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All American
51922 Posts
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I just wanted to post some more about how I hope JCE2011 gets fucked by a meteorite.

[Edited on September 26, 2016 at 10:46 PM. Reason : Peace, we outta here.]

9/26/2016 10:46:35 PM

5608 Posts
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wahoowa logic - everything is racist

9/26/2016 11:45:17 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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u triggered bro?

9/27/2016 8:59:16 AM

All American
3288 Posts
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^^ quote me and prove that's my logic. Or shut up and spread your cheeks so the police can stop and frisk you more. You seem to be cool with it.

[Edited on September 27, 2016 at 9:11 AM. Reason : a]

9/27/2016 9:11:10 AM

5608 Posts
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You're right you aren't a SJW from what I can tell. My deepest condolences for calling you the S-word.

Honestly if I'm a law abiding citizen in a dangerous hood, I'd love to see some stop and frisk. Funny when some groups are disproportionately shooting each other it's suddenly racist to try and stop it?

9/27/2016 1:40:10 PM

All American
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9/27/2016 1:47:47 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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JCE bot has some upgraded programming. It just admitted to a strawman.

9/27/2016 2:16:07 PM

45912 Posts
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Just obey the cops, right JCEbot? Got no problems then? 'Cept a lot of people shot dead by cops. Or beaten. Or murdered family pets that barked in the wrong direction. But other than that, it's foolproof.

9/27/2016 2:18:34 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Just obey the cops, right JCEbot? Got no problems then? 'Cept a lot of people shot dead by cops."

Well you see, SJW, the people shot by cops are the ones that don't obey the cops. Interesting how those two factors correlate, eh?

9/27/2016 2:31:41 PM

All American
749 Posts
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Poor guy was misunderstood... by his own family

9/27/2016 2:37:54 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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I'd like to apologize in advance for triggering JCE with this post, but

[Edited on September 27, 2016 at 2:46 PM. Reason : .]

9/27/2016 2:46:00 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"Well you see, SJW, the people shot by cops are the ones that don't obey the cops."

'Cept not. And disobeying police orders is still not punishable by death.

9/27/2016 3:36:19 PM

5608 Posts
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It is when you are perceived to be an imminent threat to the safety of others, SJW

9/27/2016 3:52:41 PM

26632 Posts
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i feel like my fear of AI taking over the world is realistic, I perceive JCEbot as a threat

9/27/2016 3:54:15 PM

45912 Posts
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The issue with that reasoning, which on the surface is valid, is that it has been redefined for the police. Instead of perceived [by a reasonable person] to be an imminent threat to the safety of others, it's now, perceived, with or without reason...

So again...
an unarmed person laying on the ground is not an imminent threat
an unarmed person walking down the road with their hands up is not an imminent threat
an armed person in the vicinity of police, even as a subject of police matters, is not an imminent threat
a family pet barking at an officer is not an imminent threat

Any non-LEO in these situations would be charged with murder and you know it. The basis for use of lethal force does not change because you wear a badge. Leeway is only provided in the defense of others, for which non-LEOs have very little leeway and LEOs, rightfully so, have more leeway.

[Edited on September 27, 2016 at 4:03 PM. Reason : /]

9/27/2016 3:57:45 PM

5608 Posts
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In your examples you left out the most important factor: resisting arrest.

If you are armed, in the vicinity of police, and choose to resist arrest... That tells an already nervous cop you are stupid, crazy, and have nothing to lose. That put cops in a dangerous situation, and when we expect them to deal with these people on a regular basis, it isn't surprising people end up dead. The question is would you rather have 10 dead criminals killed by their own stupid choices, or 1 cop murdered? Those are the questions to ask when you start suggesting police should/shouldn't be able to use lethal force if they determine there is imminent danger. For the other cases you gave, sure that is murder and there will be a settlement/charge in most cases. For Keith Scott, looks like suicide by cop.

9/28/2016 12:48:16 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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If Scott was shot for resisting arrest, what was he being arrested for? (i haven't really followed it, was it because they saw a gun? or was it that they saw him rolling a blunt?)

9/28/2016 1:27:59 PM

26632 Posts
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simply not complying is also pretty different than a physical struggle

9/28/2016 1:41:38 PM

All American
34422 Posts
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It was a pretty big deal back in the 80s if cops shot an unarmed person, when the public was able to prove it.

Now it seems like the people against #BLM are okay with unarmed people being shot, because they probably deserved it anyway. And we see this in statistics showing police are killing more people than ever.

