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All American
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Support Cancer Research and the NCSU Wolfpack With Your Computer's Spare Time!

What Is It?
Essentially the uses your unused CPU cycles to model how proteins fold in the human body. The misfolding of proteins is often involved in well known diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease. Because this endeavor requires massive amounts of computing power, their project uses spare CPU time on computers that would otherwise sit idle in homes and businesses across the world. Here at North Carolina State University, we have formed this team in order to donate our spare CPU time to help this important endeavor.

The North Carolina State University ( Folding@Home Team (Team # 59) was one of the first teams to join the Folding@Home project, and was the very first University-based team to join. We are currently ranked in the top 100 in the world and are ramping up production in an effort to make it into the Top 50. We are all dedicated to doing our part to help end some of these terrible diseases, and we would appreciate the company of anyone who would like to help.

All it takes is the installation of a small piece of software and your computer will start completing Work Units for the project and the team. The Folding@Home process runs at the lowest possible priority so you can run it 24X7 without slowing down your computer or interfering with your everyday computing tasks. If you have a Sony PS3 Game Console you can also run Folding@Home ( on it with great results.

How Can I Help?

Go to,download and install the software. Our Team Number is 59.

Click here - for more detailed installation instructions.

Windows Computers:
We recommend using the "text-only console” client for most windows computers. If you have a dual/quad/etc core processor, be sure to install and run the SMP client to get you and the team far more points than the standard console client (but sometimes it has problems starting as a service, so you might have to restart the client manually or automatically via startup folder when your computer restarts). In general, its best to stay away from the graphical clients. If you have a Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading, its best to turn off Hyperthreading in the BIOS if you know how. Feel free to post in this thread with any questions.

Mac and Linux Computers:
There are both "text-only" consoles and SMP clients for Linux and Macintosh computers too! If you have a dual/quad/etc core processor be sure to run the SMP client as you'll get far more points than the text-only client. But the text-only clients also help out too if you only have single-core processors.

PS3s currently provide over 60% of the processing power in the Folding@home network and are capable of producing many points for the team. If you have PS3 system version 1.6 or later, you will see a Folding@Home icon in the Network column of the XMB (PS3 Networking menu). Just click on the icon and that's it. If you don't have 1.6 or later, perform a system upgrade. Make sure to use Team #59!

The more computers and PS3s you run the clients on, the more points your username and the NCSU team earns! Install as many clients as you can and watch your username/team progress at the stats page -


Team Links:
NCSU F@H Team Website:
NCSU F@H Team Discussion:
NCSU F@H Team Facebook Group:

F@H Links:
F@H Project Homepage:
F@H Official Forums:
F@H Wikipedia Article:
F@H Wiki Site:

Monitor your production:
Compare your production with other users:

[Edited on February 12, 2008 at 11:58 AM. Reason : Mod edit 2/12/08]

7/29/2003 12:15:31 AM

12280 Posts
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What is this exaclty? never heard of "folding@home"

7/29/2003 12:18:49 AM

All American
5286 Posts
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why not seti?

7/29/2003 12:19:29 AM

All American
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Kind of like SETI, except you're folding proteins instead of finding aliens.

7/29/2003 12:19:49 AM

All American
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but the aliens are out there! I swear to God

7/29/2003 12:20:46 AM

All American
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Folding@Home tries to simulate how proteins fold. The misfolding of proteins is often involved in well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. A distributed computing approach is required for such large scale simulations.

7/29/2003 12:26:24 AM

All American
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i think finding aliens is more important than curing mankind

7/29/2003 12:33:50 AM

All American
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Well dont you know, they are one and the same. When the aliens come they will cure all disease (or kill us all, whichever comes first).

7/29/2003 12:38:00 AM

All American
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GG TWW! Keep it up.

7/29/2003 1:06:02 AM

All American
8501 Posts
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I just joined. YAY!

7/29/2003 1:13:48 AM

All American
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^Sweet. We need the help.

7/29/2003 1:18:42 AM

All American
36908 Posts
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How much does this cost you each month in power and bandwidth, I mean I'd probably start a few computers for this if I were in the dorms, but now having to pay for my own inet and power I worry

7/29/2003 1:24:54 AM

Art Vandelay
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yeah but that idea is basically flawed in it's work. my boss personally knows the guys who set this all up and he says what they are doing is only really marginally effective. b/c they are statically folding them and the environment is not static.

we are doing something related with protein evolutionary groupings

7/29/2003 1:27:34 AM

Art Vandelay
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but hey we are all on the same side so its all good!

7/29/2003 1:31:08 AM

All American
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As for the cost of running a machine 24/7, I've seen estimates of about $3-$5/month. I imagine it depends on a lot of factors. As for bandwith, it uses very little. Each work unit is a few hundred kb and depending on the speed of your machine, you may do .1-4 work units a day. I did it on dial-up for about 2 years.

Yeah, I'm not saying the project is perfect, but I think we can still get some usefull information from it and others can expand as they see fit. Good luck.

7/29/2003 1:41:03 AM

All American
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i own ive only been on the team for like 2 weeks and im 11th

7/29/2003 2:08:40 AM

All American
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you really dont notice any drop in performance when running the folding at home i have it on 5 of my computers and when ever something wants the bandwidth it instantly gives it to your programs just watch you temps if you oc alot

7/29/2003 2:17:08 AM

12280 Posts
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for you people that worry about power u not keep your computers on all day and night? J/W cause i and almost everyone i know that has a computer leaves it on 25/7 and it really doesn't "increase" the power bill

7/29/2003 2:18:41 AM

All American
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Yeah, I can't close my d/l sessions.

