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All American
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^^ that is pretty damn funny. The fat guy is trying to be like Eric Wareheim though and the other guy is like Mose Schrute. Their review is pretty good, not 100% but it gets to the point.

6/12/2012 10:08:48 AM

All American
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I'm going to see this on Wednesday...I hope it's not as shitty as you guys are making it out to be.

I'd much rather see a movie where they spend 2 hours flying around a planet looking for a pyramid.

6/12/2012 10:55:25 AM

All American
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^Which format? I saw the IMAX 3D version and it was worth it, they didn't do all the sight gag bullshit but played it down, it made it a lot better.

6/12/2012 1:24:52 PM

All American
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i enjoyed the movie.

6/12/2012 1:55:08 PM

All American
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I think just a regular movie theater. I'm not anti-Imax or anti-3d...but I just don't think it's necessary. And I'm going with a friend who doesn't care for it.

6/12/2012 1:58:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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no more autoplay

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 10:43 AM. Reason : thank you, mgmt.]

6/12/2012 2:12:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"All will be revealed in James Cameron's PROMETHEUSES."

6/12/2012 3:07:51 PM

All American
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This article fills out some of the chronology and location details of how Prometheus fits into Alien. I don't think it is necessary to track down the facts of the dates that they listed, but I do remember that in Alien, the original Space Jockey they find in the derelict is completely fossilized. Doesn't fossilization take like millions of years to take place (I know nothing of fossilization so please correct me if I'm wrong) so I'd think that the first Space Jockey would have to be way older than 2000 years old.

I guess it is completely alien physiology on a completely alien planet but Prometheus does confirm that the Space Jockeys have the same DNA as humans so I'd think that even in an entirely arid environment, the Space Jockeys would fossilize at the same rate as a human.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 3:51 PM. Reason : ]

6/12/2012 3:42:29 PM

All American
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^ I wouldn't get too caught up on the dates nor the fossil thing. The space jockey in Alien also appears to be considerably larger than those in Prometheus --- using the humans standing beside them as reference.

6/12/2012 4:05:27 PM

All American
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I thought this movie was excellent.

I don't really know too much about the other alien movies although I saw nd appreciated them.

To me, the other alien movies were more just action movies, where this had a lot to very sci fi aspects.

I wouldn't mind if they pushed even harder into sci fi and backed off the action, but I don't see this happening.

6/12/2012 4:10:15 PM

All American
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personally I think most of the bitching and moaning is because people didn't get Alien 0

6/12/2012 5:01:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"To me, the other alien movies were more just action movies, where this had a lot to very sci fi aspects"

i think you need to watch the first alien again. it's a sci-fi masterpiece

6/12/2012 6:07:54 PM

Rat Soup
All American
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they should've cast an actual old man for the part of peter weyland rather than a younger man with old man makeup on

6/12/2012 6:17:14 PM

red baron 22
All American
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Any movie that leaves this many open questions is just bad writing. Those of you who still enjoyed it, I dont see how you fail to see how bad the script and story was.

6/12/2012 7:22:37 PM

All American
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i'm sure it's been mentioned previously, but check out how enormous space jockey v1.0 is

srsly, the more i think about it, the more ridley scott should've left this franchise alone

6/12/2012 8:04:53 PM

All American
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^^I can overlook plot holes and focus on enjoying a movie aesthetically. Probably much harder if you are invested in the series. Some of my favorite films have weak plots, but great visuals (e.g. The Fall).

^hmm... I'm not sure. They are really tall in Prometheus, right? And maybe that guy there is just obese or... maybe that's part of the chair?

Quote :
"To me, the other alien movies were more just action movies, where this had a lot to very sci fi aspects"

I think the point being made here was that Alien was simply a slasher film set in space. It didn't deal with any of the lofty ideas that sci-fi sometimes explores.

Quote :
""Lindelof-ized" (such a phrase could just as easily be defined as "the process by which an ending is made completely unclear and/or f---ed up all together")"

Wow. This is an actual quote by Lindelof. I guess he realizes how much of a douche he is?

