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All American
11252 Posts
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gretchen, stop trying to make r/the_donald happen. it's not going to happen.

6/6/2016 4:01:43 PM

26632 Posts
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did they ban you? more of a r/stopsanderspam kinda guy?

6/6/2016 5:10:11 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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lol you're so desperate

6/7/2016 9:34:17 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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There's a lot of racism amongst Sanders supporters. When you have a candidate who is wildly protectionist and pro-union it attracts a large "they took our jobs" crowd. The working poor and folks in the rust belt who support Sanders don't differ thatuch from the people in those places who support Trump.

Those are the folks who can and likely will flip from D to R and vote for Trump in November.

6/7/2016 6:44:37 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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If Sanders is sexist because he hasn't dropped out yet, then Clinton is racist because she didn't drop out the moment Obama started campaigning in 2008 (more like 2007).

6/8/2016 1:23:23 AM

All American
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he's not sexist because he's not dropping out. delusional, maybe, but definitely not sexist.

i do think there was a "men only" tinge to his desire to have a debate against trump w/o Hillary thou, whether it was intended or not

[Edited on June 8, 2016 at 11:44 AM. Reason : .]

6/8/2016 11:42:27 AM

8379 Posts
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it was her choice to not debate. come on man.

6/8/2016 11:50:17 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"There's a lot of racism amongst Sanders supporters. When you have a candidate who is wildly protectionist and pro-union it attracts a large "they took our jobs" crowd. The working poor and folks in the rust belt who support Sanders don't differ thatuch from the people in those places who support Trump.

Those are the folks who can and likely will flip from D to R and vote for Trump in November."

No. The only thing that isn't wildly dumb about that post is your description of Trump. The rest is trash.

^^ foh mane, on both points. He wanted to debate Trump because he was the only potentially willing opponent, and he's staying in so he can continue to influence the platform as well as VP and cabinet picks. He knows the primary is over, as evidenced by his shift in language, as well as laying half his staff off.

6/8/2016 11:52:39 AM

26632 Posts
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i don't believe that he ever thought he would win

have any potential running mate's been floated yet? i bet she picks a progressive or populist running mate

6/8/2016 4:29:27 PM

8379 Posts
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it's hickenlooper

also fuck hickenlooper

6/8/2016 5:07:57 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"have any potential running mate's been floated yet? i bet she picks a progressive or populist running mate"

Either that, or they'll put Bernie in her cabinet somewhere (education, perhaps?) with zero funding to shut him up and to effectively mollify yet another generation of excited and youthful liberals firmly into the grasp of the Democratic machine.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

And the party will keep performing this little trick until enough liberals flee the party and start looking seriously for alternatives. As long as they can confidently count on your vote, they won't change a fuckin' thing.

6/9/2016 2:53:31 AM

All American
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Call me naive, or too hopeful, but I don't think that's how it's gonna go down this time. The progressive wing is growing and of increasing influence. Bernie's campaign is exhibit A of that. He's moved Hillary to (slightly) more liberal positions. Time will tell if she even half-heartedly sticks to those. After the election the progressive wing is the most active part of the party and is going to be raising hell if/when Hillary pulls some third way bullshit. We also have evidence like wasserman-Schultz, who in a matter of months is practically radioactive and back pedaling on her most egregious bullshit. It also doesn't take Nate Silver to recognize that the demographics of the party are trending more and more progressive (mostly an age thing).

I just think, over the next 4 years, progressives need to be right there in the thick of things demanding effort from the Democratic Party.

6/9/2016 10:58:08 AM

8379 Posts
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dream on...

6/9/2016 11:27:02 AM

All American
6570 Posts
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She waffled on keystone XL, then came out against it.
She strongly supported TPP, now she doesn't
She had that weak ass $12 min. Wage plan, but then had to tack to a full $15 wage
She's had to decidedly come out for better bank regulation

These are minor moves, but it's still a trend IMO and there is still room to continue it. You can't expect Hillary, who is constantly accused of flip-flopping(rightfully), to admit that she flip-flopped to better compete with Bernie.

6/9/2016 11:45:29 AM

26632 Posts
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why are you under the impression that she keep those positions when her campaign is over?

6/9/2016 11:48:07 AM

8379 Posts
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she has never supported a federal $15 minimum wage

6/9/2016 11:49:59 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"I just think, over the next 4 years, progressives need to be right there in the thick of things demanding effort from the Democratic Party."

The best way to demand anything from them is to oppose them from the outside. They don't have to listen to you if you always vote for them.

6/9/2016 11:50:04 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"She's had to decidedly come out for better bank regulation"

Her biggest donors are Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and JP Morgan, to name a few.

She ain't gonna do shit about regulation. In fact, she'll probably tap someone from within these organizations to be an advisor.

