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 Stories » Senate and Greek Life To Hold Brickyard Tailgate

Senate and Greek Life To Hold Brickyard Tailgate

submitted by Tyler Durden on Monday, January 23 2006 at 11:03 PM

The Student Senate, InterFraternity Council, and Panhellenic Association have teamed up to hold a tailgate on the brickyard on Wednesday, January 25th from 11 AM - 1 PM.

Please come out and get a free tailgate lunch. This tailgate's purpose is to create awareness about the university's attempts to ban kegs, eliminate half-time passouts, and restrict tailgating policies for football season 2006. Student opinion will be gathered and alcohol information presented.

posted by Maugan on Tuesday, January 24 2006 at 10:08 AM

All American
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I'll happily take a free lunch, but fuck that.

1/24/2006 11:32:30 AM

All American
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After the bad rep the University has gotten because of tailgate the last few years this was bound to happen

1/24/2006 12:10:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Student opinion will be gathered"

How? And to what good will it do?

1/24/2006 12:22:10 PM

All American
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more importantly, what kind of food will be served?

1/24/2006 12:37:29 PM

All American
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Further restrict tailgating...we are already the only NC school that has restrictions on tailgating. (as far as I know UNC, ECU, Duke, App, nor Wake have restrictions) The shooting was an isolated event, quit trying to blow this up into something it isn't.

1/24/2006 3:45:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"restrict tailgating policies for football season 2006"

1/24/2006 4:27:26 PM

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this is against those things you dumb fucks

1/24/2006 5:51:29 PM

All American
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They wouldn't have to restrict things if the students (and by students I mean a select few dumbasses) acted like normal people going to a game and not like a bunch of idiots.

1/25/2006 1:19:49 AM

All American
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true, but i feel like if the people making a fuss should remember these are COLLEGE FOOTBALL GAMES and not THE F*ING FAMILY CHANNEL.

you're bound to hear college kids yelling and swearing, and rival fans should take routes around where most of the students are, instead of purposely going through them to try and start something

1/25/2006 3:05:00 PM

All American
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anybody go to this today?

1/25/2006 4:05:49 PM

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I have to be honest, here. The sweet tea and the stale chips they served, made me hate the tail gating even more.

1/25/2006 4:45:43 PM

All American
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I went and got the two hot dogs.. I was hungry so they were GOOD!

1/25/2006 5:44:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"as far as I know UNC, ECU, Duke, App, nor Wake have restrictions"

ECU used to have major problems in tailgating areas, until they started clearing lots when the game started. If you don't have a ticket, you have to go home. Our Campus Safety has wanted to do that for a long time now.

UNCCH doesn't have tailgating, period...if you think they do, you really need to reconsider what tailgating is.

App does have some restrictions, but most people are too loaded with Mary Jane to notice.

1/26/2006 2:17:53 PM

All American
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its sucks ass, but the main target is the people that just show up to drink and start shit--the ones that dont have tickets, and dont plan to buy this part of football tradition? maybe, but it looks bad for a school to try to maintain an academic and atheletic rep at the same time, and have hundreds of assholes surrounding our stadium with no intention of actually watching the game.

-Basically, the actions of a few assheads are gonna end up really hurting all the students since we do go into the games, yet wont be able to come back out for a beer or some food at halftime that doesnt cost $7 a sandwich.

1/26/2006 3:40:23 PM

All American
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Can you address my question? How was student opinion gathered and how will it be used?

1/26/2006 4:35:55 PM

All American
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I'm not too sure on how student opinion is being taken-- I think that the chancellor has a commission put together on making the changes, and they may be taking a certain amount of student opinion, but honestly based on past experiences, as well as the complete and total incompetence of the student government, they'll do whatever it is they really want, regardless.

1/26/2006 7:21:44 PM

All American
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1/26/2006 8:22:57 PM

All American
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Tailgating pisses me off simply because I have to leave 90 minutes early just to get a spot half a mile from the stadium just to watch the game, and when I'm walking by the lots 10% (maybe more) of the people have no intention of ever going into the stadium. The uber-drunkards in the stadium are another matter, but it's their prerogative to show up early and get wasted. The people with no tickets and no plans to get them, on the other hand, are dead to me.

I'd pay a handsome fee for a game-only parking lot.

1/27/2006 3:35:27 PM

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