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submitted by nutsmackr on Sunday, September 14 2003 at 5:40 PM

Starting tomorrow Monday,September 15th and ending Tuesaday, NCSU Student Government will be conducting fall elections for Leader of the Pack, Student Media Authority, and Freshman Senate Seats.

The following TWWers are running in this election. Let's show them our support:

Adam Cole - Dem0nm0nky (write in)
Joseph Constant - Constovich
Matthew Jordan - Fratboi
Emmaus Smith - suamme1
Nick Snell - DamnStraight

Leader of the Pack
Jessica Horne - gapgurl4u2c
Mital Patel - mmpatel

For more information please visit the Student Government Website
And to vote click here !!!

posted by scud on Sunday, September 14 2003 at 5:55 PM

All American
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9/14/2003 5:58:06 PM

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Sarah King is an RA in bragaw... she's pretty awesome, and is also running for leader of the pack...

9/14/2003 5:58:11 PM

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damn straight ya'll are voting for me

9/14/2003 6:04:07 PM

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no, support your fellow TWWers

9/14/2003 6:15:31 PM

All American
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WTF ...

Quote :
"Joseph Constant - Fratboi"

That is NOT ME. I have dropped out of the race due to a lack of time. Plus that is not my name ...

9/14/2003 6:18:07 PM

All American
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vote Dem0nm0nky!

9/14/2003 6:20:04 PM

All American
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k, I fucked up the html. that should be constovich, but I left out a (") after the URL for his user name.

9/14/2003 6:21:59 PM

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Vote Quimby!

9/14/2003 6:22:06 PM

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all the real names are right. I'm just an idiot.

9/14/2003 6:22:26 PM

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So, wait...nutsmackr...we shouldn't support Zack Medford, even those he's a fellow student.

But we should support these people just because they're fellow TWWers? Does it matter that Medford is a TWWer? You should at least be consistent in your argument.

9/14/2003 6:34:04 PM

All American
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9/14/2003 7:35:49 PM

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thx scud. Actually Nat Dug. I want support for these people, because they are the banner carriers for my platform and because Mital and Jessica would make good Leaders of the Pack. Do not make the false comparison between student Government and Local Government.

9/14/2003 8:05:35 PM

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vote for me please i'll make candy rain from the skies

9/14/2003 8:15:33 PM

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I think you lose credibility on inconsistencies.

First it's:
Quote :
"no, support your fellow TWWers"

Now it's:
Quote :
"I want support for these people, because they are the banner carriers for my platform"

And what, pray tell is your platform, Mr. Smith?

Quote :
"Do not make the false comparison between student Government and Local Government."

Perhaps not so much with LOP, but certainly with SMA, you're dealing with a large amount of student fees...about $400k. If Benson Kirkman had misspent $400k of the city's money on a pet project, then you'd be pissed. But if it's students misspending student money, then it's okay?

AH,'ve got to back to the underlying principle: misspending is bad, no matter who does it.

9/14/2003 8:24:48 PM

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Those SMA candidates support my platform that i had laid out earlier

9/14/2003 8:58:43 PM

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seriously...i plan to reassess the ways funds are spent...i think there will be a writeup about what i think in the technician tomorrow

9/14/2003 9:20:52 PM

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again, I ask what that platform is....

now that I can vote again, I'd like to be informed.

9/14/2003 9:30:28 PM

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write me in too, i wanna get some preliminary numbers to consider for my SBP campaign this year

9/14/2003 9:43:48 PM

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The platform is basically get the media to the point where they are independently funded (function off of money brought in through advertisements, sales, etc.) Look at how the funds are being appropriated and find places wehre it can be cut, and take the Student Media out from under the SG Constitution, and place it in its own constitution, ergo it is entirely free of medling from Student Government.

9/14/2003 9:44:10 PM

All American
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Jackleg for SBP in 2004 w00t!

9/14/2003 9:44:35 PM

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my name is tyler brown and i am running for student senate for the freshman class. i am an american politics major and i would really like your vote and your support. best wishes!!!!!

9/14/2003 9:54:33 PM

All American
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^What's your stance on inclusivity?

9/14/2003 10:06:32 PM

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i say we include all the ivity's

[Edited on September 14, 2003 at 10:11 PM. Reason : y]

9/14/2003 10:11:11 PM

All American
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god n00bishness

[Edited on September 14, 2003 at 10:11 PM. Reason : k]

9/14/2003 10:11:37 PM

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I've did a fair amount of research into Technician becoming independent (i.e., the DTH, the Chronicle at Duke, the Cavalier Daily at Virginia, etc.) while I was an editor and while there are a lot of benefits, I think there are a lot more consequences that you can imagine. The most obvious change being that Technician wouldn't be at all accountable to any student protest, if they chose to ignore whatever sentiments you expressed.

