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 Stories » Online Tickets - Request Starts Saturday!

Online Tickets - Request Starts Saturday!

submitted by lahyde on Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 12:13 PM

Request Period 1 for the VTech / NC State game begins this Saturday, August 27th.

Go to and to log in to the new Online Ticket site. Instructions for using the site and rules for the new system will be up on the site as well as the ticket site by Saturday.

Any questions, first check out threads in Sports Talk, or PM lahyde.

posted by Maugan on Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 12:27 PM

All American
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ahhh finally online, my last semester

8/24/2005 5:42:42 PM

All American
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finally? I've had to stand out in the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow, fucking ice storms for tickets

now fat shits can just roll over, click a few buttons with their mouse and get tickets

fuck that

8/24/2005 6:10:37 PM

All American
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Christ alive, read the thread.

The penalty system is going to be worth all the trouble.

8/24/2005 7:22:45 PM

All American
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^^i thought we switched to the lottery system in like 2001...

8/24/2005 8:36:21 PM

All American
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Presentation I gave earlier tonight...shoudl give some instructions to everyone

8/24/2005 9:05:52 PM

All American
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alright that presentation makes me feel better about the system

8/26/2005 10:48:47 AM

All American
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Penalty system aside, I still am not too sure about this system. In the past, I think the fact that you actually had to go to Reynolds and stand in line weeded out people who weren't REALLY trying to go to the game. Now, there will be a lot more people in the lottery because of the ease of registering which still might decrease my chances of getting a ticket

I guess I'll just have to see how it goes - last year I pretty much got tickets whenever I tried and I hope the same happens again... *crosses fingers*

8/26/2005 3:48:49 PM

All American
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^ This has been discussed to death already, check the thread.

8/26/2005 11:11:42 PM

All American
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so, when it comes to the games and such, its still relatively the same..

walk through, show your ID,and they scan your ticket.. all that jazz.

I was worried somehow a ticket would be connected to a person and only that person could use it, as in a friend couldnt go for you or something. Sounds ok to me...

except for I dont have a printer.

8/27/2005 11:37:27 AM

All American
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yeah, we almost made it connected to a person, but decided not to after some negotiating w/ safety and others

8/27/2005 12:47:12 PM

All American
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I think the tickets should be tied to a valid ID. I know a lot of fresh alumni/dropouts are using there old IDs to get in the door. I think this is a huge problem and many seats would open up.

ID scanners at the doors would help (I realize the cost is ~150 (or they used to be that)). Maybe redoing IDs on a 2 year cycle would help.

I kow someone that graduated in may with a 2009 expiration date.

8/27/2005 11:16:27 PM

All American
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Being awarded a ticket to print is still tied to a valid (currently enrolled ID). If someone can convince a current student who doesn't want to go to the games to go through the whole ticket process for them, win a ticket, and then hand it over, more power to them. It all ends up with one of the main ideas behind the new system: get the tickets into the hands of those who want them, and fill the seats.

8/28/2005 2:32:00 AM

All American
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yeah, I guarantee we still have empty seats

8/28/2005 2:48:26 AM

All American
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I like the system overall but I wish that you could see who, and how many people have joined your block if you are the group leader. I mean anyone can add to a block they heard about now... even if you dont want them too. Furthermore, if you allow the group leader to see who is on the block then they can remind people who forgot to claim tickets and make sure that everyone who got a ticket shows up to games. As a group leader I like the fact that before I could remind everyone and make sure they printed it out and went. Now that I dont know who is on my block I no longer have this power and I cant stand empty seats. I would rather know someone isnt going because I talked to them so that I can give the ticket to someone else to fill every seat......

8/28/2005 12:39:21 PM

All American
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well, we're working on the whole "see who's in my group" thing

8/28/2005 2:46:23 PM

All American
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w00t i have teh ticket

8/29/2005 6:28:10 AM

All American
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If you got a ticket and went to print it off the website, as I just did - on the preview of the ticket, it has the person's name on it. How would you go about giving it to someone else if it was determined that you couldn't go? Say if you were planning on going to the game, and the night before, your work is saying you have to come in - can you give it to someone else to use?

