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play so hard
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11/28/2015 3:35:32 PM

All American
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Since no one reads the 199th post

Here is one... a dude who is making guns with Christian scripture and symbols on the guns. He thinks if a Muslim terrorist picks one up, a bolt of lightning from God will kill him. It has 3 settings: Peace, War, and God wills it.

Not kidding. Watch videos:

11/28/2015 3:36:30 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Litteral had already bought Kevlar body armor and helmets, assault rifle ammunition and radios with throat mics. On June 18, he said he needed smokeless gunpowder for pipe bombs, wanted to pack tennis balls with gun powder and tape nails to the outsides and planned to fill coffee cans with gun powder and ball bearings then detonate them with sniper rifle fire.

And he said he needed it all by July 15—the start date of Jade Helm.

The FBI set up a warranted wiretap and, with the store owner's permission, installed video and audio surveillance in the shop. Phone records showed Litteral had also tried to purchase "a surgical kit, magazine pouches for an AR-15 and pistol, gas masks, ammunition, hydration carrier, exploding targets and an 8 lb. bottle of black powder."

In a conversation recorded by the store owner, Litteral said, "Lemme tell you something I gunna have my [expletive] house rigged up. These mother[expletive] come try to come in my house it's going off."

"I got a [expletive] .45 beside my bed. I got a .45 and a 9 mil in my truck. I've got a 9 mil and a .380 or a .380 in her car. Safe full of weapons. You know what? Every time I open up this [expletive] safe, I mean I've got, I've got at least 30 weapons that I can see and some tucked all the way in the back, back.""

12/10/2015 8:50:43 AM

All American
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^ that doesn't seem like it would make a very effective bomb, but i guess that's a good thing...

12/10/2015 11:46:53 AM

play so hard
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I was going to google that to learn more about it, but then decided against it

12/10/2015 11:56:44 AM

All American
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There is good in everyone, so you can post about anyone who has ever used a gun ITT.

12/10/2015 12:24:38 PM

play so hard
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Good guys with guns updates:

Get More: [link]">Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows


Quote :
"“I tried to help,” she told the gathered media after her trial. “And I learned my lesson that I will never help anybody again.”"

It's incredible that after all she's been through she still thinks she was helping someone.
[Edited on December 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM. Reason : ]

12/11/2015 3:47:40 PM

All American
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the problem is that people who think they need guns to be safe are, at their core, pussies

good guys with guns shit their pants and run away or get shot with the rest

12/11/2015 3:59:21 PM

All American
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It's safety vs security. Security is the ability to ensure safety, and an individual can be safer with a gun if they are well trained and know how to use/not-use it, but we're all safer when idiots like that ^^ woman don't have guns.

12/11/2015 4:03:20 PM

All American
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All the ones who contribute to these numbers:

Quote :
"Since Sandy Hook, an American Kid [under 12] Has Died by a Gun Every Other Day

There are at least 555 reasons to ask whether American children are safer from gun violence today than they were three years ago, when the unthinkable happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

That's how many kids under the age of 12 have died from gunshots — both intentional and accidental — since Adam Lanza stormed into the school in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 14, 2012, and shot dead 20 children and six staff members, according to an NBC News analysis."

Fucking war zone up in here.

If that's not a good reason to do something about this issue, I don't know what is.

Click the link to see a breakdown of rates by state, as well as by gun type, gender, race, and situation.

Long, but a very good read.

Can someone tell me why MONTANA has the highest rate? Louisiana is 2nd highest, but I can understand that.

[Edited on December 14, 2015 at 11:35 PM. Reason : ]

12/14/2015 11:31:21 PM

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12/15/2015 10:00:41 AM

balls deep
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^^ I mean, Montana is in the top 25 U.S. States in guns per capita ( and some states are tied). If one were to reason that with no guns present, no one gets shot; and with guns in the general population, people will be shot. Then one could reasonably argue that with more guns dispersed in the general population, more people will be shot.
So, perhaps not as atypical as it seems for child shootings to be higher than average?

[Edited on December 15, 2015 at 10:13 AM. Reason : J]

12/15/2015 10:11:30 AM

play so hard
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12/17/2015 12:36:18 PM

play so hard
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In related news:

Quote :
"TEMPE, AZ—Stressing the importance of being prepared for any circumstance that may occur, local man James Donner told reporters Monday he carries a gun on his person at all times in case he ever needs to escalate a situation. “I never leave home without my Glock, because you just don’t know when someone might mouth off to you in a bar and leave you with no choice but to turn a minor altercation into a tense life-or-death scenario,” said Donner, noting that he keeps his loaded weapon in a hip holster should the need arise for him to respond quickly, and with deadly force, when he is angered by a perceived slight. “Look, I hope to God no one ever tries to hit on my wife while I’m within earshot, but in the real world, things like this do happen. Sometimes you only have a split second to react and make things exponentially more dangerous.” At press time, sources confirmed Donner was pulling up next to a Honda Civic that had cut him off in traffic several blocks earlier."

12/18/2015 11:04:50 AM

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Instead of making guns less available, why don't we just make "Gun Free Zone" stickers more available??? It's common sense, if it is a gun free zone, nobody will get shot!

12/18/2015 11:45:20 AM

play so hard
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[Edited on January 3, 2016 at 12:53 AM. Reason : ]

1/3/2016 12:51:47 AM

play so hard
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1/4/2016 10:32:33 AM

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1/4/2016 2:33:30 PM

play so hard
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^^ shooting suspect is a marine

1/5/2016 3:39:03 PM

play so hard
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1/20/2016 9:36:00 AM

balls deep
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^ that's a bad guy with a gun. Kill him by shooting him in the face, and sort out any other details later in court after a public smear campaign has been run.