7/29/2003 2:25:07 AM

All American
1781 Posts
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Im signed up as NCSUSean

7/29/2003 7:17:52 AM

31803 Posts
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i haven't run it in a long ass time cause i don't like what it does to my cpu temps

7/29/2003 8:01:11 AM

All American
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^^Great to have you onboard!

^Yeah, you have to make sure your system is stable as it will raise your temps. If you want, you can set the CPU usage for Folding@Home to <100% in the advanced options of the console version. I'm not sure about the GUI, I never use it. That could lower your temps.

[Edited on July 29, 2003 at 9:47 AM. Reason : ^^]

7/29/2003 9:46:32 AM

10294 Posts
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I joined as Evroccck but it didnt ask me for a team number

7/29/2003 11:26:30 AM

All American
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I use the console version and it asks when you start it up. As for the GUI version, there should be a settings window where you can configure it. Let me know if you can't find it. I have not used the graphical version in a long time.

7/29/2003 11:41:16 AM

10294 Posts
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oh, i was usin the screensaver

7/29/2003 11:53:25 AM

10294 Posts
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i think i got it runnin in the taskbar now...

7/29/2003 11:57:51 AM

All American
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Great glad to hear it.

7/29/2003 12:44:22 PM

All American
3686 Posts
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what's an easy way to hide the console... or put it in the system tray or something?

7/29/2003 1:25:24 PM

All American
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Try EMIII to hide and monitor the console. If you customize it, it can look like the above picture. There is also a program called TrayIt that minimizes any program to the sys tray. You can also get the NC State logo I made on my website along with more info and links to these programs.

Also the moose is on the board!

[Edited on July 29, 2003 at 1:40 PM. Reason : moose]

7/29/2003 1:37:15 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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lmfao, that's great considering I haven't had it running in months

[Edited on July 29, 2003 at 4:43 PM. Reason : ]

7/29/2003 4:39:57 PM

All American
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And considering I'm at work or otherwise occupied during most of the day, I should be able to crank a few out.

7/29/2003 5:10:34 PM

All American
1071 Posts
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i think it sux that the windows client is 30% faster than the linux one but oh well here goes... im on board

7/30/2003 3:42:10 AM

All American
26584 Posts
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all aboard

7/30/2003 6:31:24 AM

All American
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Here are the new members so far that have shown up in the stats:


Azaka2 -> I don't know who this is, but you can have multiple computers running with the same username if you like

Looking good so far. If you just started and your name is not on the list, it can take awhile to get credit for your first work unit. Fold On!

7/30/2003 8:47:17 PM

All American
3291 Posts
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I finnaly got it running on my main pc again, its been runiing on my old 1.4 tbird all the time, but i never relaoded ti after i redid the hardrive on my main pc. Well, back into the race.

7/30/2003 9:27:57 PM

All American
13876 Posts
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i'm running it but it doesnt list me on the team stats thing.

7/30/2003 11:10:04 PM

All American
3238 Posts
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it takes a while and make sure in configuration that you make your team number 59

7/30/2003 11:35:33 PM

All American
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k, that was set right. guess i'll just wait.

7/31/2003 1:29:10 AM

All American
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^^^^Great to hear you are back kylekatern! I was wondering what happened.

We have 2 more new members:

tracer- Are one of these you?

7/31/2003 9:41:25 AM

All American
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no....i should be "tracer"

7/31/2003 3:58:24 PM

All American
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looks like you turned in your first work unit today this afternoon, but currently it does not have you associated with a team. If you are sure you enter 59 as the team number, then close the program and start it up again. It's possible the team designation did not get associated with your first work unit. Here is your info:

7/31/2003 4:37:05 PM

All American
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all right, i restarted the program. when i go to configure, it says Team Number: and i have 59 entered. if i go to status and go to team statistics, it opens up the NCSU Wolfpack team...i'm just not on the list.

8/1/2003 1:16:12 AM

All American
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all right, good. i'm listed on the team page now. yay.

8/2/2003 4:32:14 PM

4833 Posts
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The reason there are two me's is becuase I was at my parent's house when I read this thread and decide to start using their computer to run it but I didn't know that you could use 2 computers with one name. I'm just going to leave the two seperated so I know which computer has done what.

8/2/2003 4:48:54 PM

265 Posts
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KRUZNBY: I'm chemp....

8/3/2003 1:37:53 AM

All American
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Looking good so far! Here are the latest new members:


Currently we are in 179th place and gaining ground on UConn(177), Purdue(174), and UC Davis(173). Fold On!

8/3/2003 10:24:01 AM

All American
1071 Posts
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I started on the 30th and am still only at 43% of the workunit (on CPU0, haven't checked CPU1)... sigh the old dual celery just don't put out like she used to..

I'll load it up on the main machine here soon

8/3/2003 4:24:42 PM

All American
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^Hey you made it on the list, and look who also decided to show up.


Now it's getting interesting. We should be passing UConn sometime tonight and at our current pace we will pass Purdue in just over a week.

8/4/2003 9:22:57 PM

All American
1071 Posts
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I got my Athlon XP 1800+ running it and my Dual Celery 500 running two instances (but linux client is hella slow) I might set it up on some more b0xen..



8/4/2003 9:47:56 PM

All American
871 Posts
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I just signed up last night

8/5/2003 11:17:37 AM

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