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All American
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Did you compare this to Transformers?

1/5/2017 9:28:04 PM

Zinc Saucier
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1/6/2017 10:22:49 AM

All American
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There's one thing that has bugged me. I don't think we've ever seen a star destroyer in an atmosphere before. On Jedha, when we see one hovering over one of the old Jedhi temples, I just have a hard time with that.

How in the world can that huge mass hover with no obvious mechanisms to do so? Small gripe, but a gripe nonetheless. Still loved the movie, and plan on going back at least one more time.

Also, is it just how it is orbiting Jedha, or did they rotate the death star upside down to destroy Jedha city?

[Edited on January 6, 2017 at 4:14 PM. Reason : asda]

1/6/2017 3:55:23 PM

Forgetful Jones
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The movie featured AT-ACTs, not AT-ATs


1/6/2017 5:42:34 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"How in the world can that huge mass hover with no obvious mechanisms to do so? "

The force. Vader and/or the Emperor were holding it up from wherever they were. If you see a Rebel shipddisplaying unusual in-atmosphere behavior, same answer but Yoda

Quote :
"Also, is it just how it is orbiting Jedha, or did they rotate the death star upside down to destroy Jedha city?"

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but can an object be "upside down" in space? Or did you mean the "barrel of the gun" was facing the wrong way?

[Edited on January 6, 2017 at 6:22 PM. Reason : ? ]

1/6/2017 6:21:25 PM

All American
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Their ships manipulate gravity aboard ships. The books mention Repulserlifts as the gadgets that all ships use to joker before the main engines kick in. See Luke's x wing hover before leaving dagobah

1/6/2017 7:03:41 PM

All American
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There are anti gravity engines that can levitate objects with little power use. Same principles that let Luke's landspeeder and Rey's bike hover 2 feet above the ground even when they are turned off, but scaled way up.

1/6/2017 7:06:47 PM

All American
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Repulerslifts - thanks.

What I meant by the death star question - when we first see the death star, when they are inserting the dish, the dish is in the top left corner. When it makes its attack on Jedha, the dish is somewhere in the lower hemisphere of the death star.

1/6/2017 8:05:07 PM

Save TWW
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i dont think a sphere has an "upper-left"

as for the updside down, maybe the movies usually show the death star with the dish as on the "top" half, but again, space, so am imperial cruiser could easily fly "upside down" with respect to a planet. i'd imagine when planning to use the primary weapon, the only thing that matters is pointing the "barrel" or "dish" at whatever you want to destroy, which would usually mean the hemispheres or at non-right or parallel angel to the planets gravitational pull.

just like when the rebel admiral had the cruiser positioned so he was looking "down" at the planet gate battle, he could have just as easily pointed the ship directly at the battle (that may have been a poor decision strategically, i just mean orientation wise)

why did i just type that much about star wars?

edit: i googled "death star upside down" and you arent alone in worrying about this

[Edited on January 6, 2017 at 9:33 PM. Reason : image]

1/6/2017 9:30:51 PM

All American
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Yeah it's not that the DS is upside down, it's that the DS is positioned with the planet "above" it.

If you're on the Death Star, the upside is still up. From their perspective, that's the bottom of the planet.

[Edited on January 7, 2017 at 9:41 AM. Reason : ]

1/7/2017 9:40:50 AM

All American
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1/7/2017 1:57:44 PM

All American
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1/7/2017 3:07:30 PM

Forgetful Jones
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1/7/2017 8:20:56 PM

1139 Posts
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I was disappointed. The only characters I thought were interesting were K2SO and Chirrut. This review is on point.

I also agree with most of the points tchenku made on the last page.

Quote :
"As a Star Wars n00b, I didn't think this one was nearly as good as TFA. I pre-ordered TFA as soon as I left the theater. This one, my wife and I were just left wondering "what happened with this one?"

All the characters were meh, other than Cassian. It was cool to see a darker side of the rebels, and I like the actor from other movies. I didn't care for Jane at all. Android was awesome.

The quest for Forest Whitaker was pretty damn dull. I was just waiting for the next development during the Jedha stuff.

I'm kind of disappointed in Chirrut not having a more serious and/or badass role. Hitting storm troopers with a stick isn't really that satisfying.

Quote :
"For the one on Jedha it makes the universe feel smaller rather than larger"


It was a fight in a town square.. The Empire should have squashed that shit. There's a damn Star Destroyer hovering overhead.

Galen Erso's death scene evoked zero emotion since there was zero development of the father-daughter relationship. Made the scientists' planet a huge waste of time for me.

AT-AT's patrolling the equivalent of the Palm Tree islands in Dubai. HA! Fan service

As a nOOb, I didn't know the Tarkin fellow was from ANH. I didn't realize he was CGI at all.

