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 Stories » Chancellor Oblinger Invites Campus Community To Tuition Open Forum

Chancellor Oblinger Invites Campus Community To Tuition Open Forum

submitted by NCstate08 on Monday, October 24 2005 at 6:00 PM

The Tuition Administrative Advisory Committee, co-chaired by Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Larry A. Nielsen and Student Body President Whil Piavis sent its recommendation for 2006-2007 tuition rates to Chancellor Oblinger on October 21.

In keeping with past practice, Chancellor Oblinger will hold an Open Forum on Thursday, October 27, 2005 in 216 Poe Hall from 7-8:30 p.m. to gather input from the campus community before formulating recommendations to the NC State Board ofTrustees.

At the meeting, Provost Nielsen and Student Body President Piavis will summarize the deliberations of the committee and their recommendation, along with any minority reports. Students, faculty and staff will then have an opportunity to comment on the recommendations from the committee.

If you want to have the right to complain about tuition, come and have your say, now when it might have some impact. It's just like voting, if you stay silent; you shouldn't complain about what happens. Bring your friends, roommate, whoever. The more the merrier.

posted by Maugan on Monday, October 24 2005 at 6:43 PM

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This is a great opportunity to show the Administration how united the students are aginst this increase. Please come out and voice your opinion!!!

[Edited on October 24, 2005 at 11:16 PM. Reason : ]

10/24/2005 11:16:18 PM

All American
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I think it's a waste of time. They're going to do what they want no matter what. This is not a democracy. Case in point - WabAssign.

10/26/2005 9:33:50 AM

All American
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That's only half the truth. When it comes to budget issues, universities tend to spend a lot of time and resources doing the research behind the scenes for it. A group of people not liking the change won't mean jack. A group of students not liking the change and making a good case WILL make a difference. Unfortunately, that group presenting their case has a lot less time, money and resources (typically) than does a unversity.

10/26/2005 10:08:28 PM

All American
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I don't understand the point of the forum. As a student I want tuition to decrease or remain constant (an impossible scenario), so what more does this committee need to know? It's simply a way for the administration to make students feel like we have a voice, and we do, it's just not heard. Anyway, I really shouldn't try to discourage anyone from attending I do think it's a good thing to show up whether it has potential or not.


[Edited on October 27, 2005 at 3:59 PM. Reason : bad image link]

10/27/2005 3:59:04 PM

All American
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If you remember back in 2000 when they first announced a tuition hike, students all around the UNC system marched and protested. Hell at state we marched all around the capital. What good did that do? ABSOLUTELY JACK, those bastards just went ahead and jacked up tuition anyways.

Unless Pirate boy does something, there isn't a whole lot students can do besides going to another school.

10/27/2005 5:41:17 PM

Tom Joad
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hey i know a bunch of sorority sisters could stand outside witherspoon and protest the tuition increases in the name of unity

if only we could get oblinger to insult them

10/28/2005 9:19:33 AM

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