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 Stories » NCSU Crew Team Hosts Regatta This Saturday

NCSU Crew Team Hosts Regatta This Saturday

submitted by rani1822 on Thursday, March 17 2005 at 12:59 PM

This Saturday, March 19th the NCSU crew team is holding their first regatta ever at Lake Wheeler from 8am to 2 pm. There will be multiple events to watch, and the weather is supposed to be beautiful. The event is free, so show off your school spirit by cheering wildly for your team during the intense spirints!! You dont want to miss this. Bonus feature: Sexy guys and gorgeous girls in spandex!! Come out to cheer on the Wolf Pack.

Directions to Lake Wheeler

posted by mdbncsu on Friday, March 18 2005 at 3:20 PM


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I was on the crew team two years ago. This is a big step for the NCSU Program. Congradulations.

3/18/2005 9:48:14 PM

All American
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don't flip the shells over in 39 degree water and have the lake patrol come out and save your ass like they had to three weeks ago.

Who was the brainiac that decided to go out that day? Wind was blowing 20-25 knots, air temp was just above 40 (less with windchill) and water that was barely soft.

yeah big step indeed. Had little crew people turning into icicles in the heated bathroom using the hand drier to try from getting hypothermia.

3/18/2005 10:16:05 PM

New Recruit
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Hehe that was pretty funny, it happened to the girl's 4 boat. The reason it flipped was because something went wrong in the boat, wind and wake alone don't flip a boat unless they're ridiculous (like in a hurricane). Get the facts straight next time?

3/20/2005 2:29:08 PM

New Recruit
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By save your ass do you mean run into the flipped boat and almost do serious damage to it?

3/20/2005 5:41:29 PM

All American
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Obviously you fucktards don't understand the seriousness of the situation.

While your pretty sleek looking rowing canoe thinger could have been damaged, your people could have gotten hypothermia and DROWNED. Do you understand this?

Not only was the crew IN THE JUST BARELY ABOVE FREEZING WATER FOR FIVE MINUTES OR MORE.... but they couldn't RIGHT their own vessel. Do you know how mind-fuckingly stupid it is to go out on ANY body of water in a vessel that is as easy to flip over as one of those things, and NOT be able to right it?

Not only that, but had they managed to get the boat righted and all on board, it wouldn't have made the situation any better. The people in the boat were NOT prepared for water temps that cold. The air combined with the windchill on that day would have accelerated the onset of hypothermia.

I've taken two swims in Wheeler this winter. Both times I had my 4/5 full body wetsuit on, and one time i had a drysuit on. I was still freezing my ass off. The people that my crewmate plucked out of the water on the patrol boat were a couple minutes from being in some seriously deep shit. If you aren't more careful, then someone is going to be seriously hurt.

Oh and don't be assholes and use paint stripper on your rowing shells in the parking lot of a lake thats a secondary water source. I don't want my kids to come out with 7 fingers.

3/21/2005 8:35:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The reason it flipped was because something went wrong in the boat, wind and wake alone don't flip a boat unless they're ridiculous (like in a hurricane). Get the facts straight next time?

You obviously have never heard of windchill. I could care less what causes the boat to flip. The fact of the matter is that it did.

Do some research about cold water survival and get back to me next time?

[Edited on March 21, 2005 at 8:38 PM. Reason : .]

3/21/2005 8:37:50 PM

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Ok, you guys shouldn't have been out there. There's no question about that. Second of all, the patrol boat in no way was going to do "serious damage" to your shell. It takes more than just a minute ding on it (especially the metal part that the oar connects to) to damage the boat.
Also, that's half of you guys' problem. You should value your own crewmates' well-being more than your damn rowing shell. Not only is the Lake (read: Ben Herrmann) getting pissed at the crew, so are many other groups (not to mention me!). You need to get your crap together and make better decisions.

3/21/2005 8:44:10 PM

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