0EPII1 All American 42553 Posts user info edit post |
That's not what I think... I was just being facetious in the same vein as your post above mine.
[Edited on July 24, 2016 at 1:04 AM. Reason : ] 7/24/2016 1:03:31 AM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Just because this particular movement is only addressing those lives at the hands of cops doesn't somehow insinuate that other black Lives don't matter 7/24/2016 3:21:24 AM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be murdered by a black man than vice versa.
Cops killed twice as many white people as black people in 2015, despite black people accounting for 62% of robberies, 57% of murders, and 45% of assaults (while being ~13% of the population).
12% of homicide deaths for Whites and Hispanics are the result of police officers, while police officers cause only 4% of homicide deaths for blacks." |
Quote : | "And that makes it OK for cops to be afraid of all black people." |
If you read any of those statistics, it would suggest cops are afraid of white people more given they are shot more and account for less violent crimes. But hey, we all know statistics and reality can't fix a victimhood complex. Tweet those hashtags and protest that vague scapegoat of "Societal racism" because you're OPPRESSED!7/24/2016 10:33:53 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
And that makes it OK for cops to be afraid of all white people.
Damn white people....you scary!
[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:43 AM. Reason : ] 7/25/2016 7:41:47 AM |
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
Statistically speaking most non LEO killings are perpetrated between people of the same race. So your arguments about black-on-black crime are flawed and make you look pretty stupid. 7/25/2016 9:09:36 AM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Statistically speaking most non LEO killings are perpetrated between people of the same race. " |
Right, and what's your point?
Quote : | "So your arguments about black-on-black crime are flawed and make you look pretty stupid." |
? Not sure that refutes or changes anything I said.
Also, nuh-uh, ur stupid7/25/2016 12:41:20 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not claiming stereotyping, racial profiling, or racism don't exist, I'm claiming the masses are prone to jump on the outrage bandwagon and scream RACISM based purely off a minority "victim" and white "aggressor" without any evidence or facts. This is what happens when people turn off their brains, and are spoonfed the liberal narrative of "oppressed victims". It's actually effective though because joining the outrage bandwagon gives you a sense of moral superiority, because you view yourself as a righteous social justice advocate sticking up for the little guy, whereas anyone that says you are overracting... well, they must be an intolerant racist bigot, right???
This false narrative is actually dangerous though. It only causes division, "us vs them", and "fuck the police" attitudes. False narratives like "hands up dont shoot" or "evil cops harass brown muslim boy because they are racist" trick uneducated people to actually believe the narrative is real. Even amoung college educated individuals, you have utter "morons" saying things like: 7/25/2016 12:50:49 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
People get so desperate trying to be social justice warriors defending the "oppressed victims" that we have "morons" comparing 2015 American society to slavery and Japanese internment camps. We have morons, that get "racial tunnel vision", and are absolutely blind to any factor but race. They only look for instances of whites hurting minoritites and then the outrage sets in. Michael brown robbed a store, fought a cop, was black and got shot by a white cop. Jackpot, cue cries of racism and outrage. Facts? What are those? The "Hands up don't shoot" never happened, but we only care about the narrative. Sure, that briefcase clock would never make it in a plane or government building, but because the islamaphobia angle comes into play, cue prayer vigils and tweets from liberal politicians.
Kids of any race/religion do far less and get suspended without any outrage, but because the divisive racial angle can be exploited politically, and because outrage culture is a mob-mentality of feels over reals, we have the narrative of "mosques being burned and muslims attacked in the USA" from Moron. How many mosques have been victims or arson since 9/11? 1? Wait a minute, that fact doesn't support your false narrative of oppressed victims. 7/25/2016 12:51:22 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
At the root of the hashtag semantics argument is violent black crime.
If you want to apply the race filter to police brutality, then you have to apply it to both sides of the same coin. To deliberately turn a blind eye to the crime disparity, while screaming "racism" about the brutality disparity (as #BLM AND our Potus do For political leverage) is dishonest, divisive, and despicable.
Thats why #BLM is divisive, not because of the racially exclusive wording alone, but because it splits America in two. Not necessarily white vs black as much as narrative vs fact. 7/25/2016 2:01:36 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
I have statistically proven #BLM is bullshit. The SJW ilk have reverted to their spambot forms. I haven't seen a leftist clickbait link from them in days. #Victory #RIP #SJWs 7/25/2016 2:43:07 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
congrats. here's a cookie. 7/25/2016 2:46:26 PM |
Bullet All American 28541 Posts user info edit post |
LOL, dude is deranged 7/25/2016 2:51:38 PM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
There is not a crime disparity and your handpicked stats that have been crafted and presented in a way to fit your argument don't prove shit.
[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 5:34 PM. Reason : that moment when synapse and JCE become indistinguishable from one another. ] 7/25/2016 5:33:40 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
^ You deny there is a violent crime disparity by race?
