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15294 Posts
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why do you think the 5th amendment is stupid?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

4/22/2012 11:30:24 AM


15145 Posts
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I think the 5th amendment establishes something very important.

That said, I think sort of need to knock off the constitutionalist stuff. It was a good document, but the force of it comes from something greater than the document itself. The entire point was that the truths it argued are "self-evident", as in, evident then and evident now. The ultimate criteria to hold any human law against isn't the constitution, it is basic human reason and our innate sense of morality and freedom. This is the core of the enlightenment movement itself, which the constitution is a part of.

4/22/2012 1:15:49 PM

Finally Preemie!
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Without turning this into a huge soap box debate, I'll post my reasoning and leave it at that.

I really feel that to live in a society, community, nation, etc, people sometimes need to make small (or even not so small) sacrifices for the better good of the community. I think that you should be free to do or say whatever you want, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others - that is why I support free speech, the legalization of marijuana, homosexual marriage, etc etc.

However, sometimes our government goes so out of the way to protect the rights of individuals, that they hurt the common good of the nation. I think the Fifth Amendment is one of these cases, specifically the part that allows people to withhold testimony in a courtroom if they do not wish to testify. For instance (and this is only one case but it is just an example), in the Kasey Anthony trial, the Fifth Amendment offered protection of her rights at the expense of the rights of her dead daughter and the rest of her family. I'm sure there are circumstances where someone who is innocent could get convicted because of having to testify. But in my opinion, those cases would be outliers, and thus in general, forcing people to testify in their own defense would lead to more correct verdicts.

Once again, this is my opinion, and I am sure it is not popular, nor do I really care.

4/22/2012 4:17:26 PM


15145 Posts
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I guess in this day and age the opinion that "Better 10 Guilty Men Go Free than to Convict a Single Innocent Man" qualifies as unpopular.

4/22/2012 6:32:22 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Yea, fuck protecting the innocent

4/22/2012 6:38:51 PM

All American
4670 Posts
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Using the word gauge as a verb in reference to piercings is stupid. Saying you had your piercing gauged doesn't make you sound cool. It makes you look like an idiot because I'm sure you had it stretched, not measured.

Oh yeah, Remington 700s suck.

What other stuff can I think of...

Oh yeah, american football is stupid. Hey, lets get a shitton of dudes out in a field and have them do all this work so a ball can move 15 feet.

[Edited on April 22, 2012 at 7:31 PM. Reason : ]

4/22/2012 7:29:05 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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Agreed. Football is dumb.

4/22/2012 7:33:49 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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4/22/2012 7:34:38 PM

All American
4670 Posts
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What's also dumb is people pay hundreds of dollars for tickets to see that shit.
It takes how many hours to see one game that has a 1 hr time limit?

Also, mushrooms are nasty.

4/22/2012 7:37:35 PM


15145 Posts
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No, what's really dumb about football is cities taking out (and backstopping) massive tax-free loans to pay for a stadium that benefits the private investors in the team. But in another sense, professional sports exist to give us a sense of identity and reflect our core values. So, well played owners. Well played.

4/22/2012 7:48:28 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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I like getting together for sporting events and talking trash, but as a sport I don't really get/like football.

[Edited on April 22, 2012 at 7:52 PM. Reason : ]

4/22/2012 7:51:20 PM

11583 Posts
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most people who say they have allergies actually have sensitivities

and most sensitivities are mental

also, fibromyalgia is imaginary

4/22/2012 7:52:59 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
" in the Kasey Anthony trial, the Fifth Amendment offered protection of her rights at the expense of the rights of her dead daughter and the rest of her family."

Its pretty easy to create laws that work well in every case.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

4/22/2012 8:59:26 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Chicken nuggets are amazing.

4/22/2012 9:08:09 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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how is that an unpopular opinion?

4/22/2012 9:10:18 PM

1136 Posts
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Quote :
"Oh yeah, american football is stupid. Hey, lets get a shitton of dudes out in a field and have them do all this work so a ball can move 15 feet. "

Soccer is stupid.

