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3/5/2008 1:41:58 AM

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going to see the harlem globetrotters tomorrow during the day and then matt costa at the loft at night - haven't seen either before

3/7/2008 10:53:03 AM

All American
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Is anyone going to the lucky fest at the Park Tavern this coming Saturday? I am....

3/10/2008 3:06:40 PM

All American
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i have been in the's good times for sure

probably skipping this year as I'm going to the NCAA tourney the following week and gas is going to kill me getting up to Raleigh....fucking premium

[Edited on March 10, 2008 at 5:51 PM. Reason : .]

3/10/2008 5:51:30 PM

All American
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yeah....i'm glad i got a ticket when they were charging $10, because now they are $30 and that just seems like a huge rip off when you don't even get anything with the price of admission

3/10/2008 7:31:57 PM

All American
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i'll be there. i don't plan on remembering much of it, but i'll be there hopefully state will still be playing in the acc tournament saturday (long shot, i know), 'cause i had a good time watching us beat va tech while i was at get lucky festival last year.

3/11/2008 9:44:17 AM

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I will be planted at the SEC tournament Friday-Sunday (hopefully) haha

3/11/2008 4:43:38 PM

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went to see MSTRKRFT last night as Masquerade, great fucking show

3/14/2008 6:20:10 PM

All American
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holy shit. crazy storms tonight. hope everyone survived.

ps. did anyone catch it when the weather guy on the news2 recommended to stay go indoors and put a motorcycle helmet, a garbage can, or pillow on your head to stay safe. we were all "did he just say that?"

3/14/2008 10:24:53 PM

All American
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finally got power back a little after noon today...ran out to the grocery store and got home about 30 mins before the huge hail started falling. it was so loud I couldn't hear my parents on the phone when I was outside...crazy crazy weather

tornado was about 3/4 of a mile from where I live

3/15/2008 3:48:02 PM

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even though you seem like a total ass, good to hear you arent dead or homeless

Nothing happened here (Buckhead) today, but last night was crazy

3/15/2008 4:35:57 PM

All American
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ahahahahahah jaybee

you're a douche, but I guess it's ok that you're not dead. congrats!

All I got was some heavy rain yo.

I'm also pissed that I missed MSTRKRFT.

jaybee - hope you didn't get those SEC tickets you've been prancing around about.

3/15/2008 11:45:09 PM

All American
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my power went out for a few seconds, but that was it.

3/16/2008 12:03:44 AM

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^^ how the fuck did you miss it?? and it was fucking awesome

3/16/2008 2:24:33 AM

All American
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what really sucks is that the Tabernacle got really fucked up...all the stained glass windows got blown out...i love going to shows there

3/16/2008 3:43:14 AM

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it was pretty fucked up down there when i went down to the aquarium yesterday

3/16/2008 10:52:17 AM

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my wife's sister was in town and we took her to the coke museum - it didn't look that bad in that area - other than a lot of windows were busted out

3/16/2008 11:07:57 AM

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yeah thats what i meant

a bunch of windows blown out = fucked up

3/16/2008 1:26:44 PM

All American
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our office in the GP building had some windows blown out. doesn't really matter to me, though, i've been working in lovely tarrytown, NY for the past few months. blah.

3/17/2008 2:20:46 PM

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anyone else doing this or just me?

3/28/2008 4:02:50 PM

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they are lucky the connector work got pushed back a week... would have fucked a lot of that up

3/29/2008 1:17:41 AM

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Quote :
"Volunteer at the AT&T Classic Have Fun and Watch Golf!
The Gwinnett Community is looking for committed volunteers to help at the 2008 AT&T Classic. The AT&T Classic is a week long PGA-TOUR golf tournament benefiting Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested.

May 12-18, 2008 (volunteers should be prepared to commit to work 3 days during the week long event).

We need volunteers to help with the following "off-course" assignments: staff an informational booth, check credentials at the clubhouse, drive the volunteer shuttle from parking lot to course (no special license required), staff ticket will-call booth, and assist with on-site ticket sales. We especially need volunteer shuttle drivers.

Varies by role (shifts are available). Details/choices will be given when you reply.

TPC Sugarloaf--Duluth, GA.

Each volunteer is required to purchase a $40 shirt/hat volunteer uniform. A catered breakfast and lunch is available at $5 per day. Details will be provided.

Volunteers credentials gain them access all week to watch golf when not working. Additionally, each volunteer will be given a free All-Tournament Pass that will be valid all week at the AT&T Classic to give to friends or family.
You must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer and be responsible for you own transportation to the tournament on the days that you work.

***If you are interested or have questions, please reply to Ron Taylor at 678.274.7306 or


3/31/2008 9:37:26 AM

56200 Posts
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this is cool as shit... anyone interested? PM me

4/7/2008 1:42:11 AM

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Lot of good shows coming up here soon:

Son Volt tonight
Unknown Hinson at the Earl tomorrow
Spoon Monday
Ministry on the 25th

4/11/2008 12:03:32 PM

All American
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i am pissed that i have to miss the spoon concert

4/11/2008 1:04:30 PM

56200 Posts
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why do you have to?

Its sold out but I have access to two extra tickets...

