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All American
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^lol, send them a f*ck-yer-waitin'-miss fruit basket. lmfao....

4/12/2006 12:28:36 PM

All American
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hahaha, sending them a fruit basket is a funny idea. Or maybe one of those fruit baskets that look like flowers...

4/12/2006 12:49:49 PM

All American
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I whole heartedly agree:

Outline Early
Brief Consistently
This will allow you to run Hypos more steadily and earlier
Study Groups Rock (they become your ne family)
Talk and help others if you can
Trying to be the curve breaker may sound great, but really hurts you, unless your all about urself

And yes, it can be that bad at Central with the return rate...word is a lil over 1/3 of 1L class not coming back - they tried to party, not read, and just basic lack of english and analytical skills

You will read more in one day than college career for most, I know that is me.
But if you get on it early, stay strong, consistent and resist the multiple short cuts you can and will do fine...Again all NCSU alumns coming to NCCU holla at me


4/12/2006 1:30:58 PM

All American
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^ hopefully thats where i'll be going next year. haven't heard back yet though but i sent in my app kind of late. wanted to wait for my feb. lsat results

4/12/2006 1:37:31 PM

All American
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then send a fruit basket! just don't send a fruitcake

4/12/2006 1:52:34 PM

All American
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I will never go to central after the fiasco yesterday about the lacrosse kids.

NCCU LAW student: "I don't care what the DNA evidence said. Something happened in there."

I was like... Oh... my... God. Tell me they just didn't say that... please? So lets ignore a HARD FACT and replace it with CONJECTURE?

Good lawyering there.

I suppose that might be good defense lawyering... but the stripper is hardly a defendant.

[Edited on April 12, 2006 at 4:36 PM. Reason : .]

4/12/2006 4:35:38 PM

All American
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^ see but the thing they haven't considered is that more than likely not everyone in attendance was a lacrosse player. so if a rape did occur, they may have collected the wrong DNA to compare it to.

4/12/2006 5:17:45 PM

All American
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a person's intuition is not and should not be considered an indicator of their skills as an attorney.

4/12/2006 7:01:46 PM

All American
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The DNA evidence, as I understand, was inconclusive. And it's theoretically possible that a rape could occur without leaving any DNA. I know, I know... not likely, but possible.

4/12/2006 8:13:21 PM

All American
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It's also possible a black stripper cried wolf in order to gain profit in faking a rape.


4/12/2006 11:39:19 PM

All American
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no it is impossible, unless these boys have figured out how to perform the perfect crime, to not leave DNA evidence, when among other things, they are being charged with strangulation and battery. They swabbed the woman's fingernails too... if she fought back so vehemently, then there WOULD HAVE been DNA under her nails. If she didn't fight back, then it may have been consensual sex. Given there was no DNA found inside of her either it all just doesn't make sense. No one even had sex. Which is why the Lacrosse players gave no fuss about giving DNA. They simply did not do it.

The DA is under immense pressure to make this case work. So he will take it to trial. They will ultimately be found innocent given the photos of her already beatup arriving at the party and the fact that none of the 46 players' DNA was found ANYWHERE on her body. I could shake your hand and leave DNA evidence.

It's all ridiculous. I wish I could be the defense attorney. It's a slam dunk case for innocence.

[Edited on April 13, 2006 at 12:59 AM. Reason : It's 1AM. innocence not innocense... although, innocense is a word, just not really what I wanted ]

4/13/2006 12:52:22 AM

All American
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it was good until
Quote :

4/13/2006 12:56:16 AM

All American
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The defense attorney hasn't even fired his guns yet. He knows the DA is digging his own grave right now. As soon as the DA stagnates the defense attorney is going to come out blazing.

4/13/2006 12:58:21 AM

All American
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yeah, when your opponent is commiting suicide, you step out of the way and let them. Once and if it goes to trial, the defense attorneys will bring out the artillery.

