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 Stories » Free Bus Ride to the Richmond Game

Free Bus Ride to the Richmond Game

submitted by NCSUStinger on Thursday, September 2 2004 at 1:29 AM

Student Government is performing a trial run for a free bus service from campus to Carter Finley Stadium for the Richmond vs. NC State football game. Student Government has been approached by multiple students, often freshmen, regarding means of transporting themselves to the games. This service proposes to drop off loads of student fans together to the games, thus fulfilling this need.

Game Plan: this Saturday the Wolfline bus (marked Charter) will pick up three times. For those looking to tailgate with friends, the first bus will begin picking up students at 3pm in front of Brooks Hall on Pullen Drive, it will then pick up at Talley Student Center, Witherspoon Student Center, and one last pick up on Dan Allen at the stop between Nelson Hall and University Towers. The bus will then drop off those students at the game. (If that bus fills up before the final stop we recommend those students walk to the Brooks Hall stop to be the first on the next bus. All students will be picked up at the last stop at 5pm, even if another bus has to be called.)

It will return at 4pm to run the same loop for those still wanting to arrive early. For those looking to arrive close to kick-off the last round of pick ups will be at 5pm.

Return trip: All students will be picked up at one time directly following the end of the game, by multiple Wolfline buses.

posted by sparky on Thursday, September 2 2004 at 9:02 AM

All American
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it's not getting there until 3:30pm? That's not nearly enough time to tailgate

9/2/2004 11:35:38 AM

Joisey Devil
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Hey, man...that's awesoem right there...I remember not being able to go to the games because people that had cars didn't win, and it would always be rough trying to get to the game...taht's an awesome alls we need to do is kick soem of the alum and non-alum out, so we can fit all the students and get rid of vouchers...

9/2/2004 11:45:47 AM

All American
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Or you could just ride the Vet School shuttle.

9/2/2004 12:36:04 PM

All American
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Didn't they used to do this back in the day? I seem to remember bus service to some of the games when I was a freshman ('98-'99)....

*Yes. I am old. I realize that.*

9/2/2004 1:16:57 PM

All American
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Where do the buses load up after the game?

9/2/2004 3:36:21 PM

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Once you get on the bus from campus there will be a member of student government that will tell you where the bus pick up will be. We may know tomorrow and we will post it as well. It looks like it will be where the rest of the charter buses go near the RBC - but you will find out for sure when you get on the bus at first!

Tony C.

9/2/2004 8:05:14 PM

Wolfman Tim
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Quote :
"Or you could just ride the Vet School shuttle."

It doesn't run during the weekend.

9/2/2004 11:22:03 PM

All American
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Way to go SG. Good call.

Quote :

it's not getting there until 3:30pm? That's not nearly enough time to tailgate"

How much do you really tailgate if you don't even have a car?

9/3/2004 10:13:40 AM

All American
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OK yes this did go on in 1998...I rode it to a couple of games ... most interesting is when you get a bus full of hot sweaty, drunk kids and one vomits in the middle of the isle and it gets slung up and down the isle on the way to the game (treznor remembers)
But gg on bringing it back it helps cut down on traffic but I think it would be even better if you ran a bus at 1 as well.

Quote :
"Hey, man...that's awesoem right there...I remember not being able to go to the games because people that had cars didn't win, and it would always be rough trying to get to the game...taht's an awesome alls we need to do is kick soem of the alum and non-alum out, so we can fit all the students and get rid of vouchers..."

You're an do realize that the money that Alums give is what helps keep the entire school running right? --I as an Alum deserve a seat just as much as you do, and I have to PAY for mine...novel concept to you I guess. Finally, if you had a winning voucher and wanted to go to the game you could have hiked it like I did my freshman and sophomore years. Quit whining--

9/3/2004 6:45:32 PM

All American
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Or, you could ride a bike...

9/4/2004 11:29:04 AM

Starting Lineup
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Come out to the rock show at the Brewery after the game!

9/4/2004 3:19:14 PM

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how did the system work? Were there a lot of people using it?

9/5/2004 10:37:57 PM

New Recruit
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It worked well in my opinion. As a commuter who didn't want to brave the parking lots, I found it really easy to get to the game.

9/8/2004 12:20:31 PM

All American
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are they going to do it for the OSU game?

9/12/2004 10:07:42 AM

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