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 8:33 PM. Reason : asdf]

6/12/2012 8:25:35 PM

All American
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6/12/2012 8:33:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Vickers. Yes, she does look like David. Yes, this was intentional. What better way to piss off your daughter than to build the male equivalent of her? But enough about daddy issues (seriously, Lindelof, we get it!), allow me to answer your question. Is she a robot?

She is not."


6/12/2012 8:35:37 PM

All American
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i think alien does some interesting things with body horror/human sexuality. it's done so subtly that it's not hamfisted.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 8:38 PM. Reason : can we all agree that the design philosophy of this franchise is "dudes makin it up as they go"]

6/12/2012 8:36:27 PM

All American
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Isn't that just Giger's fault?

6/12/2012 8:38:15 PM

All American
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well, as i was reading on wikipedia, they were struggling to come up with a good idea for how the original xenomorph would get onboard the nostromo. o'bannon's idea was to have a guy get orally raped and impregnated, so that wasn't giger's idea.

6/12/2012 8:44:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"o'bannon's idea was to have a guy get orally raped and impregnated"

give this guy a medal

6/12/2012 8:46:29 PM

All American
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I liked the space jockys a lot better before they looked like powder.

And, yes, they're not on the same scale as they were in 1979.

6/12/2012 9:23:20 PM

All American
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U guys are killing me. The space jockeys are feeakishly tall. You are acting like they put johny depp in white face paint.

6/12/2012 11:37:09 PM

All American
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nobody is saying they're not tall/big. Just that they're much smaller than what was in Alien. My guess is they just decided to make them smaller and that there's nothing more or less to it.

6/12/2012 11:48:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Those of you who still enjoyed it, I dont see how you fail to see how bad the script and story was."

I haven't seen it but I liked this tweet:

6/13/2012 12:05:47 AM

All American
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^ I just think he's kissing ass.

6/13/2012 2:12:28 AM

All American
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he is not shy about shitting on any movie if he doesn't like it

6/13/2012 2:16:50 AM

All American
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6/13/2012 8:05:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I can't imagine a likely scenario where this movie will be anything less than epic."

-me, page 4. lolol

I havent seen it yet (and I havent been reading your spoilers) but I can tell that the general concensus is that this movie isnt good

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 8:56 AM. Reason : wre]

6/13/2012 8:29:43 AM

All American
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^Well, it depends on what you expect from a movie. If you're the type that plot holes of various size ruin the movie for you then you'd probably be wasting your money...though the visuals are really awesome. Honestly I think it was worth it, I would have made a different movie but still it's not bad.

I enjoyed it in the moment but felt a little let down...then more let down when I had time to think about it. Again, it was good just not great. I think the biggest disappointment was that they had an awesome cast, great effects, but a script that didn't hold up.

6/13/2012 8:39:21 AM

All American
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I'm still trying to figure out how that translates to the... container... for a really tall but otherwise normal looking human. I get that the initial inspiration for it in the original film was a fighter pilot, so they added a snout but that was back when I'm amusing the writers had it as a completely different alien life form.

I guess I just find it odd that they stuck with essentially the same art direction for the pilot seat deal and didn't retool it at the same time they retooled the nature of the alien that occupied the seat. Or maybe humans from earth have it all wrong. Maybe when traveling through space they should be traveling in HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE chairs where you slide yourself into an apparatus that looks like the skeletal remains of a strange alien being. That's probably the best way to travel. Maybe even fashion a helmet out to look like a space elephant while you're at it.

I guess I just haven't seen the right screencap of the new film to explain this bit.

6/13/2012 8:43:37 AM

All American
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Mr. Joshua is an asshole for having that shit autoplay

6/13/2012 9:11:30 AM

All American
12512 Posts
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It seems some people were irked about the life Cycle shown in this film. She gets impregnated via sex gives birth to small squid like alien which grows enormous then impregnated an engineer which develops into a 'proto alien' or what looks to be a less evolved alien.

I have zero problems with this. I don't know why some assumed the standard face hugger to alien development. If the films goal is to flirt (they didn't answer anything really) with the origins of the aliens species then it should be assumed that it's handled in a manner that is surprising.