Quote :
"the Student Media out from under the SG Constitution, and place it in its own constitution, ergo it is entirely free of medling from Student Government."

The Student Media isn't really under the "SG Constitution," from what I understood--it's almost like an appendix to the Student Body Constitution. It's not like SG can change any part of it, so I'm not sure what meddling you're talking about....

The only change that really needs to occur with the Constitution & SMA is that the SBT should have a vote on the Board, not the SBP.

9/14/2003 11:16:45 PM

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^currently all changes to the SMA have to go through SG.

And Independence is the only way in which we can thoroughly ensure taht it is a student newspaper.

9/14/2003 11:57:49 PM

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Voting has begun!

9/15/2003 12:03:23 AM

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I hope earnestly you guys use all resources and keep open minds about the SMA and its spending. Marching in and declaring arbitrary numbers for budgets will do the following:

1. Make you look stupid.
2. Show the editors on the SMA board your incompetence.
2a. Motivate the editors to defy your directives.
3. Work the SMA into an even bigger budget nightmare than it's already in.

The SBT has an ex-officio spot on that board, and rest assured I have my eye on all of you. And as perhaps a moment of zen for you to wrap your minds around, it may not be such a fantastic idea to denounce the current spending practices and useless extensions of the SMA and its constituent publications when they can very heavily endorse their collective audiences to vote you the fuck out of town.

I humbly suggest that they do this, actually.

Lastly, mostly because I feel compelled to point out that I have a giant boner for Student Organizations and think they're the best damn thing since imported beer, I want to remind you to vote for those candidates who have not selfishly posted on top of publicity flyers for organizational events.

I'll show you photos when I get around to it.

9/15/2003 12:22:50 AM

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YAY! Everyone vote!

9/15/2003 12:27:46 AM

All American
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^^who did that Seth?

[Edited on September 15, 2003 at 12:28 AM. Reason : I already voted for mital and Jessica]

9/15/2003 12:28:09 AM

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To be honest, if I'm going to bash one candidate for something, it's only proper that I make sure the others aren't at it as well. Therefore, I'll be surveying the message boards tomorrow for last-minute and conclusive proof.

At this point I'm obligated to stay neutral until 11:00 AM on Monday anyways.

9/15/2003 12:32:38 AM

All American
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now shoudlnt all this vote for me hype atleast be followed by " why you should vote?"

call me old fashioned but the govt i remeber told the masses why their vote is important and what the said positions "can" and "will" do.

then i say "votes away!"

9/15/2003 12:34:05 AM

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^^ where can I at least see the damage?

9/15/2003 12:51:00 AM

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Clearly it's a broken link for now.

9/15/2003 1:40:13 AM

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you had my hopes up.

9/15/2003 2:41:03 AM

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I'll call out names...well, a name anyway, since he's the only one I saw: Forrest Hinton (or "Gump," in some cases).

Not only did he go out of his way to deface Tiffany Peter's publicity efforts for LOP, he also defaced publicity for Habitat to Humanity. My real frustration though came as I walked up the steps to the library and saw that he had chalked on the steps...

There's a nationally renowned photo exhibit being shown at the library beginning this week and that kid had the nerve to chalk all over the building? WTF. Ignant ass freshmen.

I hope someone calls him and asks him to remove his vandalism.

9/15/2003 8:26:50 AM

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And many more, Nat, many more.

Be on the lookout.

9/15/2003 8:43:08 AM

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I'm manning the polling computers in the atrium as we speak! ('til 11)

Please get out and vote. It's fun and takes less than a minute. Promise

9/15/2003 10:19:35 AM

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that pisses me off about the library, since taht is our pullitzer exhibit. I say force the bastard to lick it off.

9/15/2003 10:42:47 AM

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He's a freshman, this is his first election...I think he has been yelled at enough to know better in the future...But it doesn't help matters when the Elections Commission Chair tells the candidates that its ok to flyer and paint over another candidates stuff...I feel bad for Tiffany, I was out there when she was painting and she worked hard on those walls, but the freshmen have flyered over everyone's stuff, and there is no stopping them because there isn't enough space for everyone...I think the E-Comm should really look more into this matter for future elections...

