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oh we back
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not even sure how that IC quote is supposed to justify what happened. "it was faculty's fault, not the students" - doesn't that make it worse? if it's a few students cheating then kids will be kids, but if an entire department(s) are coming with fraudulent classes then that's much much worse.

4/4/2016 4:15:17 PM

All American
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its because they are so fucking stupid, that they think they are somehow making it an "academic" issue generally for the school as a whole, and not an intentional scandal perpetrated by the athletic department solely to aid athletes.

Which adds a whole other creamy level of stupid- That they would happily destroy the outstanding academic reputation of their university, (an undeserving rep imo), to protect their dopey basketball program.

If any of those douches actually went to the school (unlikely), they are each small, individual dumpster fires.

[Edited on April 4, 2016 at 5:02 PM. Reason : .]

4/4/2016 5:01:35 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"That they would happily destroy the outstanding academic reputation of their university, (an undeserving rep imo), to protect their dopey basketball program. "

yep. it's insane how not just their fans, but the university itself, has tried to spin this as an "academic issue". if you care at all about the university then that makes it much worse and much more damning imo.

4/4/2016 5:12:10 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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yeah, but if they make it into an "academic" issue, then the NCAA really has no power to punish them.

4/4/2016 5:15:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, but if they make it into an "academic" issue, then the NCAA really has no power to punish them."

You have a lot, A LOT of info to read up on regarding this issue from people who are familiar with how the NCAA works and how they can make things stick. That doesn't mean the NCAA will make it stick, but it gives them the road map to do so. In short, if (essentially when), the NCAA can reveal that UNC had a policy in place to not allow more than 12 hours worth of Independent Studies classes per student prior to 2005, the NCAA would have the grounds to burn UNC's program to another galaxy. Doesn't mean they will (as we all know the politics of the NCAA), but this is the equivalent of crossing t's and dotting i's.

This is due to UNC violating their own policy and giving "extra benefits" to anyone receiving more than 12 hours of IS courses. UNC is saying that the "12 hour of IS" policy wasn't in effect until like 2009 (how convenient timing wise) but there are plenty of people who have spoken with the NCAA (MW/JS just to name a few) who have explained that this policy of "no more than 12 IS courses" has been in effect much longer than 2009. There is documentation on paper that the max IS courses per student is 12 hours that folks have divulged to the NCAA much earlier than 2009.

I think Kane wrote an article with proof the "no more than 12 IS courses" has been in effect since like 2001. This is the charge UNC can be hit with. Again, doesn't mean the NCAA will nail them, but the option is there and it has absolutely nothing to do with the NCAA interpreting the "academic rigor" of any course. That is a UNC PR line that I find hilarious people are consuming.

[Edited on April 4, 2016 at 5:47 PM. Reason : .]

4/4/2016 5:43:33 PM

All American
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On a related note, I hate the sight of Emmert and his punchable face. I can't describe the visceral anger that engulfs me when I see him speak on this issue.

4/4/2016 6:02:29 PM

The Stubby
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Quote :
"like speed limits. Everyone does 75 in a 65, UNC blows by at 110, and then when caught we’re supposed to give them immunity because the speed limit on the road should be 70?"

part of someone's comment i just read, pretty good comparison for the "everybody does it" crowd since their skulls echo

4/4/2016 6:14:43 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"yeah, but if they make it into an "academic" issue, then the NCAA really has no power to punish them.

oh yeah i get why unc is trying to spin it that way. but it just boggles my mind that they'd risk the reputation of the university for the football and basketball team. especially when we recall how they love to talk up their prestigious academics and "public ivy" and all that bullshit. you can't have it both ways. you can't say "fuck academics we only care about banners" after bragging about academics for the last century.

4/4/2016 6:57:09 PM

All American
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^could not have said it better. They should be ashamed of themselves.

4/4/2016 7:24:52 PM

All American
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4/4/2016 9:49:24 PM

All American
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The logic this guy uses to convinces himself that UNC is doing a righteous thing for their athletes is mind numbingly inane.

Quote :
"The NCAA may well come down hard on North Carolina here, because that’s its role in this comic opera. UNC was playing their role to a T—the system as it is incentivizes exactly this behavior—until they went a little too far and made the “student-athlete” concept look the charade it is. In practice, the cheaters aren’t the programs that commit academic fraud. (Every major program does it to an extent, but one which keeps them from getting caught, which is what the NCAA prefers.) The cheaters are the programs that don’t even bother with the pretense that higher education is anything other than a cartel-imposed hoop to jump through."

