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26632 Posts
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Market Restaurant and Grocery is not opening, but apparently the chef from Market is going to whatever is opening in the Rosie's location

Hopefully they can find someone to fill the vacancy in the place on Franklin St.

10/17/2013 11:37:08 AM

All American
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I know its a copy (Atlanta has one perhaps) but it is still a cool building and cranes in downtown will be a welcome sight!

[Edited on October 30, 2013 at 1:05 PM. Reason : .]

10/30/2013 1:04:25 PM

All American
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Construction Cam for Sky House Apartments in Raleigh!

and Houston
and Austin
and Dallas
and Orlando
and Atlanta

10/30/2013 7:08:36 PM

11583 Posts
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in before "I wish it was taller"

10/31/2013 7:13:43 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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I wish it was a baller

10/31/2013 8:19:55 AM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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not enough good looking girls, they'd get some phone calls from me

10/31/2013 9:23:32 AM

All American
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11/7/2013 10:06:55 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Embassy Suites going in at Davie and McDowell where Turn Key Tire was.

11/7/2013 10:17:54 AM

26632 Posts
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Raleigh approves parklets for downtown businesses and community groups

11/7/2013 10:45:18 AM

All American
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Not downtown Raleigh, but not sure where else to put it: Apex, The Peak of Good Living, may be getting a Costco soon depending on how the Planning Board rules tonight. Would be a nice addition for those of us in Southwest Wake.

11/12/2013 4:56:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Embassy Suites going in at Davie and McDowell where Turn Key Tire was."

You know what downtown Raleigh needs? An upscale, or at least interesting, hotel of some sort. I'm trying to book a room for two weekends from now and I've come to the conclusion that the nicest hotel downtown right now is the Marriott, and while the public/common areas may be fairly nice, the rooms are very pedestrian. Standard-issue, rather traditional, Marriott fare. But there aren't really any better choices.
Maybe the Embassy Suites will provide a better experience, but I'm thinking something more modern, or more consciously luxury-oriented, or just *something* that would provide an alternative for someone looking for a more interesting stay. I hate to say it, but look at Chapel Hill--they have the Aloft (not really luxurious, but nice enough, and definitely modern and with a cool vibe to it), the Franklin (more luxurious than anything in DTR), and the Siena and Carolina Inn (traditional luxury). There isn't a property downtown remotely comparable to any of those four. I don't know if there's one anywhere in Raleigh (the North Hills Renaissance might be able to go toe-to-toe with the Franklin on a larger scale, but that's about it).

11/13/2013 3:18:45 AM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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Quote :
"Not downtown Raleigh, but not sure where else to put it: Apex, The Peak of Good Living, may be getting a Costco soon depending on how the Planning Board rules tonight. Would be a nice addition for those of us in Southwest Wake."

That was the one that was supposed to go down in MacGregor Village until the residents of MacGregor Downs found out and pitched a hissyfit.

11/13/2013 8:53:24 AM

All American
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^^Raleigh will soon have an Aloft near the bell tower, and someone bought the clarion with the intention of doing major renovations to the inside. Would be nice to have an upscale hotel sooner than later.

I think there is some sort of Radisson planned near the Amphitheater as well.

[Edited on November 13, 2013 at 1:54 PM. Reason : .]

11/13/2013 1:53:50 PM

All American
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should do a ritz-carlton downtown like Charlotte.

11/13/2013 9:20:23 PM

All American
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11/15/2013 3:51:00 PM

All American
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11/15/2013 3:51:52 PM

All American
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I should probably go to Finch's before anything happens.

11/15/2013 5:01:25 PM

26632 Posts
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They need an at-grade crossing at Peace and Capital, both remaining options are terrible.

11/15/2013 6:45:34 PM

All American
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no they don't. that would cause MORE traffic problems and give less incentive for people to go downtown.

