and I don't give a damn if it's [old] of course I see it on the first page despite using Find[Edited on June 23, 2008 at 2:01 AM. Reason : .]
6/23/2008 2:00:57 AM
we are one thread # three[Edited on June 23, 2008 at 2:02 AM. Reason : link]
6/23/2008 2:01:37 AM
6/23/2008 2:01:54 AM
go team!
6/23/2008 2:02:07 AM
It's OK, thread. I still love you.
6/23/2008 2:07:10 AM
6/23/2008 3:43:55 AM
6/23/2008 7:01:04 AM
We have lost one of the world's finest (if not disillusioned) minds.
6/23/2008 7:09:05 AM
Tim RussertGeorge Carlin... ?they always come in 3's
6/23/2008 7:32:21 AM
u mean that stupid racecar driver doesnt count?
6/23/2008 7:36:45 AM
the funny car dude had one of the most baller deaths i htink i've ever seen
6/23/2008 7:40:30 AM
6/23/2008 7:58:46 AM
^^hell yea. if i have to go young, make it that way.
6/23/2008 12:41:19 PM