thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
way to rely on AI to write further dipshittery from you
very on brand 2/23/2025 5:49:47 PM
Cabbage All American 2127 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^^^^ It really looks to me like you don't understand what is meant by the difference between a company and the government. It's about the end, not the means. All of those things things they have in common that you mentioned? That's just the mechanism they both use to achieve entirely different goals: Profit for the company versus security and well being of the people for the government.
[Edited on February 23, 2025 at 6:45 PM. Reason : ^7] 2/23/2025 6:44:33 PM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
^ and as I stated in the Chimpanzee example the internals in some cases can be identical even if the ends are not. It's like you didn't even read it.
^^ way to add nothing to the conversation. Go back to the tranny threads where you can argue skin grafting thigh tissue into a penis is is natural and they are born that way.
[Edited on February 23, 2025 at 7:13 PM. Reason : A] 2/23/2025 7:09:16 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
you’re unable to make a case without help from AI
you’re a fraud who gets off on shitposting, and you aren’t up to defending your awful positions on your own
at least you have a non-AI memory of shaking Elon’s hand once 2/23/2025 7:23:31 PM
Cabbage All American 2127 Posts user info edit post |
^^WTF?? Check that again. I said it's the END that makes businesses and government different, not the means; we're not even referring to that. And you're back on the means again? That's the irrelevant part. What comes OUT is what makes them different; what goes in is the irrelevant part. Read it again but more slowly this time. 2/23/2025 7:44:46 PM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I made a case and you brought up micromanaging which is not related but I could see the confusion. I'm not interested on having a conversation about what micromanaging is and is not.
Either: - the government is easily destroyed by a 19 year old with root
- these guys are so awesome they figured out how to pwn the entire government
Which is it?
The government clearly has overlap with some of the functions of other organizations. Maybe you think it's 10% or maybe 90%. Saying, hur dur, a company is not the government is not interesting. Maybe explain how various parts, like the ones I mentioned are some magic type of organization which does not apply to the normal rules of getting human beings together and doing things. 2/23/2025 8:09:10 PM
Cabbage All American 2127 Posts user info edit post |
(sigh)...You're still not getting it, and we're back to square one now. Nobody said, "hur dur, a company is not the government". What was said is that it's moronic to run a government like a business. In other words, not as a for profit entity. Nothing you have said seems relevant to that at all. 2/23/2025 8:24:31 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
you’ll have a to wait a bit, he’s busy getting ChatGTP to type out something that he feels is right 2/23/2025 8:49:54 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148894 Posts user info edit post |
Defund the Fire Department. They aren't profitable. 2/23/2025 8:58:28 PM
HaLo All American 14327 Posts user info edit post |
Should get interesting this week 2/24/2025 12:15:13 AM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
since I’m not a teacher, I’ve never felt the need to use a “Did AI Write This?” tool
tonight was the first time I’ve ever thought to use one:
it’s been fun to go back a few pages and see what bullshit CaelNCSU has asked AI to write for him
a total fraud
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 12:24 AM. Reason : .] 2/24/2025 12:23:04 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
His huge walls of text are kind of discouraging. It's like literally like arguing with a bot at this point. 2/24/2025 6:17:47 AM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
^^ if I use it I quote like I did above.
Those tools don't actually work.
For profit entities have functions that mirror non profits and government. Both use computers and databases. What functions of running a database do you think are magic when a government does it? Could a database expert in the private sector work in a government agency or does the fact the government is nonprofit change the nature of what they do?
Now going up a level, does a team of designers, database people and backend devs managed by a technology manager to maintain this database system somehow differ from such a team in the for profit sector?
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 7:03 AM. Reason : A] 2/24/2025 6:50:14 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
Well, it did say a recent non-quoted multi-paragraph post by you (in this thread) had essentially a 100% confidence level of being AI-generated, and an adjacent multi-line post by me had essentially a 100% confidence level of being human-generated, so there's that.
Perhaps you have become fully assimilated without realizing and are now one with AI.