6/13/2012 9:32:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm still trying to figure out how that translates to the... container... for a really tall but otherwise normal looking human. I get that the initial inspiration for it in the original film was a fighter pilot, so they added a snout but that was back when I'm amusing the writers had it as a completely different alien life form."

I'm not sure I get the problem. What you're seeing is a suit.

6/13/2012 9:57:39 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Mr. Joshua is a huuuuuuuuuuugggggggggeeeeeeee asshole for having that shit autoplay

6/13/2012 10:07:13 AM

All American
12803 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not sure I get the problem. What you're seeing is a suit."

Yeah, I even posted as much to acknowledge but it still looks like the equivalent of getting into something twice as large as

complete with

every time you wanted to blast into space. And I guess their ships don't have a controlled life support system or gravitational dampers or anything if they need to crawl into something that big. Even the humans advanced enough technologically be able to crawl into dainty glass containers when they flew around space. Maybe that's what pissed them off, we surpassed them in space chair tech.

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 10:21 AM. Reason : -]

6/13/2012 10:17:33 AM

68205 Posts
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that fucking autoplay ruins this page ... great job, bro

Quote :
"I enjoyed it in the moment but felt a little let down."

i felt the same and then i read that article posted on the last page or two that really made me go back and think.

if this is setting up a franchise or series then i am fully stoked. if this is it then im pissed. i loved how they left an open ending. I cant wait to see it again but i will wait until it hits redbox or the like. visually the movie was beautiful and watching it in 3D was great. I would def. see it if you are a fan of sci fi

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 10:33 AM. Reason : sdf]

6/13/2012 10:20:46 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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the sequel is just going to be a bunch more shit that ends with magic and a glowing light.

6/13/2012 10:43:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"they should've cast an actual old man for the part of peter weyland rather than a younger man with old man makeup on"

there were scenes with a younger weyland that ended up on the cutting room floor.

there was also a scene on the surface of a terraformed mars that didn't make it...there's only the echo of it as the backdrop of the weyland holo at the crew briefing

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 2:23 PM. Reason : .]

6/13/2012 2:21:32 PM

All American
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^They also had the TED talk viral video that was part of the marketing but not in the movie.

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 2:23 PM. Reason : %]

6/13/2012 2:23:05 PM

All American
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ITT, sci-fi geeks trying to dissect what kind of space suit MOTHER FUCKING ALIENS SHOULD BE USING IN THEIR SPACE TRAVEL EXPEDITIONS.

you people

6/13/2012 2:37:30 PM

All American
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This is one of the times where my kids forcing me to wait for the blu-ray is going to be a good thing.

6/13/2012 2:40:58 PM

35781 Posts
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^i don't know, it was a very beautiful film in IMAX 3D. and by the time you see it this conversation will be so exhausted you won't have anyone left to complain with.

6/13/2012 2:43:29 PM

349 Posts
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I was also really disappointed with this movie. It looks great and had good atmosphere, but the story was just stupid.

6/13/2012 6:00:31 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Sorry everybody.

6/13/2012 6:27:46 PM

All American
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No way, it was a very deep story. Sure the ending felt a bit rushed, but the main plot was pretty tasty.

Were you really expecting the same old Facehugger --> Chestburster ---> Alien Killer? That would be super boring.

6/13/2012 6:29:00 PM

All American
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FYI, the space jockey was based on another Giger painting and had nothing to do with trying to emulate a fighter pilot

6/13/2012 7:05:50 PM

All American
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i didn't really understand the point of making the squid hugger so massive, but even more confusing was all of the nasty looking teeth it had. if the point is to impregnate something with an alien, wouldn't all those teeth just mangle the vessel and possibly kill it?

6/13/2012 7:23:34 PM

All American
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^ i think it went down like this. They planned for her to have the face-hugger/squid thing. They planned for AND filmed her fighting the Engineer and killing him with an ax (it will be in the deleted scenes of the dvd). Scott didn't like that after the fact because he felt it diminished the engineer by having her beat him with nothing more than an ax (quoting him from an interview on that one). So they decided to have the face-hugger/squid thing kill the engineer.

Now this part I'm speculating on... in order to make that more believable, they probably made the face-hugger/squid thing huge.

6/13/2012 8:02:42 PM

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