You accuse me of "handpicking" statistics? It's common knowledge that black people commit vastly disproportionate amounts of violent crime, it just isn't popular to discuss.
Also don't forget the #BLM doesn't even "handpick" statistics, they "handpick" a few viral videos and act as if anecdote is representative, while having the ignorance/intellectual dishonesty to act as if more black victims is racist, while ignoring more black violent crime. Which, as you said:
Quote : | " don't prove shit" |
But, if you are denying well-known facts that are readily available, naturally you don't really care about inconvenient things like "statistics" "facts" or "reality", they tend to not sit well with the #BLM types.7/26/2016 12:57:44 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
t takes a special kind of stupid to bring up race at one end of the spectrum “Why did the cops shoot a black guy” and then ignore it at every other level that leads up to the shooting. It is deliberate ignorance. Until liberals aren’t scared to address these root causes, until liberals stop telling minorities they are helpless victims, these factors disproportionately harming minorities will continue to do so leading to cops disproportionately having violent interactions with them.
The worst part is, morons like yourself try to silence actual dialogue on the subject by making baseless accusations of racism as seen above. So not only does liberalism perpetuate the victim mentality in minorities, not only does liberalism turn a blind eye to the root causes of minority problems, it also tries to stop any discussion on how to fix these root problems by deeming anyone outside of the echo chamber a racist. 7/26/2016 1:06:40 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
JCE: I know racism exists, I just can't tell you where it is. #ALM (but not really)
[Edited on July 26, 2016 at 3:19 PM. Reason : ] 7/26/2016 3:18:34 PM |
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
ay JCE2011 this whole fuckin' year done run out my patience for you and your mouthbreathing ilk, boy
get fucked, eat shit, and die in general
y'all stop engaging his stupid ass 7/26/2016 3:22:41 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "JCE: I know racism exists, I just can't tell you where it is. #ALM (but not really)" |
Statistics > Anecdote Reality > Narrative
Any event with a black victim = racism. Emotional, viral, anecdote > Statistical reality7/26/2016 10:35:41 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
I believe that stats often used to suggest discrimination based on race never account for wealth. I think wealth is much more relevant to an individual’s tendency to commit crime, and thus more relevant to a cop’s tendency to discriminate/stereotype.
If you are only looking for victims and racism, you obviously don’t care about other factors regardless of how relevant they are. That’s why we have a selfie of Chris Rock getting pulled over, used as evidence for “pulled over for being black”. The media takes the narrative and runs with it, liberals think it is evidence, and nobody asks “was he speeding?”.
A better question, does the race-baiting article spamming like that help the situation, or further decrease trust between cops and minorities, and add to the “Fuck that police” mindset of hood culture? Body cameras on cops and increased accountability are good, but saying “Look millions of followers, I am black and got pulled over, probably racism” is not. 7/26/2016 10:40:56 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Nice strawman
http://www.gawker.com7/26/2016 10:45:00 PM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
^^ we've been over this bro. the studies have been posted at least 5 times in this thread. 7/26/2016 10:52:22 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
My first question would be did the study account for prior crimes, severity, etc? It doesn't mention any of those factors.
As with any study there is often an omitted variable bias that you have to consider, so I always take these with a grain of salt. As we have seen from "studies" ITT, most don't control other variables and simply point to a disparity as proof of racism... especially when there is a clickbait incentive to have a racist headline. 7/26/2016 11:10:12 PM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
identical profiles were used in all of the studies. the only difference was either a black person, name, hand in a picture or race identification was used to produce negative results. racial bias exists everywhere and to think somehow the professions of law enforcement are immune is naive.
[Edited on July 26, 2016 at 11:52 PM. Reason : la] 7/26/2016 11:52:17 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
The problem is the year is 2015 and social justice warriors have run out of things to "fix" so now we are chasing vague scape goats that don't exist anymore, using clickbait headlines to spread outrage and elicit emotional responses to rare non-representative incidents rather than referencing statistics and reality (you know, the things that show that America is a pretty awesome place for everyone regardless of race). 7/26/2016 11:54:55 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
but srsly...if you recognize racism exists, what are some examples? 7/27/2016 9:10:29 AM |
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/freddie-gray/bs-md-ci-miller-pretrial-motions-20160727-story.html 7/27/2016 10:24:04 AM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Racism on an individual level, like Ferguson cop emails, or the dallas cop killer.
Racism through unconscious bias and stereotyping, i.e. resume name test.
My main point is that racial disparity of outcome =/= racial disparity of opportunity, until you can account for the non-race factors. The left does this 24/7, referencing a disparity and then claiming it is proof of "victimhood" and a vague scapegoat of "societal racism" is to blame. 7/29/2016 12:33:28 PM |
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
7/29/2016 1:44:48 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42553 Posts user info edit post |
not a shooting, but did not want to make a new thread
would be curious to know how people feel about this... internet opinion is divided, with many saying she got what she deserved for disrespecting the officer, while others say she had a right to call for additional police presence. 8/5/2016 4:20:13 AM |
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
I'm about as anti-cop as they come, but this woman is an idiot. That wasn't excessive force in any way that I could see and she was clearly resisting when he decided to cuff her. Had she stayed in her car and just handed the officer her license none of this happens.