[Edited on April 4, 2016 at 9:54 PM. Reason : .]

4/4/2016 9:51:21 PM

oh we back
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it can be argued, legitimately imo, that most student athletes in mens bball and football don't really belong in college classrooms based on their HS academics and the colleges admission standards....and how that's a disservice to the athletes themselves all for the sake of "amateurism" . but that's an entirely different argument altogether. there's no justifying what unc did. fuck em.

4/4/2016 10:00:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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4/4/2016 10:07:32 PM

The Stubby
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now that all that is out of the way... emmert fudd? bout that time

4/4/2016 11:40:59 PM

All American
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They'll never take this one away at least.

4/5/2016 1:03:53 PM

All American
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Some douche from Tar Heel Illustrated was on the radio up here in Lynchburg, VA talking about the game last night and the NCAA scandal. Dude had his talking points down to a science saying UNC would get a large fine, nothing else, men's basketball wasn't mentioned in NOA, blah, blah. Even refuted the McCants stuff by saying it didn't matter that he took 4 IS courses in the spring of 05 because eligibility is determined by the fall semester. Said it was purely and academic scandal, more non athletes took classes, and it was more non revenue athletes, etc. Such straight bullshit. Amazing that these guys think this whole thing is some vast conspiracy against UNC. Very similar to the Hillary email scandal. More facts equals more denial and new conspiracies.

4/5/2016 5:47:22 PM

All American
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I find it all pretty similar to how Donald Trump can say the worst things and get away with it. And like Trump supporters, UNC fans will defend a scandal and not think for a second they can be wrong.

4/5/2016 6:30:28 PM

All American
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I think it's more like Bernie sanders and everyone deserves a trophy mentality

4/5/2016 6:38:23 PM

All American
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I think sports fans tend to make the absolute worst fucking political analogies.

4/5/2016 8:41:11 PM

All American
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Nah it was a good analogy. Both are scandals that are being covered up with a massive deflect and nothing to see here campaign. Sorry I even mentioned it now. Hillary sucks ass, Trump sucks ass, America is fucked. UNC sucks ass too.

4/5/2016 9:10:06 PM

All American
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It's refreshing to know that UNC was denied a 7th banner last night, and hopefully in the next year they will be denied the 4th, 5th, and 6th banners. hopefully they'll take down that stupid Helms banner while they're up there.

4/5/2016 9:34:59 PM

All American
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Now, now.

They can always take down those banners and replace them with this Final Four Banner, and forever be reminded of that beautiful shot by Jenkins as they look into the rafters.

Sad man pounding on table:

[Edited on April 5, 2016 at 9:59 PM. Reason : ]

4/5/2016 9:46:01 PM

11058 Posts
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^ those shorts, lol

4/5/2016 10:24:27 PM

All American
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what is the most level 1 infractions ever levied against a school at once?

i'm hearing unc just hit 6

4/18/2016 3:31:09 PM

All American
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4/18/2016 3:46:44 PM

5816 Posts
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nothing is going to happen

4/18/2016 3:49:10 PM

All American
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they are going to sanction unc's baseketball team and bar them from preseason play but they will still have a #1 ranking

4/18/2016 9:02:18 PM

All American
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New Kane article out and he outright calls out Roy for being wrong.

Pretty good stuff.

4/21/2016 6:25:21 PM

All American
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I am starting animation in class today, going to play that video for all my students

Edit: ^article has an animated video

[Edited on April 22, 2016 at 9:12 AM. Reason : ]

4/22/2016 9:07:57 AM

All American
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Well it is Friday...

4/22/2016 9:31:53 AM

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^Same thing I said this morning to a coworker.

However we are waiting on the NCAA not UNC right? Not to say they won't purposely wait until late Friday as well but they have less incentive than UNC to wait.

4/22/2016 9:38:16 AM

I'm Eggscellent
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Lotta buzz on the message boards and twitter that say there could be some major damage coming.

I'm on the record stating I'll believe it when I see it, but a man can dream can't he.

Quote :
"Ted Tatos ?@BlueDevilicious 14m14 minutes ago
If NCAA finds violations under Dean Smith-Roy Williams eras, every UNC men's basketball coach in last 64 years will have been penalized."