But I also don't know why you would bother with AI responses at all on a web forum. It seems like a colossal waste of time. Your posts are not even you. What's the point? The massive dump of generated content also makes it much less likely it will even be read, largely defeating the purpose of forum interaction. 2/24/2025 7:01:05 AM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
I worked at Amazon and did Biochem @ NCSU so the point is mine. I even managed people with cleared status that worked on gov cloud for the DOD for one of our products.
I've now made: human text flag as AI, text to speech flag as AI, and AI text come back as human and mixed by using text on this thread.
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 7:32 AM. Reason : A] 2/24/2025 7:29:57 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
Why don't you just stop communicating like a computer?
You're confusing the models.] 2/24/2025 7:31:19 AM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
^ I used your definitely human post for one of the examples to make it flag as AI. It was 99% human at the start. Do you have a metal implant or pace maker? 2/24/2025 7:36:52 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
I have several amalgam fillings. 2/24/2025 7:49:28 AM
utowncha All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
tgl going after cael about anything remotely technology is funny.
but lets be real hes only big mad because of german election results. 2/24/2025 8:22:38 AM
moron All American 34511 Posts user info edit post |
So AFDs standing in the polling dropped after musk interfered
And Kash Patel of all ppl told people not to respond to musk’s email
Tesla stock continues to bleed. Musks newest concubine calls him a dead beat dad publicly with screenshots of text message, and is filing for sole custody
Doge remains unpopular and their firings remain unpopular as local media interviews people affected including many farmers 2/24/2025 9:30:07 AM
rwoody Save TWW 38147 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "lets be real hes only big mad because of german election results." |
You're happy with it? 2/24/2025 11:42:33 AM
emnsk All American 3084 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ Yeah I don't understand his vitriol
You can just call something stupid, being so bitter is a sign of something being wrong
^ Personally, I think it's a wake up call for the hoity toity EU lover types they have over there. You can't just gaslight the populace on things, if immigration is a real issue anywhere, it's in Europe.
Quote : | "Peter Matuschek, director of political opinion research at Germany's Forsa polling firm, says that AfD supporters are not primarily motivated by individual leaders, but by ideology." |
A general unrest
Even on the Nazi stuff, maybe it's just the American in me speaking, but the extent to which they made anything related to it completely taboo... it's not healthy or sustainable, right (don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to diminish how evil the nazis were or anything, but I'm saying this can be irrespective of that)? Like if you hold guilt in it can turn ugly, and eventually, people will be redirect the guilt outwards and completely flip
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 12:05 PM. Reason : 1] 2/24/2025 11:49:49 AM
rjrumfel All American 23089 Posts user info edit post |
He’s vitriolic towards anyone who doesn’t think like he does. 2/24/2025 12:19:37 PM
Bullet All American 28652 Posts user info edit post |
To be honest, it's quite easy to be vitriolic against the likes of people like Cael. His libertarian schtick is beyond lame, and it surely doesn't help (and it's very weird) that he posts huge walls of obviously AI-generated text to try to "prove" his "points"
And I really can't understand why someone would bend over backwards trying to defend Musk's actions.
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 12:31 PM. Reason : ] 2/24/2025 12:30:42 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
I’m vitriolic towards people who are fans of the people who are behind our current situation
it happens to affect me in a real, tangible way 2/24/2025 12:33:24 PM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
^^ going all the way back to page 2. I am not defending. The take that Elon was an idiot is beyond fucking stupid. I said fuck with him at your peril (politicians and people thinking he was just shit posting).
The government will look way different now because of his involvement. There are departments of sections of the government that will benefit from a shake up. I'm optimistic.
However, if the only way he can get to Mars is by turning us all into spice for a rocket that mother fucker will do it and not shed a tear of empathy for it. I do not see that as a good thing.
