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326 Posts
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Huh. That's strange. Let me look into it.

1/25/2008 7:36:37 PM

All American
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well if in the mean time it somehow goes over 3000, i was on when it still was open trying to get it to work

1/25/2008 7:37:23 PM

All American
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I'm really excited about the race tomorrow. I hope it all goes well and isn't too cold.

1/25/2008 7:38:52 PM

All American
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r u kidding me

it closed while i was trying to register


1/25/2008 7:47:35 PM

147487 Posts
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haha why did you freaking wait til now to register you band wagon "i'm gonna do it cause everyone else is doing it" type person

i registered when there was only like 1200 people

i get a cookie cause i'm special

1/25/2008 7:49:53 PM

326 Posts
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Sorry JT3bucky. There is a chance there might be some openings tomorrow morning if you get there early. Check the registration area by the Belltower tomorrow.

This is why we've always encouraged people to sign up early.

1/25/2008 7:50:46 PM

All American
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^^ I've been in Atlanta not near a computer doing job interviews and havent had time

some people cant be on here all the time

and is this limited to 3000 INCLUDING the people that are just sponsors and not even running?

if so...thats kinda lame

1/25/2008 7:52:30 PM

147487 Posts
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so this is a pretty big turnout eh? i mean a typical 5k probably doesnt even have this many people i'd guess...3000 people all pretty much from ncsu running in the same direction is gonna be nuts...i bet there will be at least 300 cheaters(only 1 in 10 runners)

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 7:53 PM. Reason : ^dude what the fuck ever...check how old the thread glad they went past 2900 people neways]

1/25/2008 7:52:33 PM

147487 Posts
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ok i'm not trying to get into a pissing match...i just find it kind of untactful that you'd whine about registration closing, when you could have done it way in advance...then you say some "i cant be on here all the time"


last 50 posts go back to the like 15th

1/25/2008 7:54:37 PM

All American
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no money in my bank account at that time

keep trying tho, you obviously know my story so well

1/25/2008 7:55:28 PM


15145 Posts
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oh man, i didn't know they were going to close it at 3000.

i'm still planning on picking up the stuff at the belltower tomorrow, i hope it's not crazy by the time i get there :-/

So the final number this year is going to be exactly 3000, fun. Does that include all those who registered in the brickyard and stuff?

1/25/2008 7:57:43 PM

147487 Posts
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^^oh my god

even my broke ass has 15 dollars...

i dont have to try when you say stuff like that..

1/25/2008 8:00:01 PM


15145 Posts
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i completely run out of money all the time myself

1/25/2008 8:10:10 PM

326 Posts
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JT3Bucky, I know you are disappointed. To provide some context for you.

2004: 12 people
2006: 140 people (first time publicized and first time doing it for charity)
2007: 1370 people
2008: 3000 people

This entire event is organized and put on by your fellow NCSU students. We don't pay event specialists to handle the setup and running of this. We figure out ways to do it on our own. We are all volunteers, trying to put on an event that is both an enormous road race as well as one of the largest single-location eating contests in the world. Since October, we have corresponded and dealt with several groups in the university administration, the bank for non-profit status, a legal team representing Krispy Kreme (who were quite accommodating), the raleigh police department, two local t-shirt manufacturers, wake county EMS, and several local area sponsors.

If you've run this race before, you'd have an idea of the kind of logistics required for an event this size to go smoothly. Hell, *we* don't even know what is actually needed. We went from 140 to 1370 one year, and now we've more than doubled this year. We're into totally new territory here.

Sorry if you think it's "kinda lame." I don't think its fair to all the people busting their asses trying to do the impossible. And I'm not even there in Raleigh this year. I'm serving as a remote adviser.

Updated Registrants vs Time Comparison graph, 2008 vs 2007:

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 8:13 PM. Reason : .]

1/25/2008 8:11:15 PM

All American
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oh i have done it the past three years

but putting a cap on it seems odd, figured you would want to get as much revenue as possible and all and walk up people

1/25/2008 8:24:13 PM

Starting Lineup
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Just got my shirt at KK, and I am pumped! I like the t-shirt a lot. I don't have anything like this in my wardrobe. Kudos to the designer.

