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 Message Boards » » President Biden credibility watch Page 1 ... 30 31 32 33 [34] 35 36 37 38 ... 45, Prev Next  
All American
11464 Posts
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are we seriously looking at Trump v. Biden 2024? Holy hell....

[Edited on July 18, 2022 at 1:52 PM. Reason : 34]

7/18/2022 1:52:29 PM

All American
23091 Posts
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Yea, that's bad. Really bad.

So are we thinking DeSantis is just going to bid is time for a 2028 run? That might be smart on his part, so he doesn't have to contend with Trump's antics in the primary.

But surely Newsom will primary Biden. Surely.

7/18/2022 2:33:23 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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it’s 2022

the amount of things that will change and then change again between now and then is plentiful

it’s always a fools errand to try and guess/handicap a front runner/candidate 2 and half years in advance

7/18/2022 2:46:42 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Fun though

In a depressing frustrating kind of way

7/18/2022 3:56:09 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26813 Posts
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I find it frustrating in a depressing kind of way.

7/18/2022 3:59:04 PM

All American
6603 Posts
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All Biden needs by 2024 is

For inflation to be cut in half
For the price of oil to drop by $30 a barrel
For unemployment to stay below 4%
To avoid the end-of-business cycle recession that has been predicted for the past 5 years
For COVID to disappear
More Batshit SCOTUS rulings
An endless stream of news articles about forced birthing 10 yr old rape victims and preventable deaths from pregnancy complications

And he will be in business. Biden 2024 baby, this train stops for no one!!!!!!!!!!

7/18/2022 6:31:25 PM

All American
42570 Posts
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Quote :
""Palestinian people deserve a state of their own - Biden EVERY FUCKING POTUS""

But nothing will ever happen because perpetually sucking on ZioNazi tits is a prerequisite for being POTUS. Those who aren't can never become POTUS, for example Bernie.

7/19/2022 1:04:16 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Because POTUS has the singular authority to create a Palestinian state?

7/19/2022 6:46:06 AM

All American
42570 Posts
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The POTUS is the only person in the world who can twist the ZioNazi state's arm to make it happen and to implement all the past UN Resolutions that the US voted against of course.

There is no other human who can do it.

And by POTUS I mean his cabinet too. The problem is the whole US political establishment (both sides) perpetually has Israel's dick up its ass (something to do with Christian beliefs) and does not see anything wrong with what Israel has been doing for decades.

Anybody who opposes the Zionist cancer will never get a high position in the establishment, let along become POTUS.


7/20/2022 10:41:21 AM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Aren't you busy celebrating American lives being destroyed? Why should anyone care what you think the American POTUS should do while you root for societal collapse?

7/20/2022 11:24:11 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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All those vaccines and he still got covid

7/21/2022 10:48:33 AM

All American
39582 Posts
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all those vaccines are gonna save his life

7/21/2022 11:25:36 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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or, maybe this is the beginning of The Storm and he's finally been arrested along with all the other traffickers

could be anything really

7/21/2022 12:26:39 PM

14088 Posts
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Quote :
"all those vaccines are gonna save his life"

None of those vaccines protect against Omicron BA5.

7/21/2022 9:55:04 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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It's not optimal, but that's not accurate.

7/21/2022 10:11:00 PM

All American
39582 Posts
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^^ yes, they do

7/21/2022 10:14:06 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26813 Posts
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COVID rebound!

8/1/2022 8:42:11 AM

8132 Posts
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Announcing decision on student loan debt tomorrow

8/23/2022 11:23:34 PM

All American
14327 Posts
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Yay more inflation!

8/23/2022 11:38:03 PM

8132 Posts
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Things already suck, at least I can save 197 and some change per month

8/24/2022 1:24:36 AM

All American
39582 Posts
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^^ I may be forgetting, but why are you against student loan debt forgiveness?

8/24/2022 1:47:13 AM

All American
962 Posts
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i may be forgetting, is the primary argument that most college students have been hoodwinked?

8/24/2022 6:08:43 AM

All American
14327 Posts
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^ and because it doesn’t solve the issue

8/24/2022 7:54:54 AM

All American
962 Posts
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please define "the issue."

8/24/2022 8:44:09 AM

All American
28661 Posts
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Tuition costs?

8/24/2022 9:28:25 AM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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I like it. Doesn't address the core problem but it will help a ton of people.

8/24/2022 12:16:38 PM

All American
23091 Posts
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Because it isn't fair for the 81% of Americans that this won't help to repay a loan someone agreed to take and pay back.

Quote :
"How many households could benefit?
About 19% of households that have total incomes below $125,000 have student loan debt, according to an analysis done earlier this year by Matthew Chingos, vice president of education data and policy at the Urban Institute. He based the estimation on the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances conducted by the Federal Reserve.

