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All American
23525 Posts
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why did you burn down the cabin?

2/14/2013 7:26:01 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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shots fired!

2/14/2013 8:28:23 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"Why do they do this? "

Excuse to post photo

Quote :
"why did you burn down the cabin?"

To piss off Alex Jones

Quote :
"shots fired!"


2/14/2013 9:29:42 PM

TX R. Snake
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Quote :

shots fired!

2/14/2013 9:32:04 PM

Duh, Winning
62551 Posts
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I watch some of these movies, and its always like this:

1 or more cops working on something, cop screws up really bad while trying to do the right thing,
ends up losing his badge or even his job. (Ex-)Cop then goes out on his own at them with a gun,
possibly shoots a bunch of people, and saves the day. Cop is then reinstated with honors. Movie ends.

How unrealistic is this? Im guessing he would be locked up with the guys he just caught?

3/6/2013 12:51:01 AM

best gottfriend
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how often did you pretend like you were trying to catch speeders but really just kick it in your cruiser?

3/6/2013 12:54:26 AM

All American
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Quote :
"How unrealistic is this? Im guessing he would be locked up with the guys he just caught?"

Brent did this once, he was re-instated. But no, I don't ever see that happening.

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"how often did you pretend like you were trying to catch speeders but really just kick it in your cruiser?"

Not at all; I now drive an unmarked car and work in plain clothes so I pretty much just drive a little over the speed limit as not to draw attention to myself.

3/7/2013 6:14:05 PM

26632 Posts
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how do you keep your vest from smelling like football or hockey pads, i know you've got to sweat your balls of in it during the summer

3/7/2013 6:22:32 PM

All American
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You just wash the carrier and wipe down the plates.

3/7/2013 10:38:59 PM

All American
3729 Posts
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how hard is police academy and do yall hate state troopers

3/8/2013 1:15:03 AM

All American
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Not hard at all. I went through BLET right after nc state so the written exams were a piece if cake. I'd imagine if it had been a few years might have been worse. Need to be in ok if not decent shape. Nothing you can't get ready for in a few months. Just gotta have the right frame of mind. BLET gives you basic and I do mean BASIC knowledge of being a cop but doesn't prepare you for the crazy shit you see out there.

3/8/2013 4:03:16 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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for someone looking to go into law enforcement, is there supplemental training you would recommend, or is there a lot of "on the job" type training?

3/8/2013 6:30:47 AM

35781 Posts
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will they let me be a cop if i answer yes to the follow questions on my lie detector test...

A) smoked drugs
B) snorted drugs
C) sold drugs
D) paid for sex
E) been arrested, now expunged
F) watch porn

3/8/2013 8:02:47 AM

All American
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Do you think this idea would work?

3/8/2013 8:36:09 AM

All American
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Welcome back DeputyDog.

Quote :
"how hard is police academy and do yall hate state troopers"

Just depends; some of the academies put on by the community colleges are very para-military and some are like college. The ones put on by the State are mostly para-military and live-in with varying degrees of difficulty and length.

As far as Troopers, like people, there are some who will treat you like they are your best friend (majority) and some who that meet the stereotype(s).

Quote :
"for someone looking to go into law enforcement, is there supplemental training you would recommend, or is there a lot of "on the job" type training?"

Depends on the type of law enforcement you are looking to get into. If you are looking to do patrol type work, a college education and clean(er) background will suffice; I was hired right out of college.

There are a lot of mission specific agencies that require certain degrees or advanced degrees in computer science, accounting, biological science (i.e. chemistry) or language skills. Just do your homework.

Quote :
"will they let me be a cop if i answer yes to the follow questions on my lie detector test..."

A) Yes
B) Depends on the drug(s); and case by case
C) No
D) case by case
E) case by case

Quote :
"Do you think this idea would work?"

Yes, yes I do.

[Edited on March 8, 2013 at 8:45 AM. Reason : ...]

3/8/2013 8:44:17 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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i assume that LEOs outside their jurisdiction have no ability to pull you over, correct?

for example, i had an officer in a marked charger (with "police" visible in the rearview) behind me for quite a while on the backroads in raleigh (not to imply that he was following me, he was just there for long time and it seemed weird that he was making the same turns on small roads that i was)

i eventually got to where i was going and he went past and i noticed the side of his car said "raleigh-durham international airport police"

his front and back only had "police" on it, though, so if he was behind you or in front, he'd appear to be a "regular" city cop

but it got me thinking...if you're in raleigh and a garner cop is behind you and you're speeding or something, they best they can do is report it, but they can't actually pull you over...right?

3/8/2013 8:49:13 AM

45912 Posts
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3/8/2013 8:55:08 AM

15294 Posts
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Is it illegal to have green/red/yellow lights fisible from the front of your car?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/8/2013 9:19:17 AM

26632 Posts
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Fissile materials are illegal

3/8/2013 9:23:00 AM

15294 Posts
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I hit f first, changed it to v then said fuck it and just went with f

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/8/2013 9:24:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if you're in raleigh and a garner cop is behind you and you're speeding or something, they best they can do is report it, but they can't actually pull you over...right?"

