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Flyin Ryan
All American
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^ all in the eyes of the beholder ain't it?

All 3 of those words you use can have great philosophical arguments built into them. "Justified" for example there was a former TV drama named that which went into more detail about it, where the protagonist is removed from his previous law enforcement role for believing that his shooting of a criminal was justified for the wrong he had done and caused in society.

Righteousness is a word more rooted in Christian philosophy. And necessity is definitely up for argument.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 1:18 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 1:13:52 PM

1331 Posts
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Racism and police brutality are also matters of personal opinion. You're copping out here by claiming equivalence and not taking a position.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 1:22 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 1:21:17 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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So if there's no big bump in cases in 2 weeks, we can go back to normal, right?

6/1/2020 1:24:39 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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^ I guess

"Thank you right-wing protesters and brick-throwing rioters. You make an excellent control group!"

6/1/2020 1:33:31 PM

1331 Posts
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What a shitty reduction of what's going on.

6/1/2020 1:39:01 PM

All American
38992 Posts
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Quote :
" So if you said last month's protests were done by stupid and bad people, for you to be ideologically consistent, so were the ones from this past week. Yet somehow people that appear to talk on TV will not live by this conundrum. "

last months protests were glorified Trump rallies under the guise of “the economy”

the protests that are currently going on are about the dignity of human beings

quite a huge fucking gap between the two, but way to equate them

6/1/2020 2:21:09 PM

All American
12559 Posts
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The Reopen rally bullshit is more evidence of the unequal treatment rendered on people of color

Weapons, by law, are not allowed at organized protests, which ReopenNC was.

However, a bunch of white rednecks showed up with guns, stood in front of the governor's mansion, and claimed they were not part of the protest, and were not arrested or asked to leave.

if you really want to set them equal, both groups are protesting against injustice. However, one is imagined and one real and documented on camera about once every quarter.

So far I haven't seen any Karens with a knee on their neck while they say they cant breath.

6/1/2020 2:28:46 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
"last months protests were glorified Trump rallies under the guise of “the economy”"

This is an opinion.

Quote :
"the protests that are currently going on are about the dignity of human beings"

This is an opinion.

Quote :
"quite a huge fucking gap between the two, but way to equate them"

This is an opinion.

It's very possible and probably a very sizeable part of the population agree that the protests last month were stupid, the protests this month are stupid, a police officer choking a man to death is wrong, as is tearing up the downtowns of cities from people with zero connection with a pallet of bricks shipped next to City Hall in Baltimore in preparation for a scheduled protest tonight. Again, opinion. But there's a much larger world and nuance than the world right-wing dumbshits and left-wing dumbshits try to portray.

I have a strong problem equating criminal action (or protesting stay-at-home orders) if I do it being wrong becomes okay for individuals when they're protesting some injustice. If I blew up a police car, what would happen to me? Argue this legally like it would be argued in front of a judge. And if you treat this with a bullshit answer, don't act like you're worth 10 cents in a serious discussion on the matter. "Not everyone is blowing up police cars dumbass. It's only a few instances that are blown out of proportion to support the right's worldview." Okay, did you use this line of reasoning on events where the people you're criticizing likewise had only a few extreme actors? If not, how Trumpish of you.

I am so sick and tired of the absolute dumbshits on the left and right and how they are literally burning this country to the ground just so they can get what they want and the other side will lose. I feel sorry for Biden. He's going to win in November, and he's not going to be the answer for all this shit because the left will hate him and the right will hate him, and there's no strong center to propel him upward.

I was actually looking up the New York Draft Riots on Wikipedia last night because on a rugby board I'm on an Irish poster was trolling the British for supporting the Confederacy during the Civil War (it's a board that goes off-topic regularly). I'm a face value poster more or less there since there's so few Americans on a rugby board. Reading his OP I immediately thought about the Draft Riots because 1.) the Irish went and destroyed a ton of black people and businesses and supporters in the middle of those riots, which did start peacefully, as well as the Irish being in the Confederate military due to they were poor and wanted/needed steady pay, and 2.) reading through the Wikipedia article, it's striking how much "rhyme" there was to current events.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 4:09 PM. Reason : /]

6/1/2020 3:58:42 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I have a strong problem equating criminal action (or protesting stay-at-home orders) if I do it being wrong becomes okay for individuals when they're protesting some injustice. Argue this legally like it would be argued in front of a judge. And if you treat this with a bullshit answer, don't act like you're worth 10 cents in a serious discussion on the matter."

Morality isn't dictated by the law. I can't believe this needs to be explained to an adult.

