marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |

8/6/2005 10:03:30 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Tomorrow's game is on FOX though.." |
doesn't seem to be on here  8/6/2005 12:44:13 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53293 Posts user info edit post |
its been a bit tough recently. quite frankly, we really haven't done all that great this year. We kicked ass in May, sucked in june and sucked in july. Hopefully we'll kick ass in august and september, but who knows? 8/6/2005 2:04:58 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 6, 2005 at 4:50 PM. Reason : ] 8/6/2005 4:44:56 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
and now a home run
i hate you cabrera 8/6/2005 4:51:34 PM
tehburr0 Suspended 1168 Posts user info edit post |
i love this shit 8/8/2005 9:35:04 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
WE CAN'T LOSE TONIGHT  8/8/2005 9:51:23 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
heres a pretty funny article i saw posted on another message board...i dont know where it came from though.
Quote : | "Historic Collapse Most Exciting Thing To Happen To Orioles In 20 Years
BALTIMORE--Once again, the Orioles are the talk of Baltimore. It’s been a long time since the city’s major league baseball franchise has generated this much buzz, but the 2005 edition has taken the city by storm. That’s because the team is in the midst of a historic collapse, the most exciting thing to happen to them in over 20 years.
Sports talk radio host Terry Ford said this is the most talked-about team in more then a decade.
“Man, this is some exciting stuff,” said Ford, a host on 1570AM WNST. “I can’t remember a group of players that have captured the imagination of the fans like this one. People are really responding to them. The indifference of past years is gone. It's been replaced by a seething, intense hatred.”
Each day, the phone lines of WNST are jammed with callers looking to talk about the O’s.
“That’s all people want to talk about,” said Ford. “It’s not just the Terrapins and the Ravens anymore. It’s become a phenomenon. We did a poll, and more than half the people in Baltimore want to kill Lee Mazzilli. Isn't that great? That’s the kind of passion we've been missing for all these years.”
Even though the crowds at Camden Yards are smaller, they’re louder and more involved in the game than before. It seems like every fan has an opinion these days, and they’re not afraid to come to the ballpark and share them.
“Fuck you, Roberts! You suck!” screamed one fan, enthusiastically waving his middle finger. “I’m gonna get you, you son of a bitch. I know where you live.”
Another fan threw a beer on outfielder Jay Gibbons, prompting him to reflect on how much things have changed since he was a rookie.
“Boy this is something I never really experienced in my years with the Orioles,” said Gibbons. “The heckling, the beer throwing, the death threats, the slashed tires—we’ve never gotten this kind of attention before. When I first got here, nobody expected us to do anything, and we didn’t. Now that we have expectations it’s really lit a fire under people. And now that we’ve fallen apart like this, we’re the hottest thing in town. I can't even leave the house anymore. ”
The Orioles have been in the playoffs only twice since 1985. Since Peter Angelos bought the team in 1993, they have had only three winning seasons. Aside from Cal Ripken’s consecutive games record, very little of note has happened to them in the past two decades.
“Let’s see, we won 98 games in 1997, but we lost in the playoffs and that turned out to be an aberration anyway,” said current hitting coach Terry Crowley, who was also with the team during the mid-80’s. “Then we had Cal Ripken's ‘record’ which, if you ask me, was a little blown out of proportion. Then when Ripken retired the team really went down hill. We were second fiddle to the Ravens, for God’s sake. Now finally we’re getting the attention we deserve. I just wish it was for something positive. Actually, we did fire Lee Mazzilli. That’s pretty positive.”
The firing of Mazzilli has thrust even more attention on the team, as residents of the city take turns weighing in on the matter. Some have even found themselves tuning in to sports talk radio.
“I’ve never listened to sports talk radio before, but now I can’t stop,” said 38-year-old nurse Sara Pinkerton. “Last week I even called in to one of the shows. I got into an argument with a caller named ‘Cliff from Bethesda’ about who should be the next manager. Things got pretty intense, and I ended up getting disconnected for calling him a cocksucker. That's the first time I've ever used that word. It won't be the last, though. I'm going to the game on Saturday.”
For the players, all the attention is a mixed blessing.
“Hey, you know what? At least we’re getting some recognition now,” said first baseman BJ Surhoff. “This team is the talk of the town. We’ve never experienced that before, not for such a prolonged period of time. Everywhere I go, it’s ‘BJ you suck,’ or ‘BJ please retire,’ or ‘BJ you’re a faggot.’ It’s great. This team is going to be remembered for a long time. The story will be passed down from generation to generation. The ’05 Orioles: the team that fucked up so bad that people actually started paying attention to them.” " |
8/9/2005 3:20:00 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on August 9, 2005 at 3:29 PM. Reason : /] 8/9/2005 3:29:05 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
THEY WALK HAPPY AGAIN 8/9/2005 7:42:11 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
GG BYRNES!  8/9/2005 8:52:55 PM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
Nice of the birds to put a win together.. 8/9/2005 10:13:43 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |

8/9/2005 10:34:04 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
now let's win the rest of our games!!!  8/9/2005 10:52:38 PM
BoobsR_gr8 All American 30000 Posts user info edit post |
idk if this has been said in this thread earlier, but WTF were yall doing trying to trade for hitters and not starting pitching 8/10/2005 2:40:53 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
orioles fans wonder the same thing 8/10/2005 7:11:00 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
5-0 in the 1st 8/10/2005 7:25:25 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
HOLD THE LEAD, PLZ  8/10/2005 7:30:25 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
rodrigo has retired 10 in a row!
