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 Message Boards » » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 ... 69, Prev Next  
All American
34404 Posts
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Dubose shooter cop getting charged with murder:

This seems like a direct result of the protests (and riots unfortunately) over the past few years. I can't see this happening before the blacklivesmatter protests, seems like it would have just been swept under the rug.

Funny too how many of us accepted the official response, and only after a newspaper demanded the body cam vid, and higher ups were forced to look at the video, was this action taken.

we are 1 baby step closer to removing racism from society with this indictment.

7/29/2015 2:23:24 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"we are 1 baby step closer to removing racism police brutality from society with this indictment."

7/29/2015 2:31:26 PM

26632 Posts
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the video is pretty damming, the cop straight executed that dude when he started his car

7/29/2015 3:12:32 PM

All American
39456 Posts
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Quote :
"Black lives matter... and so do police orders.

The cop asked for his license and he handed him a 40 oz. lmao"

7/29/2015 3:56:25 PM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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kinda total bullshit that NBC (and other news outlets) are using a mugshot photo of the victim when this incident didn't involve the victim being arrested at all. and the police officer's photo is him in front of the flag - why not use the mug shot of the guy was actually the criminal in this situation?

[Edited on July 29, 2015 at 4:17 PM. Reason : link 2 tweet]

7/29/2015 4:17:05 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Holy shit, that is some damming video right there. Fortunately for the cop the DA will probably be less than zealous in this prosecution and they'll manage to find a jury full of copsuckers to excuse this. I'm sure the officer "feared for his life" once the suspect started making "furtive movements."

7/29/2015 4:38:37 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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I can't wait for HUR to show up all like "WELL HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO DRIVE AWAY"

7/29/2015 5:18:07 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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I don't understand why we're supposed to give a shit about a drunk gangbanger on a suspended license getting shot while trying to evade a police officer. TWW, please enlighten me why this life actually matters.

7/29/2015 6:28:54 PM

All American
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because the State doesn't get to execute citizens without a fair trial

7/29/2015 6:42:41 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Exactly. Summary execution without trial is not the legal punishment for any of the things that he might have been doing. Not for driving without a front plate, not for driving with a suspended license, not for driving drunk (not sure if that's even the case for those last two).

It's not ok for cops to shoot people on the side of the road unless they absolutely have to for reasons of self preservation.

7/29/2015 9:19:51 PM

26632 Posts
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I don't understand why we're supposed to give a shit about the opinion of a dumb fuck idiot who couldn't even keep a fat wife. TWW, please enlighten me why this idiot actually matters.

[Edited on July 29, 2015 at 9:30 PM. Reason : or am i mixing up this dude with someone else?]

7/29/2015 9:29:06 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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7/29/2015 9:39:52 PM

balls deep
89855 Posts
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7/29/2015 9:41:50 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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Is it not obvious to anyone else that the alcohol had clearly not been opened? It was completely full.

7/29/2015 11:14:08 PM

All American
34404 Posts
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When you consider these kinds of stops are common in these neighborhoods, you have to wonder what impact this has on the community. If they're going to get stopped anyway, they don't have much incentive to try and take actions to not be stopped-- black sheep syndrome. The tyranny of low expectations.

Hopefully "certain people" can see how this would have cyclical and systemic effects. And it's not like the cops were ever fair to black communities, they've always been unfair to them starting before Jim Crow. The onus is on the cops to fix the situation.