4/13/2006 1:00:11 AM

All American
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For the record, if a stripper comes to my house all beat up with scrapes and bruises, I'm kicking her out too.

4/13/2006 1:01:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I will never go to central after the fiasco yesterday about the lacrosse kids.

NCCU LAW student: "I don't care what the DNA evidence said. Something happened in there."

I was like... Oh... my... God. Tell me they just didn't say that... please? So lets ignore a HARD FACT and replace it with CONJECTURE?"

Every school has someone that speaks out of the matter how much law you learn...Plus law school allows you to state your claim/belief...just have to have some fact/evidence to back it up...

So lets see what happens, I am very interested in how this all works out...


4/13/2006 10:19:45 AM

All American
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no, it is possible to have sex and not leave DNA inside of her. though, the lack of DNA on the fingernails implies there was no struggle. true. the other thing is the medical exam of the "victim" the day after indicated vaginal and anal intercourse. but in no way does that prove an assault occurred.

4/13/2006 10:50:09 AM

All American
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That's not what I'm understanding. I'm understanding that the DNA evidence came back negative. Meaning the DNA they did take off her body did not match any of the 46 lacrosse players. So intercourse probably happened (given the DNA on her) just not with these boys.

4/13/2006 10:59:45 AM

All American
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hmmm... possibly, the news report were extremely vague. i understood it as there was no dna evidence incriminating the boys... meaning there could have been no dna, or there could have been no dna that matched... regardless, nifong is running more "sophisticated" dna tests which might implicate a player. funny also how the "victim" can now id the three players, when she couldn't before hand. that drunken stupor must have worn off or something.

4/13/2006 11:15:39 AM

All American
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question: i'm reading 1L by scott turow. is it really that bad still, or has it gotten any better?

4/13/2006 11:17:02 AM

All American
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I think Nifong has really made more of a debacle around this than needed to be. The media circus surrounding the event has just fueled the fire of presumption of guilt. In the event that the DNA inside of her (if some was found) comes back to not match any of the players, I think she should be prosecuted for lying. DNA tests aren't cheap. Especially multiplied by 46.

^ I'm not in 1L yet... august... maybe... if I decide to go... haven't decided yet.

[Edited on April 13, 2006 at 11:23 AM. Reason : .]

4/13/2006 11:23:43 AM

All American
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I guarentee that people from other law schools have said and done things that are a lot worse than saying that something happened in that house. What a silly reason to pick law schools.

4/13/2006 1:13:20 PM

All American
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As a future lawyer, you should know that when you say something, you're representing someone. She was saying what she was saying on behalf of her school (the rally was at NCCU).

It's like if there was a rally in the brickyard and as an engineering major, I said 2+2=5. It would be embarassing for the school.

4/13/2006 1:16:09 PM

All American
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I doubt very many people in the legal profession will take that students opinion and apply it to the university as a whole. as someone else said, those kinds of things are said all the time by individuals, but i can't think of one school in particular in which a student made an outlandish comment because i don't think we remember those sorts of things. all will soon be forgotten.

4/13/2006 1:35:04 PM

All American
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My Legal Reseach & Writing professor wrote "grammer class cancelled" on the whiteboard during my orientation week.

4/13/2006 6:46:16 PM

All American
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hopefully a joke?

4/13/2006 6:50:22 PM

All American
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good thing it wasn't a spelling class!

4/13/2006 8:02:29 PM

All American
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anyone? thoughts on 1L, the book? thoughts on your actual 1L experience?

4/13/2006 8:25:03 PM

All American
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^It's nothing like the book. You will work hard and you will get cold called in class, but most professors are not assholes and most of your classmates will not be ubercompetitive (although every class has a few gunners).

4/13/2006 9:34:25 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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ha, thats funny because that book is pretty much my experience to a T

4/13/2006 11:49:25 PM

All American
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^^ my 1L year was pretty much like that. maybe its because I am not used to being around many competitive people, but I felt like there were a lot of people in my class who were competitive to the point of being dicks.

