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All American
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i'm not looking to go to a "bigtime" firm. maybe i'm an idealist, but my goal is just to help as many people as i possibly can in one way or another. change lives, inspire others, and basically die an old man knowing that this world, or at least the people in it, are a little better as a result of the work i've done.

so yeah, no 80 hour a week, paper pushing ambulance chasing for me.

3/1/2006 8:32:26 PM

All American
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^It sounds like you have a lot of misconceptions about big firms.

First, attorneys at big firms don't work 80 hours a week. I suppose there may be weeks like that during big trials, but that would be true of any trial attorney. I think the average is about 50 hours a week, maybe a little more. And don't expect hours to be any less at smaller firms. A lawyer is a's not a 9 to 5 job.

Second, big firms are not filled with "ambulance chasers". By and large, big firms are defense firms. They represent the hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies being sued by ambulance chasers. "Ambulance chasers" are typically solo practitioners and in small plaintiff's firms. BTW, don't you think those attorneys believe they are making a difference in their clients' lives?

Third, you can make a difference in people's lives while working at a large firm. Like every attorney, big firms have clients that need help. Big firms also have the resources to take on pro bono matters for people who can't afford good legal help. In recent news, I can think of a big firm attorney from Charlotte that saved an innocent man from death row in NC; he was on Larry King a few weeks ago.

3/1/2006 9:46:11 PM

All American
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i'm just not the firm type

i'll end up at a non-profit, barely getting by, but happy. it's all good.

3/1/2006 9:51:10 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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I think his point is that he doesn't want to spend his time making money for someone else.

3/1/2006 10:03:41 PM

All American
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haha, that too

3/1/2006 10:06:41 PM

All American
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That's admirable. I have a few friends who went the non-profit route and they all love their jobs.

Where are you heading to law school? Or are you in law school already?

3/1/2006 10:11:00 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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actually, maybe that was my point... oh well, Go O's!

3/1/2006 10:19:34 PM

All American
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does Jerry Fallwell have his hands all up in the law school there? or just some money tied in to it?

3/2/2006 6:17:43 PM

All American
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^The bible is a first year textbook. Does that answer your question?

3/2/2006 6:58:01 PM

All American
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For those interested in Public Interest I wouls suggest considering a law school in DC. they are all terribly overpriced except Howard(self promotion baby!) There are just about 1 billion pub interest opportinites and 500 million gov agencies and such. there is lots of work here.

3/7/2006 12:55:33 AM

All American
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I applied to clemson's automotive engineering graduate program today as a backup if I don't get in to any of the law schools I applied to. Even in the case of getting into only one school, that'd probably be either charlotte or charleston, both of which aren't ABA approved and in the case of only having those options, I'm thinking a career in law is probably a bad idea. In which case I'm more likely to get into another engineering program than continue wasting everyone's time by staying where I am now, treading water until I get into a law school.... yikes....

anyone know when I might hear back from schools, btw? My 2nd recommender only got in his recommendation letter to LSDAS today.... all my apps got in before the march 1 deadlines (pretty much across the board, a few are 4/1)

3/7/2006 1:16:01 AM

All American
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who's heard back from duke, wake, unc, campbell? and when was your file complete or interview?

3/8/2006 4:51:06 PM

All American
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Some insider information leads me to believe that UNC responses will be mailed on March 31, just so everyone who applied can stop running to their mailbox everyday

3/13/2006 8:51:38 AM

All American
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^ reasoning? i mean if they're going to accept you or reject you... send the letter... and i know a lot of people that have already heard back from them. is this their mass mailing?

3/13/2006 7:17:03 PM

All American
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I was told by a professor from NCSU who has connections with UNC that March 31 will be when they mail everyone a letter.

^The people that have heard back that you know, were they early accepts or were they turned down? If you don't mind saying.

3/14/2006 11:29:30 AM

All American
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those that were accepeted had the 170s and 3.9s, and the rejects had 150s and 3.0s. i guess those are clear cut cases, but i'm worried because i'm a splitter. and i don't think they were early admits, because to my knowledge carolina doesn't have an early admit program. they also sent there apps in late december/early jan.

3/14/2006 1:32:48 PM

All American
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Well, I guess that the fact that I haven't been denied early is pretty fucking cool.

3/14/2006 4:11:25 PM

All American
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Still no rejections... No acceptance either.

3/20/2006 11:44:48 AM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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onorio, where did you apply?

3/21/2006 6:09:13 PM

All American
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I went and paid my enrollment fee at Central today to reserve a seat in the Fall 2006 class, and I have to say that they have really nice facilities, at least the Turner Law Building is sweet. It's pretty much a brand new facility(due to additions/remodeling). I didn't tour, but I hear they have a brand new law library that's nice as well.

The suspense is killing me with UNC.

3/23/2006 5:20:13 PM

All American
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Denied by UNC

3/25/2006 9:11:31 PM

All American
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sorry to hear about that sputter.... i'm still waiting, but i'm thinking i'll be in the same boat as you.

3/26/2006 5:34:44 PM

All American
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two of my friends heard from UNC 2 weeks ago, I think they are just getting back to people at different times.

3/30/2006 10:48:24 AM

All American
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i guess you have to give up your first-born to get in to UNC?

3/31/2006 9:58:14 AM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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don't sweat it man, some of the best lawyers went to smaller schools... hell easley went to Central. Put it in perspective

3/31/2006 10:54:59 AM

All American
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yeah... more than anything, i wanted to go to UNC because it would have made life easier... costs, people i know there, etc. but i'm looking forward to going to law school period. and, i still think i have a shot landing a job in a regional or nc firm that pays well. just have to make it to the top of my class to do so.

3/31/2006 12:21:47 PM

All American
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[Edited on April 5, 2006 at 9:09 AM. Reason : well, f8ck the html, caps is good enough!]

