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 Message Boards » » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 36 37 38 39 [40] 41 42 43 44 ... 69, Prev Next  
All American
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^^ police groups generally are more likely to support gun control for that specific reason.

Quote :
"reverse the question; are black people or white people more likely to shoot an officer during an incident?

From 2004 to 2013, blacks accounted for 43% of homicides of LEOs. Adjusting for percentage of the population, that makes a black man about 6 times more likely to kill a cop than a man of any other race. The FBI data includes Hispanics in the white category, so the difference between black and white shootings of LEO is probably even higher.

LOL, so you're saying because of the 11 black people that shot a cop in 2013, hundreds of black people deserve to be shot by cops, and ~40,000,000 black people deserve to be profiled by cops?

for 11 black shooters a year and dropping?

7/21/2016 10:38:34 PM

All American
39457 Posts
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it's pretty funny how consistently wrong he is

7/21/2016 11:04:05 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"Totally not surprised to see that fat fuck eluesis try to justify shooting a guy laying on the ground with his hands up"

totally not surprised to see that dumbass dtownral refusing to acknowledge FBI statistics and pretending that my statement in any way referred on this most recent shooting. I merely demonstrated the failed logic in what Geppetto posted.

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"for 11 black shooters a year and dropping?

Cops across the country are in kneejerk panic mode because of 2 black shooters this month.

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"LOL, so you're saying because of the 11 black people that shot a cop in 2013, hundreds of black people deserve to be shot by cops"

were hundreds of black people shot in unjustified shootings in 2013?

7/22/2016 12:29:39 AM

148791 Posts
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where is synapse to call out moron for his strawman!

7/22/2016 12:38:12 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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Quote :
"No. If you account for violent crime, whites are actually more likely to be shot by a cop.

Sorry, I missed the link to the source of that fact. Please repost it.

7/22/2016 2:45:10 AM

All American
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Quote :
""for 11 black shooters a year and dropping?

Cops across the country are in kneejerk panic mode because of 2 black shooters this month.

Right, that's the problem. It's bad training and poorly controlled selection bias, combined with systemic racism.

Quote :
"were hundreds of black people shot in unjustified shootings in 2013?

Hundreds were shot, there's no way to know whether they were justified or not. I'd argue many of them were likely unjustified, considering the increasing trend of police-involved shootings, combined with a decreasing trend of officers being shot and the decreasing trend of violent crime.

But it's irrelevant... the number of blacks shooting police could literally increase 100x and it STILL wouldn't be enough to justify cops profiling the 40M black americans they're there to serve.

7/22/2016 3:19:11 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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thats the essence of the problem. Finding correlations between skin color and something else and judging people you know nothing about based on the skin color correlation. If you're doing that, you're already racist regardless if the correlation exists or not.

11 people who happened to have black skin shot police officers. end of story.

7/22/2016 9:24:04 AM

26632 Posts
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i'm curious in what way any of this is even relevant to this caretaker getting shot, dude is an idiot

7/22/2016 9:27:40 AM

balls deep
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1. The police are so goddamn horrible at dealing with disabled people. The reason for that is the use of compliance policing, where the police give an order and any non-compliance is a green light to escalate the use of force. But with disabled people, the police are essentially telling them to not be disabled temporarily, else face the consequences. The caretaker in this situation, though he took a bullet, most likely saved two peoples lives. He should be celebrated as a hero.

2. The pervasive thought I keep having is if this happened on camera, just imagine all of the crap that happens off camera. Imagine what narrative would have been peddled if there were videographer evidence in this case.

7/22/2016 10:04:58 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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No, only police are heroes. #bluelivesmatter #alllivesmatter

7/22/2016 10:27:16 AM

All American
11446 Posts
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Quote :
"more white people are shot by cops each year"

Quote :
"black people need to obey officer's commands"




7/22/2016 10:41:11 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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Are male or female people more likely to shoot an officer during an incident?

In 2013, males accounted for 93% of homicides of LEOs. Adjusting for percentage of the population, that makes a man about 13 times more likely to kill a cop than a person of any other sex.

7/22/2016 11:58:37 AM

5608 Posts
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^ So society is SEXIST and men are victims #LiberalLogic

I love watching the SJWs scramble to use strawman arguments and insults in response to statistics.

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At some points cops should push for more gun control, right? I've never understood why cops are so adamant about gun rights when its a big reason why they fear for their lives. If guns were restricted wouldn't they be more at ease? The police chief in Cleveland wanted to suspend open carry rights to make their jobs easier. Isn't it common sense?

Legally carrying citizens aren't what worry cops. Just look at Chicago... all that gun control sure stops gangs from killing each other with illegal weapons, right? Common sense.

