys never invited or who never got the chance to experience college life. His buddy was cool as hell but after he puts the handcuffs on he had to take me downtown so he would seem like a tuff guy(he prolly weighed about a buck-40 and never touched a weight in his life) FUCK THIS SHIT. If these people have a personal problem they shoudl settle it with the "cool people back in high school who didn't invited them to shit."
We as students have to speak up.. I'm down for a protest. If you are too, holla at me Holleratben@hotmail.com
FIGHT THE POWER!(I always wanted to say that) 5/1/2003 10:13:31 PM |
Wolfpacker06 Suspended 5482 Posts user info edit comment |
PROTEST! 5/2/2003 1:50:07 AM |
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "y'all need to realize that the cops are only doing their jobs...they don't make the rules, they just enforce them...so instead of bitching about the cops, bitch about the politicians" |
Umm...Fuck that. They are given a task where they have to decide whether or not a "nuisance party" going on based on loose laws that allow them to turn just about any gathering into a NPO violation. It is still up to their discretion to ticket or not.
Yes, the law is wrong; but these guys are not just doing their jobs. They are allowing themselves to be a tool for someone else's agenda.
If you let yourself be a tool and screw over my community; then I have no respect for you. End of Story.5/2/2003 3:32:56 PM |
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit comment |
The cops aren't just handed a book of statutes and left to enforce them as they choose. Yes, the cops are enforcing the NPO very strictly. But you don't know what you're talking about if you don't think that the politicans not only make the laws, but exert extreme pressure on the cops as to how they enforce them. The beat cops aren't crazy about these laws, but they're getting ridden by their captains (who are getting pressured by people above them, and so on to the top). 5/2/2003 5:49:58 PM |
ZeppelinRox Starting Lineup 53 Posts user info edit comment |
Well, NCSU used to have Hillsborough Street and and legendary Brent Road.... they took those away from us. Isnt it sad when most of the people go to Franklin Street for Halloween? Fuck the RPD 5/2/2003 11:37:59 PM |
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't know where you were last night, but Hillsborough St. was alive and kicking. it was the BEST college experience thus far in my 5 years 5/3/2003 1:55:22 PM |
wolfpacker23 Veteran 219 Posts user info edit comment |
Last night was great....it should be like that every weekend, i heard east village ran out of beer at one point...a bar running out of beer is awesome...lets turn hillsborough into what it should be and keep it up. 5/3/2003 4:40:52 PM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53201 Posts user info edit comment |
If you really want to do something about this, go drag out the statistics on tickets written concerning the NPO, get a map and see where the majority of the tickets are written.
Next, if the data is a available, get statistics on actual complaints. See where all complaints come from, not just the ticketed complaints. Compare this data with the ticket location information. If one section of the city is more "heavily enforced," ie, more tickets/cop appearances per complaint, then that area is being unfairly targeted by the police.
Now, should the second set of data not be available, then one could simply go around the city and interview residents about their experiences with the NPO, mainly how much they have complained and what the results were and the like.
oh, and push for more of a voice on the council, whether it be by electing Zack, or just bitching to our current "representative" on the city council. And, if he doesn't listen, again, raise hell! I think it is a shame that even our own district's representative didn't show up to any of the meetings on campus concerning the roommate ordinance, much less any of the other council members...
[/two cents]
Personally, I don;t think it would be too difficult to show that police are enforcing the law more strictly against college students, and that areas with college students are more likely to have their complaints "serviced," and thus, the law is not being evenly enforced.
I think it would be more difficult to show that the law is aimed at college students, and therefor unfair. Maybe it is aimed at students, maybe it isn't... It would be more accurate to say that college students are more likely to be in violation...
So, the idea is this, with the aforementioned data, show that the law is not being evenly enforced. Pressure the city council to more evenly enforce it across the city. Then, if you are driving around raleigh and you see a violation of the ordinance in an area not heavily populated by students, call it in! Distribute the nuissance of this ordinance around the city. If your complaint isn't serviced, then raise hell.
Certainly, with enough complaints coming in from all around the city, the police will be unable to handle it. As well, maybe people other than college students will be getting screwed by this ordinance. Thus, a change will have to be made in the ordinance to lessen the load on the po-po/budget caused by complaints and such.
If the law was sponsored by "anti-student" groups, then the changed law will more than likely be even more anti-students, and thus more easily proven as such. Or, maybe, just maybe, the ordinance will have to be made less ambiguous, or even be struck from the books.
thats my two cents
[Edited on May 3, 2003 at 9:56 PM. Reason : ] 5/3/2003 9:53:29 PM |
TKE-Teg All American 43423 Posts user info edit comment |
I'd like to officially say I live in Nazi-ville 5/4/2003 12:39:26 AM |
spaced guy All American 7834 Posts user info edit comment |
ok i just got back from a party that was busted up for no reason
and i gotta say, some parties i've been to needed to be broken up. sometimes fights break out and stuff gets broken and people trash the place. but this was really an exemplary party. you couldn't hear it more than one house down the street because most people were inside, and these people have parties all the time and their neighbors are cool with it. everyone was having a good time and no one was being bothered. but then 2 cops show up and shine flashlights in everyone's faces, like we don't know they're there, and all they say is "if you don't live here, it's time to go." this is just going way too far. it's really not necessary and i'm sick of it. 5/4/2003 2:02:44 AM |
Gizmo All American 1908 Posts user info edit comment |
the value of the rental properties there will go down for the owners...college kids won't want to rent there if the police are always on their ass for no reason. 5/4/2003 3:14:09 PM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit comment |
this is absolute bull shit! middle aged cops are just pissy they don't party and have fun. i'm sorry but if you live in an appartment complex or neighbor hood for that matter that is mainly college kids you should suck it up and deal with it. there is a reason you got " such a good deal" on your housing. its like living next to the airport and bitching that planes fly over.
i don't mind the police here but this policy is absolute bull shit.