7/29/2015 11:27:27 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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Quote :
"here are some thoughts about the police for you guys

police forces in the united states originated from slave patrols organized to return runaway slaves to their masters

the job of the police is now as it has always been: to protect the property of the state and that of the privileged private citizens in positions of power

police are and have always been the mechanic by which the state inflicts force and violence on its own populace for the purpose of protecting the interests of those in power from its own people

do not cooperate with police

do not talk to police

do not call the police

here are some bonus thoughts about peaceful protest for you fucking idiots:

the state has a vested interest in promoting the lie that the most effective forms of protest are peaceful and non-violent

you are taught about king and gandhi and encouraged to follow selective aspects of their example because it makes you easier to control and suppress

when you are being oppressed, you can and should destroy public property and defend yourself against the armed occupiers sent to silence you

burn the flag

smash the state

power is the means to enforce will by causing harm and killing

authority is power that is first given to the state by its people

but the state maintains and extends its authority by using the power given to it against those who gave it

those who give power should be prepared to take it back when necessary

where do you find the individual wills to exercise the state's power? in the fragile skulls of those who wield it against you

what is city hall? a building that burns like any other"

7/29/2015 11:56:28 PM

148786 Posts
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come on frosh, we're in our 30s

the pussification of tww

7/30/2015 12:01:41 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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how old was nat turner

7/30/2015 12:05:07 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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how old was nat turner

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 12:05 AM. Reason : so nice they named it twice]

7/30/2015 12:05:07 AM

148786 Posts
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he was various ages through his life

7/30/2015 12:08:35 AM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"Summary execution without trial is not the legal punishment for any of the things that he might have been doing. Not for driving without a front plate, not for driving with a suspended license, not for driving drunk (not sure if that's even the case for those last two). "

Use of force (deadly, less, etc) is not determined by the crime. Right or wrong, its determined by the actions of the suspect and the thought process of the officer. To believe that this officer just executed this man because of the crimes (not saying bias, fear or anything else) he was committing is laughable. I'm not one way or the other for this shooting, but I doubt the officer was like, "oh shit, no license plate, your dead." So now the police are suppose to take into account the reason for the stop/contact/etc? "Well he has a gun now and is pointing it at us, but we are only talking to him because he is accused of taking a stick of gum from Wal-Mart, so its ok."

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 6:54 AM. Reason : ...]

7/30/2015 6:54:06 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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I know you're a cop or whatever, but could you please attempt to use your brain when it comes to this shit, unlike your brothers in blue showcased herein?

7/30/2015 8:25:23 AM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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^^ that's not really what anybody is talking about though . because you're right. it doesn't matter how small the original offense was if an officer is truly threatened, he/she can and should use force to protect themselves. but we're talking about cops using that force with absolutely no justification whatsoever.

7/30/2015 8:47:23 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
". I'm not one way or the other for this shooting"

Really? Have you not watched the video yet?

But I agree with your point on mis-characterization of why someone gets shot etc

7/30/2015 9:36:35 AM

41758 Posts
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That cop looks like he would be the "farva" of the dept, campus PD too.

7/30/2015 9:46:29 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Use of force (deadly, less, etc) is not determined by the crime. Right or wrong, its determined by the actions of the suspect and the thought process of the officer. To believe that this officer just executed this man because of the crimes (not saying bias, fear or anything else) he was committing is laughable"

True. It doesn't matter what the crime is, when you are dealing with a cop you need to comply.

"Black father executed by white cop for missing front plate" generates more outrage and web traffic than "gangbanger shot in struggle fleeing cop" though.

After seeing the video, it is tough to tell what happened in the 2 second struggle when he starts the car. My question would be when and why did the cop unholster his pistol, and to TWW cops, when is this usually done during a traffic stop and under what conditions? I would imagine starting the car to flee would result in a cop pointing a gun?

Either way this is a victory for body cameras on cops.

7/30/2015 11:33:40 AM

balls deep
89855 Posts
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Wait, so i thought that fleeing a police officer was not enough to justify deadly force?

Anyhoo, from watching the video, it is not immediately clear to me what led to the officer's gun being unholstered and fired. It is also not clear to me if the car is being driven away intentionally, or is being driven away because the 'driver' is dead and his foot landed on the accelerator.

7/30/2015 11:48:19 AM

41758 Posts
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When you due from a headahot your muscles tense and you tend to stomp the pedal. I saw it on homicide Hunter.

The cop lied on his account of it, you clearly hear the car rev up after the gun goes off.