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"11 people who happened to have black skin shot police officers. end of story."

"Don't talk to me about sample size or perspective, I've cherry picked the rare cases that align to my narrative and don't care about your statistics. (At least you're being open about your ignorance)

7/22/2016 12:03:06 PM

26632 Posts
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It's not that simple. There is no if you have A do B. There are too many variable in a given situation. Who called? What was their motivation? What information did they give? Was it anonymous? Has something like this happened before? Do we know the person they are calling about? Is this an open carry situation? Is this a baby's momma drama? Did that caller just buy duds (fake drugs) from this person? All of those questions play into how you handle a situation. Without them, there is no context, no way to determine reasonable suspicion or probable cause or shit even community care taking. Its not black and white, and no scenario is exactly the same and can be trained for.

7/22/2016 12:14:29 PM

balls deep
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The police in Dallas the other week were saying how much they wished law abiding citizens weren't walking around with their guns. A sentiment echoed by other police departments, giving the reason that it is very hard to figure out who the bad guy is when everyone has a gun.

People who bring up Chicago in a gun control debate are being intentionally obtuse. They are willfully ignoring the reality that without national gun control, local efforts are easily thwarted. Chicago is the perfect example. About 15 fucking feet outside of Chicago city limits are very profitable, and heavily visited gun stores that don't abide by Chicago's gun laws.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 12:25 PM. Reason : J]

7/22/2016 12:23:26 PM

All American
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Even the people on here that aren't SJWs think this JCE guy is a joke. Although I realize that he thinks that anybody who doesn't agree with him is a SJW (just like he thinks that SJWs call everybody "racist" that disagree with them). Hypocritical joke.

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"Just look at Chicago... all that gun control sure stops gangs from killing each other with illegal weapons, right? "

Totally retarded logic.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 12:25 PM. Reason : ]

7/22/2016 12:23:46 PM

All American
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Not a shooting, but has video:
Quote :
"While authorities had already looked into a resisting arrest case, the media request brought up another controversial issue when it discovered video of another officer, who was transporting the woman to jail, making offensive statements about black people. Acevedo said police knew nothing about Officer Patrick Spradlin’s comments until they saw the video just a few days ago.

Both of the officers, who are white, are on desk duty, Acevedo said. The District Attorney is conducting a criminal investigation."

7/22/2016 12:24:59 PM

All American
10766 Posts
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what i want to know is why the hell we accept that its somehow the job of a policeman to drive around fucking with non violent people for 8hrs a day. i dont care if the tag is expired or what plants he has in the car. leave us the hell alone. if we need you, we will call you

7/22/2016 12:27:26 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"what i want to know is why the hell we accept that its somehow the job of a policeman to drive around fucking with non violent people for 8hrs a day. i dont care if the tag is expired or what plants he has in the car."

You think people would actually bother to pay vehicle taxes or get emissions/safety inspections if there was no one around to enforce them?

7/22/2016 2:05:38 PM

All American
11919 Posts
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Quote :
"It's funny how big Country tried to argue that there isn't racism in criminal justice by showing a graph that provides further evidence of racism in the criminal justice system. He doesn't understand that though."

I am not arguing that there is no racism in law enforcement. I am just stating that the cops are probably quicker to pull the trigger when dealing with black people because of the fact that they commit more crimes that toss them in prison. Blacks out numbering whites in prison by that much isn't racism, it is just facts. That is the same reason people lock their car doors when driving through the mostly black slum areas of cities.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2016 2:24:04 PM

26632 Posts
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Are you able to understand how this is a self-feeding circle, and how using those stats to justify disproportionate action is circular reasoning?

7/22/2016 2:25:51 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Quote :
"Blacks out numbering whites in prison by that much isn't racism, it is just facts."

you seem to be missing the point that, yes, it is a fact that black outnumber whites in prison. but that doesn't necessarily mean they're committing more crimes. it could mean that cops patrol black neighborhoods more, pull over more black people or stop them in the streets, and the justice system is more likely to sentence them to jail time than whites. there's a lot of factors you're not taking into account with your "facts".