Correct unless they are operating under a mutual aid agreement. For example, you might see a Wake County car working interdiction on I-95 in Harnett County under such an agreement.

Quote :
"Is it illegal to have green/red/yellow lights fvisible from the front of your car? "

No red lights unless you meet the exemption criteria; those other colors can't be used as your headlamps but you could have them equipped.

3/8/2013 9:34:32 AM

35781 Posts
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when are we going fishing? when are we going drinking?

3/8/2013 9:36:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"when are we going fishing? when are we going drinking?"

Was trying to get a crew for Saturday but its going to blow like 20-25 and whenever you want.

3/8/2013 9:41:13 AM

35781 Posts
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yeah, i'm out for this weekend. but keep me in the loop.

3/8/2013 9:43:10 AM

All American
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Lets bump this given the past week.

4/19/2013 7:20:36 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Will you rush in and rip the cover off the boat already

4/19/2013 7:22:24 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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do you leave your mic open?

4/19/2013 7:23:35 PM

26632 Posts
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Do cops have this many problems with open mics on a day to day basis?

4/19/2013 7:24:02 PM

All American
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No. Time is on your side. Whoever is in the boat is not a threat and does not have a hostage (as far as we can tell). Take your time.

4/19/2013 7:24:08 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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fair enough

[Edited on April 19, 2013 at 7:25 PM. Reason : ]

4/19/2013 7:24:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"do you leave your mic open?"

I'm not a mouth breather.

Quote :
"Do cops have this many problems with open mics on a day to day basis?"

No, but there have been some funny and strange conversations overheard on an open mic.

[Edited on April 19, 2013 at 7:38 PM. Reason : ...]

4/19/2013 7:33:58 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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why is the news media not allowed to report based on police scanner material?

4/19/2013 7:38:03 PM

All American
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Huh? Where does it say that?

4/19/2013 7:38:55 PM

26632 Posts
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Its not that its not allowed, they were just asked not to share tactical info and no one wants to break that

4/19/2013 7:38:59 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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if I were CNN, I'd stream the ustream scanner and add in subtitles

instant cred

4/19/2013 7:43:48 PM

All American
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I agree; beats speculation.

4/19/2013 8:38:22 PM

349 Posts
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NC Cop Stereotypes, Among And Towards Each Other, How We See Each Other. Note This Is In Good Fun, We All Work Together When SHTF. Its an Army, Navy, Marine Rivalry Thing.

Large City Police=Elitist, Arrogant, Assholes, Superiority Complex, Too Good To Associate With Anyone From Other Agencies

Small - Medium, Or Suburban, Sized City Police=The Most Arrogant And Elitist Douchebags Of Them All, For Absolutely No Reason, Until They Get Sick Of The BS And Become Deputies.

Sheriff Deputies= Dumbass, Hillbilly Rednecks, Fat Slobs, Lots Of Freedom, Gets Along With Troopers And Small Town Police

Small Town Police=Dumbass, Hillbilly Rednecks, Fat Slobs, Gets Along With Deputies And Other Small Town Police

State Troopers=Elitist, Arrogant, Assholes, Superiority Complex, Too Good To Associate w Other Agencies (Except Deputies)

[Edited on April 20, 2013 at 1:26 AM. Reason : .]

4/20/2013 1:23:43 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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[Edited on April 20, 2013 at 1:30 AM. Reason : meh]

4/20/2013 1:30:13 AM

New Recruit
11 Posts
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Can I refuse to give the cop my license and registration if he won't tell me why he is pulling me over? Doesn't he have to tell what crime he suspects me of committing?

4/20/2013 7:35:37 AM

All American
11955 Posts
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I can tell you that you can not refuse to provide your ID to a police officer if you are driving. Same for registration, because these are required to drive the car. Not having them is an offense in and of itself.

4/20/2013 10:06:24 AM

5975 Posts
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Quote :
"Can I refuse to give the cop my license and registration if he won't tell me why he is pulling me over?"

I've always thought the best way to establish a friendly relationship with the officer is to immediately question what he is doing and refuse to even identify myself.

4/20/2013 10:14:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I can tell you that you can not refuse to provide your ID to a police officer if you are driving. Same for registration, because these are required to drive the car. Not having them is an offense in and of itself."

4/20/2013 10:23:26 AM

All American
10784 Posts
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just hand the cop your documents, set your cell phone to record video and pretend you are deaf

[Edited on April 20, 2013 at 12:15 PM. Reason : a]

4/20/2013 12:15:07 PM

All American
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If this thread makes it to 20 pages, PigPen will be set free

4/28/2013 2:37:03 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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4/28/2013 2:45:09 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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what's the most trouble you could get in if a cop catches you pissing on the side of the road?

4/28/2013 3:21:30 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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4/28/2013 3:23:48 PM

All American
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^^It would be a city ordinance; and any violation of a city ordinance is a misdemeanor.

4/28/2013 8:26:34 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Why do the police give out tickets they willingly admit "will get dismissed"?

4/28/2013 8:35:22 PM

All American
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Ensure compliance; if I give you a warning every single time I stop you for an expired registration, why ever re-new it?

4/28/2013 8:47:28 PM

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