mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
OK Stein. Maybe I should post names and then you guys can decide what list they're on.
Oh wait. 6/16/2009 6:44:22 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
So, you're trying to get something for free just to make yourself feel special?
Fuck you people. 6/16/2009 6:46:40 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53260 Posts user info edit post |
i'd say it would be quite the jewish thing to do ![](images/beatup.gif) 6/16/2009 6:48:19 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
It's just funny because what she's trying to do isn't really even that difficult to accomplish. I just have to assume that phone conversation was NOT something the verizon rep was looking forward to. 6/16/2009 6:53:21 PM
Fail Boat Suspended 3567 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You know the thing here is that you guys have made a million assumptionstrolls and you're wronga smashing success on most of them." |
Quote : | "If nothing else, I use this site to vent...which is what the vast majority of you guys do too" |
Are you kidding? We use this site to fuck around on and to occasionally post some "wtf is that all about" shit. We typically DON'T use it to plan some of the dumbest ideas known to mobile communications history.
Quote : | "and considering that I don't actually follow through with things it's a fairly safe bet that this would fall under that too" |
We've been hoping that your suicide would be the combo breaker.
Quote : | "But you guys being you guys had to jump on the chance to 'flame' me." |
When you're as patently retarded as you, it would be an e-crime not to flame you.
Quote : | "You are sadly, so predictable" |
Hey, stop being so predictably idiotic and we'd stop being so diligent in our duties!
Quote : | "But the fact that you guys think that me asking for nothing more than the truth or some acknowledgment that they did not do what they were supposed to do" |
What the fuck were they supposed to do you dumb bimbo? Send you a care package and a url to enroll in personal finance so that you won't fuck up this badly in the future? Should they send you a bouquet of flowers for the death of your brain? Should they suck your dick as a way to make amends for your failure of a life?
Quote : | "I guess when you're so fucking stupid that you can't even be responsible for thinking for yourself" |
Oh dear god, my irony meter just blew up. If I called Verizon and begged, do you think they'd give me another?
Quote : | "you are exactly why this country needs so many fucking czars. " |
Now you really are outdoing yourself. So rather than, you know, exercising your right to choose a different provider, you want a fucking handout? And you want to scold us about needing "czars"? The god damn jokes write themselves.
Quote : | "I've been thinking all along that these czars are a bad idea for any number of reasons, but in reality, I'd much rather that one, only semi-retarded asshole be the reason why something goes wrong, then to blame a nation full of assholes." |
Yes, yes you are right. It's the assholes driving the country off the cliff, not the stupid vapid whores that brag about celebrity sightings and want cell phone handouts. What the fuck was I thinking!?
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 7:06 PM. Reason : .] 6/16/2009 7:04:02 PM
Tiberius Suspended 7607 Posts user info edit post |
lol a classic State409c
6/16/2009 7:05:29 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
m2c, do you have any affiliation with NCSU? 6/16/2009 7:18:13 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
double post, terminate
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 7:19 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 7:19:28 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post | bald headed ugly loser fuck, I hope you realize you're like the only one on here that I actually throw insults at... I mean even the rest of the people who flamed and posted in here have, at, at least one point in time contributed something of worth but you are indeed a Fail..... well you actually make me laugh at how worthless you are so I guess you could consider that a contribution.....but not really. Now isn't there a scarf you need to go buy or something? Or have you run out of money after having spent all of it on user names 6/16/2009 7:22:43 PM
Fail Boat Suspended 3567 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " bald headed ugly loser fuck" |
Man, this really hurts coming from someone as neurotic as you. At least I didn't hype up some stupid story about how they ran me off of fark and now hide my face from the internet. I don't see you offering up your mug for the peanut gallery to comment on. One can only guess you're a wonky eyed flat chested little bitch that has a marginal set of legs won with all the lines of coke you've done over the years.
Quote : | "well you actually make me laugh at how worthless you are" |
So worthless that some random moronic chickenhead on the other side of the country who has 18,746 posts on a website she has no connection to decided to comment about.
Quote : | "Now isn't there a scarf you need to go buy or something?" |
Yeah, I'm thinking about something from Burberry and hoping for the double dip on a celebrity spotting while I'm there. You best fucking believe I'm going to post about it on the Sun Devils message board when it happens.
Quote : | "Or have you run out of money after having spent all of it on user names" |
If I had as many users names as you made stupid threads I'd still be in the black on the net worth....barely. 6/16/2009 7:28:38 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It's just funny because what she's trying to do isn't really even that difficult to accomplish. I just have to assume that phone conversation was NOT something the verizon rep was looking forward to." |
When you call for support and act entitled (as she almost certainly did), people are less inclined to actually want to help you out.