7/22/2016 2:30:49 PM

All American
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^^It's not circular reasoning. As the graph shows, there are way more black people in jail per 100,000 even though there are fewer black people than white people in America. In theory there should be fewer black people in jail if there are less of them here. Someday when the percentages equal out, you might not see so many of these cop shootings. I think the cops are a little more on edge around blacks because of the higher crime rates.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 2:49 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2016 2:48:14 PM

All American
10766 Posts
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Quote :
"You think people would actually bother to pay vehicle taxes or get emissions/safety inspections if there was no one around to enforce them?"

you could enforce that without pulling people over. just put a lien on the title

7/22/2016 3:06:14 PM

26632 Posts
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^^so let me try to give an extreme example to try to explain why this is circular reasoning

let's pretend that you are a cop and you saw those statistics that more black people are in jail and (incorrectly) decided that was because they committed more crime. because of this fact that you learned, you decide to concentrate your enforcement in black areas, and only stop and frisk black people because they are more likely to be committing a crime. let's say that you start making more arrest and continue and extend that policy until you are only ever stopping black people.

at the end of this exercise you would have a statistic that showed that 100% of people arrested were black people.

in this thought exercise, can you understand why deciding from that 100% factor that black people committed all of the crime would be a false conclusion? Can you see how the fact that 100% of people arrested are black is a result of your targeted enforcement of only black people? Can you understand that in this example it would be a bad conclusion to say that white people don't commit crime?

i understand that this is an extreme example, and maybe that will trip you up, but can you understand how this is circular reasoning?

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2016 3:08:30 PM

4373 Posts
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lol at this fucking guy

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 3:09 PM. Reason : big4]

7/22/2016 3:08:46 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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lol, this guy indeed

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 3:14 PM. Reason : trump supporter]

7/22/2016 3:09:27 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"let's pretend that you are a cop and you saw those statistics that more black people are in jail and (incorrectly) decided that was because they committed more crime"

Incorrectly? For any crime with hard data behind it (murders, killing cops for example) that certainly seems to be the case. Sorry the statistics don't support your subtle, baseless implication that the disparities are racist.

Until SJWs can actually address these facts, actual conversations on the problems and solutions can't take place, naturally though that's the point for liberals. Division and government dependence is the goal, not actually fixing anything.

7/22/2016 3:32:51 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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lol, and this guy. at least eulusis and big4Country take you seriously.

7/22/2016 3:34:56 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Systematic bias is ILLEGAL, liberal morons. There is no evil "racist society" trying to prevent you from succeeding. Your personal choices matter infinitely more than the melanin content of your skin.

If the dead suspect was white we wouldn't even be discussing it. #BlackPrivilege

If the cop murdered someone, that is police brutality and he should be tried. If the cop felt his life was in danger, then he did is job. That is the discussion. Why bring up race?

What does the melanin content of someone's skin have to do with this issue? Nothing. Unless you are a brainwashed liberal or a member of the race-baiting media, in which case all black people are victims and we look at race before we look at facts. #IStandWithTheNarrative #Victims #HuffingtonPost

7/22/2016 3:36:23 PM

5608 Posts
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^^ Posters who use personnel insults and spam in response to statistics? What makes you think you're taken seriously?

7/22/2016 3:49:30 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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It takes a special kind of stupid to bring up race at one end of the spectrum “Why did the cops shoot a black guy” and then ignore it at every other level that leads up to the shooting. It is deliberate ignorance. Until liberals aren’t scared to address these root causes, until liberals stop telling minorities they are helpless victims, these factors disproportionately harming minorities will continue to do so leading to cops disproportionately having violent interactions with them.

The worst part is, morons like yourself try to silence actual dialogue on the subject by making baseless accusations of racism as seen above. So not only does liberalism perpetuate the victim mentality in minorities, not only does liberalism turn a blind eye to the root causes of minority problems, it also tries to stop any discussion on how to fix these root problems by deeming anyone outside of the echo chamber a racist.

7/22/2016 3:52:39 PM

5608 Posts
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I'm capable of speaking about a disagreement without sounding like a child. How many Posters ITT can say the same?

Come on guys, you're in your thirties!

7/22/2016 3:57:56 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Actually there are way more racists out there, I am sure, if you account for the new definition of 'Racist', as established ITT:

Racist (noun):

Anyone who questions, critiques, or counters a belief from a Social Justice Warrior on TWW.


"Rather than discuss the exclusion of non-race factors from a study I posted, I realized I could show everyone how right I was by just calling the other person a racist".

7/22/2016 4:05:33 PM

26632 Posts
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Big4 just seems like he doesn't know any better, that maybe it's possible for him to understand of someone explains it better. I view him differently than the others who are just angry racists

7/22/2016 4:07:12 PM

5608 Posts
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SJWs angry that society isn't racist ITT

7/22/2016 4:27:30 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"I am just stating that the cops are probably quicker to pull the trigger when dealing with black people because of the fact that they commit more crimes that toss them in prison. Blacks out numbering whites in prison by that much isn't racism, it is just facts. "

That is prejudice. Racism would be incorrectly linking the correlation between skin color and being in prison to a causation that the skin color makes them more likely to commit a crime.