I know that things are going to be absolutely chaotic tomorrow. All I am concerned about is that the leaders have a fair go at it, which probably won't be a problem since they are likely getting to KK 5-10 minutes before the main pack.

GOOD LUCK TO ALL RUNNERS! Wheels of steel!

1/25/2008 8:27:19 PM

All American
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according to it's going to be 29F at 8am tomorrow. That cracks me up for some reason. I can see all the squeemish faces now...ahhhh.

1/25/2008 8:30:20 PM

147487 Posts
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29 is not really that sucks for like the first 5 mintues...after that you should be warmed up enough, even if you only jog like me

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 8:32 PM. Reason : ^^the front is all white except some box of donuts..back is all sponsors...fairly plain]

1/25/2008 8:31:50 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"2004: 12 people
2006: 140 people (first time publicized and first time doing it for charity)
2007: 1370 people
2008: 3000 people"

I would have done it in 2004 if I had known about it! Shit, I would have brought the party.

And I'm sorry if this sounds condescending, it seems unfair to have a remote adviser when so many people register that you have to cap it. Sort of the same logic as to why they pulled Wii comercials when demand outpaced supply...

Quote :
"All I am concerned about is that the leaders have a fair go at it"

ey, are you tryin to say my slow ass ain't gona get my donuts?

1/25/2008 8:32:56 PM

Starting Lineup
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Yeah, I agree with you, DNL--the shirt is a bit plain. However, the placement of the doughnuts makes it seem "hip" to me. Then again, I'm still wearing t-shirts that I bought at Goodwill in the late 90s. Okay, maybe my wardrobe is just horribly out-dated

1/25/2008 9:25:19 PM

326 Posts
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mrfrog, i should have clarified that.

all the seniors who managed the event this year graduated, and we are no longer in north carolina. we didn't do as good of a job transferring our knowledge to the new group, so we've been helping out with any questions or concerns the current leaders have. i've got people here telling me to move on from KKC, to focus on other things, but i've chosen to stay involved so i can help out.

1/25/2008 9:28:08 PM

23634 Posts
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good luck tomorrow

i hope you don't puke

1/25/2008 9:59:54 PM


15145 Posts
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lol, i did read that completely entirely wrong.

1/25/2008 10:30:15 PM

New Recruit
27 Posts
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quick question... can you eat like 8 at the halfway mark and eat the other 4 on the way back?

1/25/2008 10:42:59 PM


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1/25/2008 10:45:10 PM

New Recruit
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that.... is a huge bummer.

1/25/2008 10:53:20 PM

New Recruit
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this is my first time doing it haha... ive never even eaten 12 in one sitting... of course im sure most havent unless they are running this race.

1/25/2008 10:54:11 PM


15145 Posts
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I'm sure it'll be on the honor system like last time. So you by all means can "cheat"

But I think it would be pretty obvious when people see your dumb ass running back with a half box of donuts and a "challenger" number.

1/25/2008 10:55:39 PM

New Recruit
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Yeah i wasnt planning on cheating, but i just didnt know the rules... my brother who is WAY out of school was telling me how he ate 9 and then ate the other 3 before he got to the finish line, he never mentioned if it was cheating or not... they just werent specific on the rules on the website. Definitely gonna yack.

1/25/2008 10:57:43 PM

New Recruit
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I just ate two heads of lettuce, stretch my stomach out before tomorrow, and it takes more calories to digest lettuce than is actually in lettuce.

1/25/2008 10:58:45 PM

Starting Lineup
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Haha, you did what?

Now that's what I call a strategy! You are my kind of Challenger.

1/25/2008 11:00:52 PM

All American
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I'm not running, but I kinda want *a* donut. I wonder if it would be blasphemous to go to dunkin donuts while the race is going...

*ahh, not Yodajammies posting!*

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:06 PM. Reason : ]

1/25/2008 11:02:38 PM

New Recruit
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yeah man gotta stretch your stomach out. starving isnt the thing to do because your stomach shrinks... im sure you all covered that already though haha.

1/25/2008 11:03:09 PM

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1/25/2008 11:06:10 PM

Starting Lineup
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I guess I could raid my pantry. I don't have any lettuce though. It sounds like a pretty good strategy.

Maybe a gallon of milk would stretch my stomach out?

