Patman All American 5873 Posts user info edit comment |
When did this happen? 12/1/2003 4:02:44 PM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
What do you mean? It's ongoing through next semester. Just started this week. 12/1/2003 5:39:07 PM
WorldofJay All American 871 Posts user info edit comment |
Moldova... that's the most fake-sounding name for a country I have ever heard... are you sure it exists???? 12/1/2003 11:51:51 PM
theDuke866 All American 52891 Posts user info edit comment |
what about engineering, physics, or calculus books? 12/1/2003 11:59:13 PM
Wolfman Tim All American 9654 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "It is also the "sister" country of North Carolina." |
Those dumbasses thought we were a country. 12/2/2003 2:23:38 AM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit comment |
why do we get the shitty countries as our sister country. Why can't we have a real country like austria or something like that? 12/2/2003 2:30:23 AM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "are you sure it exists????" |
Quote : | "what about engineering, physics, or calculus books?" |
Yes, they have a technical university that would love these books.
Quote : | "Those dumbasses thought we were a country." |
No, most states have at least one sister country. Moldova is close to us in size, as well as many other factors (if you'd do a search to educate yourselves, you'd know), so they were selected as ours.
12/2/2003 11:10:55 AM
Wolfman Tim All American 9654 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "if you'd do a search to educate yourselves, you'd know" |
Jesus Chirst, I was only kidding. 12/2/2003 4:09:47 PM
mdbncsu All American 4923 Posts user info edit comment |
Isn't it going to be pretty expensive to ship all the books over there?
12/3/2003 2:10:07 AM
AntecK7 All American 7755 Posts user info edit comment |
Its not like they are going to get the required amount of textbooks they need anyway, i mean what are teh chances they will get 100 of the same calc 3 book, or even 30, my guess is pretty slim. The better reason shipping those books is going to expensive.
Why they hell cant they buy their own textbooks, we have to, i mean the way you make it sound the univerisity is paying for their textbooks. 12/3/2003 9:47:22 AM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't know about the university paying for textbooks and such, but they are all pretty poor. I mean, many of their elementary schools don't even have heat. As for paying to ship them, we got funding from the government. They are also going to make sure all the books get through customs and such. And yes, the country is so bad off that it needs all these books, even if its just to build up their libraries so the students have something to read.
Why can't you people just give to a worthy cause without whining so much?
[Edited on December 3, 2003 at 3:06 PM. Reason : big babies] 12/3/2003 3:04:13 PM
susie Q All American 5927 Posts user info edit comment |
trust me, these people need all the help they can get. the prez of moldova is a friend of my dad, and they are like MAXIMUM POOR. 12/3/2003 7:19:51 PM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit comment |
well the president of you ass is friends with my dad. 12/3/2003 8:48:27 PM
susie Q All American 5927 Posts user info edit comment |
k 12/3/2003 10:16:08 PM
whiteknight All American 750 Posts user info edit comment |
Moldova, isn't the bad guy from Ghostbusters II from there originally? Sorry to stray from the topic, I know these kids need books and if I'd taken these shitty classes I'd be willing to donate but I'm a humanities guy, but the country sounded really familiar. Anyone know what I'm talking about? 12/3/2003 11:58:29 PM
forkgirl All American 3102 Posts user info edit comment |
I have a lot of childrens books.....could those be used like toward PreK?? 12/4/2003 1:24:04 PM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
I still haven't figured that out yet. However, there may be a drive at the end of next semester for Africa that might could use them. 12/4/2003 5:06:25 PM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit comment |
btw, it is very high and mighty of you to assume that people cannot pronounce moldova...christ is is spelled phoenetically. also, don't play my conscience. 12/4/2003 7:29:02 PM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "Those dumbasses thought we were a country." |
we're probably bigger than they are anyway ![](images/tongue.gif) 12/4/2003 9:27:08 PM
davelen21 All American 4119 Posts user info edit comment |
maybe we should send them condoms instead of books 12/5/2003 12:25:38 AM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "btw, it is very high and mighty of you to assume that people cannot pronounce moldova...christ is is spelled phoenetically. also, don't play my conscience." |
First off, the pronunciation can be, well, mispronounced. As in, mole-DAH-vah (as in the AH sound in "off") or MOLE-duh-vah. If someone had never seen nor heard the word, they could do it wrong. In any case, it was on one of the web sites about Moldova so I figured it'd be good to include it for inquiring minds, never was I thinking "These TWW people are idiots and can't pronounce anything so I absolutely have to put it in for them to get it right," as you seem to be implying.
Second, never were my comments directed straight at you, and never did I try to play your conscience. I simply want people to get past their petty grumbling and donate without making snide remarks about the country or the drive.
Last, quit being such a troll.
[Edited on December 5, 2003 at 12:43 AM. Reason : btw, the word is "phonetically"] 12/5/2003 12:40:20 AM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit comment |
this is where you tried to play my conscience
Quote : | "They broke away from the USSR and have been struggling ever since. Recently, they decided to switch their university system completely to English to combat the growing confusion caused by the several languages the people speak. However, they don't have the money to buy all new textbooks. " |
12/5/2003 6:01:39 PM
SSJ4SonGokou All American 1871 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't see how that plays your conscience. Playing your conscience would be if I said "don't you feel guilty how you have everything and they have nothing?" Which I never said and certainly wouldn't be factual. I'd say you're grabbing at straws here.
P.S. Sorry if I'm really defensive on this but I've been working on it since last semester and have put a lot into it, so when someone tries to make me the bad guy because I'm trying to help people, that just irks me. 12/5/2003 6:26:25 PM
PhantomAxe All American 766 Posts user info edit comment |
How can some third-rate ex-Soviet nation be comparable in any way to NC? That's a low blow. 12/8/2003 11:40:14 AM
kaniff All American 4430 Posts user info edit comment |
not even altruism goes unpunished on tww 12/9/2003 10:03:20 AM
xvang All American 3468 Posts user info edit comment |
I've sold most of my books back, but definately would love to help by giving what I have.
... on a side note, us Americans are so spoiled... we think being a poor college student is not being able to eat at McDonalds everyday and having to settle for a ham & cheese sammich. I'm a first generation American, my parents come from Laos/Vietnam, and I'm lucky to get a better of understanding of what "Poor" means. Go get some real-world education. Sorry, I felt like venting 12/9/2003 2:38:27 PM
mac Veteran 454 Posts user info edit comment |
Hey-Is there any way to get a tax receipt for books donated, so that I can claim that as a donation? I have some books I might give. I wish this happened more often, I gave 3 old textbooks to the library last year. This is a great idea/cause, too many people just trash books while other people would die for the chance to educate themselves. 12/11/2003 3:58:47 PM