Be realistic about the capabilities of your opponent. Dont just repeat takes from the mainstream press and TV news. 2/24/2025 12:48:18 PM
emnsk All American 3084 Posts user info edit post |
I can get that, but if you really think it's a troll/shtick or whatever, just ignore him
It doesn't help you or your own energy or the post either with the "dipshittery", "fraud", "moron" comments. it'd be one thing if you personally knew the guy and were trying to change his mind I don't want to be patronizing or anything, so I won't like tell you what to do again, but just my thoughts this one time
Quote : | "it happens to affect me in a real, tangible way" |
well, I hope everything is alright, and if it isn't, that it gets better
^ I think most people know that, it's just anger against what he's doing. Even though you're just summarizing the situation, that's why people get the impression that you're defending him, cause the soapbox is used a ton to just blow off steam, not make actual arguments. sometimes discussion is pointless from both ends
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 12:53 PM. Reason : 1] 2/24/2025 12:49:39 PM
rjrumfel All American 23089 Posts user info edit post |
I’m not a fan of any of this shit that’s going on. Musk needs to be gone.
He’s taking a chainsaw to a surgery that needs a scalpel. I don’t even think Donald Trump is in charge anymore at this point. The right was convinced that people were just pulling Biden’s strings. Look at Trump. Who TF is pulling his?
Did we need to trim the fat off of the government? Absolutely. Do we need to do it this way? Absolutely not.
It still boggles my mind regarding how he’s getting this sort of access. 2/24/2025 1:16:03 PM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
Also where the fuck do you get that I am libertarian? 2/24/2025 1:16:29 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
walking back the mandatory email response from federal workers it sure would be embarrassing if one went out of their way to defend the original demand
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 2:35 PM. Reason : .] 2/24/2025 2:35:02 PM
CaelNCSU All American 7334 Posts user info edit post |
I stated my experiences with it in orgs and said it's done at the department level.
Looking at any objective measure of government spending, money printing and inability to finish projects (like 47 billion for non existent EV chargers, failed broadband attempts) you would conclude they need some accountability. One way that accountability works is by weekly business reviews.
If you want to explain how that's not viable by all means. .
Rocket man bad.
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 2:45 PM. Reason : A] 2/24/2025 2:42:06 PM
rjrumfel All American 23089 Posts user info edit post |
What’s going to happen is that all of the good employees that are left are going to get fed up and leave to go to the private sector where they don’t have to take a lot of this shit that’s going on.
They are so convinced that our government is staffed with nothing but buffoons that eventually, that’s all they’re going to get. Self-fulfilling prophecy. 2/24/2025 2:47:09 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
they’re attempting to make civil servants quit over horrible morale due to incompetence at the top, but they’ve failed to realize that those they are trying to get rid of signed up for civil service for a reason
having maniacs who have no idea what they’re doing at the top attempting to dictate things is lighting a fire for those civil servants 2/24/2025 3:00:50 PM
Bullet All American 28652 Posts user info edit post |
^^^I guess it needs repeating: audits are fine. Figuring ways to increase efficiency and root-out waste is fine. But this isn't the way to do it. Elon and his DOGE gang are not the way to do it. Sending out weird, threatening emails (some from non-government email addresses) is not the way to do it. Treating Federal employees like parasites and idiots (both in public and in emails) is not the way to do it.
An email from employer asking you to track your accomplishments is fine. Receiving weird, threatening emails from the Elon and his DOGE gang is not.
[Edited on February 24, 2025 at 4:28 PM. Reason : ] 2/24/2025 4:27:33 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
It's really not very hard to understand. 2/24/2025 4:30:34 PM
rwoody Save TWW 38147 Posts user info edit post |
Saving money everywhere, saving it right to elons bottom lines
Thread on same topic: 2/24/2025 10:20:23 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Musk Scandal at USAID Takes Ugly Turn, Putting Starving Kids at Risk
Two U.S. nonprofits that manufacture a treatment sent by USAID to help severely malnourished children abroad say the process is in chaos. This isn’t what Marco Rubio said would happen." |
2/25/2025 12:11:39 PM
Bullet All American 28652 Posts user info edit post | 2/25/2025 12:53:24 PM
Bullet All American 28652 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "That’s usually because the total value of the contracts has already been fully obligated, which means the government has a legal requirement to spend the funds for the goods or services it purchased and in many cases has already done so.