There's arguments that crossing over a line is just a pretext to pull someone over, which is sometimes the case, but yes, you do have to provide your license when requested if you're driving. 8/5/2016 4:57:03 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89855 Posts user info edit post |
Her charge was resisting arrest at the end of the day. This is going to go to court, and the judge is going to ask the cop " ok, what was her charge before resisting arrest? " to which, the policeman will have no answer.
Then the charges will be dropped. 8/5/2016 10:11:43 AM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
fucking pig 8/5/2016 10:39:52 AM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ok, what was her charge before resisting arrest? " to which, the policeman will have no answer. " |
Won't it be failing to provide her license while operating a motor vehicle yada yada? Is that not an arrestable offense?
Quote : | "White was charged with resisting, ABC 13 said, for allegedly refusing “to provide identification and obey lawful orders.”" |
Police chief - "The lesson learned was that we could have been more patient and waited until someone got there who she might have been more comfortable with."
[Edited on August 5, 2016 at 12:12 PM. Reason : I'd like to see more video, but it sounds like she declined to provide identification]]8/5/2016 12:04:12 PM |
EMCE balls deep 89855 Posts user info edit post |
There is also precedence that says just because someone isnt complying as quickly as an officer would like doesn't mean that they're resisting arrest. 8/5/2016 12:20:38 PM |
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
i like how her response was to ask for more police but no ones talking about how rude the 911 was during her emergcency. "ill transfer you". LOL. she was lucky to get a "resisting arrest" officer and not a "reaching for my gun" officer. 8/5/2016 1:11:04 PM |
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
she was requesting the "reaching for my gun" officer on the 911 call; the arresting officer likely realized that he better get this crazy woman in handcuffs before backup arrived and shot her. 8/5/2016 1:32:30 PM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
No SJW discussion about the laughable "demands" from #BLM?
Come on guys, we need free shit because there is a "War on black people suspects resisting arrest."
8/5/2016 2:48:09 PM |
Bullet All American 28541 Posts user info edit post |
Your crazy rants have devolved to "Why aren't you guys talking about this?"
Deranged 8/5/2016 2:51:05 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Just sayin... I saw where the crazy train was going way before ya'll hopped off.
I guess it's easy to tweet your hashtags and feel good about yourself but it isn't that easy to actually defend such race-baiting stupidity when it reveals its true nature. Just like the Mizzou race hoax, I guess the SJWs will shut up about it now? 8/5/2016 3:40:08 PM |
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
does it ever fuck you up to think that if there actually was some kind of race war i would definitely be trying to kill you 8/5/2016 3:42:06 PM |
Bullet All American 28541 Posts user info edit post |
^^i take it that you don't see how crazy you are for constantly trying to address all "SJWs" on TWW? And constantly creating strawmen that you then argue against? You do realize there's only about two or three people on here who actually read and respond to your posts?
[Edited on August 5, 2016 at 3:56 PM. Reason : ] 8/5/2016 3:55:24 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39457 Posts user info edit post |
the quotes from the cops, man. 8/5/2016 4:54:14 PM |
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
it's amazing that cop didn't get ran over when he hopped out of his car. If the fatal shot came from the two seconds between him trying to run over a cop and him running into the second cop car, then fuck him. It sounds like he gets shot while running through people's back yards though, in which case fuck him and fuck the cops. 8/5/2016 11:23:24 PM |
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Great police work, I hope anyone that steals someone's car and almost runs over police gets shot dead. Even if they have black colored skin. 8/6/2016 4:27:29 AM |
rwoody Save TWW 38011 Posts user info edit post |
This one went a little different
http://pilotonline.com/news/local/hour-barricade-in-norfolk-ends-peacefully-police-say/article_344f7576-34b6-5104-a52b-3f80acf8d109.html 8/6/2016 9:38:01 AM |
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "it's amazing that cop didn't get ran over when he hopped out of his car. " |
after watching the video of the other cop in the car with him, it's amazing he didn't get shot by his dumbass partner.
8/6/2016 6:44:16 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 1:39 PM. Reason : she shouldn't have been acting like a victim. #ALM] 8/10/2016 1:37:52 PM |
dmspack oh we back 25817 Posts user info edit post |
jesus christ.
Quote : | "The officer involved, who has not been identified, has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. " |
but, what really will the investigation reveal? "whoops we thought it wasn't loaded"8/10/2016 1:43:12 PM |
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
...at which time, Trump pops out and yells at the gun "You're fired!" 8/10/2016 3:29:31 PM |