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 Message Boards » » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 13 14 15 16 [17] 18 19 20 21 ... 69, Prev Next  
All American
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the situation he brings up the most happens to have happened in the town that was found to have horribly racist police practices

he also clings to it every time a ton of other cases are brought up

11/2/2015 11:24:14 AM

All American
10904 Posts
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So just police reform fixes all this? I mean who wouldn't want better training for cops? Sounds like they would benefit and so would communities. Still, there has to be other changes I think for these things to slow down.

11/2/2015 2:32:44 PM

The E Man
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gotta change the laws to reestablish the role of police. police shouldn't be able to go around looking for trouble unless they are assigned to a specific case. For example, a broken taillight should result in a ticket but not a traffic stop.

11/2/2015 3:34:20 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"the situation he brings up the most"

I bring it up the most because it generated the most attention and outrage, it also has the clearest indication of a false narrative that the media picks up and runs with.

11/2/2015 4:44:46 PM

All American
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but the narrative was confirmed by the Justice Department....

that community was a powder keg and the unrest was about way more than one single situation

11/2/2015 5:31:17 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^^^ How do you give the ticket without the traffic stop?

11/2/2015 5:36:11 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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^Ever heard of red light cameras? Police can just as easily put the license plate into a computer to give the ticket.

11/2/2015 8:29:13 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"but the narrative was confirmed by the Justice Department...."

The narrative of "hands up, don't shoot" was disproved.

The DOJ proved the cops were focused on generating revenue. Ferguson PD is confirmed to be shitty.

11/2/2015 11:43:05 PM

All American
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you sure do love focusing on one small piece of a much larger picture

as has been posted before:

Quote :
"Questioning of "Hands Up" as a motto rests on the false notion that other mottos are, somehow, verifiably accurate."

11/3/2015 10:12:27 AM

balls deep
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Funny how a blind eye is turned to police officers routinely telling a false narrative of events involving themselves interacting with the public, usually only discovered if there happens to be photographic evidence.

Still.... The police officer's word carries more weight than that of John Q public.

It would seem as if a standard is not being applied equally.

11/3/2015 10:18:14 AM

All American
42553 Posts
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No, no one was shot, but I found this interesting.

Texas university dean who claims she was stopped by white cops in her upscale community for 'walking while black' is undermined by dashcam video, police chief says

Video in link.

She says she was profiled and stopped for "walking while black". Do you think the cops really stopped her for the reason they give in the video (her safety), or they were worried about a black person walking in a rich white neighborhood? OK, only they know what was in their hearts at the time, but what do you think from watching the video? Does their reason sound believable, or do they sound/act fake when giving that reason?

She also said this:
Quote :
"She then said she spoke to them as she didn't want the situation to turn out like it did for Trayvon Martin - the 17-year-old who was shot and killed by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2012. "

And this:
Quote :
"'For a sanity check, I stopped by the mayor’s house and asked him, “Do I look like a criminal?”"

Wait, what? She claims she was profiled for being brown/black, but then subscribes to the view that you can tell a criminal by looking at them??? Ummm, ok.

11/3/2015 2:16:54 PM

wear sumthin tight
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11/3/2015 2:27:30 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Questioning of "Hands Up" as a motto rests on the false notion that other mottos are, somehow, verifiably accurate."

? This has nothing to do with the definition of a motto. "Hands up, don't shoot" is a clear cut example of how something false was reported and spread by the media, with no factual basis. It highlights the tendency of outrage culture to believe in a false narrative of race-based victimization. It highlights how the media runs with things that perpetuate outrage and race-based victimization.

Quote :
"Funny how a blind eye is turned to police officers routinely telling a false narrative of events involving themselves interacting with the public"


Quote :
Still.... The police officer's word carries more weight than that of John Q public."

Probably because the overwhelming majority of them are good people and they routinely deal with "not good" people?

11/3/2015 8:36:56 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"^Ever heard of red light cameras? Police can just as easily put the license plate into a computer to give the ticket."