world series here we come
[Edited on August 10, 2005 at 7:56 PM. Reason : right after my post he walks a guy ] 8/10/2005 7:55:11 PM
Wolfrules All American 1880 Posts user info edit post |
wtf is perlozzo doing?? putting julio in with 2 outs, while lopez was pitching a decent game
other than being a confidence booster for julio.. it definitely isn't one for lopez
[Edited on August 10, 2005 at 9:42 PM. Reason : ] 8/10/2005 9:41:53 PM
Wolfrules All American 1880 Posts user info edit post |
WOOO!! A winning streak.. bout time.. 8/10/2005 9:45:28 PM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
still hope, if they can play against toronto this weekend the way they've been playing.. 8/10/2005 10:24:38 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
Raffy comes back tonite....I wonder what kind of reaction hes going to get....if hes even in the line-up 8/11/2005 7:58:33 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
as much as we needed another pitcher, byrnes has been a real spark to the team 8/11/2005 8:18:39 AM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
i agree...hes real animated out there.....which is much needed these days. even tajada doesnt seem as animated as the first half of the season. 8/11/2005 8:23:23 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
bottom of the barrel sweep 
8/11/2005 9:21:44 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
i told you guys he was my favorite player...he has been since his first game with oakland  8/12/2005 12:06:17 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
yea, eric byrnes is a sparkplug, thats true. and i think with "humdrum" mazzilli leaving, the high energy clubhouse feel will return
btw, lovin Perlazzo's passion to argue calls. 8/12/2005 1:21:50 AM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
omg 3 in a row!!!!!!!! 8/12/2005 8:24:06 AM
YostBusters All American 771 Posts user info edit post |
sweep or no sweep, we still are the worst team in baseball right now. NO QUESTION. 8/13/2005 12:51:36 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
CABRERA  8/13/2005 10:41:24 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
it's time to unload cabrera, honestly, he's just too streaky. yea, it might be a mistake, but the guy is dumb as rocks and obviously wont teach himself this stuff.
so much potential, so much wasted
oh, and tonight, John Maine pitches. I've known John since middle school, actually got in a fistfight with him in high school during a basketball game. He's a chump and I hope he catches a line drive in the face to knock that "chip on my shoulder" scowl off his face.
i hope we win but i hope he gives up 19 runs and we win 20-19
[Edited on August 13, 2005 at 1:50 PM. Reason : fuck john maine] 8/13/2005 1:48:16 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
hahahahahahaha 8/13/2005 4:30:01 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
whats funny is he and i used to yell at each other over the orioles. he hated 'em, he was a mets fan because his dad (my 10th grade english teacher) played a little AA ball back in the 70s in the mets organization.
anyways, i couldn't help but laugh when he left Charlotte to declare for the MLB draft, only to get drafted by the O's.
saw him not long ago at a japanese steakhouse here in town. he's still a prick. 8/13/2005 4:42:33 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
that is hilarious 8/13/2005 4:45:07 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
i guess rafy flying out to end the game 7-6 today was an appropriate ending  8/14/2005 5:18:06 PM
megatron All American 7867 Posts user info edit post |
 8/14/2005 5:22:39 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
dear A's
thnx for the 7th inning comedy of errors
you handed us the game
 8/16/2005 9:27:46 AM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
something about the a's and the 7th inning.. looks like we're actually earning it tonight though..
let's go birds.. get that wildcard 8/17/2005 12:04:41 AM
Wolfrules All American 1880 Posts user info edit post |
damnit Ryan! 8/17/2005 12:52:38 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
another 9th inning curse 8/17/2005 12:54:45 AM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
sigh...please pull this out
thatta boy burnes!!!
caught the pop fly for 2 outs and he didn't let the guy tag
[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 12:57 AM. Reason : /] 8/17/2005 12:55:25 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
1 game shy of mediocre  8/17/2005 12:59:09 AM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
good recovery for bj ryan 8/17/2005 12:59:28 AM
udorawala All American 13888 Posts user info edit post |
i didn't realize there was an o's appreciation thread  8/17/2005 1:40:47 AM
supercalo All American 2042 Posts user info edit post |
not much of a baseball fan, but the O's struck my interest in baseball again. Must be because my old little league team was the Orioles. Still got the team shirt. 8/17/2005 2:07:18 AM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
get out the broom! 8/17/2005 6:10:32 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
the team looks pumped up...maybe we can keep this run going...only 7 back in the wildcard now  8/17/2005 6:27:17 PM
Officer Cat All American 931 Posts user info edit post |
Indians, Angels, and A's again for the next three series..
back to .500, and we need to play well for the rest of the seaon to even hope for the wildcard 8/17/2005 8:00:19 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
woooo hoooooo 8/18/2005 8:48:06 AM