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All American
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Quote :
"Nobody says Rudolph is a saint. But it’s kinda irrelevant to what Garrett did.


Doesn't it make you a lil bit curious? Like, did he drop the N word or talk about his sister in the wrong way?

[Edited on November 15, 2019 at 6:36 PM. Reason : d]

11/15/2019 6:35:25 PM

oh we back
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Honestly, no it doesn’t make me curious. I don’t say that to present myself as holier than thou or anything. I guess I just don’t really care. And I’m not trying to defend Rudolph either.

11/15/2019 6:57:51 PM

Save TWW
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I know im seeing former football players on my feed wondering why Rudolph got off without suspension

Defenders trying to get up at the expense of the offensive player trying to get up happens all the time, rarely does it seem like the offensive player tries to rip off their helmet

11/15/2019 9:17:10 PM

All American
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Garrett was pinning the QB down in the event the play ended inbounds, trying to force the clock to run out. It's a shit tactic that the refs should have broken up, but they didn't. He should have been flagged for roughing the passer, as the takedown roll was blatantly done after the pass.

11/15/2019 10:26:57 PM

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They were talking earlier on NFL Radio about how apparently there was a lot of shit talking before the game by both teams, so this doesn't seem like something that "started" late in the 4th quarter and it sounds like it goes beyond them being division rivals.

You expect that pre-game stuff in some college matchups, but not in the NFL. Just my opinion, but maybe that's the culture that Kitchens and Mayfield have going on.

[Edited on November 16, 2019 at 12:15 AM. Reason : .]

11/16/2019 12:13:15 AM

play so hard
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justin ITT

11/16/2019 1:08:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Defenders trying to get up at the expense of the offensive player trying to get up happens all the time, rarely does it seem like the offensive player tries to rip off their helmet"

Yes, sometimes a defender will continue to put body weight on an offensive player until the play is dead and then just roll off. This happens all the time.

However, he was clearly keeping him pinned down after the play was dead and the QB just reacted in a "get the fuck off of me" way, as anybody would.

When that monster of a dude wouldn't get off and the refs did nothing to assist in the matter, he kicked him. I would have just spit in his face.

[Edited on November 16, 2019 at 1:17 PM. Reason : k]

11/16/2019 1:11:16 PM

Save TWW
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You would have pissed your pants and begged him not to hurt you

11/16/2019 1:57:07 PM

All American
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nah, I have learned that either a swift knee to the nuts or a spit in the face will buy you some time.

11/16/2019 2:46:11 PM

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Mitchell Trubenched-sky

11/17/2019 11:10:28 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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but his hip...

11/18/2019 10:31:52 AM

play so hard
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11/21/2019 3:08:51 PM

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11/21/2019 11:21:59 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Go Bengals!

12/1/2019 3:41:13 PM

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It's always nice to hear Aikman try to hold it together while commentating a game where the Cowboys are getting drubbed.

12/5/2019 11:03:53 PM

All American
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The decline of America's Team has been very entertaining. Will Jason Garrett be fired tomorrow? Captain Jerry can only take so much.

12/5/2019 11:39:12 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Always laugh at the moniker of "America's Team". They're the Miami Dolphins minus 10 years - franchise living on past glory that has not done anything since.

Anyway, 7-9 division champ here we come!

12/6/2019 9:24:17 AM

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Brady gets nothing but praise when he celebrates rushing for a first down...

12/8/2019 7:33:16 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I am having fun trolling Patriots fans on Twitter about the no call on the "pass interference" on Dorsett late in the game.

By trolling I mean telling the truth because the ball was uncatchable as it was an awful pass at least a yard behind him.

[Edited on December 8, 2019 at 8:02 PM. Reason : Some guy just dropped the "I played 4 years of high school football, I know what I'm talking about"]

12/8/2019 8:01:03 PM

2001 Posts
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Patriots got screwed by the dumb review rules. Whats the purpose of limiting the number of challenges a team can make? They should be able to use a timeout to challenge anything like obvious pass interference that can't be challenged because you already blew two calls.

Also, the NFL should review everything and fix obvious blown calls without a challenge. Out of bounds when the ref has to ask another ref is an clear example of the type of play that should be automatically reviewed.

Also, they should never blow a play dead unless its obviously down.

Also, there should be an announcement and ready to play signal anytime a call is changed via referee conference.

Thats just too much for one quarter

[Edited on December 8, 2019 at 8:04 PM. Reason : weird rule to limit how many times blown calls can be corrected]

12/8/2019 8:03:01 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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i agree, just have it be a 10 yard penalty(+ a 10 second runoff if the clock was running) if the challenge isn't successful.

12/8/2019 8:09:58 PM

All American
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The Saints' bitching about PI last post-season has ruined calls this year in most facets of the passing game. Obvious PI can take place and a referee won't call it bacause he doesn't want to see a challenge overturned, which it won't. Then questionable PI will occur and get challenged. It won't result in a call reversal. Players jostle back and forth all game just trying to sell calls that no one wants to decide a game on.

Stop PI challenges and make it a judgement call during real-time like it always was.

12/8/2019 9:18:47 PM

All American
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LOL, Winston has three INTs on his first pass of the game this season

12/9/2019 12:39:55 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
"Also, the NFL should review everything and fix obvious blown calls without a challenge. Out of bounds when the ref has to ask another ref is an clear example of the type of play that should be automatically reviewed."

Games lasting 6 hours here we come...

Quote :
"The Saints' bitching about PI last post-season has ruined calls this year in most facets of the passing game. Obvious PI can take place and a referee won't call it bacause he doesn't want to see a challenge overturned, which it won't. Then questionable PI will occur and get challenged. It won't result in a call reversal. Players jostle back and forth all game just trying to sell calls that no one wants to decide a game on.