I quote a wise group of young gentle men NWA "F*CK THE POLICE" 5/4/2003 10:52:43 PM |
TrjnMan007 All American 32511 Posts user info edit comment |
so where's the party tonight? 5/5/2003 9:15:05 AM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit comment |
ok i'm planning on voteing for zach but for now who do i need to bitch too and where do i go to get in touch with them?
i don't understand how many parties in college towns are sacred like franklin street etc. and have police protection without having the party broken up.
i mean personally i'd rather listen to a party going on every night then worry about going to jail next time i have a party. 5/5/2003 11:09:22 AM |
Frog All American 616 Posts user info edit comment |
Wow, this mirrors President Bush's policies...big suprise 5/5/2003 4:18:59 PM |
4howl1 All American 4252 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "ok i'm planning on voteing for zach but for now who do i need to bitch too and where do i go to get in touch with them? " |
Well, you could talk with the man responsible for crafting the ordinance (Councillor Benson Kirkkman), but what I've heard, his office hours might be meaningless. You could try the RPD or ALE. Good luck
Quote : | "i don't understand how many parties in college towns are sacred like franklin street etc. and have police protection without having the party broken up. " |
NC State is full of politics, not to mention the way the chancellor has been pushing for the university to be run more like a business5/5/2003 5:35:17 PM |
CanceRuss New Recruit 32 Posts user info edit comment |
Bizarre question... but is anyone good friends w/ a lawyer or even a law student? If so, talk about it with them. See what our rights are, and what they aren't.
I live on Brent too, and I moved there expecting something... and unfortunately that something is happening less and less... 5/5/2003 5:40:57 PM |
Pi Master All American 18151 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "middle aged cops are just pissy they don't party and have fun." |
Not true at all. Well, maybe the middle aged ones are, but not the 25-30 year olds.5/5/2003 8:15:17 PM |
Gizmo All American 1908 Posts user info edit comment |
my uncle is a judge...i was planning on calling him and asking 5/5/2003 9:12:25 PM |
rjrgrl All American 27061 Posts user info edit comment |
About the cop that has been assigned, his name is R.P. Bowen and he is quite possibly one of the biggest jerks I've ever met in my entire life. The public safety officer that was with him was perfectly polite, but the RPD officer is an ass. 5/5/2003 9:35:07 PM |
Mr. Hand All American 1439 Posts user info edit comment |
You could possibly leave when the cops show up. If there's no one at the house, who are they going to ticket? You could always come back and basically say your house was left unlocked/broken into and people used it to party in... But, they might come back and force you to provide evidence as such. The whole "guilty until proven innocent"...
Which is what happened on Brent Road once where a person's home was used to throw a party during one of our school breaks. 5/5/2003 9:54:41 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit comment |
i think partycrasher and cubsfan1 are a cop/narc duo.
(i know, jackleg nailed partycrasher a few days back)
5/6/2003 6:57:37 AM |
ZmanNCSU All American 563 Posts user info edit comment |
Wow that is bullshit 5/6/2003 7:41:10 PM |
El Scrotcho Veteran 230 Posts user info edit comment |
The shit this country wastes money on never ceases to amaze me. Imagine all the good that could be done with this idiot Bowen's time and salary. It's not only stupid, its depressing...
Hell, you could buy everyone in this city earplugs with this one guy's salary.
5/7/2003 3:37:49 AM |
TGD All American 8912 Posts user info edit comment |
^ lol
[Edited on May 7, 2003 at 8:06 AM. Reason : ] 5/7/2003 8:05:55 AM |
marko Tom Joad 72833 Posts user info edit comment |
there's gonna be about 10-20 students on here who will actually try and get these laws changed
the rest will just sit around and complain 5/7/2003 12:46:40 PM |
pacman99z All American 7180 Posts user info edit comment |
*falls over laughing*
5/7/2003 4:16:00 PM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62484 Posts user info edit comment |
5/8/2003 12:29:22 AM |
fartknocker New Recruit 0 Posts user info edit comment |
F*ck the police!!!!!!!!!!!!! O'Doyle rules! 5/8/2003 11:23:53 PM |
PakSakWacker Starting Lineup 71 Posts user info edit comment |
Whenever I see a group of students who are loud and obnoxious, I'm going to shout "NUISANCE LAW!" and call the police. You know who those people are, always making noise and causing a scene. This whole thing is ridiculous. 5/13/2003 7:55:29 PM |