4/5/2006 9:08:34 AM

All American
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congrats Dan

4/5/2006 5:15:59 PM

All American
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Congrats to all that are in so far. Sputter...if you decide to come to Central, I promise you will get educated on the law and feel good about it.

In my 1st year at Central now, preparing for finals...Good Luck To all, and if you come to Central let me know...I try to look out for fellow NCSU alumni...There is a pretty good NCSU crowd here, although alot of Bor-Heels here too...oh well


4/5/2006 6:31:01 PM

All American
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i'm still waiting to here from Barry U. and Texas Southern

4/5/2006 7:41:21 PM

All American
1002 Posts
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^^^^ Welcome to Wake Law.

4/5/2006 8:24:21 PM

All American
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Quote :

[Edited on April 5, 2006 at 9:09 AM. Reason : well, f8ck the html, caps is good enough!]

Holy shit that's awesome. COngratulations.

BiggzsIII, I will see you in August.

4/5/2006 8:48:37 PM

All American
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you Wake guys should consider the JD-MBA combo

4/5/2006 11:23:49 PM

All American
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Congrats on Acceptances!

4/6/2006 7:42:20 PM

All American
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^^someone told me you can join that program after your first year. is that right or do you have to do that before you start?

4/7/2006 1:12:00 AM

All American
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I'm currently interning with the District Court legal assistant (5th floor) for wake county (this is for my crim major at NCSU) and every lawyer I've talked to in Wake county pretty much says the same thing about law schools. They either went to Central and loved it because they didn't have 100+K of debt to pay off or they're jealous of those who did go to Central because those lawyers aren't paying off debt 10 years later. Pretty much convinced me to apply/go to Central (unless some other college wants to pay me an assload). With decent grades and a solid LSAT I could easily qualify for minority scholarships and make 4 years of Law school cost less than NCSU undergrad.

4/7/2006 1:26:30 AM

All American
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^GAH! don't tell me that! I just scored an accidental acceptance to a tier 1 school! (not listening, not listening, I can't hear you, blah, blah, blah,blah.... nyah, nyah.... I CAN afford it, I CAN afford it.....)

4/7/2006 1:30:24 AM

All American
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yeah, don't worry too much. these guys aren't exactly starving debt or no debt

4/7/2006 1:42:01 AM

All American
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Yeah, Central program is not that expensive, and we just got a totally new designed facility. We have been ranked as one of the best Law School Facilities on the East Coast. Just b/c its cheap does not mean easy. We are on a C curve, and almost 1/3 of a class will not be invited back for the following year due to Academic trouble.

But the friendship and openness of staff, 2L's, 3L's and others is spectacular.


4/7/2006 9:48:32 AM

All American
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C curve suck. We were actually graded down for Criminal law last semester.

The debt won't be unbearable. Although I pay 10 grand less than you

Seriously, enjoy the summer. Your life and personality will change in August. Everything will become an analytical problem and you will read more in a day than you did your entire college semeseter.

4/7/2006 2:11:40 PM

332 Posts
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^c'mon... it's not that bad... (almost) everyone survives...

4/7/2006 9:39:02 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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1/3 of the class isn't invited back? Doesn't that sound a little high?

C curve sucks I guess, it def. makes the competition stiffer.

Good luck everyone who got in this year. My advice for your first year:

- Don't burn yourself out too early.
- Try not to become too absorbed in the law, i.e. get a hobby.
- Study groups are key
- Outline EARLY!!!!!!!!!! so you can work hypos later in the semester
- Don't be "that guy" (don't be the gunner that everyone makes fun of behind his back, just be friendly and help your classmates out, don't get all Paper-Chasey about it)
- May the force be with you

Check the time stamp on this thing... yes I am up studying... you better get all your damn partying out of you now cause that shit is about to come to an end real soon.

4/10/2006 3:39:23 AM

All American
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You can party at law school. you just have to control your shit. There is some student organized thing going on at my school every week. I'm not a good model because i hardly do anything until finals time, but I dont suggest reading every word and getting no sleep either. Happy Medium folks

4/10/2006 11:38:49 AM

All American
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20- 30 of 150 left Campbell last year. Some students just hated it and a few transferred. The majority failed (below 75, on the reasonable lawyer standard).

I second helping people out. Whether its getting someone out of jail or sharing notes, people will remember. After school, you are stuck with your classmates. The Bar is very small and everyone knows everything. Your reputation is everything in the legal community.

Also, don't be slutty.

Don't spend a fortune on supplements. You can get them from upperclassman or used online. Outlining early is key, but at a certain point you have study the hell out of it.

Do the other schools stress depression and alcoholism? It seems like we get a lecture every several weeks.

[Edited on April 11, 2006 at 10:48 AM. Reason : .]

4/11/2006 10:42:10 AM

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^its not like some of our classmates don't need it...

4/11/2006 11:22:17 AM

All American
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yeah, i will give you that jared.....

4/11/2006 12:48:12 PM

All American
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I got into charleston (big surprise) and waitlisted at mississippi fucking rednecks have no idea what they're talking about.

4/11/2006 9:59:40 PM

All American
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did you really just call ole miss redneck? They tailgate with their sterling silver and pearls.

Don't sweat it, send them something that affirms your interest.

[Edited on April 12, 2006 at 8:13 AM. Reason : k]

4/12/2006 8:05:48 AM

All American
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send them something? Like what? I'm confused... I didn't know proper etiquette was to send them something...

4/12/2006 8:19:35 AM

All American
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i don't think she means to send them a fruit basket...but a letter saying thank you for taking your application into consideration, you really like their school, think you'll be a good fit, and hope to hear good news from them in the future.

4/12/2006 9:31:09 AM

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