6/1/2020 4:02:19 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Would you consider the actions of Leon Czolgosz moral? Or how about Emma Goldman?

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 4:15 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 4:14:53 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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The vaccine is gonna be delayed until next January to deliver. Then how are we gonna go through this winter? Move to Florida?

6/2/2020 10:40:44 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Posting this ZH article in entirety.

Quote :
"Just hours after Former NY Fed president Bill Dudley made the stunning admission that "the Fed is basically creating a little bit of moral hazard", stunning not because he said what everyone already knew, but because as a former member of the Fed he himself admitted that the Fed has now terminally corrupted capitalism (it should go without saying that there is no such thing as "a little bit" of moral hazard - it's either there, or it isn't, Guggenheim CIO Scott Minerd, who in recent months has emerged as one of the most outspoken financial establishment anti-Fed talking heads (read "We Will Never Return To Free Market Capitalism": Guggenheim's Minerd Warns Fed Is Pushing US Toward A Populist Revolt" for the answer why), appeared on Bloomberg TV and in a tour de force interview explained why the Fed's efforts to stabilize the economy will encourage companies to take on too much risk, inflate a corporate-bond bubble, and ultimately result in a "day of reckoning" for the Fed which will be forced to decide if the US can ever return to its capitalist roots, or will bail out insolvent enterprises in perpetuity, in the process destroying capital markets, price discovery, and laying the foundations for a regime that is anything but capitalist (we leave it up to readers to insert their most hated ideology here).

"It’s going to allow the excessive leverage - which had already been building up into the system coming into this - to continue, and to levels that are completely unprecedented in our history,” Minerd said at a virtual insurance conference Wednesday discussing the Fed's most recent decision to purchase corporate bonds. As a result of the Fed's visible hand, intervention, the risk a bubble in corporate bond markets "will just be extended and become more extreme."

Below are the key excerpts from Minerd's interview which we hope everyone in the Fed and Washington listens to, but we know nobody will:

"We already were at record levels of debt when we got into January of this year. One of my concerns was that when we have a downturn, this highly levered economy of ours was going to lead to more severe pressures on the economy. But now the Federal Reserve has basically eliminated the downside in corporate debt, they've sent the world a 'Buy signal' and we're now putting on record amounts of corporate debt. The leverage is getting even more exacerbated. So the Fed is ultimately going to find itself in a position where it tries to fade out these problems of support for corporate debt it will be a lot like what happened in 2013 when Ben Bernanke first talked about ending QE: there was a tantrum. It's quite likely that the Fed will face that day of reckoning when it tries to slow down asset purchases of corporate debt. And the market will then challenge the Fed where the put is, and I think this is now a permanent feature of the market."

After quoting Milton Friedman who once said that "nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program", Minerd warned that "corporate America is going to become addicted to the Fed providing support. Corporations will take greater risk, that if you don't have a highly levered balance sheet relative to your competitors your equity returns will be punished during business expansions, and so pressures will be on CEOs to continue to increase the amount of leverage especially when the Fed has got a policy of maintaining low rates for extended period of time. So I think that ultimately the Fed will be faced the challenge of whether they allow a day of reckoning, or whether they decide that they just have to continue to provide liquidity to the system until inflation rates pick up to levels that probably will be viewed as unacceptable by most participants in the Fed today."

The Guggenheim CIO then said he expects $1 trillion in bond "fallen angel" downgrades, but pointed out that since the Fed is effectively forcing liquidity, "it removes one of the major causes of default which is the inability to roll debt maturities over. So you have to think that at some point the rating agencies are going to start factoring the implicit support of the Federal Reserve and it will in the longer-run reduce downgrades."

Minerd then addressed the proliferation of zombie companies that the Fed's actions will create, saying that "ultimately it will reduce productivity." And while there may be a side benefit, as the Fed's actions expand the number of jobs "in the short run" but the long-run implication is that it should also cause a period of stagflation, "which we probably won't see the consequences of for another decade or so."

The interview then shifted gears and the Guggenheim CIO address the protests and rioting we are seeing in the streets, a direct byproduct of the unprecedented divide observed in America over the past decade across wealth, income, racial, religious and ideological lines, which just happens to coincide with the Fed's takeover of capital markets as it adopted a "stock markets above all" vision, a perpetuation of the status quo which has led to even greater gains for the 0.1% and which has resulted in catastrophic consequences for everyone else. As Minerd admits, "most of the Fed support is going to major corporations. But the majority of people in our country work for small business and we're going to have a large amount of business failures so as the economy recovery these businesses are not going to be there to create jobs, which will put more pressure more pressure on Congress and policymakers to come up with ways to encourage people to get back to work, to encourage businesses to reopen. Some of these businesses will never come back. In retail for instance, the amount of square footage in the US is about 5 times that of the UK..