9/15/2003 10:47:11 AM

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9/15/2003 11:31:13 AM

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Yeah, I'm not running any more. Last week I sent a reply to an e-mail sent to me stating that, but I saw the Technician this morning and I was in it. Oh well, I guess they didn't get the mail.

9/15/2003 2:07:58 PM

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Quote :
"I think the E-Comm should really look more into this matter for future elections...

Don't blame the E-Comm. They are enforcing the policies on the books. Talk to Government Operations as they begin reviewing changes to elections rules.

9/15/2003 4:17:23 PM

Duh, Winning
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Student Media Authority Board -- At-large
Travis Oakley
Marla Singer
James T Kirk
Mike Krzyzewski
Strong Bad
Tyler Durden

9/15/2003 9:53:57 PM


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I voted.

Quote :
"Yeah, I'm not running any more. Last week I sent a reply to an e-mail sent to me stating that, but I saw the Technician this morning and I was in it. Oh well, I guess they didn't get the mail."

damn and I voted for you too

[Edited on September 15, 2003 at 10:28 PM. Reason : ]

9/15/2003 10:23:37 PM

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we definetely don't want to get back to the way the nazi election rules were a couple years ago though..... where ecomm was bringin rulers out to make sure that candidates left the correct number of inches between each flyer!

9/15/2003 10:46:46 PM

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^^ Well, thanks anyway. I don't think I'm eligible anymore anyway because I didn't fill out any expense reports. Silly isn't it that you have to fill out a piece of paper that costed the university money just so I could say that I spent no money.

9/15/2003 11:38:01 PM

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wouldn't worry about it. They aren't going to DQ you for it.

9/16/2003 12:54:46 AM

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We couldn't accept your withdrawel because it was after the deadline (see the statutes). You can choose not to accept the office if you win. As far as the form, I e-mailed you asking you for the form late, as I did for most people and we've accepted most late forms since people weren't well-informed.

Jessica and all,
Yes, I also hate the fact that people are postering over/painting over other people's stuff, but it's not against the rules. I mentioned it because I didn't want people to file complaints when people flyered over their stuff. It's been discussed for many years and probably will be discussed again this year. At any rate, Erich's right, we have to enforce the policies that are in place.

There will be a meeting tomorrow night to announce the results in the judicial board room on the 2nd floor of Witherspoon at 8:30pm. We will have some business before the announcement.

9/16/2003 10:41:18 AM

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The best way to see that flyering respect is enforced is to not vote these fuckers into office....

Namely, Forrest Hinton. If this is how he campaigns, imagine how it would be to actually work with him...

9/16/2003 11:11:29 AM

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I'd vote against him and all the people who put up sandwich boards for a freaking Senate seat... For which I personally blame that Technician editorial last week. Senate campaigns are supposed to be about meeting people individually, not fliers and sandwich boards....

Not least because even in this case, 9 out of 10 (okay, more like 8.75 or so out of 10) students don't have a vote in that election.

(And yes, I'll be looking at this as a member of Govops, so feel free to send suggestions my way if you want. Maybe banning flyers and sandwich boards by individual candidates altogether is worth looking at; they have a primary effect of getting people pissed off at SG. Especially if people are going to start with ten foot high ones.)

[Edited on September 16, 2003 at 3:48 PM. Reason : .]

9/16/2003 3:44:08 PM

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Yea, but I think you can tastefully pull off a 10-ft high sandwhich board - and I think Will did it.

There's nothing wrong with these Senators earning their seats (they have a lot of competition). In fact, I'm pretty sure this is the most competitive Senate race EVER, so they really had to do something different and unique to win votes (that was part of the reasoning of having Fall elections for Senators in the first place). Having not met him or been on campus much during the day, Will's barbeque and campaign in general seemed FUN - it was refreshing to see someone having fun while running.

Meeting people individually > flyers, sandwich boards (anyday of the week )

...but with what they were given (that this had never been done before and they had never witnessed a campus election), I'd say those kids did a good job for the most part (with the exception of some previously named kids)

now, I wonder if Will would let me have his sandwich boards after midnight tonight when the election closes so I can use them to board up and protect the apartment from Isabel...

[Edited on September 16, 2003 at 4:23 PM. Reason : ]

9/16/2003 4:13:15 PM

All American
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when do we find out SMA results (or maybe I missed it already)

9/17/2003 10:05:40 AM

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They're posted somewhere on the SG site. I won and they haven't told me anything yet....

9/24/2003 2:59:01 PM

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