4/22/2016 9:58:53 AM

11058 Posts
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I got the image from PP but added the text

4/22/2016 3:41:28 PM

All American
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oh we back

4/25/2016 10:59:35 AM

11058 Posts
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From @RCCPMD last night: What he THINKS will happen

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 11:11 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2016 11:06:03 AM

All American
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calling Ham Strip Lee to the comment section.

4/25/2016 11:12:19 AM

All American
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If 2005 is gone there is no reason 2009 should be safe

4/25/2016 11:26:38 AM

All American
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4/25/2016 11:26:45 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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Quote :
"The latest Notice of Allegations would include those five violations plus "improper academic assistance" provided to women's basketball players and potential recruiting violations in the men's soccer program."

LOL RIP women's basketball and men's soccer.

4/25/2016 11:29:43 AM

All American
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are punishments handed out in the NOA or just a list of violations?

4/25/2016 12:20:10 PM

All American
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Sooo what does this mean?

4/25/2016 12:25:26 PM

26632 Posts
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we are still a good ways out from punishments

4/25/2016 12:27:18 PM

oh we back
25259 Posts
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no punishments in the NOA. it'll probably be 2017 before we get any punishments....unless this shit is delayed again.

didnt this all start back in 09 with the football team? i know it's different violations and the football team already did receive's just crazy that this entire ordeal is nearly 7 years old.

4/25/2016 12:37:02 PM

All American
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The system is set up so that UNC can keep delaying punishment by "telling on themselves" and admitting more infractions, however small. If they do that again, it will stretch for years to come. Hopefully they see in this NOA that they might as well and get their punishment over with and just stay quiet this time. Of course, it's wishful thinking that they'll get any kind of punishment that hurts.

4/25/2016 12:45:03 PM

All American
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If the NOA is just a list of allegations and not a list of punishments, anyone who says what type of punishment that will occur (@RCCPMD, for example) is just guessing?

Excuse me for being an idiot on the scandal.

4/25/2016 12:49:57 PM

oh we back
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^they're either guessing or have "Sources" that think they know. but realistically, if a new and amended NOA is just now being sent out, anybody - including a possible source within the NCAA - would still just be guessing at potential punishments.

as i understand it, the committee on infractions (i think?) will meet after UNC has had a chance to respond to the NOA and they review everything and issue punishments....which UNC can certainly appeal.

the timeline breakdown i've seen on twitter is as follows

UNC gets 90 days to respond to the NOA

NCAA will then get 60 days to respond to UNC's response (I lol'd at responding to the response)

Committee on Infractions then meets to make a final ruling at some point after that.

So if you assume UNC takes 3 months to respond, then another 2 months from the NCAA that's already 5 months from now. And I'd imagine the COI will take some time to finalize anything after that.

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 1:01 PM. Reason : f]

4/25/2016 12:58:05 PM

5816 Posts
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Quote :
"no punishments in the NOA. it'll probably be 2017 before we get any punishments....unless this shit is delayed again.

didnt this all start back in 09 with the football team? i know it's different violations and the football team already did receive's just crazy that this entire ordeal is nearly 7 years old."

have we seen anything from the miami scandal yet? that seems like forever ago

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 1:02 PM. Reason : s]

4/25/2016 1:01:56 PM

oh we back
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^didn't they self impose a bowl ban or something? not sure if the NCAA did anything on top of that.

Also in regards to what I posted ^^...the COI only meets 6 times/year apparently. So even after the initial 150 days in which UNC and the NCAA issue responses, the COI's next scheduled meeting may not be for another maybe 2 months after that.

4/25/2016 1:03:45 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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who is RCCPMD and does he/she have any sort of track record. I am reluctant to believe anything an egg avatar with an account that's only been around for a few weeks has to say.

4/25/2016 1:20:37 PM

11058 Posts
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Quote :
"(@RCCPMD, for example) is just guessing?"

Yeah, I just posted one of his tweets in a sequence tweets. Basically he was saying that from his sources he thinks the evidence shows that ineligible Student athletes played in the 1993 and 2005 championships and by the rules should be vacated.

Earlier tweet
Quote :
"Rules state that the inst. is obligated to vacate all wins determined an ineligible SA competed in. The NCAA then forces vacation of titles"

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 1:24 PM. Reason : .]

lol wtf, now his Twitter handle is changed to CountofMonteCristo and is claiming to be a Hole fan saying he punked nc state fans

Quote :
"How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure. I am the Count of Monte Cristo and I am a Tar Heel. You have been punked."

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 1:36 PM. Reason : wtf]

4/25/2016 1:23:41 PM

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