1/25/2008 11:06:29 PM

New Recruit
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wow. 26 degrees? sucks i havent gotten my packet yet.

1/25/2008 11:07:30 PM

147487 Posts
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seriously yall...the temperature means dick...soon as you have been moving for 5 minutes you wont even notice it....the only thing thats gonna suck is all the snot(at least i notice i get snotty noses when i run in the cold...just blow a snot rocket as i run....dont even break stride...

1/25/2008 11:10:38 PM

New Recruit
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i believe you... im definitely wearing shorts tomorrow.... just gonna have some upper layers on. as for FUTBOL, anything like cabbage or something, boil cabbage and eat it (even though i never would, just went and got the 2 heads of lettuce and sprinkled a little red wine vinegar on it, and ate it like an apple, it was awful)... pro eaters say the gas that boiled cabbage emits stretches your stomach... get your girl to stay in the other room though.

1/25/2008 11:13:58 PM

New Recruit
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other than that, drink all your water tongiht and not in the morning... just sip in the morning...

what does anyone think about a little coffee beforehand? does that fuck up running?

1/25/2008 11:15:06 PM

383 Posts
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you won't notice the cold. the pack is gonna be tight at the starting line, so all that body heat will warm you.
when you're running, you better be warm or you're not running fast enough
and at the store, well you have a bunch of HOT NOW doughtnuts!!! stay warm by eating them faster.

1/25/2008 11:15:27 PM

76471 Posts
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I have agreed to go take pictures of/for a friend running tomorrow.

Where am I likely to get the best shots? He runs a fair bit, so I'm sure he'll make at least a decent time.

1/25/2008 11:16:31 PM

147487 Posts
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i'm about to go to bed pretty soon for this...gonna get out there at like 8:30 or sooner...wearing black sweatpants and a gray hoodie(normal running attire for me) and gonna have my mp3 player

the more i think about it the easier this sounds....20 minutes to get there(easy)...8 minutes to eat or so(not too bad)...32 minutes to get back(16 minute miles, thats walking speed)

1/25/2008 11:17:43 PM

New Recruit
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Camera guy, haha, I would say be right near the KK so you can see him run by, then walk right over to KK and get the shots of him downing em... best of both worlds... then get the hell out of there and go back to bed.

1/25/2008 11:20:15 PM

Starting Lineup
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Ballerstatus: I've been drinking whiskey for the past 2 hours. I hope that will suffice! Good luck tomorrow.

1/25/2008 11:20:46 PM

New Recruit
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I havent gotten my packet yet (the line was too long for the wait)... should i get there around 7? 7:15?

1/25/2008 11:21:55 PM

383 Posts
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best place for pics is at the store honestly. stand a little down peace street to catch your friend coming in. then stand with them at the store while they eat. getting around by car to get to the start-finish line will be hard

good luck with those 8 minutes. you are a diff kind of competitor than me. for me i do the run in 13 minutes on each end, and use the other 34 minutes for eating! it was hard both years for me.

1/25/2008 11:22:34 PM

147487 Posts
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^^idk man thats a little too early...i'd say 8 at the earliest

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:23 PM. Reason : ^dont tell me that!! i'm doing 4 squished donuts at a 3 big donuts basically]

1/25/2008 11:22:57 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Yeah i wasnt planning on cheating, but i just didnt know the rules... my brother who is WAY out of school was telling me how he ate 9 and then ate the other 3 before he got to the finish line, he never mentioned if it was cheating or not... they just werent specific on the rules on the website. Definitely gonna yack."

They SHOULD make the rules absolutely cut and dry and abundantly clear at the starting line. I bet they're on the website somewhere too.

And I don't know about those strategies. I've been starving myself and drinking loads of water. I heard that's what competition eaters do to stretch their stomachs.

Also, as a former CC runner, I can say that the whiskey and/or coffee will NOT NOT NOT help you.

1/25/2008 11:23:23 PM

New Recruit
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I could see me being a 30 minute eating guy myself... i guess ill just thrust em down and get back on the road, and just hope they dont come back up.... anybody yacked?

1/25/2008 11:23:45 PM

383 Posts
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of course, good luck finding your friend coming in. 3000 people is a lot of people. it could be hard to see your friend. especially if everyone wears their KKC shirt!!

1/25/2008 11:24:09 PM

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