One day she'll learn.
Or she'll get Dustin Diamond or Pauly Shore to make her phone calls for her. 6/16/2009 7:42:53 PM
legatic All American 7481 Posts user info edit post |
WE DON'T LIKE YOU. LEAVE. 6/16/2009 7:50:38 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
I love that argument....'you don't even go here so blah blah blah' and so? I know people that are on here IRL AND they still like me so what the fuck can you say about yourself?
Yes, a long time ago I was banned on a stupid website that at the time, seemed like a good one, but being that I've been without for all this time, I realize that being annoyed about it was admittedly one of the dumber things I've done....BUT I CAN ADMIT THIS YOU SEE.'s funny cause you think you'd actually be all cool and trendy and rich because you'd be buying a burberry scarf....
And please do go post it on the Sun Devils message board. As most of the people at that school are dumber than you (again, I can admit these things) then by all means, go engage in a conversation with them so you can feel smart and stuff.
Stein, I absolutely did not sound entitled when I called...if anything I was being a bit of a pussy because when I spoke with them, I didn't push anything. I didn't raise my voice....I actually even went out my way to say that my frustration was not in any way directed at that person PERSONALLY and they said something like, 'No, no....I would feel the same way as you' and we ended the conversation with a 'ok, well thank you for your help' he said 'have a good day' and I said, 'you too'.
^um......YOU might not like me. But there are plenty of people on here who do and their opinion is worth about 100,000x what yours is right now. If they don't agree with something I say or think it's stupid, then they ignore it...which is exactly what you should do.
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 7:53 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 7:50:55 PM
Doc Rambo IV All American 7202 Posts user info edit post |
aw boo hoo, customer service didn't give you free hand me outs. life sure is tough. 6/16/2009 7:51:02 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
A FREE HANDOUT? Did you even read what I posted or are you just reading the responses and drawing from that? Cause only an idiot would do that and certainly you are not that......right? 6/16/2009 7:55:11 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
You posted that you got what you paid for, even though you were too dumb to realize what you were paying for was.
Then you went on some tirade about government bailouts of your cellphone bill or some such nonsense and we all just rolled our eyes and prayed your hands would fall off so we'd never have to read such idiocy again. 6/16/2009 7:57:28 PM
Doc Rambo IV All American 7202 Posts user info edit post |
I read the original post and responded, you called and wanted any type of offer or hand me out you could get. The guy responded that he could not do anything. You thinking you are special have come up with some retarded idea to pose as a news reporter for redemption. I think you are in no position to be calling any body an idiot. 6/16/2009 8:00:53 PM
elduderino All American 4343 Posts user info edit post |
Now, I feel sorry for this girl. She sounds like a mess.
Why is she on here if she has no affiliation to State? Hell I wouldn't waste my time with you people if I had no connection to you bastards. ![](images/beatup.gif) 6/16/2009 8:17:32 PM
billytalent Suspended 12909 Posts user info edit post |
fuck this shit
for reals yo
can this dumb cunt just shut the fuck up and peace out already? 6/16/2009 8:24:30 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
No. I was lied to on day one. They said NO DEDUCTIBLE because I wouldn't have said 'yes' if in the end, best case, I would have spent an extra $120 for the phone. In the hundred papers and small print could it of said something? Maybe, but I also didn't read to make sure that every area code was covered by their 'national' plan, I took their word on it. I also didn't check to make sure that the nights and weekend hours were 9-6 in MY timezone...I took their word on that. It's not like they 'left out' some bit of information....because that's just 'not telling me the truth' where in this case, THEY STRAIGHT OUT LIED. The 'forgot to inform' me that if I even turned on my 'World Edition' phone while in another country, even if I turned it off right away without every making or getting a call, all calls made TO me, regardless of whether the phone was on or not, would be charged international rates.... So did they lie to me about that little piece on info? Not directly but it's probably something that a person would want to know. So when I'm in the store and ask them what the deductible is if there is a problem with the phone and they say NOTHING, then I say, 'well gee, I guess that means that if I fuck up my phone the next day then I've really saved myself a lot of money' but if it gets fucked a year later, then I'll be paying $110 ($5/month for ins + $50 deductible) then it's not so worth WHY THE FUCK WOULD I GET THE INS THEN CONSIDERING THAT IN ALL MY YEARS I've had issues with none or almost none of my phones, and lost a total of one?
Asking for a freebie? No. I'm asking them to show me that they give a fuck about their customers by at the very least, because they blatantly lied to me, offer to make not make me have to pay the extra months in insurance and instead just move up my fucking end date by 2 months. They took me for $110 after all is said and done and regardless of whether somewhere in the 8 million words they gave to me it said something different than 'NO DEDUCTIBLE' they lied to me. So I'm not asking for FREE, I'm actually saying, 'ya know, you guys should pay me $110 because I was mislead' but being the reasonable person that I am...I had no intention of going there.