... and so the fact that we've had such a glut in some categories like retailing, a lot of that is never coming back and the jobs that are attached to that are not coming back, and we're going to have to retool workers and that is going to be a major policy issues."

When asked at "what point do debt levels matter", or "how far the US can push the US debt capacity", Minerd responded that the "dirty little secret of central banking ultimately the role of the central bank is to finance the government. And so this open-ended financing from the Fed will continue and is going to give a lot of flexibility to Congress to pass additional support programs and some of them may end up being highly disruptive to the capitalist system. I believe we are in the process of altering capitalism in the United States and the free enterprise system has a number of threats on a number of fronts."

Asked to explain what he means by "different capitalism", Minerd said that inequality of all types - racial, income, wealth - all of these are the result of poor planning and programs out of Washington." At this point the Guggenheim CIO struck on the true answer, one which we have been pounding the table on for over a decade, saying that in addition to Washington, inequality has been exacerbated by quantitative easing:

"if you came out of the financial crisis and you had money or assets, the returns you got over the next ten years even exacerbated further the inequality among people who didn't have assets coming out of that crisis. These policies have been fundamentally flawed - they have failed to address the broader issues that Americans face and this is going to result in changes to policies coming out of Washington."

The real question, according to Minerd, is "will the policy changes that are coming out be done in a way that encourages increases in productivity, output and living standards for all Americans, or will it just become a fight for the pie. That is, we need to cut up the pie again and we need to transfer wealth in some mechanism, whether through income or taxation or expropriation. Those sorts of policies have proven not to be very productive and to actually lower living standards over long periods of time."

One look at the streets of America today should give us the answer which of these two futures the country is facing.

As for Minerd, one year ago he admitted that he "had discussions about joining the Fed." Alas, after such blistering - and accurate - insight into why the Fed is at the very root of most of society's problems, we can guarantee the Guggenheim CIO that he will never be allowed into the Marriner Eccles building for as long as the Fed exists."

6/3/2020 10:15:43 PM

All American
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They did a great job blocking flights coming from China.

6/4/2020 9:27:15 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Leaked German government report

German Official Leaks Report Denouncing COVID-19 As "A Global False Alarm"


[Edited on June 4, 2020 at 9:39 AM. Reason : ^^]

6/4/2020 9:37:12 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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George Floyd tested positive for the Rona. Epic crossover!

6/4/2020 9:54:26 AM

All American
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^ really? oh god, that's just going to get the Qtards all salivating.

they already think the two are connected (pandemic a hoax/no virus, and floyd case is a deep state false flag to start a race war to harm trump [he is alive and has a new identity]). boggles me the mental gymnastics and contortions they have to do to come up with those fantastic tales, replete with minute details and all.

6/4/2020 10:14:27 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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6/4/2020 11:11:30 AM

All American
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"so that was his cause of death"

-my redneck FB

6/4/2020 12:07:41 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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6/4/2020 12:19:22 PM

50084 Posts
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Someone help me understand this. This data is clean and good but how do we interpret it? What we’d expect to see in a controlled environment is that as tests go up the Pos% would go down, no? Like happened in NY. This data isn’t showing that in these particular states (ignore Texas — their data is all wonky) yet I’ve seen people cite this exact data from this exact post and say it’s misleading fear-mongering and this so good news. I’m not even disagreeing with those people but what is their reasoning for that.

6/4/2020 1:17:46 PM

All American
846 Posts
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what do you mean? these are all the dumbshits that went to the beach as soon as they were able.

6/4/2020 1:19:54 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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^^ yeah aren't positive tests not the best metric at this point since testing capacity is rapidly increasing? seems like hospitalizations and deaths are more reliable indicators.

6/4/2020 1:28:33 PM

50084 Posts
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Those charts referenced positive test %, not raw positives, which should be scalable. I was under the impression that if spread was being contained (R of <1) and we increased testing then the positive % would go rapidly down and then stabilize. But these charts seem to be showing a stabilization of testing but increasing positive % in most states listed.

6/4/2020 3:32:50 PM

All American
38992 Posts
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some scary hospitalization numbers out today

6/8/2020 1:10:58 PM

Forgetful Jones
147761 Posts
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today is exactly 2 weeks after Memorial Day, seems like some of the vacationers might be showing symptoms

6/8/2020 1:11:57 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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And now we are running out of remdesivir by the end of the month.

6/8/2020 1:57:09 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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Yea, I mean I think the death rate has probably slowed some, but I still don't see the kind of numbers that should warrant everything opening back up.