Lets have all these dudes do all this work and go all over the field, only to not score any goals, or for the game to end in a tie.

Sounds much more exciting!

4/22/2012 9:10:42 PM

All American
4670 Posts
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lol, it is more exciting because they don't spend 6 hours playing a 1 hr game.

[Edited on April 22, 2012 at 10:16 PM. Reason : ]

4/22/2012 10:16:11 PM

21958 Posts
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If you're over the age of 30 and you haven't gotten over the trauma of childhood, you should just give up on life and off yourself so the rest of us don't have to put up with your bullshit.

4/22/2012 10:25:25 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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soccer has got to be the most boring major sport to watch. I'd even rather watch baseball than soccer, and baseball is pretty damn boring (unless it's playoff baseball or I'm at the game, which I do enjoy)

4/22/2012 11:16:20 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I like baseball in person but not on TV.

Soccer and auto racing are about the same level.

4/22/2012 11:17:49 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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When I'm not rooting for NC State...

...I root for Maryland.

4/22/2012 11:19:20 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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4/22/2012 11:20:52 PM

All American
2856 Posts
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Bruce Springsteen is overrated

4/22/2012 11:22:01 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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^^^ guilty of that, my parents both graduated from Maryland, and I also cheer for UNC bc my older sister went there and we would watch the games as a family.

[Edited on April 22, 2012 at 11:23 PM. Reason : ^^^]

4/22/2012 11:22:46 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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I don't think ScarJo is very pretty

Her eyes bother me

4/22/2012 11:24:14 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Hot sauce is disgusting and just makes everything taste like hot sauce

4/22/2012 11:25:39 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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tofu tastes like rubber and people who say it tastes good... that's because you are cooking it with stuff that actually tastes like food so that the tofu can absorb the flavor and pretend to be food. You do not appreciate food if tofu is delicious to you.

also diet drinks are disgusting, stop drinking soda if you don't want the sugar and calories

4/22/2012 11:28:44 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"If you're over the age of 30 and you haven't gotten over the trauma of childhood, you should just give up on life and off yourself so the rest of us don't have to put up with your bullshit."

wow, that is cold

4/22/2012 11:30:35 PM

All American
1081 Posts
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^ LOL, I somewhat agree with it. Well, I like the statement more than I dislike it.

- If youre overweight and do not have some thyroid disease, it's your fault. You can always eat better, work out more and etc, all through self control, and make things better. Its not something like happens overnight, or in a year, but if its what you want then you can do something about it. If youre not willing to commit to it, then stop bitching to me about it.

- If you have some bs job (read low level market, anything that hires art/history/communications majors), please do not bitch about how things are unfair in the workplace. If you went to school, you know what you were getting into.

- You dont need to wash your shower more than every 2 months.

- Mayo is awful.

4/22/2012 11:42:17 PM

All American
11084 Posts
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I never got into Star Wars or Star Trek (except for that last new one).
I respect what The Beatles did for music, but I don't like a lot of their stuff.
Elvis was a complete hack.
Never watched more than an episode or two of Friends. Never found it funny.
Crocs are ugly as hell. So are Uggs.
Flip-flops should only be worn at the pool or beach. Especially for dudes.
I think wearing non-prescription clear glasses is dumb.
I think anyone who still smokes is just a little bit dumb, by default. New smokers? Complete idiots.
Dogs and cats are not people, and should not be treated as such.

That's all I can think of now...

4/22/2012 11:54:11 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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Quote :
"lol, it is more exciting because they don't spend 6 hours playing a 1 hr game."

yeah, they spend 1 hr plus some extra "give or take" amount of minutes tacked on playing a 1 hr game

4/23/2012 12:02:06 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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Colemania has a dirty ass shower.