That means about 81% of households who earn less than $125,000 a year don’t have student loan debt and would not see a benefit if Biden takes new action.


Fix the core issue - going to college is too goddamned expensive.

What about all those folks that couldn't afford college and didn't want to take out loans? Or folks that wanted to go to school but couldn't get in one, so they settled down with a trade?

But at the end of the day, it's careless to forgive this debt today, when hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to take the same loans out tomorrow. We'll need an annual student loan debt forgiveness program. Also, he made the threshold way too high. He should've capped that shit at 75k or less.

[Edited on August 24, 2022 at 1:18 PM. Reason : adsf]

8/24/2022 1:17:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Obviously the topline $10k-$20k forgiveness is going to get the headlines, but this income-based repayment plan rule will have a big impact for low and middle-income borrowers (especially straight out of college)"

Quote :
"Income-based repayment plans have long existed within the U.S. Department of Education. However, the Biden-Harris Administration is proposing a rule to create a new income-driven repayment plan that will substantially reduce future monthly payments for lower- and middle-income borrowers.

The rule would:
• Require borrowers to pay no more than 5% of their discretionary income monthly on undergraduate loans. This is down from the 10% available under the most recent income-driven repayment plan
• Raise the amount of income that is considered non-discretionary income and therefore is protected from repayment, guaranteeing that no borrower earning under 225% of the federal poverty level-about the annual equivalent of a $15 minimum wage for a single borrower-will have to make a monthly payment.
• Forgive loan balances after 10 years of payments, instead of 20 years, for borrowers with loan balances of $12.000 or less.
• Cover the borrower's unpaid monthly interest, so that unlike other existing income-driven repayment plans, no borrower's loan balance will grow as long as they make their monthly payments-even when that monthly payment is S0 because their income is low."

seems good

[Edited on August 24, 2022 at 1:39 PM. Reason : .]

8/24/2022 1:35:07 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Quote :
"Because it isn't fair for the 81% of Americans that this won't help to repay a loan someone agreed to take and pay back.

Stop looking in your neighbors bowl

8/24/2022 1:55:28 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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The roots of the "issue" as I see it:

1) Because lenders don't have much risk, they'll lend to students that don't have any business in college or to students who are taking on a level of debt that doesn't match the income they're likely to get from their degree program.

2) Many Universities are seeing an excess of demand. So, they either raise costs; create low-overhead degree programs of questionable value which may or may not push students to actually graduate; or you get the "online" universities where most students don't graduate and when they do, the degree just isn't worth much.

3) There's a feedback effect where increased costs lead to increasing debt loads and demand stops being sensitive to cost or even drives more students to lower cost but also lower value schools.

Just make the loans dischargeable in bankruptcy so that lenders will have some skin in the game and put pressure on schools to
- keep costs down;
- not issue overpriced, worthless degrees;
- stop luring in students not likely to graduate who end up with a bunch of debt with nothing to show for it.
Otherwise lenders will keep issuing loans for high-risk students and the resulting excess demand keeps encouraging Universities to raise costs and/or create low-value degree programs to soak up all that demand. Forgiving student debt doesn't fix the broken dynamic above and it risks pissing off enough people to have real electoral consequences. Considering the opposition party's open stance on wanting to dismantle democracy, the full ramifications of these decisions need to be gamed out. There are much more popular and equitable ways to reduce the day-to-day financial stress of citizens.

I think there should also be some transparency about how much a degree is worth. In theory anyway, the people taking on student loans are adults and should have weighed the costs versus the benefits versus the risks of taking on student debt. But, I read an article several weeks ago where journalism students were surveyed about what the expected to make once they graduated and they over estimated entry-level incomes by a factor of 3. There are a lot of people who takes classes but ever finish and there are a lot of people surprised when all they get from $30K in debt and in online degree in "generic business topic" is getting to move from a $14/hour job at Target to a $16/hour clerical office job.

Less people going to college isn't a bad thing. There's too many jobs that require degrees and lots of fields offering well-paying jobs that are begging for labor but traditionally recruit outside the university pipeline.

If the government really wants to shake things up, they should offer a loan/grant programs that will help people relocate out of job deserts.

8/24/2022 2:22:19 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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I'll take your apology now rwoody.

I told you this was likely coming closer to the elections when you kept insisting it wouldn't.

8/24/2022 5:57:49 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Lol sure buddy let me see what I can do, didn't realize you were that upset

8/24/2022 6:08:00 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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We'll just add it to the list of things you were wrong about

8/24/2022 6:13:46 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Rwoody mad about something: bbehe salty

Rwoody happy about something: bbehe salty

Do you have a whiteboard where you keep up with tww points?

