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 Stories » NCSU "Wave of Relief"

NCSU "Wave of Relief"

submitted by lahyde on Wednesday, January 12 2005 at 1:30 AM

200,000...that's the estimated number of lives lost in the Tsunami disaster's also the goal for NCSU "Wave of Relief" going on now! The Student Body is banning together to lead the largest fund raising effort this University and city has ever seen.

To kick this off, there will be a Tsunami Memorial Service on Thursday at 3:00 on the Brickyard. Please make an effort to attend this event, as we will have a speaker who was in the region at the time of the disaster and stayed to help with relief efforts. Other speakers include Tony Caravano and Chancellor Oblinger. A special flag ceremony representing the countries hit will be a part of this service as well.

Donation jugs will be located throughout campus, at ticket distribution windows, and at the next three men's basketball games as well as the next two women's bball games. Please take a moment to give anything you can. Keep in mind that $5 can by you lunch one day, but it can by lunch for over a week in some of the countries hit.

The goal of $200,000 is set for just two weeks. A running tally will be announced Sunday at the GT game, and plans are to present the final amount at the FSU game on the 26th.
Ban together with your fellow students and make this effort a success!

posted by JAllen1127 on Thursday, January 13 2005 at 1:39 PM

All American
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banning together

1/13/2005 4:36:42 PM

Zinc Saucier
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you mean "banding"?

1/13/2005 9:23:54 PM

All American
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"Wave of Relief"???

hahaha. i think these people have seen enough big waves

1/15/2005 8:28:21 PM

All American
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shut up

give money. anything you can afford. money goes alot farther in a situation like this. think about it this way: if your money saves the life of one person is it worth it?

i think it is.

it doesn't take that much. if every one in america gave a buck, we would basically match what our gov't. has pledged already.

1/16/2005 1:22:00 AM

All American
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sorry, already donated to save a couple africian kids.....big wave shoulda happened earlier....

1/16/2005 4:31:13 PM

New Recruit
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i know that this is a great tragedy but we must all be very critical at times like these. this was not a purely natural disaster. there are capacities to mobilize people so that they escape disasters such as this. "In Thailand, some scientists found out about the earthquake as early as an hour before the first wave and still chose to sit on the information because disrupting the tourist economy with a (potentially) false evacuation would have been career suicide(Independent)." Very few animals died because they knew when to evacuate. Only governments with the interests and welfare of the masses as their primary concern could have made the preparations and taken the actions to do what was necessary. Cuba is such a country. It is poor, and its situation has been made far more difficult by the U.S. blockade and the collapse of the USSR and other socialist trading partners. Nevertheless, it is the internationally acknowledged leader in dealing with natural disasters, including devastating hurricanes.

Also, with the the level of technology available in this world, there is no reason why the proper devices were not installed to detect the underwater tectonic plate disturbances. There is a US military base The above two things have one feature in common, they are a product of profit motive. Yes, Capitalism aided in the deaths of thousands of people. "A tsunami warning system has existed for the Pacific since 1965. The U.S. developed a more sophisticated and accurate tsunami early warning system in 1995. It was widely deployed in 2001, but was restricted to the Pacific Ocean, which is dominated by U.S. and Japanese imperialism. With one exception. The U.S. military base on Diego Garcia, smack in the middle of the Indian Ocean, was on the Pacific Ocean alert list.(Workers World)".

My third concern is the nature of aids relief fundraising. Sure it is great that we are sending money over their for the relief, but please let it end in this. If you can recall, a few years back the same thing happened in El Salvador after a hurrican destroyed vast amounts of the country. The US raised lots of money for relief but instead of being the kind hearted people that we pretend to be we told them how to spend the money. We told them how to rebuild their sewer systems. How to rebuild their communications networks. We told them how to build a very large sector of their society. Now look at the place. It is diminated by American Multinational Corporations who have turned around and profitted off the sitation and set up the country so that they are dependent on American imports. Let us not have this happen in Sri Lanks, Thailand, India and the other Indian Ocean fronted countries effected by this tsunami.

I suggest reading over the two articles that i quoted. they have a lot of insight. they are found at and

1/16/2005 6:55:12 PM

All American
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You're right...we probably shouldn't give money at all, because there's at least someone we can blame for so many people dying.

1/17/2005 2:14:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Wave of Relief"???

hahaha. i think these people have seen enough big waves "

I heard the blip on WKNC and couldn't believe they worded it that way.

Let's send a Tsunami of Compassion! I am El Nino!

1/18/2005 1:12:55 PM

All American
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DO we know the current talley??

1/18/2005 10:46:36 PM

All American
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what a terrible fucking name

god damn

1/19/2005 1:59:12 PM

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Ask yourself this one simple question....when tragedy strikes the U.S. do we receive aid?...even when we try to right the wrongs?!

1/19/2005 11:57:38 PM

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