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ballerstatus, drunktyper told me he yacked...said he got to the finish line in 47 minutes and THEN yacked

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:25 PM. Reason : page 6!]

1/25/2008 11:24:46 PM

New Recruit
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The majority of those guys use water and lettuce/cabbage, basically since lettuce is mostly water anyways, and its another way to sstretch your stomach and sparing the calories...

1/25/2008 11:25:14 PM

New Recruit
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no i knew people yacked, i was just saying anyone you guys know personally. besides the one good post.

1/25/2008 11:26:08 PM

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Aw, man.

George Dickel, why must you do this to me?

I guess this will be my last glass. Maybe.

1/25/2008 11:26:12 PM

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throwing up, though gross, is legal once you have finished. legal to who? well no one will catch you of course, or tell you otherwise, but its on your soul to say to friends and family forever that you finished legit or not...

on that note, i yacked into a garbage can about 5 minutes after finishing last year, with at least 3 other random dudes doing the same

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:28 PM. Reason : ]

1/25/2008 11:27:10 PM

New Recruit
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ever notice how the idea of yacking right beforehand is the worst ever, but then as soon as you start its not so bad? hahah

1/25/2008 11:28:21 PM

New Recruit
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I couldnt have imagined going out and drinking tonight... especially whiskey..

1/25/2008 11:29:40 PM

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I'm gonna be freezing my balls off waiting for him, and I don't even have any

Quote :
"ever notice how the idea of yacking right beforehand is the worst ever, but then as soon as you start its not so bad? hahah"

I can't tell you how many times I've been nauseated, whether sick or hungover, and just stuck a finger down my throat to get some relief.

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:31 PM. Reason : klj]

1/25/2008 11:30:17 PM


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I yacked a few minutes after finishing last year. I could have held it in... but did NOT want to.

Never before has such sheer quantity of mass come out of my body.

1/25/2008 11:32:12 PM

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whats up with this whole cabbage comments? does it help keep the donuts down easier or something?

1/25/2008 11:32:20 PM

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Really? I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I drink whiskey pretty much every night, so maybe I'll be good to go?

Haha, I'm actually a moderately serious runner. This is going to be interesting.

1/25/2008 11:32:26 PM


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no it's not going to hurt you bad tonight. I was meaning that getting smashed the night before or drinking before running is not helpful to the running.

Drinking after running gets you trashed real quick though. i recommend it.

1/25/2008 11:34:01 PM

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never prepared like that. i was there setting up last year starting at 5am...four hours later i ran the damn thing. barely got any sleep.

afterwards, to cleanse my body i went on a 25 mile bike ride through umstead with my roommate. i was energized only by the mighty doughnut

1/25/2008 11:34:33 PM

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Okay, cool.

I'll definitely pick up another fifth of G.D. on the way home. It'll wash down the doughnuts.

Wheels of steel. I'm ready to go.

1/25/2008 11:35:13 PM


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Next year: alcohol challenge?

1/25/2008 11:37:15 PM

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i would think the donuts would soak up all that alcohol

btw i know its dunkin donuts...but other times is it doughnuts or is it donuts all the time?

1/25/2008 11:37:25 PM

New Recruit
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for the champion few, the few who are true badasses.....

we should yack purposefully, and see who can finish a 12er at the bar.

1/25/2008 11:41:02 PM

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It just dawned on me that I've never thrown up from any athletic competition, and I've been a soccer player for my entire life.

I think this streak may end tomorrow.

Can't wait.

1/25/2008 11:41:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Next year: alcohol challenge?"

More like the "Jack Daniels Drunken Dash". I'll go ahead and be the first to sign up.

1/25/2008 11:41:04 PM

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^^same for me. ran and rowed for 9 years and never threw up after anything but the KKC

"donuts" is just the way dunkin donuts spells it for their company name. the correct spelling is doughnuts

doughnut is in dictionary:
donut is, but is said to just be a variation of doughnut:

[Edited on January 25, 2008 at 11:46 PM. Reason : add dictionary links]

1/25/2008 11:43:44 PM

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aight i'm off to bed...goodluck out there tomorrow

1/25/2008 11:52:57 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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So nobody taped the PBS thing?

1/26/2008 12:15:04 AM

New Recruit
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nah didnt see it.

1/26/2008 12:24:35 AM

All American
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Digg it:

Alright, sleep I guess now. Dreaming of donuts.

1/26/2008 12:46:05 AM

All American
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A moderate amount of caffeine can help you out, but coffee specifically is usually a bad idea. Take a No-Doz or some other caffeine pill when you wake up if you want, but with coffee you risk getting the coffee shits, and it just doesn't sit well on an empty stomach anyway.