The black people police are dealing with have nothing to do with the black people who have been previously arrested. Making these sorts of correlational links is the essence of racism. Its what racist stereotypes and prejudices are all based on. You are trying to make a behavioral link to skin color which is not scientifically valid at all and that is why its so wrong and offensive.

A black boy playing in a park has nothing to do with gangs who happen to also be black. Its a shame that we can't provide the basic level of education required to not be racist to our entire population.

All skin color based correlations are a result of and not justification for racist policies.

Quote :
"If the cop murdered someone, that is police brutality and he should be tried. If the cop felt his life was in danger, then he did is job. That is the discussion. Why bring up race? "

You are correct in stating that wrong is wrong regardless of race but it is only your white privilege that allows you to see the world for what is wrong or right and not think about race. It would be nice if everyone could live in a world and look at 30 individual cases of injustice against people who happen to have dark skin as 30 injustices but we live in a society that is historically, systemically racist against people with dark skin so given that context, each case brings up the broader theme.

Its all about context. If a paint a swastika in a small village in india, it has a much different meaning than painting a swastika in a jewish community in germany. If you eliminate the oppression of jews in germany from history, the swastika in the jewish neighborhood in germany suddenly becomes a non-event.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 4:33 PM. Reason : historical context is everything]

7/22/2016 4:27:58 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"All skin color based correlations are a result of and not justification for racist policies.

Right, like how welfare caused the black single motherhood rate to skyrocket. Glad we agree

7/22/2016 4:33:00 PM

26632 Posts
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Incorrectly? For any crime with hard data behind it (murders, killing cops for example) that certainly seems to be the case. Sorry the statistics don't support your subtle, baseless implication that the disparities are racist.

Until SJWs can actually address these facts, actual conversations on the problems and solutions can't take place, naturally though that's the point for liberals. Division and government dependence is the goal, not actually fixing anything.

7/22/2016 4:58:11 PM

5608 Posts
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Sorry about the statistics, SJW. My condolences

7/22/2016 5:43:46 PM

All American
11919 Posts
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Quote :
"That is prejudice. Racism would be incorrectly linking the correlation between skin color and being in prison to a causation that the skin color makes them more likely to commit a crime.

The black people police are dealing with have nothing to do with the black people who have been previously arrested. Making these sorts of correlational links is the essence of racism. Its what racist stereotypes and prejudices are all based on. You are trying to make a behavioral link to skin color which is not scientifically valid at all and that is why its so wrong and offensive."

Exactly, call it whatever you want, but I think the higher crime rate in some black areas makes cops a little more on edge sometimes around them. Thus OH SHIT!!!! BLACK PEOPLE!!!! BANG...BANG...BANG...BANG...BANG!!!!!!!! I heard something like 52% of murders are committed by black people and there are more than 2 races in the USA. I think the cops might calm down a little someday, if the crime rate in the black communities across the nation drops at least a little.

7/22/2016 6:35:42 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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or they could just stop being racist

7/22/2016 6:47:24 PM

5608 Posts
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A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be murdered by a black man than vice versa.

Cops killed twice as many white people as black people in 2015, despite black people accounting for 62% of robberies, 57% of murders, and 45% of assaults (while being ~13% of the population).

12% of homicide deaths for Whites and Hispanics are the result of police officers, while police officers cause only 4% of homicide deaths for blacks.

7/23/2016 6:30:08 PM

All American
11446 Posts
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And that makes it OK for cops to be afraid of all black people.

Damn scary!

7/23/2016 9:24:31 PM

148791 Posts
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Does BLM ever get hung ho and protest black on black killings (not committed by black cops)? legit curiosity

7/23/2016 10:10:15 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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thats not what that movement is about. they focus on killings at the hands of law enforcement.

[Edited on July 23, 2016 at 10:19 PM. Reason : k]

7/23/2016 10:17:52 PM

148791 Posts
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I guess that makes the name a little more confusing then.

7/23/2016 10:48:50 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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yeah the name is really bad anyway. #blacklivesshouldmatterjustasmuchasotherlivesaccordingtothewaythejusticesystemrespondstothemurderofunarmedciviliansatthehandsoflawenforcement

but that prolly would've never caught on

7/23/2016 11:13:30 PM

All American
42553 Posts
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(the ones killed by cops)

how about that as an alternative?

7/24/2016 12:01:49 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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You have to be stupid or intentionally contrary to think that members of a cause automatically dont care about other causes. Its like saying people wearing pink dont care about prostate cancer patients


[Edited on July 24, 2016 at 12:45 AM. Reason : K]

7/24/2016 12:44:55 AM

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