1/20/2016 9:51:40 AM

All American
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Trump + Track '16?

1/20/2016 1:40:24 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Drunk Guy Accidentally Shoots Woman During Benghazi Movie Screening

During an evening showing of 13 hours yesterday, a theater full of Benghazi enthusiasts in Renton, Washington bore witness to a different sort of disaster when an allegedly drunk 29-year-old dropped his gun, accidentally shooting one of his fellow theater-goers in the chest. As of this morning, the 40-year-old woman was listed as being in “serious condition.”

Speaking to a local ABC affiliate, one witness said:

It got about 15-20 minutes into the film and I believe the lady in front of us that got shot was actually talking to her husband or significant other and that’s when we heard the loud pop.
The shooter fled the scene as soon as the gun went off, but thankfully, the man’s father called 911 later that night, explaining that his son “was distraught and told him that he dropped his gun at a Renton movie theater and it discharged.” Why he was fumbling around with his gun in a movie theater in the first place, however, remains unclear.

The suspect is currently in police custody, and 13 hours is still vastly underperforming at the box office."

more guns = more safer

i guess we'll call this acceptable collateral damage cause ya never know when a james holmes might show up

1/22/2016 2:09:23 PM

All American
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Wonder if Washington allows you to drink and still carry concealed, because it sure as hell isn't allowed here in NC and I lock it in the glove box or just don't carry if I plan to go out and drink. Not worth the risk to me.

1/22/2016 2:44:49 PM

All American
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oh well if it's not allowed then clearly we have nothing to worry about

1/22/2016 11:20:45 PM

All American
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^Same line of thinking can be applied to any time of gun regulation/ban situation.

1/23/2016 7:38:30 AM

balls deep
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Quote :
"CATAWBA, N.C. -- A motorist shot and killed a good Samaritan who stopped to help him after his car slid off an icy North Carolina highway on Friday evening, according to the Catawba County Sheriff's Office.

1/23/2016 10:36:36 AM

All American
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where's the scared white guys with guns thread

1/23/2016 4:11:28 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Catawba County isn't exactly remote.

But if you're gonna call the law on someone, you should probably drive away first.

1/23/2016 4:30:35 PM

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Shooter was on drugs. Let's legalize drugs to make shooters have easier access to drugs.

1/23/2016 5:47:49 PM

All American
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^^^^Also my point is that it is legal in some states. Nevada I think has the same rule for CCW as DWI, so at long as you blow under a .08 you can still carry concealed.

[Edited on January 23, 2016 at 5:53 PM. Reason : ]

1/23/2016 5:52:13 PM

All American
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Shootout at gun store.

1/24/2016 8:27:37 PM

All American
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Fuck it, I vote you just can only have a gun at home for protection unless you get a permit from the sheriff to transport it for repair, shooting range, etc. etc......

1/24/2016 8:33:54 PM

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Quote :
"The incident sparked a furious online debate, pitting gun rights advocates against gun control advocates. Gun control advocates cited the incident as yet another demonstration of the risks of widespread ownership of firearms.

Gun rights advocates objected to the arguments by gun control advocates. A few tried to blame President Obama for the incident.

Read more at"

1/25/2016 10:42:03 AM

balls deep
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Guy scared about mass shootings takes a gun to a theater and accidentally shoots someone.

1/25/2016 9:36:56 PM

Save TWW
38011 Posts
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Somebody already posted that

1/25/2016 9:38:59 PM

balls deep
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^ thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'll delete their post shortly...

1/25/2016 9:47:18 PM

Save TWW
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Lol make sure to get posts responding to it and these posts

1/25/2016 9:50:25 PM

play so hard
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[Edited on February 2, 2016 at 10:40 AM. Reason :]

2/2/2016 10:40:02 AM

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I wish he shot (and missed), so that idiot got a hot casing in his face and lost his hearing

2/2/2016 11:01:34 AM

Mtan Man214
All American
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Pro-gun Florida mom accidentally shot by 4-year-old son...

TLDR; A woman who advocates for unrestricted gun use leaves a loaded handgun in her backseat then jumps in the car with her 4 year old son, whom she also neglected to strap into his car seat, who then picks up the gun and shoots her in the back.

3/9/2016 1:17:18 PM

All American
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^ just came to post that... but here is the best thing:

Your responsibility to protect yourself from your child using your gun should have trumped your callous carelessness involving guns and your child, you goddamn stupid woman.

3/11/2016 8:01:16 AM

All American
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Hope she gets charged with neglect or child abuse

3/11/2016 8:55:54 AM

26632 Posts
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why, what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

3/11/2016 9:10:46 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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she's a dumbass

3/11/2016 9:15:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"why, what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?"

Some restrictions and laws are needed in relation to the 2nd. The fewer the better, but people have to be responsible and if they are not then they should be held accountable.

3/11/2016 11:05:38 AM

45912 Posts
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But we need a lot of restrictions, that truly impact people's ability to vote, right?

3/11/2016 11:07:25 AM

All American
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What part of "well regulated" do you not understand?

3/11/2016 11:10:07 AM

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shall not be infringed

3/11/2016 11:17:51 AM

Mtan Man214
All American
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The only way to stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun. #ArmOurBabies #Diaperpackers #ToddlersAndKalashnikovs

[Edited on March 11, 2016 at 1:00 PM. Reason : grammer sux]

3/11/2016 12:56:25 PM

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