Can't tell if serious.

11/3/2015 8:58:41 PM

All American
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Also, why do people keep bringing up Treyvon Martin in police conduct threads? Mr. Zimmerman was not a law enforcement officer.

11/3/2015 9:00:39 PM

The E Man
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Police have no right to meddle with people without probable cause. A lot of these things can be avoided by reeling in police. Technology exists to replace a lot of police interactions with cameras. People hated on red light cameras but you always could rest easy knowing they wouldn't shoot anything except a video.

[Edited on November 4, 2015 at 9:31 AM. Reason : ^he was neighborhood watch]

11/4/2015 9:30:50 AM

play so hard
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"Mr. Zimmerman"...I think we can dispense with the formalities and just call him "piece of shit" or something along those lines.

11/4/2015 10:10:18 AM

26632 Posts
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it took national media attention, the governor appointing a special prosecutor, and interest from the justice department for zimmerman to be charged

[Edited on November 4, 2015 at 10:26 AM. Reason : so it seems appropriate]

11/4/2015 10:11:36 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"Police have no right to meddle with people without probable cause. A lot of these things can be avoided by reeling in police. Technology exists to replace a lot of police interactions with cameras. People hated on red light cameras but you always could rest easy knowing they wouldn't shoot anything except a video.

The problem with red light cameras is that it gives the ticket to the owner of the car with no regard to who was actually driving it. Plus since so many of these operations go to "for-profit" companies there is incentive for them to tweak with timings to ticket people who may otherwise not have gotten a ticket had a cop been at the intersection to see the circumstances.

11/4/2015 11:17:13 AM

All American
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11/4/2015 11:37:56 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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^^ check it out, the 2nd thing we agree on

11/4/2015 12:26:42 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"The problem with red light cameras is that it gives the ticket to the owner of the car with no regard to who was actually driving it."

This problem was solved years ago with the 2nd generation of cameras that filmed video of the driver from overhead. The ticket came with a still captured photo of the driver at the time and a link to the video of the incident which could be challenged and reviewed in court.

Regulating traffic just seems like busy work for police to me. If we really want them to be successful at their job, we should narrow their responsibilities to something less than everything. Cutting out unnecessary police-citizen interactions would go a long way to improving police-community relations.

11/4/2015 2:24:51 PM

All American
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I would have no problem with cops "managing traffic" if it was done so by citing legitimate safety hazards and was not used as revenue generation or as a "fishing" technique to make a stop in search of more serious crimes.

Running a Stop Sign:

For example slowly rolling through a stop sign at 10 pm at night in what is an obviously a clear intersection is completely different then someone failing to stop so they can squeeze through an intersection before a big wave of on-coming traffic goes through all while yapping on the cellphone.


Or someone driving 11 mph over the speed limit on a freeway during the day in a low volume situation who smoothly passes people on the left when needed versus some jackass in a ricer driving 11 mph over weaving in-and-out of traffic during rush hour.

For example the first example in both situations above represent a situation where the driver is not acting in an unsafe manner and ideally would not get a ticket. The 2nd scenario represents someone who legitimately is acting in a reckless and dangerous fashion. Of course there will be spectrum with lots of grey area between the two cases of which is why cops would have discretion and not be mindless ticket robots harassing otherwise law-abiding citizens over petty traffic offences.

[Edited on November 4, 2015 at 2:46 PM. Reason : a]

11/4/2015 2:42:09 PM

All American
11446 Posts
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i think what you've described as your ideal situation is actually how it is. it's not ALL a money grab and there is some leniency. next time you go 11 over and don't get pulled over by a cop, think about this thread.

11/4/2015 3:05:14 PM

The E Man
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Thats what I'm speaking against though. I'm saying take police judgement out of those situations. Right now, police will pull over minorities for the 2nd scenario and a much greater rate.

When police judgment is part of everyday life, then people are vulnerable to police misconduct no matter what they do.