Stop PI challenges and make it a judgement call during real-time like it always was."

I think that's what the NFL wanted to start with. They gave the fans, media, and some coaches what they wanted in pass interference call challenges. Give them 1 or 2 years of it until coaches finally realize the score and realize the challenge calls are futile, and go back to the old rules.

I'd personally like a change to the pass interference penalty of make it similar to college where it's only 15 yards.

[Edited on December 9, 2019 at 10:02 AM. Reason : /]

12/9/2019 9:56:25 AM

All American
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LOL Cowboys get to kick in both halves because Dak said he wanted to kick after winning the coin toss.

12/15/2019 6:21:07 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Lol the NFL fixed it because Dak actually said defer and the old deaf ref didn't hear it.

12/15/2019 6:23:36 PM

oh we back
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Imo the kick/defer distinction is kinda dumb and should just be done away with.

I also just formed this opinion and could easily be convinced otherwise.

12/15/2019 6:31:58 PM

All American
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^^ except that the decisions to make are one of the following:

1) defer
2) receive or kick
3) defend an endzone

Dak made a decision as soon as he said kick, which was before saying defer. Rules say your first choice is your final choice. Seems like NY got this one wrong to me.

12/15/2019 7:00:41 PM

oh we back
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^thats why it’s a dumb rule imo. No need to get into semantics at the coin toss. Keep it simple. Heads or tails? Kick or receive? Defend that side or that other side?

That leads me to another point. Asking which side you wanna defend is a confusing question. “Which side y’all wanna score TDs at?” Thats the easier question. No need to make it difficult.

I’d also argue that, while Dak did say he wanted to kick...the ref then asked for clarity (“you wanna kick?”) and he said he wanted to defer. Don’t ask for clarity if the player isn’t allowed to clarify.

[Edited on December 15, 2019 at 8:05 PM. Reason : A]

12/15/2019 8:02:51 PM

8132 Posts
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Quote :
" Imo the kick/defer distinction is kinda dumb and should just be done away with. "

12/15/2019 8:06:33 PM

All American
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I wouldn’t have a problem with it if they changed the rule, but the rule is what it is right now.

12/15/2019 8:13:28 PM

oh we back
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Yeah by the rule book, they probably shouldn’t have changed it for the second half. Because by the rule book, he said he wanted to kick. But it’s confusing and dumb and seems like 99% of the time it never comes into play (how often do team defer *and* choose to kick to start 2H?).

12/15/2019 8:17:14 PM

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Josh Gordon is done, for real this time

12/16/2019 9:44:44 PM

All American
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Defer and kick are different options, don't change the rule because a quarterback can't remember which word to say

12/17/2019 12:46:37 AM

All American
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^^ depends on if it’s just weed or it’s actually PED’s

I tend to not believe initial reports from the NFL and am hoping it’s just for weed, which would be especially hilarious following MLB recently taking weed off of their banned substances list

12/17/2019 12:59:05 AM

oh we back
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^^yes, they are different. i just think the rule should be that the winner of the coin toss decides if they want to kick or receive to start the game. and then it's simply the opposite in the second half. that's not exactly how it was prior to 2008 when the NFL changed the rules to add the defer option. prior to 2008 the coin toss winner would almost always decide to receive...and then their opponent would elect to receive in the second half. there is a scenario where the coin toss winner could elect to kick in 1H and then the coin toss loser would receive in both halves. but proposal is that the winner gets to choose in which half they want to receive. i understand that there's an advantage to receiving in the second half, so that's what most teams would choose.

i understand the defer option. i don't even entirely disagree with it as a rule. but if the existence of the rule rarely matters and generally causes more confusion, then maybe it should be changed. how often does a team defer the decision to 2H and then also choose to kick in 2H? basically never, although it comes up rarely in really bad weather games. so they're basically already doing what i proposed, they're just adding an element of potential confusion to it. like i said, i could be convinced otherwise...but that's my initial gut reaction to the rule

[Edited on December 17, 2019 at 6:49 AM. Reason : ss]

12/17/2019 6:47:17 AM

All American
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Absolutely horrendous coverage by the rams on 3rd and 18 ends their season

12/21/2019 11:22:12 PM

All American
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2nd and goal at the 1 and delay of game for SEA!! Is that on Pete Carroll? How dumb can you be??

[Edited on December 29, 2019 at 11:47 PM. Reason : Was Russell Wilson trying to do a fake spike and the refs flubbed?]

12/29/2019 11:29:37 PM

All American
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Fuck the Seahawks. Feels good, man

12/30/2019 12:01:50 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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You hate to see the saints not get home field advantage in the playoffs. Just hate to see it.

12/30/2019 12:09:45 AM

All American
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In a surprising move, Jason Garrett has been relieved of coaching duties for the Cowboys.

1/2/2020 10:59:23 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Lol the cowboys didn't fire him, they just fixed the glitch

1/2/2020 11:06:26 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Bill O'Brien doesn't deserve Deshaun Watson.

1/4/2020 8:17:42 PM

2001 Posts
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1/4/2020 8:22:34 PM

2001 Posts
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There should have been 2 more minutes left. You know that clock rule is getting changed.

1/4/2020 11:29:55 PM

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no tears for a clock rule getting abused against belichick

1/4/2020 11:53:28 PM

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1/5/2020 1:37:15 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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That rule isn't gonna get changed. Also the Patriots helped them out with a penalty of their own.

1/5/2020 2:33:45 PM

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butterfinger Brees

[Edited on January 5, 2020 at 3:55 PM. Reason : dammit Dalvin]

1/5/2020 3:51:53 PM

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really hate to see it for the Saints

1/5/2020 4:23:25 PM

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