Quote :
"We also have evidence like wasserman-Schultz, who in a matter of months is practically radioactive and back pedaling on her most egregious bullshit."

This isn't evidence. This is wishful thinking. Debbie will be rewarded handsomely for playing ball by Hillary and company. Debbie announced loud and clear that she's willing to play ball. Her political stock is rising, not falling.

Progressives, get it through your thick, free-range, organic, kale loving skulls: Democrats don't give a fuck about you.

6/9/2016 12:17:05 PM

8379 Posts
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6/9/2016 12:24:59 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^^^^ she may not. But that's when the progressive wing can call foul. Again, the progressive wing is the most active in the party in non major election years. There is gonna be a lot of hell raised when she third ways. The "we shoulda nominated Bernie" and the "I told you so" arguments are gonna be loud and endless. Hillary can either patch the rift in the Dems or, more likely, fully tear it down the middle. But I think we need to give her that chance.

^^^^ok, you right. I guess I misread her support for some of the #fightfor15 stuff as actual federal support. Cross that one off.

^^^I guess it depends on how you interpret "not voting." The first thing I think of when I hear that is disengagement and apathy. This is exactly what the meat of the progressive part of the country has been doing for years and it's gotten us nowhere. Not voting for them could also mean hostile primaries, channeling money to the most liberal available candidate and actively pushing for better candidates. We NEED the latter.

I guess to sum up my entire argument on this page is that I'm worried that this upwelling of progressivism is gonna get tamped down when people start to disengage and all the young progressives just go back to sleep. I think we need engagement at all levels, and I think voting for Hillary in numbers gives the progressive wing an ever growing seat at the table. It's going to be a process, it's not all going to happen immediately, it's going to take interaction with some dirty conservadems and it's clear, at times, it'll be pretty ugly. But just sitting out of the game and not participating is the worst outcome IMO.

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 12:39 PM. Reason : fuck arrows]

6/9/2016 12:37:17 PM

50084 Posts
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With regards to banking regulation, what is your alternative? Republicans are actively trying to find an off ramp from Dodd-Frank and God knows what Libertarians want.

6/9/2016 12:39:35 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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they don't even try to spin the truth anymore they just outright lie. can't blame them. who is there that could hold them accountable? foxnews? LOL

6/9/2016 1:15:05 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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^^ there is no alternative. That's the problem. Dodd-Frank is a band-aid, and we have decades of evidence showing that Glass-Steagal was effective before being repealed (During Papa Clintons administration, mind you). You can't expect a candidate funded by banks to then turn around and put the handcuffs on them. Ain't gonna happen.

And Terd, I'm not talking about apathy. I'm talking about voting third party. That's not apathy. That's a protest vote, and it has value.

Progressives keep falling for the trap logic of, "if I get my guy/girl in there, they'll listen."

No, they won't. They listen to their donors, not you. They'll talk a big game on the campaign trail, but as soon as they get into power, they close the doors on you and stop listening to your complaints. You have to agitate from the outside

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 1:41 PM. Reason : ]

6/9/2016 1:33:18 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ they always say by a major party but I'll be honest I have no idea who that is or if it was by a mainstream party

6/9/2016 1:48:46 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 1:53 PM. Reason : I hereby form the Colin Jost Fan Club Political Party and nominate Leslie Jones for President. HISTORIC!]

6/9/2016 1:49:38 PM

50084 Posts
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Thanks. So not a major party..

6/9/2016 1:50:35 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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I appreciate the third party protest vote, I really do, and at the end of the day I want to point out we probably want the exact same policies put into place, but:

We are only disagreeing on tactics. I'm wondering how much that has to do with our locations. Aren't you in Cali Jesus? Aren't you in Colorado adultswim?

The greens most likely aren't going to have ballot access in NC this year.. We are one of only a handful of states, it's sad I know. Yes we absolutely need to fight for easier access, but in the meantime we are getting absolutely pounded by the fever dreams of the GOP. To some extent I'm looking for the shortest most pragmatic way to even get debate on progressive issues. Getting traction with the Green Party just seems like too steep of a hill to climb from where I'm standing.

6/9/2016 2:17:19 PM

8379 Posts
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^Im in CO, yeah. And to be honest, I was friends on FB with the Green party chair in CO, and it really turned me off. Lots of Bernie bashing, calling people whitesplainers, etc. I like Jill Stein, but I wish the Greens were not so fringe and disorganized.

I'm honestly not sure who I will vote for. Depends on how Green and Libertarians poll and if Johnson makes it into the debates. Idk.

6/9/2016 2:24:52 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
Reuters Business Verified account

BREAKING: Clinton says she plans to act on reining in Wall Street in first 100 days in White House"

Quote :
"Her biggest donors are Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and JP Morgan, to name a few.