1/26/2008 3:24:16 AM

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I'm going to kill JCASHFAN

1/26/2008 6:26:21 AM

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personally i dont take caffine cause i'm already energetic as fuck and no matter how much sleep i get if i take caffine i'll be up til computer says 32 degrees btw..not to bad

1/26/2008 7:44:23 AM

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completed it...definitely threw up....finished with 5 seconds to spare

1/26/2008 10:26:32 AM

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I only took 280 pictures

1/26/2008 10:40:23 AM

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i was kinda looking for you ambrosia...i figured you'd be near the store

1/26/2008 10:41:55 AM

All American
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Completed it. Ate all 12. Finished in 1:08:32.

DIDN'T throw up.

1/26/2008 10:55:41 AM


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where in the heck do you get these times?

^^^^ you might have been right next to me.

1/26/2008 10:59:28 AM

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Completed it in 57:30, and ate all 12. No puking.

Getting all those doughnuts done was fucking hard. I thought about cheating a couple times but then I remembered all those sick little kids that were being helped and pushed through.

Now I'm going to go take a 37 hour nap.

1/26/2008 10:59:59 AM

All American
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gg to all you people who ate 12

i ate 1 and it was delicious, then i ate 3 more and started not liking donuts anymore, then i ate 2 more and just decided to run back

btw the thing was VERY well organized in my opinion, thanks to the organizers for doing things so well

1/26/2008 11:05:13 AM

All American
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1/26/2008 11:12:43 AM


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Quote :
"Getting all those doughnuts done was fucking hard. I thought about cheating a couple times but then I remembered all those sick little kids that were being helped and pushed through."

1/26/2008 11:12:55 AM

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^^^agree about it being well organized....i cant imagine it being any better organized honestly...only qualm i had was that it took about 2 minutes to find where to get the doughnuts and another like 2 minutes finding the water

1/26/2008 11:14:05 AM

All American
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^ I had the same problem. There were too many people grouped together at the krispy kreme. Now I don't know what it takes to run an event like this, but if there were 3000 runners, $15 each, that's $45,000. They donated $20,000 to the cause. Does it really take $25,000 to run an event like this? Over 50% for admin costs seems like a lot. Anyone have any insight on this?

1/26/2008 11:17:36 AM

All American
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Yeah, the whole water situation involved a bit of mental processing. It'd be nice to have the tables right there when you finished or got to KK. Maybe a table on each side so there wouldn't be mass hysteria trying to get water from one place.

1/26/2008 11:19:19 AM

All American
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so who won?

1/26/2008 11:20:02 AM

All American
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I want to say that a good chunk goes to shirts.

1/26/2008 11:20:34 AM

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idk...they got sponsors on the it was a white tee with a simple pic on the front and a simple phrase on the back...i can see them getting those shirts for like $5k tops

3k shirts...$5k...thats like a dollar something per shirt...almost 2 bulk that sound right or maybe even high

[Edited on January 26, 2008 at 11:22 AM. Reason : .]

1/26/2008 11:22:02 AM

Starting Lineup
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I did it! I got to KK in 16 minutes. It took me 25+ minutes to eat the doughnuts. The last 2 were HELL.

I finished in approximately 57 minutes.

Bellrabbit got 3rd. He was hauling ass at the beginning of the race. I wonder how Ballerstatus did...

It was a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I'll do it again next year, but, maybe...

1/26/2008 11:22:36 AM

All American
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Does it cost that much to close down the roads and get the cops out?

1/26/2008 11:23:01 AM

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I forget the guy's name that won. But, when he was given the microphone to speak, he said a few thank yous, and then yelled "GO HEELS!" The crowd screamed bloody murder at him.

[Edited on January 26, 2008 at 11:24 AM. Reason : won]

1/26/2008 11:24:11 AM

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rudeboy, give it a few days. i can help explain the cost structure after i get some more info.

1/26/2008 11:24:34 AM

All American
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thanks, I'm curious to know.

1/26/2008 11:26:34 AM

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what a fucking douchebag the winner is...i know its for a good cause, but the go heels thing is seriously fucking douchey of the freaking bell tower too...i'm glad i didnt see that...

[Edited on January 26, 2008 at 11:27 AM. Reason : ^as am i]

1/26/2008 11:26:54 AM

All American
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Does it cost that much to buy a few thousand dozen donuts????

1/26/2008 11:27:11 AM

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if i were krispy kreme i'd love the publicity

1/26/2008 11:27:56 AM

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