I think at some point, Vader or some other Empire guy is standing in an bay open to outer space, looking down on a planet or maybe a ship. HA!

The massive space fight at the end was more mind-numbing than exciting. It's too much. Like trying to watch a Michael Bay Transformers end fight but falling asleep instead. The hammerhead ship dropping the Star Destroyers was cool. 100 Tie fighters buzzing around? Not so much."

1/8/2017 10:38:02 PM

All American
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You'd have to be semi blind to not realize that Tarkin was CGI.

Even if you were a star wars noob that didnt know that the actor who played him was dead, you would have to be half blind to not see the uncanny valley effect going on.

1/9/2017 11:47:33 AM

All American
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Just saw it last night. Loved it.

Also Felicity Jones is a hottie

I did regret the limited use of Mads Mikkelsen. That guy is awesome; he deserved more screen time.

[Edited on January 18, 2017 at 9:45 AM. Reason : ]

1/18/2017 9:34:07 AM

All American
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I went to see it again, and I enjoyed it even more the second time. I wish we could see the alternate ending that everyone talks about. Sounds like at least K2SO made it out 'alive.'

Also, since when did theaters start assigning seats? WTF. The leather reclining seats at Crossroads 20 was kinda nice though.

I'd love to see more movies that take place between parts III and IV. For the Han Solo movie, I hope they still give viewers a picture of what is going on within the empire, and how they are governing/repressing the galaxy.

1/18/2017 11:12:24 AM

All American
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Raleigh Grande started reserved seats over a year ago. Crossroads, within last 6 months I think. Can't speak for any other theaters.

1/18/2017 11:22:12 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I think in the alternate ending jerkbot5000 makes it out and is killed on the beach with everyone else, instead of dying at that terminal.

1/18/2017 12:21:36 PM

All American
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I really think that space operas like this do provide a neat opportunity to discuss hypothetical quirks and issues with designing massive objects that operate in space. For instance, the Death Star eclipse scene was shot and done well, but wouldn't direct exposure to sunlight without the protection of a planetary atmosphere cause irreparable damage to a ships outer surface?

1/18/2017 12:30:57 PM

All American
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If their shields can deflect rays of plasma or whatever, I'm sure it can filter out UV radiation.

1/18/2017 12:56:01 PM

All American
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shields are sci fi, let's keep this discussion realistic and not bring shields into the equation.

1/18/2017 1:00:50 PM

All American
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But ships in Star Wars, even limiting the discussion to only what has been shown in the films, have deflector shields.

1/18/2017 1:52:33 PM

All American
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We can't apply the natural laws of our world to the Star Wars universe. The technology represented is so far beyond ours that it is silly to think they would not have some sort of shield against solar radiation.

1/18/2017 2:13:08 PM

All American
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why is it silly to brain storm about what it is that they would be manufacturing to protect the Death Star from direct sunlight?

1/18/2017 3:04:52 PM

All American
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You mean what they invented to create artificial gravity, hyperspace, weaponized lasers, repulsor lifts, AI, planetary shields, deflector shields, protect against cosmic radiation, and make maneuvering in space the same as maneuvering in an atmosphere?

Oh right, they never got to UV rays.

[Edited on January 18, 2017 at 4:28 PM. Reason : fsd]

1/18/2017 4:28:01 PM

All American
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Let me make sure I understand banjoman. It's ok to wonder how a race of humans figured out how to build a planet sized building, but it is silly to talk about the shields that protected them. Shields that apparently come equipped with every runofthemill spacecraft?

And for what it's worth, human's didn't play a huge part in actually building the death star. From what I've read so far, it was the geonosians.

1/18/2017 5:30:37 PM

All American
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Not trying to be an ass here banjoman, just trying to understand what you are asking.

1/18/2017 5:42:55 PM

All American
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getting trolled I feel

1/18/2017 9:19:38 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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Quote :
"Raleigh Grande started reserved seats over a year ago. Crossroads, within last 6 months I think. Can't speak for any other theaters."

That explains why when I went to watch this over the Christmas break the guy told me that only front row seats were available. I was thinking WTF, as long as I show up real early I can avoid that. I didn't know about the assigned seats deal.

I wasn't going to sit in the front row so I have yet to see the movie.

1/19/2017 11:11:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Not trying to be an ass here banjoman, just trying to understand what you are asking."

We already have objects in space that have to be heavily modified to withstand direct radiation from the sun. Don't see the harm in discussing what it would take for something the size of the Death Star to do that without saying "Oh they have shields".

Like I said, physics and math aren't going to change, so it is still plausible that something like that is impossible.