“It’s like confiscating used ammunition after it’s been shot when there’s nothing left in it. It doesn’t accomplish any policy objective,” said Charles Tiefer, a retired University of Baltimore law professor and expert on government contracting law. “Their terminating so many contracts pointlessly obviously doesn’t accomplish anything for saving money.”" |
2/25/2025 4:20:42 PM
utowncha All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
it does deactivate auto renewal though! 2/26/2025 7:32:34 AM
emnsk All American 3084 Posts user info edit post |
This whole "war on the judicial branch" he's trying to instigate 2/26/2025 10:19:18 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
^Sentence fragment 2/26/2025 12:24:08 PM
rjrumfel All American 23089 Posts user info edit post |
Looks like the FAA could potentially cancel a contract they signed with Verizon in 2023 to upgrade their communications systems in favor of…..
You guessed it
Starlink 2/27/2025 9:37:20 AM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
Is that corruption that I hear?
What's the point of an easily cancelable contract? Why even have a contract? To enrich lawyers? 2/27/2025 10:28:30 AM
EMCE balls deep 89904 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " A satellite company owned by Elon Musk has the inside track to potentially take over a large federal contract to modernize the nation’s air traffic communications system." |
This is insane. This contract, FENS, was awarded to Verizon in 2023 for 2.4 Billion. It is currently in development. My company actually lost the bid for this particular contract...but anyhow...
It's crazy that the FAA is looking to cancel this contract prematurely, and award it to Starlink. Starlink, who wasn't part of the initial bid, has little to no Air Traffic experience, and is promising a quick development and deployment is going to essentially be awarded a single source contract. Aside from the fact that the U.S. Government is going to get sued into oblivion for cancelling this contract, and lose badly in court, this just stinks of rank corruption and self dealing on Elon Musk's part. 2/27/2025 12:31:31 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26794 Posts user info edit post |
Is there some scenario in which a perverse temporary alliance of convenience develops between hardcore MAGAts like Steve Bannon and more liberal groups to push back on ongoing cleptocracy? Or do they just follow the whims of Trump no matter where it might take us?
I think I know the answer. 2/27/2025 12:45:39 PM
rjrumfel All American 23089 Posts user info edit post |
I would just like to hear what the right-wing talking heads would’ve said had the shoe been on the other foot. They all say “give Trump time, he can’t fix it in a few months”. As soon as Biden took over, there was no time given for him to fix anything. 2/27/2025 2:24:14 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " he's really so stupid and I can't stand it. if you warmed up mars and melted the water, the water would evaporate into space. Mars can't have a habitable atmosphere in its current state bc it has no magnetic field. solar winds strip away everything that isn't stuck to the surface." |
Quote : | "@elonmusk:
Mars probably had liquid oceans a long time ago, before it cooled. Now, there are vast fields of ice covered by red dust. .. If we warm up the planet, the oceans will return and the atmosphere will densify, making it possible to extend life to Mars." |
2/28/2025 5:55:14 PM
utowncha All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
a million fucking things you can call this nazi and you choose... stupid? lol 2/28/2025 6:42:25 PM
moron All American 34511 Posts user info edit post |
Apparently 5 Jewish democrats are the cause of tsla protests
And 2 of them died a few years ago
Quote : | "Elon Musk v @elonmusk Subscribe An investigation has found 5 ActBlue-funded groups responsible for Tesla "protests": Troublemakers, Disruption Project, Rise & Resist, Indivisible Project and Democratic Socialists of America. ActBlue funders include George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Herbert Sandler, Patricia Bauman, and Leah Hunt-Hendrix. ActBlue is currently under investigation for allowing foreign and illegal donations in criminal violation of campaign finance regulations. This week, 7 ActBlue senior officials resigned, including the associate general counsel. If you know anything about this, please post in replies. Thanks, Elon. 8:44 AM • Mar 8, 2025 • 23.4M Views " |
Quote : | " Elon Musk has found a way to blame the protests against him on... five Jews. Two of whom happen to be dead.
The administration that has turned Elon Musk into one of the world's most powerful people want you to know how much they care about antisemitism.
" |
3/8/2025 11:23:28 PM