11/15/2013 10:27:42 PM

All American
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At-grade is a fucking terrible idea. I'm not sure the proposed ideas are any better than at-grade, but they certainly aren't worse.

11/15/2013 11:26:44 PM

All American
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Why is at-grade a terrible idea? The next 11 intersections are at-grade, so why would that one being at-grade be such a traffic killer?

11/15/2013 11:53:22 PM

26632 Posts
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with all of the seaboard development its really an urban area now as opposed to a suburban area (suburban in the original sense, not in the exurban sense how it is usually used). an at grade crossing could be designed to be much safer for pedestrians, right now a lot of people refuse to walk from the seaboard area to the glenwood area after dark because of the bridges, and its hard to blame them. an at grade crossing would also benefit the businesses in the area and would help the property on the access roads beside capital.

11/16/2013 8:44:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"At-grade is a fucking terrible idea"

The lack of pedestrian-orientation in urban design is one of the reasons downtowns became so vacant in the past few decades.

That particular section of Peace St. could definitely use pedestrian improvements.

11/16/2013 1:44:35 PM

All American
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^ It really does. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen a pedestrian stranded on one of the islands surrounding the on/off ramps from Peace to Capital because of heavy traffic.

11/16/2013 2:54:56 PM

All American
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yeah, it would be much safer for pedestrians to cross capital blvd than walk under it.

11/16/2013 9:28:18 PM

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pedestrian design isn't only about safety, its also about encouraging pedestrian usage. it could be made just as safe, and much more inviting.

11/17/2013 1:55:07 PM

All American
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I don't think you guys tealiR that Smath is an expert on everything.

11/18/2013 4:58:06 AM

All American
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11/20/2013 10:52:36 AM

All American
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another way to have the Downtown Raleigh Alliance bill the city for a "study"

11/20/2013 11:24:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, it would be much safer for pedestrians to cross capital blvd than walk under it."

This isn't just about safety, it's also about inviting the pedestrian into the space. You'll get more people willing to cross an at grade intersection on foot at night than under a sketchy as hell bridge.

[Edited on November 24, 2013 at 10:48 AM. Reason : -]

11/24/2013 10:46:40 AM

All American
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I understand and don't claim to be an expert on it at all, but the supposed benefits don't add up to me considering the headache that intersection would become with all of the traffic on capital heading to/from downtown, especially since pedestrians can already pass safely under the bridge. (hell, put some more lighting under it if people are really scared to walk under a bridge at night.)

11/24/2013 8:00:09 PM

All American
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But again, how would it become a headache when all of the other intersections downtown are at-grade? Do thousands of cars materialize somewhere between Peace and Lane?

11/24/2013 8:58:09 PM

11583 Posts
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Quote :
"Apex, The Peak of Good Living, may be getting a Costco soon"

this was a troll post

also Smath is a fucking idiot

11/24/2013 9:34:31 PM

All American
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I don't think a bunch of cars materialize between Peace & Lane, but I'm not sure the #1 on/off point for Capital is the best place for an at-grade intersection with a constantly cycling light. Seems to me that it has all of the problems of the current light situation with the added hassle of the large volumes of north/south traffic through the intersection.

And I understand that some pedestrians don't like going under the bridge, but are pedestrians really the #1 concern in that area? Almost everything in the immediate area is industrial with no sign of moving anywhere. Glenwood South has been a thing for ten years and still hasn't shifted/sprawled the single block necessary to start engaging that area.

A safe bike/pedestrian way for people from Five Points to get downtown is a more pressing problem IMO. As it stands, you either have to ride along the narrow, two-lane section of Glenwood north of Peace, or go down through the Fairview neighborhood and cross five active lanes of Wade Avenue to enter downtown at West/Peace.

11/24/2013 11:37:33 PM

All American
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Chicken and egg thing in some ways... As long as that bridge is there nothing will happen in that area.