11/4/2015 6:54:01 PM

All American
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How do I have a trial with a camera that accuses me of speeding/running red light?

Quote :
"Police have no right to meddle with people without probable cause."

Is this a suggestion or what you think?

[Edited on November 4, 2015 at 7:52 PM. Reason : ...]

11/4/2015 7:51:18 PM

5608 Posts
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^^ Because it's so clear to cops what the race of the driver is when they choose to pursue a speeding car?

What if all murder suspects are arrested by robocops that can't see race? If black people commit twice as many murders are the robocops racist for arresting them at a higher rate?

11/5/2015 12:21:34 AM

All American
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what if one of the suspects, who happened to fit the description of who the Fox Lake PD said murdered one of their cops, were killed for the murder of the cop who killed himself?

[Edited on November 5, 2015 at 1:11 AM. Reason : ?]

11/5/2015 12:59:25 AM

The E Man
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^^Blacks are less likely to do drugs but something crazy like 10x more likely to be arrested on drug charges. Fact-based narratives.

11/5/2015 10:05:27 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" Blacks are less likely to do drugs "

Not necessarily. Information saying that typically comes from surveys, meaning if anything black people are understandably less likely to confess to illegal drug use in surveys.

A better true indicator is to look at how many people went to the emergency room because of drug use. Black people are 3.5 times more likely than whites. It’s not likely that blacks just “go crazy” on drugs more, but if that is the case it would also help explain the higher arrest rates.

Quote :
" Fact-based narratives."

The false-narrative is that, because of the color of their skin, racist cops are arresting black people more frequently.

This is because in typical liberal fashion, the sole factors being considered are the ones that allow for the victim narrative to be perpetuated. Race, arrest rate, drug use. "Black people don't use drugs more often than white people, but get arrested for it more often? Racism!" All other relevant factors have been ignored to reach this conclusion.

Even if all races did drugs at the exact same rate, it makes sense that a completely race-neutral police would arrest black people at a higher rate for drug use. This is because of higher police interaction due to other crimes committed. If black people are more likely to commit robbery, and a black person robs a store, the police search them for drugs. If they find drugs then that is a drug arrest statistic. Meanwhile some pothead white kid not robbing a store doesn’t get arrested.

11/5/2015 12:15:07 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"acks are less likely to do drugs but something crazy like 10x more likely to be arrested on drug charges. Fact-"

I've addressed this plenty of times. It seems you have amnesia.

I'm sure the reason that you are implying is cops hate black people and the system wants to hold them back.

AM I Rite

11/5/2015 1:00:19 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"If black people are more likely to commit robbery, and a black person robs a store, the police search them for drugs. If they find drugs then that is a drug arrest statistic. Meanwhile some pothead white kid not robbing a store doesn’t get arrested."

one more time
Quote :
"If black people are more likely to commit robbery, and a black person robs a store, the police search them for drugs. If they find drugs then that is a drug arrest statistic. Meanwhile some pothead white kid not robbing a store doesn’t get arrested."

LOL Thats your explanation for the disparity? The extra drug charges for blacks are because they are robbing stores with drugs on them? And you're the one complaining about false narratives? WOW. Nevermind the fact that the amount of drug charges dwarfs the amount of robberies that occur in this country.
Quote :
"I'm sure the reason that you are implying is cops hate black people and the system wants to hold them back."

No the bias is usually systemic. Heres how it shapes out.

1. black people in poor areas have to buy cheaper drugs
2. cheaper drugs have more impurities which causes more health risks
3. police move in to these neighborhoods where drugs are a greater threat to safety
4. white neighborhoods are able to illegally do prescription as well as other drugs more freely
5. police become accustomed to black suspects then start to reach the logical, yet false, racist conclusion , often subsconciously, that blacks are more likely to commit crimes.
6. police begin to anticipate blacks to possess drugs and search them more frequently.

You can see this disparity with a soft drug weed. In several cities, you can see the differences reflected in routine traffic stops. I'm sure you're already convinced blacks are just terrible drivers as well though..