If you guys don't get this or if you just don't want to get this because you hate me so much, then this just proves that you have a problem with the person MAKING the argument and not the argument itself. So yes, trolling=mission accomplished. 6/16/2009 8:39:37 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
I thought you said you made so much money something like this wouldn't matter?
Also if you know there is so many small and important details in the contract, why wouldn't you read it?
Also, I'm surprised no grammar nazi didn't call this out
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 9:03 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 8:56:19 PM
elduderino All American 4343 Posts user info edit post |
If you can't fill in these blanks no one cares:
We're the Red and White from State And we know we are the _______.
Philip ______
When we hungry, we _______.
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 8:58 PM. Reason : plural] 6/16/2009 8:58:16 PM
legatic All American 7481 Posts user info edit post |
what's the best place near three rivers stadium to get something to eat? 6/16/2009 9:03:47 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
mcdonalds 6/16/2009 9:04:13 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
anything you can do to hang onto more of your hard-earned Jew gold is kosher. 6/16/2009 9:05:13 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114587 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "now I would have accepted the bare minimum....really I would have...even a $10 "we appreciate you as a long time customer coupon and we're sorry your experience with our company has been so unsatisfactory"" |
according to that other thread you can afford anything you want
basically you admitted you're loaded, which is one strike against you already (the fact that you flaunted it)
so you really want a coupon? 6/16/2009 9:06:35 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Except she doesn't have Jew gold. 6/16/2009 9:07:11 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
Jrb599 - Um I never said ANYTHING about ANY money or how much I do or don't earn. I have NEVER said anything about that. But the fact that you assume it to be true just goes to prove my initial comment to Doc Rambo. Someone on here called me a trust fund drama queen (based on their intimate knowledge of me no doubt because I've never uttered such a statement) and you a) take it as fact and b) claim I was the one who said it.
You know when fedex delivers something to my door and they ask me to sign, I don't say, 'well hold on a second here and let me read your policies before I sign something' because if something is missing from the package, well I signed for it....and so that releases them of all accountability.
Do you REALLY assume that your car is totally covered if something gets stolen out of it at the car wash? or with a valet? Cause you should have read the fine print to know otherwise.
^^what the hell are you talking about?
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 9:09 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 9:08:30 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Most people are smart enough to either:
A) read the contracts they're presented
B) recognize that they may be signing something they haven't fully read, which will undoubtedly screw them over down the line, but do it anyway
Listen, I'm sure one of your Hollywood buddies can help you get on one of those court shows so you can sue. 6/16/2009 9:11:38 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
Please tell me you're not referring to the 'Do you buy stuff you cant afford' thread..... did you guys REALLY TAKE THAT AS ME BEING SERIOUS? Yup, almost as series as EMCE's post 2 carats up....
Hah.....I wouldn't be caught dead on those court shows....I also wouldn't need a hollywood buddy to get me on them....last time I watched the argument was over a trailer and/or repayment when someone used their government welfare check for something....I have never had to use either of those things soooo....
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 9:16 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 9:12:37 PM
qntmfred retired 40929 Posts user info edit post |
good god y'all jumped all over this thread. must be a slow night on tww 6/16/2009 9:16:13 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114587 Posts user info edit post |
lol jk
but anyway
see your first reply
you stupid bitch ] 6/16/2009 9:17:19 PM
mytwocents All American 20654 Posts user info edit post |
LOL indeed you fucking moron....see the post ^^ here 6/16/2009 9:23:24 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114587 Posts user info edit post |
ilu mytwocents I was jk about you being a stupid bitch
I just thought it would be funny to LOL you 6/16/2009 9:24:24 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
stop being mean to MY twocents ![](images/frown.gif) 6/16/2009 9:27:52 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114587 Posts user info edit post |
I am currently viewing what you did there 6/16/2009 9:28:33 PM
minion Veteran 374 Posts user info edit post |
cheapass 6/16/2009 9:53:36 PM
billytalent Suspended 12909 Posts user info edit post |
send this thread to the trash, terminate mytwocents, and let's all move on 6/16/2009 10:02:48 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Please tell me you're not referring to the 'Do you buy stuff you cant afford' thread..... did you guys REALLY TAKE THAT AS ME BEING SERIOUS?" |
There's no reason not to take it seriously. But I guess now that I know better nobody should ever take anything you say seriously.
[Edited on June 16, 2009 at 10:14 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2009 10:14:40 PM
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
This was an underrated thread. 2/26/2015 10:48:27 AM