She ain't gonna do shit about regulation. In fact, she'll probably tap someone from within these organizations to be an advisor."

She finds herself in quite a pickle.

6/9/2016 2:26:44 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ which fringe issues of the green party do you not like? (or are you just talking about supporters with fringe beliefs?)

6/9/2016 2:34:09 PM

All American
10672 Posts
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Quote :
"She finds herself in quite a pickle."

im sure if she wins it will be the evil republicans fault she cant reform wall street

6/9/2016 2:43:52 PM

8379 Posts
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policy wise there isn't much I disagree with. i am just not sure about their leadership apart from stein.

but I guess that is a given with any third party in this country. gotta start somewhere.

6/9/2016 2:50:30 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
im sure if she wins it will be the evil republicans fault she cant reform wall street"

Yeah, her election promises mean nothing. Anyone remember what Obama promised to accomplish in his first 100 days?

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 2:54 PM. Reason : Hint: it rhymes with Hitmo]

6/9/2016 2:53:30 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Yeah they're rarely worth shit, especially given they have to run most of it through congress. If nothing else they at least establish a tone

6/9/2016 2:55:03 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Terd, I think "tactics" depend more on one's sense of urgency more than location. I understand why the "lesser of two evils" strategy might be appealing in NC (although I suspect Hillary's unfavorability numbers preclude NC from being a swing state this cycle).

But, honestly, if you have no reason to suspect a candidate to follow through on the issues you're passionate about, and you still cast a vote for that candidate anyway, Well....? What good does that really do?

6/9/2016 3:52:43 PM

All American
10672 Posts
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im no dr but blood clots in da brain is one of those problems that could easily come back i believe

6/9/2016 4:59:10 PM

50084 Posts
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Posting articles from 2012....

6/9/2016 6:56:13 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Her Twitter attack game could use some work

6/9/2016 8:07:05 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^^^I'll make one more point and then let it rest.

I personally accept Hillary as a "bridge" candidate from the very right of center place the country was just a decade ago toward what I hope is a very left of center country n the near future (by US standards). That movement is not occurring as quickly as I hoped. That bridge should have been 8 years of Obama, but alas, we have to drag along the deadweight Boomers and 30 years of voodoo conservative ideas that just keep hanging in there. What a drag. Still I think it is inevitable for our country to move to the left over the next decade.

By voting for Hillary in this in-between time, I think it gives progressives a seat at the table to both demand changes in the near-term and it puts progressives in a better position to be in the driver seat in either 4 or 8 years. For me personally, if progressives come away with no significant wins over the next four years (and I'm basically proven totally wrong on everything I've posted on this page) at that point I'll be ready for scorched earth politics with conservadems.

As for NC, i don't want to Make too many predictions but it there is a significant amount of unrest toward the GOP for a number of reasons. I'm not convinced it will translate to votes for Hillary, but it will help her here without a doubt.

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 8:18 PM. Reason : Fuck me in the carets ]

6/9/2016 8:18:02 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Her Twitter attack game could use some work"

Bullshit. That Delete Your Account tweet was funny as hell.

6/9/2016 9:25:00 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Not really and it was a softball for a comeback

6/9/2016 9:48:40 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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jon stewart gave the perfect analysis

6/9/2016 9:58:02 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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it's hilarious to hear people talk about Hillary's promises when Trump and Bernie who are the ones promising the impossible

6/9/2016 10:08:58 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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whats impossible?

6/9/2016 10:14:49 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Not really and it was a softball for a comeback"

I mean, you call her Hilldog. I can't imagine why you would think that tweet was a softball. If you've ever posted a single positive thing about her here now would be a good time to link to it.

6/10/2016 12:00:35 AM

26632 Posts
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Come on though, that was setting them up perfectly to reply about her emails. Shitposting on Twitter is Trumps domain, you aren't going to ever out-shitpost Trump on Twitter

6/10/2016 7:34:32 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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^^ Never claimed to like her, doesn't change the fact that her tweet was weak and left the easiest comeback wide open. It's like trying to out asshole Trump at a debate, just isn't a good idea.

6/10/2016 7:45:08 AM

All American
10672 Posts
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Trump should tweet perhaps: Interesting how proggies got their panties in a wad over stanford rape guy enabler judge but give Arkansas rape guy enabler a pass.

6/10/2016 8:43:53 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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yah im sure that would do wonders for his numbers

6/10/2016 9:14:37 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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^^^Sometimes when you don't like someone everything they do annoys you and makes you incapable of being objective....happens to me with people I don't like all the time

I don't follow or care much about her, but I laughed when I saw the tweet.

6/10/2016 9:49:43 AM

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