4/23/2012 12:11:08 AM


15145 Posts
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Anybody who is living in Raleigh and is fat is simply lacking a good friend who will drag them to this sort of stuff:

Our health care system needs to STFU about people going to doctors. Aside from once, every time I've seen a doctor for a specific thing I've had a problem with it didn't help and it made it worse. I would rather have to deal with a call center in India staffed with people holding MD or nursing degrees, explain my problem and email them pictures, and then they fax me prescriptions if need be. Plus, in 5 years when a lab on a chip works out, our expectation for handling the majority of medical problems we have should be <$10. The recent health care legislation is crony capitalism surviving on stifling innovation.

Whey protein is fantastic perversion of what nature produces, and I'd be happy if they put it in even more of my food. mmmm... chunky shakes.

4/23/2012 12:11:12 AM

All American
4328 Posts
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^this thread is about posting unpopular opinions, not incoherent ramblings

4/23/2012 12:13:07 AM


15145 Posts
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So I guess the popularity of my position is how our government was able to get 60 senate votes to pass the health care power grab bill. Makes sense, no wait...

4/23/2012 12:17:50 AM

All American
4328 Posts
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there should be a panel that can veto people's requests to change their names to stupid shit.

i'm looking at you, metta world peace

[Edited on April 23, 2012 at 12:44 AM. Reason : t]

4/23/2012 12:40:32 AM

tommy wiseau
All American
2624 Posts
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I don't think Community is funny
I don't think It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is funny

4/23/2012 10:53:46 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't think It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is funny"

have you watched any of the first two seasons?

4/23/2012 11:08:56 AM

17379 Posts
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I think bojangle's tea is awful.

4/23/2012 11:17:08 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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So do I. I would rather have cookout or chickfila tea.

4/23/2012 11:18:53 AM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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I think there should be government regulations for IT positions.

4/23/2012 11:28:35 AM

All American
2426 Posts
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Quote :
"I think there should be government regulations for IT positions.

such as?

4/23/2012 11:39:09 AM

tommy wiseau
All American
2624 Posts
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I wish that baseball didn't exist

4/23/2012 12:17:44 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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Hunter S Thompson is overrated.

Unrelated, but also overrated, is Dr. Strangelove.

I don't understand the allure of either.

4/24/2012 9:06:18 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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The NFL is dumb

4/24/2012 9:28:03 AM

All American
3633 Posts
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Ive never understood the humor in Seinfeld and ive watched several episodes trying to find the humor in it but I just can't

I am for abolishing income tax

For the death penalty

There are more to come I am sure...

4/24/2012 9:53:04 AM

45912 Posts
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I think most of my opinions are popular opinions, just unpopular in select groups in which I belong.

I guess one is that I do believe you should have to have a stake in government to vote on government (e.g. pay income taxes). However, I disagree with an income tax and think we should move to a sales tax thus everyone is paying "their fair share".

[Edited on April 24, 2012 at 9:58 AM. Reason : .]

4/24/2012 9:57:45 AM

15294 Posts
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I think there should either be a flat tax on income or a tax only on sales, having both is ridiculous. I am not against paying taxes and really the countries with higher tax rates have much higher quality of life.

^^Do you like arrested development?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on April 24, 2012 at 10:00 AM. Reason : holy shit i agree with wdprice on something and neither of us is trolling]

4/24/2012 9:58:22 AM

45912 Posts
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^never seen it.

I disagree with any tax increase at this time. Spending is the real issue. If we control that and find that taxes must be higher, then we can talk about tax increases. However, the government won't simply get out of debt by taxing people more. Taxing the rich doesn't help the middle class; their taxes aren't going down. The government will continue to tax more and spend even more.

4/24/2012 10:00:54 AM

All American
3633 Posts
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i had a bad experience the first time i watched arrested development and the only thing i remember was that i didn't think it was that funny, but i need to give it another shot before i form a real opinion on it.

Seinfeld on the other hand I have watched countless times and seen several whole episodes but still don't 'get' the humor. Its because I have a vagina isnt it?

4/24/2012 10:04:05 AM

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