And Tenet is set to release in theaters in just over a month???

6/8/2020 2:26:17 PM

50084 Posts
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^^^, ^^^^ not that I don’t believe you but do you have a link? I’ve seen AZ but not others yet.

6/8/2020 2:38:16 PM

Forgetful Jones
147761 Posts
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I haven't seen any new numbers, just thinking about the lag from the holiday weekend a couple weeks ago

6/8/2020 3:03:16 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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NC COVID hospitilizations up 75% in the last month

6/9/2020 1:36:14 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Not a good looking graph.

6/9/2020 1:40:49 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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We're over 1000 deaths wooooooo

6/9/2020 1:41:20 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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Where is the best data for nationwide hospitalizations?

6/9/2020 4:24:26 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24768 Posts
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I'm at the beach this week with extended family, and not even the typical redneck beach. People can't be bothered to follow even the most basic precautions to minimize potential exposure. The town set up beach access to be one-way-only on alternating streets so that people wouldn't have to pass one another traveling in opposite directions on a narrow corridor. More people are going the wrong way than the correct way. Hard to tell who is just ignorant and who is flouting the protocols because they are lazy and / or don't care. Solid mix of both, I assume. Pretty depressing, but of course not surprising.

6/10/2020 12:35:33 PM

play so hard
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Apologies if old to you, but this was new to me.

How is that possible?

6/11/2020 6:50:26 AM

40418 Posts
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Kemp gonna Kemp

6/11/2020 7:37:12 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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Record number of hospitalizations in NC yesterday.

Let's keep opening her up!

6/11/2020 8:27:08 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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It's not his fault, it's not like there are any medical experts in Georgia. Certainly not any centralized location of experts on controlling a disease

6/11/2020 8:31:36 AM

All American
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Anyone been going out socially at all? Like downtown Raleigh, etc?

6/11/2020 9:57:13 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Spent time today in R comparing COVID-19 growth in NC with other states.

Here's the rolling average of new cases March-June, per JHU data. Scale is variable for each state, but it's interesting to look at the shape of the curve.

One of these things is not like the other."

[Edited on June 11, 2020 at 10:05 AM. Reason : E]

6/11/2020 10:04:57 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Those numbers are basically useless in a vacuum

6/11/2020 10:51:23 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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6/11/2020 12:52:32 PM

Save TWW
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Texans, cowboys and Houston U football players have tested positive. Might put a kink in sports restart plans.

6/15/2020 1:39:07 PM

All American
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^I mean, have we had a football team, other than apparently UT, in college or the NFL that has started testing and NOT found at least 2-3 positive tests?

I don't think it changes anything, I think it just demonstrates how widespread this is and how integral testing is going to be for sports to resume.

Just wait until the season starts and a high-profile team loses a key player or two for a couple of weeks. You'll literally have COVID destroying betting lines and potentially changing the season for championship contenders.

Also wouldn't shock me to see teams treat this like chicken pox. Just have the entire team get it and be done with it and hope everyone is truly immune after they recover.

6/15/2020 1:47:49 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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Here's the thing, teams won't lose a key player or two to covid, they'll lose the whole team.

Quote :
"Also wouldn't shock me to see teams treat this like chicken pox. Just have the entire team get it and be done with it and hope everyone is truly immune after they recover."

Yeah that's not gonna happen.

6/15/2020 1:49:42 PM

Save TWW
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^^I don't know? Doing a search on espn I see a few more colleges, but those are the first 3 I remember seeing headlines about

^yea didn't some prominent dummy propose that mass immunity thing?

[Edited on June 15, 2020 at 1:52 PM. Reason : E]

6/15/2020 1:51:46 PM

All American
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one small cluster (a team) can easily become a huge cluster (a city) before anyone knows they have it

also, we know enough about Covid to know that it’s really good at attacking the lungs and can easily cause permanent lung damage. teams willingly infecting their players is insane.

[Edited on June 15, 2020 at 1:56 PM. Reason : .]

6/15/2020 1:53:36 PM

All American
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I don't get it. I just don't fuckin get it.

Why are we still promoting opening things up. It sounds like things are worse now than when we first started the lockdown. Have leaders just thrown in the towel on making sure everybody doesn't get it?

6/15/2020 1:57:12 PM

Save TWW
37177 Posts
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Yes. Although that statement implies any of them were trying for that in good faith.

6/15/2020 1:59:23 PM

All American
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I feel like Cooper has genuinely tried to keep the good people of NC safe. But even he seems on board with opening things up. Is he caving for an upcoming election year?

6/15/2020 2:18:55 PM

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