11/5/2015 6:34:24 PM

All American
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No from my experience at NCSU, Chinese are the worst drivers...

11/5/2015 7:10:42 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"LOL Thats your explanation for the disparity? The extra drug charges for blacks are because they are robbing stores with drugs on them? And you're the one complaining about false narratives? WOW. Nevermind the fact that the amount of drug charges dwarfs the amount of robberies that occur in this country. "

Great reading comprehension. I honestly can't tell if you are being deliberately facetious. Robberies was clearly just 1 example, not the sole cause for the disparity. Higher rates of other crimes leads to higher numbers of police interactions, leading to higher arrest numbers. I guess the false-narrative of a racist white cop, beating black pot smokers with a baton, generates more outrage.

11/6/2015 10:01:00 AM

5608 Posts
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Let’s consider marijuana arrest rates by sex

Men and women use marijuana at close to a 50-50 rate, yet the distribution of arrests is 93% male to 7% female.

Any idea what other male/female distribution this rate parallels?

The rate of crime by gender.

Shocking thought, I know. Tendency to commit a crime leads to tendency of evil, racist, oppressive police to arrest you.

Using The E Man logic, we should just assume police are biased anti-male misandrists, right?

[Edited on November 6, 2015 at 10:21 AM. Reason : I]

11/6/2015 10:18:52 AM

All American
28541 Posts
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I've never known a guy to get out of a speeding ticket by crying to the cop.

11/6/2015 10:31:29 AM

26632 Posts
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JCE2011 is claiming that black people just commit more crimes, and so this is just a case of the statistics reflecting that. and then he says he isn't racist.

not only is he racist, dude can't even logic

[Edited on November 6, 2015 at 11:13 AM. Reason : .]

11/6/2015 11:11:40 AM

26632 Posts
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Report: Louisiana Police Dramatically Walk Back Explanation for Shooting Death of First-Grader

tl;dr they tried to murder this dude but shot his son instead

11/6/2015 11:13:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"A 9-year-old boy killed in Chicago this week was "lured" into an alley and shot in a gang-related attack, authorities "

Perpetual "Black Gangsters Shoots an Unarmed Child" thread should be started...

Maybe the boy should have yelled "Hands Up Don't Shoot"!

11/6/2015 11:26:37 AM

5608 Posts
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^ Where is Black Lives Matter on that story?

Quote :
"JCE2011 is claiming that black people just commit more crimes, and so this is just a case of the statistics reflecting that. and then he says he isn't racist."

LOL. Statistics sure are racist huh?

Sorry, I shouldn't have exposed liberals to statistics and reality, I forgot how much you dislike those.

11/6/2015 11:33:30 AM

All American
11446 Posts
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^^good thing the city doesn't pay those guys.

[Edited on November 6, 2015 at 11:33 AM. Reason : ]

11/6/2015 11:33:37 AM

3753 Posts
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If only 9 year olds had guns

11/6/2015 11:37:50 AM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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but but but black on black crime

11/6/2015 11:42:01 AM

26632 Posts
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^^^^ you have a problem understanding causation, and I'm pretty convinced that it's not that you are trolling but that you just can't see the problem with your logic

11/6/2015 11:50:21 AM

5608 Posts
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dtownral's inability to defend a false-narrative causes baseless accusations of racism

11/6/2015 11:57:46 AM

26632 Posts
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11/6/2015 12:07:35 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Cops from Louisiana story above charged with murder of 6-year-old and attempted murder of his father.

11/6/2015 11:52:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Alabama police charge 8-year-old with murder in death of 1-year-old"

From CNN

Black Babies Lives Matter TOO


11/11/2015 11:04:07 AM

All American
11446 Posts
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Is everybody too lazy to link to articles in Portland or is it just you?

11/11/2015 12:00:17 PM

All American
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Sorry, was tough to on my cell phone

11/11/2015 12:24:38 PM

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