7/30/2015 12:02:31 PM

41758 Posts
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This was the guys fate.... Def not justified.

7/30/2015 12:05:37 PM

5608 Posts
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2:32 he starts accelerating right before getting murdered, not that it changes anything.

Initially I had thought maybe the cop panicked and thought he was reaching for a weapon, but DuBose's hand is on the door and ignition, and he moves defensively when the cop grabs him. I don't see any argument for the cop fearing for his life.

7/30/2015 1:03:38 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"The cop lied on his account of it"

Yup. He claimed he was being dragged by the car and feared for his life, which is bullshit.

Quote :
"It is also not clear to me if the car is being driven away intentionally, or is being driven away because the 'driver' is dead and his foot landed on the accelerator."

If you go frame by frame you can definitely see the headshot before the car takes off. My guess is he shifted it into drive and the car rolled a little bit just before the headshot.

Quote :
"It doesn't matter what the crime is, when you are dealing with a cop you need to comply. "

According to HUR that makes you a pussy ass liberal vag dick sucker or something along those lines. But he also blames dead people for not complying with cops during stops, so it's pretty hard to tell where he actually stands on the issue of compliance.

7/30/2015 1:18:41 PM

26632 Posts
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why isn't the partner being charged for lying on the report?

7/30/2015 1:42:05 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Outliers aside, do officers normally get charged for things like that?

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 1:48 PM. Reason : [serious question]]

7/30/2015 1:47:13 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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siri what is the blue wall of silence

7/30/2015 1:54:44 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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I hate to burst your liberal wet dream synapse but even if this guy is guilty of murder I don't see racism at play. I eee power hungry trigger happy police. I seriously doubt the logic in the cops head was

If ( suspect = black)
Unholster.weapon = true
ShootToKill = true

Else If (suspect = white)
Unholster.weapon = false
LicencePlate -> [memory_slot1]
Radio.SuspectDescription = true
DonutTime= true


I think the outcome would have been the same even if it are billy Bob the red neck. If you had any reading comprehension too you would have understood my previous posts that never advocated unconditionally obeying the police or backing the police.

The difference is your imagined horror land of mean cops going around picking on people because they hate black'blacks is completely delusional.

You and frosh should take a tww break to suck each other of and write a letter to your hero Al Sharpton asking to the next step on insinuating your race war.

7/30/2015 2:21:40 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Quote :
"I hate to burst your liberal wet dream synapse but even if this guy is guilty of murder I don't see racism at play. "

lol, how could you possibly know that racism wasn't at play? just your gut feeling? jeez.

7/30/2015 2:27:47 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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What is wrong with the video, around the time of the shooting incident it gets scrambled. I can't entirely tell the circumstances around the upholstered weapon and the guy driving off.

No matter what the cop contrary to the synapse delusion was thinking "I'm going to shoot a n*$$a for disrespecting me at a traffic stop.

The discussion needs to be on calming the police down and restoring faith in our society as a whole in the cops through deescalation of police aggression. NOT zomg racism, cops hate blacks, white guilt cry cry cry

7/30/2015 2:28:46 PM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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^^^that's really not how racism works in a lot of cases. it's not a deliberate "hey let me shoot this black guy", it's a subconscious belief that that black man poses a greater danger than a white man in the same situation.

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:29 PM. Reason : f]

7/30/2015 2:29:33 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"cops going around picking on people because they hate black'blacks is completely delusional."

Someone doesn't understand history, or reality, really.

Also surely racism can be an issue in some police forces, and abuse of force can be an issue in some police forces. Some actions can be taken because one, or the other, or both.

Like why can't those two actual realities coexist in your brain? It's gotta be one or the other with you. Black or white.

Quote :
"No matter what the cop contrary to the synapse delusion was thinking "I'm going to shoot a n*$$a for disrespecting me at a traffic stop."

Fucked up grammar aside, thanks for yet another strawman.

7/30/2015 2:29:47 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
lol, how could you possibly know that racism wasn't at play? just your gut feeling? jeez.


