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 Stories » 1st Annual FIJI Dodgeball Tournament and Blood Drive

1st Annual FIJI Dodgeball Tournament and Blood Drive

submitted by twolf24 on Tuesday, September 28 2004 at 10:00 AM

Think you got what it takes to be a champion? If so, get your team together and come on out October 15th and we'll see just how good you are. The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta is hosting their First annual dodgeball tournament Friday October 15th at the Pullen Park Lower Tennis courts right across from campus. The tournament starts at 4:00. ALL of the Proceeds will benefit the American Red Cross to help their disaster relief fund.

For more information, rules, and registration forms, etc. click here.
Its a guaranteed Hit! Oh, and by the way. The winning team will recieve a 5-6ft trophy. If you have any questions please sent an email .

Also on Tuesday, October 26th in the Bragaw Activity Room from 12:30-5:00, FIJI is sponsoring a blood drive to benefit the American Red Cross. This is a great opportunity to come out and give the gift that keeps on giving. You could be saving a life! Also, if you give a pint, you will GET a pint...a coupon for a free pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream that is!
If you would like to make an appointment or would be willing to stop on by on the 26th, please email with your name and telephone number.

This events are open to ALL NCSU STUDENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, and GREEK LIFE.. Lets show the surrounding community that NCSU cares!

posted by sparky on Tuesday, September 28 2004 at 10:18 AM

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Depending on how many teams sign up and the mix will depend on whether or not there are separate brackets for guys/coed/girls (i.e. if one girls team signs up then there will not be a separate bracket) - we are expecting enough to have a separate bracket though and will try to keep everyone update with how many people are registered in each bracket

9/28/2004 12:44:01 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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There's something ironic about combining giving blood with a dodge ball tournament. It leads me to picture blood soaked battlefields where one battered but victorious teams remains standing.

9/28/2004 12:54:32 PM

New Recruit
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We could really use everyones help! Sign your organization up today! Pre-registration is due Oct. 11th and is only $30.00 if you register by this date. Other wise it is $40.00 per team at the door. Help us help the Red Cross.

If youre interested go to!

9/28/2004 6:06:28 PM

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LESS THAN TWO WEEKS UNTIL THE DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT!!! Sign up today!! We hope to see you there to help out the American Red Cross! go to for more information!

10/1/2004 4:41:16 PM

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We will be having three brackets:

All Male
All Female

We will also be having a contest for the best uniform! First place gets a trophy! Each first place team out of the brackets will get a 6 foot team trophy and a small trophy for each team member. Each second and third place team will receive one team trophy.

So bring your A GAME and your COOLEST UNIFORM and prove youve got what it takes to be a real champion!!

10/3/2004 11:44:17 PM

New Recruit
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The time has almost come for the tournament! Sign your team up today! Help out a great cause and have fun at the same time! All proceeds go to the American Red Cross and a 6ft trophy goes to the first place team in our Male, Female, and COED brackets. It only takes 8 people to form a team. Hope to see you there! Go to if you have any more questions!

10/11/2004 6:23:10 PM

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