Ultimately, it will be a missed opportunity. Whatever they build there will be designed to last 50 to 75 years. It won't be long into that time frame before people are looking back and saying wow why did they do it this way? Fewer and fewer places are building urban freeways (and this is more or less an urban freeway project); it seems like more are actively looking at tearing them down in order to revitalize than building new ones. This will be one of those last vestiges of a dying era that slipped in right at the end (kind of like the RBC Center as amongst the final great arena-in-a-field projects) because state DOTs are the most dinosaur of all transportation planning entities.

11/25/2013 12:51:45 AM

All American
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I get the chicken/egg scenario. However, between the freeway (that isn't going anywhere unless they want to redesign the whole north side of the sprawl), the railroad tracks, the in-use industrial, and the weird topography, I can't see that area ever being super pedestrian-friendly no matter what happens.

11/25/2013 1:06:54 AM

All American
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For what it's worth there is a light rail station planned for that area (assuming that actually ever happens). Also, the city does want to redevelop that area. I don't think any of it is marked as industrial in the master plan. They have been actively working to make the west side a park: I think there's a clear disconnect between Glenwood and Mordecai/Oakwood that exists in part because of that freeway. The new bridge plan should improve things no matter what, but I don't think it goes as far as it could with something at-grade.

11/25/2013 3:22:17 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"I get the chicken/egg scenario. However, between the freeway (that isn't going anywhere unless they want to redesign the whole north side of the sprawl), the railroad tracks, the in-use industrial, and the weird topography, I can't see that area ever being super pedestrian-friendly no matter what happens.

the at grade design that was cut would have made it nice, it was a very inviting design

and you only have to look at what is going on in seaboard to see the potential of that area.

11/25/2013 8:46:38 AM

All American
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Quote :

11/26/2013 4:46:16 PM

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cross-post: its a misleading headline, the city is going to put it in the city owned property near Moore Square and not in Moore Square. I posted this a month ago.

11/26/2013 4:59:27 PM

All American
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it is breaking news on WRAL but ok.

11/26/2013 5:05:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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It's almost like WRAL fucked up breaking news

11/26/2013 6:21:58 PM

New Recruit
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personally, pretty interested to see what happens with the charities cooperating again to distribute food with the permission of someone, whether that's the city, or the salvation army or what. I mean, why wasn't the salvation army involved in the first place?

plus, it's interesting to see a food shelter type place spring up downtown when there aren't even any real grocery store alternatives for the area.

11/27/2013 4:10:17 PM

26632 Posts
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The salvation army still operates, they just moved to their brand new facility. The charities do generally work together, in fact the biscuit group was approached by multiple organizations with offers for space (but they wanted to milk the spotlight to get more exposure and donations).

11/27/2013 5:20:09 PM

All American
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12/4/2013 10:04:44 AM

All American
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Interesting article on how the layout of the road system affects different aspects of life.

12/12/2013 1:49:51 AM

All American
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^Good quick read and brings up some interesting points.

It actually inspired me to see if I could be taking public transit to work, and somewhat surprisingly, I could take the bus every day and it would be a reasonable trip (less than an hour, 1 transfer). Might have to give it a try, though the bus system in Richmond is a little sketchy.

12/12/2013 11:11:03 AM

All American
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Once on my strangely regular Google Maps search for the most insane cul-de-sac neighborhoods in America, I found two houses that shared a backyard but were separated by over 3 miles of road.

Nice shout out to Charlotte in that article. The LYNX line has been such a successful model, which makes it even more hilarious when the anti-transit crowd in the Triangle tries to argue that transit can never be feasible in a sprawling southern city.

[Edited on December 12, 2013 at 11:02 PM. Reason : .]

12/12/2013 11:00:10 PM

All American
2390 Posts
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^ Saw that on reddit the other day?

[Edited on December 13, 2013 at 2:00 AM. Reason : 0]

12/13/2013 1:59:43 AM

All American
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Holy hell that's even better

12/13/2013 3:22:22 AM

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