How you know it is. For the naacp and synapse, any white on black incident means the white is racist until proven otherwise. The guy was pulled for a traffic stop. The suspect then appears to have really been drinking and driving and didn't have a license. Finally the suspect attempts to flee, the details are unclear, but in the chaos the cop seems to have unjustifiably shot to kill. I see no evidence that the cop shot the guy just for not liking black people.

I could see the same thing going down if it were cleetus the hill billy

7/30/2015 2:33:24 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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the fact is you dont know why he did it. Maybe he was racist, which is why he pulled him over in the first place over a missing license plate in the front (which many white people claim they do all the time) and evidence from his past will come to light. Maybe he wasnt. But you cant just dismiss it.

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:35 PM. Reason : a]

7/30/2015 2:34:03 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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> The reason isn't X

> How do you know it isn't X?

> How do you know it is X?

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:36 PM. Reason : That logic is impregnable]

7/30/2015 2:35:33 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Quote :
"How you know it is."

I assume you're asking me a question? I don't know that it is in the specific incident. I just accept the reality that racism is a reality, and the reality that some cops are racist, and the reality that some police forces practice systematic racism, and the reality that we're seeing more and more videos where excessive force is used by a white cop on a black suspect. You seem to be in denial of all these facts.

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:37 PM. Reason : ]

7/30/2015 2:36:43 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
" For the naacp and synapse, any white on black incident means the white is racist until proven otherwise."

Hey look another stupid fucking strawman.

The man is a machine.

7/30/2015 2:39:22 PM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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Quote :
"I see no evidence that the cop shot the guy just for not liking black people. "

you're right that we really can't say definitively if anything was racially motivated here. but i'll say this again. racism isn't just "hey i'm cop and i'm gonna kill this black guy and then cover it up because i can" - it's much more nuanced than that. for example, a cop may feel more threatened - for no justifiable reason - when dealing with a black person than a white person. this could lead to the cop doing something irrational based on a perceived threat that was not there. that's hardly shooting somebody just because the cop "didn't like black people" - but it's still racially motivated, right?

7/30/2015 2:40:16 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
" subconscious belief that that black man poses a greater danger than a white man in the same situation"

I think this could be true in many circumstances. Although i think it's human nature when in many precincts the liklihood of a violent encounter is higher with a minority suspect. While you blame economic factors, systemic racism, or "hood culture" etc that doesn't change the fact. This being mixed in with an already escalating aggressive police force in general leads to shit like this.

Outside of small town America, the issue is more complicated than cops not liking black people. Like I pointed out half the cops in the Freddy Gray incident were BLACK

7/30/2015 2:43:57 PM

All American
39456 Posts
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"I am unable to read someones mind therefore race wasn't a factor"

pretty solid logic

7/30/2015 2:45:33 PM

5608 Posts
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I would feel like the shitty car, clown like costume, and prior arrest record would put me on edge as a cop, rather than just the color of his skin. Not that it isn't also a factor subconsciously when stereotypes come into play.

^ You can't just assume racism with no evidence though.

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:50 PM. Reason : .]

7/30/2015 2:48:28 PM

oh we back
25817 Posts
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Quote :
"Although i think it's human nature when in many precincts the liklihood of a violent encounter is higher with a minority suspect. While you blame economic factors, systemic racism, or "hood culture" etc that doesn't change the fact. This being mixed in with an already escalating aggressive police force in general leads to shit like this. "

in other words, stereotypes and prejudices can lead to the unjustifiable murder of minorities by police officers.

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 2:51 PM. Reason : which is bad thing. very bad.]

7/30/2015 2:51:22 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"Outside of small town America, the issue is more complicated than cops not liking black people"

No dummy. It can be a problem everywhere. Just like police brutality can be a problem everywhere. Sometimes they're both problems in the same police force. I know that's mind-blowing for you, but it is a fact.

Quote :
"You can't just assume racism with no evidence though."

Correct, and you can't assume it's not with no evidence too, which is what HUR did to begin this conversation.

7/30/2015 2:51:41 PM

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