8/24/2022 6:26:13 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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Sure do!

8/24/2022 6:42:53 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
" Because it isn't fair for the 81% of Americans that this won't help to repay a loan someone agreed to take and pay back."

There’s a lot of things the government does for people that don’t benefit every single tax paying citizen equally. Fairness isn’t the goal.

8/24/2022 8:15:05 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^^How many points do I have? I think I scored a lot on For All Mankind. Can't wait to discuss Season 4 with you next year, because you know you're going to hate-watch it.

Quote :
"Or folks that wanted to go to school but couldn't get in one, so they settled down with a trade?"

Those folks are doing better than everyone.

8/24/2022 8:44:34 PM

All American
14327 Posts
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^^ so what’s the goal?

8/24/2022 9:09:49 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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You have at least 32 points.

I don't think think this particularly good policy, but Biden is definitely limited to what the Executive can do. I do like the additional money for the Pell grants.

I am happy that some people are getting relief though.

8/24/2022 9:12:29 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26813 Posts
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w00t! I have teh points!

8/24/2022 9:50:40 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
" ^^ so what’s the goal?"

The immediate goal is very clearly to reduce student loan debt on people making less than $125k. Longer terms goals seem to be to make student loans less crippling for futures borrowers. The goal is obvious. Whether it’s right or wrong can be discussed, of course.

It’s fine to disagree with the policy. But the “this isn’t fair because it only benefits this one specific group” argument is really odd considering nearly all government policies don’t equally benefit everybody.

[Edited on August 25, 2022 at 6:41 AM. Reason : A]

8/25/2022 6:40:31 AM

All American
23091 Posts
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I also found out that when you applied through FAFSA, you were automatically assigned a loan servicer. Depending on who you were assigned to, could affect if you even get the forgiveness. For example, I was assigned to College Foundation of NC. Their loans are federally funded, but not federally owned, so there is a good chance what I have won't even be forgiven.

I wonder to how many folks this situation would apply? And if the government is even aware of that particular loophole. The CFNC loans were excluded from the CARES act due to the same "loophole."

8/25/2022 7:55:16 AM

All American
14327 Posts
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^^oh I’m definitely not in the “it’s not fair camp”. My point is truly “what is the goal”. Why didn’t we instead give everyone $10k loan forgiveness on their mortgage? Shelter is higher than education in any heirarchy of needs and mortgage debt can be crippling too. Why do we decide that student loan debt is important enough to spend $300B on? The answer comes down to the root problems which we should also be addressing otherwise this is a costly bandaid that doesn’t even begin to fix anything systemic

8/25/2022 11:24:46 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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tl;dr: life ain't fair.

Anyway, I think what's even more irritating in this debate (reminds me of a tipping debate) is the people who never go to college and brag about having no debt, while also being broke and uneducated trying to shame the people who at least made an effort to go to college and wound up either not finishing, or aren't gainfully employed, and now have a little bit of debt relief. It's really just a glaring reminder of how fucked up our entire education system is, and it's reason #119192111001912929292 why I'm looking to retire from teaching by the end of the year. Good luck Gen Z, some of us tried really, really hard, but Boomers.

[Edited on August 25, 2022 at 12:11 PM. Reason : it's really all the Boomers' fault]

8/25/2022 12:10:03 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Fuck this loan forgiveness. Yet another goddamn wealth transfer.

I’ll still vote for a Dem over Trump, but they continue to make it tougher and tougher against basically any other Republican.

I’m not saying I’ll vote for any (R) besides Trump, either, but the Dems continue to make it much more likely for me to abstain or vote GOP (unless Trump is the nominee).

8/25/2022 12:20:17 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
" Stop looking in your neighbors bowl "

I don’t want to hear a damn thing about “looking in my neighbor's bowl” from anyone in favor of helping themselves to my bowl to pay for their college.

8/25/2022 12:23:35 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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IIRL correctly, aren't/weren't you a Marine? If so, thanks for your service, but if you had crippling student debt afterwards, I question your money management skills.

Do you really think school teachers should take on 50k+ debt while making a shit salary? If so, are you surprised our education system is currently in shambles?

8/25/2022 12:29:44 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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(as someone already mentioned) you could use that "argument" for every single thing that government does. I'd argue that spending on education is the one of the lesser offensive examples.

8/25/2022 12:30:52 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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Quote :
"Why didn’t we instead give everyone $10k loan forgiveness on their mortgage?"

[Laughs in Californian]

8/25/2022 12:35:26 PM

All American
14327 Posts
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This was effectively just a damn lottery, it’s not going to change peoples decision to go get an education or not.

[Edited on August 25, 2022 at 1:01 PM. Reason : .]

8/25/2022 1:00:01 PM

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