Police are public servants, it's part of their job to put them selves at risk for the public good, which does mean showing restraint in uncertain conditions. If you're not willing to make this sacrifice, don't become a cop. This is the same thing we tell teachers in NC, the pay is crap, but this is part of the deal with being a public servant.

The entire basis of our justice system is innocent until proven guilty. This scott guy could have been a scum bag looking to kill a police, but if he's not threatening them, they can't kill him because of a hunch or their fear. This isn't their role in our society, it's up to the legal system to determine if he is free to roam society or not.

9/28/2016 2:00:40 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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was he resisting? because in the police body cam footage I felt like he was walking slowly to the police with his hands by his sides not doing anything.

is it resisting if you don't put your hands up?

honestly I did not see anything in the footage to definitively say he was resisting

9/28/2016 2:43:25 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Now it seems like the people against #BLM are okay with unarmed people being shot, because they probably deserved it anyway. And we see this in statistics showing police are killing more people than ever.

The people against #BLM are against divisive race-baiting. As #BLM has proven it has no desire to address problems facing black lives, it only wants to generate outrage and division. People aren't "okay with unarmed people getting shot" they just have more restraint and common sense so they wait until the facts are presented rather than foster an atmosphere for rioting.

9/28/2016 2:51:58 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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ok how do you feel about this after assessing the information?

9/28/2016 3:41:24 PM

5608 Posts
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I feel like the idiots running with the "unarmed black man reading a book shot by cops" narrative are the reason we can't have nice things.

The actual shooting looks like suicide by cop

[Edited on September 28, 2016 at 4:10 PM. Reason : .]

9/28/2016 4:10:07 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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What brings you to that conclusion? The private video? The cop video? What in these videos (or whatever "facts" you're using) leads you to deduce that it was "suicide by cop"?

[Edited on September 28, 2016 at 4:35 PM. Reason : ]

9/28/2016 4:34:36 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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if you'd stop being such a SJW for a second you'd know...ignore the narrative, see the reality...take the blue pill

is that about right?

9/28/2016 4:39:23 PM

5608 Posts
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^^ The facts that the guy had gotten out of jail, was definitely going back since cops were about to arrest him with an illegal weapon, and the fact that his wife seemed to realize what he was thinking as he defiantly stood there with a gun refusing to comply to cops with guns pointed at him.

Naturally a SJW like moron hears "don't you do it" and thinks she is talking to the evil racist cops about to execute a black man.

Once you realize the facts I mentioned above, this suggests she knew what her husband was contemplating during the moments leading up to a black cop shooting him.

[Edited on September 28, 2016 at 5:16 PM. Reason : .]

9/28/2016 5:16:04 PM

All American
8837 Posts
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9/28/2016 7:45:30 PM

All American
11449 Posts
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the cops don't care about race...

...but blacks are more violent, so the cops are just reacting based on statistics (on race).


[Edited on September 30, 2016 at 3:05 PM. Reason : ]

9/30/2016 3:04:50 PM

148801 Posts
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Police will release full video(s)

9/30/2016 7:47:55 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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Quote :
"was he resisting? because in the police body cam footage I felt like he was walking slowly to the police with his hands by his sides not doing anything.

is it resisting if you don't put your hands up?

honestly I did not see anything in the footage to definitively say he was resisting"

its possible to fire a pistol with your arm down, often called shooting from the hip. i dont know if the gun was in his hand, that makes all the difference

10/2/2016 7:53:52 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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The officer won't be charged.

11/30/2016 11:46:22 AM

Sup, B
53243 Posts
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Of course the officer won't be charged. He said the magic words! "I feared for my life." That's all you need to execute someone these days, if you're a cop.

11/30/2016 7:09:09 PM

All American
2820 Posts
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Innocent until proven guilty.

11/30/2016 9:26:21 PM

5608 Posts
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A suicidal felon with nothing to lose holding a gun refusing to listen to cops pointing a gun at him.

Nah nothing to worry about, no reason to be afraid. The black cop just wanted to murder a black man. Because racism. Or something

Good thing the brainless SJW Soros mob already took care of their social justice looting, maybe the unemployed masses can riot some more to protest due process.

11/30/2016 10:22:15 PM

148801 Posts
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local paper has a story today asking if people remember where they were when he was shot, as if he was a president or something

9/20/2017 1:20:15 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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5 lafta$ none of the people they asked were at work...

[Edited on September 20, 2017 at 1:50 PM. Reason : asdf]

9/20/2017 1:50:23 PM

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10/18/2017 9:12:44 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28391 Posts
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I want to visit a Russian troll farm.

10/18/2017 9:16:21 PM

45912 Posts
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aka, the whitehouse?

10/19/2017 12:05:30 PM

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