4/11/2008 4:34:03 PM

All American
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bullshit work thing. i had a ticket but ended up selling it to my friend when i found out i couldnt go. but thanks anyway!

4/11/2008 5:40:18 PM

All American
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i'm changing jobs soon and trying to decide my schedule. my new commute will be from n. druid hills rd down 85 to fairburn, (about two exits past the airport). what's the best time to miss traffic going into downtown? when i went for my interview i left at 7:15am and it was clear sailing all the way down. it only took about 30 minutes to get there. is it normally clear around that time?

4/15/2008 11:14:30 PM

All American
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yeah, it's usually going to be smooth sailing that time of start getting later (8am or so) and it gets worse

though i think southbound isn't as bad as northbound from what i usually see

4/16/2008 12:39:17 AM

All American
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i think he's probably right about south bound being better than north bound.......but i gotta say, i rarely go south of i-20

4/16/2008 4:23:51 PM

All American
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Homemade robotic vigilante patrols in Atlanta

4/24/2008 11:40:05 AM

25083 Posts
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anyone going to the inman park festival? the wife and me are headed down for a bit

4/24/2008 8:19:29 PM

All American
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hey omar how was the great urban race thing?

4/24/2008 10:44:14 PM

25083 Posts
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it was awesome - you guys should have done it


i'm doing the one in DC on aug 2nd as well

4/24/2008 10:49:15 PM

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^^^ nope, they cant have shit on Draft weekend and expect me to go haha

4/25/2008 12:12:30 AM

All American
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I might go to the Inman Park festival, but I also might go to Smyrna Market Village because Atkins Park is having a shrimp and crawfish boil.....

4/25/2008 8:11:41 AM

All American
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i flew back from some vacation in Maryland on Wednesday, and I was astonished to see Lake Lanier from the air. The photos are always shocking to see how low it is, but miles and miles of "beaches" from the air was even more shocking

4/26/2008 2:06:21 PM

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put in an offer on a foreclosure in my building today... in really good shape, if i get it it will be about 80K under original price

4/26/2008 2:25:37 PM

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anyone been to the 755 Club at Turner Field? I have a shit load of passes/tickets to it but not sure how it works

4/27/2008 7:47:44 PM

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it's supposedly the exclusive club there but it's not all that special - you just use the pass and go in - i've been a few times and it's really only worth it though in my opinion if you have really crappy seats and want to go in for a better view - the food and beer are both expensive - you're better off eating on the club level but not in the 755 club - the tamahawk draft is the best beer there imho but it's just a rebadge (although i think a waitress told me once it was specially made for turner field

if you have some extra passes though i'll take them for when we buy some cheap seats


I uploaded some pictures from the Inman Park Festival Parade to my gallery - some of them are pretty funny

4/27/2008 7:54:00 PM

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so do you just walk into the club part? are there assigned seats? first come? normal dress for the summer (shorts/t-shirt) or are you supposed to be somewhat dressed up?

4/27/2008 8:30:46 PM

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normal dress - i wouldn't dress up at all unless you have reservations for the dining room

there is no assigned seating - first come first served- most ppl either go to the bar or the outdoor bar seating

cellphone picture from one of the outdoor bar seats

4/27/2008 8:45:23 PM

All American
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ha ha, i checked out your inman park fest pics, and the only thing that came to mind was "you know, most of these people are old enough to know better than act like that"

4/27/2008 9:09:07 PM

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so for the bar portion, its normal dress, no reservations, and it includes the actual indoor bar area and the outside kind of "terraced" seats that you can just walk up to and sit wherever you want and a waiter comes to you?

4/27/2008 9:16:55 PM

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yup that's it - if you aren't there ~20min before the first pitch though it's typically a wait on the weekends and maybe ~5-10min on a weeknight game

4/27/2008 9:18:18 PM

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sweet... I usually like to get there early and watch bp

4/27/2008 9:20:10 PM

All American
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If you sit outside the 755 club at the tables, they've put a time limit on it now. I think it's 1.5 hours. But, I prefer the seats below. There are also a few tables inside and the bar (but why would you watch the game inside on tv if you're there?!) The buffet is not included in your ticket, just access to get up there. You can get in directly from the outside at the glass doors by will call or from the inside.

Since you have a ton, let me know if you can't use them all. J and I love to use them when we get them

4/28/2008 1:03:06 AM

All American
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My friend was on a float or whatever behind the Rollergirls in the festival, but I don't see her in your pictures

4/28/2008 1:11:22 AM

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^^ what do you mean by "the seats below"

4/28/2008 9:22:31 AM

All American
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I'm not into the 755 club, it's always so crowded whenever I've gone into it. I'd just rather go sit in my regular seat.

4/28/2008 11:02:53 AM

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