8/29/2005 7:41:26 AM

All American
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I was just thinking the same thing. Turns out I don't think I can go, because I'll be going to a Panthers game. Can I let a buddy use my ticket, or does it just need to go to waste?

edit: I see I have to cancel the ticket. They're not as easy to pass out anymore.

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 7:59 AM. Reason : ah]

8/29/2005 7:51:43 AM

All American
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either cancel it, or pass it to a friend...student IDs are required, but won't be matched to tickets

8/29/2005 8:26:09 AM

All American
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I am curious....

I was a small group leader. My brother signed up under me. I won tickets and he did not. We just checked the unity ID associated with his account and it is mine.

I thought if the group leader won everyone under you would win.

8/29/2005 8:55:18 AM

All American
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not small groups

8/29/2005 9:50:26 AM

All American
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i won a ticket but it won't let me in, using the orginal password and then i say i forget it and it can't find my unity account either, anyone know what im doing wrong

8/29/2005 9:51:41 AM

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I'm having the same problem as mshaul. I can't get back in to claim my ticket.

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 11:12 AM. Reason : k]

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 11:13 AM. Reason : k]

8/29/2005 11:12:08 AM

All American
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i'm just waiting on the photoshopped tickets to appear. just a matter of time....

8/29/2005 11:20:46 AM

All American
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how do I get a guest ticket? I've already printed mine out. It said I could pay for one at the same time I claimed my ticket but there wasn't an option.

8/29/2005 11:57:43 AM

All American
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because there aren't guest tickets available for this game...they're only available for a few games

8/29/2005 12:00:22 PM

All American
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oh shit

8/29/2005 12:02:55 PM

All American
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Guest tickets are for MTSU, Eastern Kentucky, and Maryland only.

As for photoshopped tickets, it's gonna be pretty damn hard, if not totally impossible, to photoshop a barcode that'll work at the gate (due to the way the system deploys the codes and the redundancy control).

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 2:51 PM. Reason : f]

8/29/2005 2:47:37 PM

All American
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I think they meant photoshop it so the ticket has a diff section number

8/29/2005 3:06:41 PM

New Recruit
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The statement beside the checkbox for small group leader consent says that only you have to win for the entire group to win...

"I consent to serve as a Small Group Leader for up to 23 other students who may request to be seated with me. Any student may joint my seating group by entering my Unity ID when he or she requests tickets for an upcoming event. I understand that, in the event of a ticket lottery, I must win a ticket in order for my entire group to be seated."

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 3:08 PM. Reason : paste statement]

[Edited on August 29, 2005 at 3:08 PM. Reason : ]

8/29/2005 3:07:01 PM

All American
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Can we get a thread for this? kk, thnx

8/29/2005 6:55:26 PM

All American
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8/29/2005 7:46:58 PM

New Recruit
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what do you do if you missed the deadline to request a ticket? Can you somehow sign up for th 2nd lottery? or do you have to wait for someone to give you theirs?

8/29/2005 7:50:50 PM

All American
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read the thread linked above

seriously, the first post will answer your question

8/29/2005 8:56:32 PM

New Recruit
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I am looking for an extra ticket student ticket if anyone doesn't want theirs and needs to give theirs away. I will forever be in your debt if you have one. can email me at

8/29/2005 10:49:14 PM

All American
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I printed off my ticket and it says that I'm in section: NA, Row: GA seat:

8/29/2005 11:00:26 PM

All American
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wtf jess, are you serious?
NA? yeah, I'll have to look that up...

looks like you found a golden ticket, where you can sit anywhere?!

8/29/2005 11:08:19 PM

All American
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wait, so not eveyone else has a ticket that looks like that? SCORE!

[Edited on August 30, 2005 at 12:50 AM. Reason : hehe]

8/30/2005 12:48:20 AM

All American
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that means you have a grass pass.

8/30/2005 1:32:45 PM

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