[Edited on January 19, 2017 at 2:32 PM. Reason : a]

1/19/2017 2:32:07 PM

All American
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Well, solar radiation aside, there's gravity to think about as well.

Since something like the death star, or an equivalent sized man-made object in space is most likely going to be hollow for the most part, it won't have much of it's own gravity, but haven't we proven that all objects have gravity? It wouldn't be anywhere near as dense as a planet or a moon, but it would have its own gravitational pull nonetheless, right? Physics people can correct me if I'm wrong.

So I wonder what, if anything, would happen if we introduced an object with it's own gravitational pull into a system that had been relatively stable for millenia. Would it pull in asteroids ever so slightly, to the point to where in a couple hundred years it could impact their orbits? This is also assuming the man made thing would be stationary, not moving outside of whatever orbit it is on.

1/19/2017 4:10:18 PM

Burn it all down.
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Yes all objects have a gravitational pull.

Quote :
"So I wonder what, if anything, would happen if we introduced an object with it's own gravitational pull into a system that had been relatively stable for millenia. Would it pull in asteroids ever so slightly, to the point to where in a couple hundred years it could impact their orbits? This is also assuming the man made thing would be stationary, not moving outside of whatever orbit it is on."

Sure, in fact one of the ways that NASA thought to deflect asteroid was sending up a probe around one and changing it's orbit ever so slightly.

1/19/2017 4:22:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"stable for millenia"

You mean millions of years.

Unless you think the dinosaurs are 7 millennia old.

Stable for Epochs is what I think you were going for.

Good movie though!

1/19/2017 4:50:54 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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The answer to all these questions is midichlorians

1/19/2017 6:49:01 PM

All American
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After watching the movie again (blu-ray) I really appreciate this movie a lot more, with what it adds to the movie universe. Kind of amazing how they took just a few words from the beginning crawl of A New Hope and made an entire movie out of it.

4/6/2017 3:54:09 PM

Save TWW
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This page makes me wonder what banjo thinks we do to the ISS, space shuttles and satellites that couldn't be done by a technology that can make a moon sized spaceship

4/8/2017 1:32:03 AM

All American
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pretty sure that I mentioned that analogy in my initial post on it.

4/8/2017 4:23:55 AM

Save TWW
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All those things survive direct exposure to sunlight without a planetary atmosphere

4/8/2017 1:14:18 PM

All American
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I did notice another "physics" issue that bothered me a little. The Y-wings, they appear to be sold as a bomber-type ship. That's fine when their in a planet's atmosphere, but when they dropped the Ion charges on the star destroyer, they dropped them on it in space, outside of the atmosphere. I guess an argument could be made that Scarif's gravity could still be enough to pull the bombs downward toward the destroyer, but they appeared to fall like normal bombs.

4/9/2017 9:17:51 AM

Save TWW
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Or you could just assume they were projectiles.

You guys are digging way too hard to be upset with a space soap opera

[Edited on April 9, 2017 at 10:41 AM. Reason : A]

4/9/2017 10:41:32 AM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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^^ ...

4/9/2017 12:07:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"All those things survive direct exposure to sunlight without a planetary atmosphere"

True, but when was the last time that a satellite or the ISS caused a solar eclipse?

4/9/2017 3:28:35 PM

Save TWW
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What does that have to do with anything?

4/9/2017 5:33:43 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Are they going to make any new movies that take place any time between ANH and ROtJ?

4/9/2017 7:15:32 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Probably, since they're probably never gonna stop making these side story movies.

4/9/2017 9:23:31 PM

All American
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I think they have plans for an annual movie until people just get tired of Star Wars. They are already in production on the Han Solo movie, they're probably going to do a young Yoda movie, there is tons of material for movies from the Rebels story line. Perhaps they even have plans for Clone Wars movies, set in the era of the prequels, but maybe done correctly this time.

And people would eat up a solo Darth Vader movie.

4/10/2017 9:02:15 AM

Forgetful Jones
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4/11/2017 8:57:47 PM

?? ????? ??
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I wouldn't mind a movie with a similar plot to The Force Unleashed video game (Vader with a secret apprentice).

4/12/2017 6:36:03 PM

11056 Posts
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Finally got to watch this over the last two nights with my 5 year old. It was pretty cool to be able to watch it together for the first time unlike the old movies. I really enjoyed it. I didn't even notice Tarkin was CGI. I didn't even know he died in 1994

Rebels need to flip the master switch
Rebel: "I'm going"
Immediately shot down by Death Squad Troopers
Jack: "He's not going"

I laughed my ass off at him. He timed it perfectly too.

4/19/2017 1:35:01 PM

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