4/14/2006 1:04:20 AM

All American
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competitive in what way? i haven't read the book but i'm more concerned with being able to sit and pass the bar than becoming top of my class

4/14/2006 1:28:49 AM

All American
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competitive in being grade grubbing, outline hoarding, advantage seekers to the point of obnoxiousness.

4/14/2006 1:34:11 AM

All American
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^ heh sounds like a lawyer to me

4/14/2006 1:41:05 AM

All American
1002 Posts
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Quote :
"hopefully a joke?"

No, she was just an idiot.

4/14/2006 3:18:44 AM

All American
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they get into law school also

4/14/2006 4:04:29 AM

All American
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For those who felt their school was competitive, where did you go?

I went to Wash U in St. Louis and my classmates were great. We shared outlines (we actually had an online database) and notes if the need arose and helped people who missed class. No one ripped pages out of library books. There were a few gunners and the occasional asshole prof, but overall I felt everyone was pretty chill and the mood was anything but competitive.

[Edited on April 14, 2006 at 8:26 PM. Reason : ]

4/14/2006 8:25:59 PM

All American
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So far my 1L experience...we all get called on pretty much in every class. Pretty much easy sharing with outlines and notes if you missed day. There are some gunners and assholes that want to hoard it all up for themselves. But for most part everyone is rather friendly.

Profs range from extremely nice and pleasant (but still strict) to assholes that are so smart that they are rude and ignorant to others opinions and thoughts, and the occassional hard ass who gives in to no one and makes you the example.

Your work load is a load and you have to stay on it. You going to work or its going to work you...


4/14/2006 9:31:29 PM

All American
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My favorite part was when some of the "gunners" shut the fuck up after first semester grades came out

4/15/2006 12:38:58 AM

All American
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I second that.

4/15/2006 5:49:13 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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Yeah, I am at UNC and IMO it is pretty competitive here. There has def. been some book hiding going on. This semester has been bad for gunners because of the summer job search. I imagine it will only get worse this fall.

Just an example: people are trying to barter and trade their outlines. It has been getting pretty absurd lately with finals coming up soon. Lots are hounding 2Ls for their outlines from last year.

4/17/2006 12:09:05 AM

All American
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LOL, i have to agree that some if not most gunners do kind of fall silent after first sem grades come out...


4/17/2006 9:33:23 AM

All American
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Finals start tomorrow at Howard why am I on tww? any good Crim Pro(bail to jail) outlines out there people? pm me

4/17/2006 11:04:06 AM

All American
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i know the law students are in finals now, but if you have any free time, i was wondering if any of you had any suggestions as to where to live in buies creek?

4/20/2006 10:04:40 PM

Legal Eagle
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^I'm a Campbell law alumni, and I actually commuted to school from Raleigh/Garner area, but I can give you some suggestions for Buies Creek from my experience. I really liked the Meadows townhouses in Buies Creek--about a mile from campus, lots of space, nice yard and neighborhood, mostly grad students and a lot of law students. Also, the Pines apartments are right across the street from the library and they were nice--convenient but might be too close to school if you want some separation. There is also a new brick apartment complex across from campus, but I forget the name of it. A lot of people also lived at University Manor, but I never visited there. My opinions come just as a visitor to these places, so I don't know anything about management, price, facilities, etc. The law school has a list of people renting and info, so they could probably give you more info if you call their main office.

4/20/2006 11:15:15 PM

332 Posts
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^The new brick one is called Campus Point... and I'd definitely recomend the Meadows over them and University Manor...

^^If you know when you're coming down... let me know... I'll be here all summer and can try and help if you want...

(and since exams start tomorrow I should prolly finish studying)

4/21/2006 12:36:32 AM

All American
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I graduate from Villanova Law in a couple of weeks and my experience was very much like Partial's. I couldn't have asked for a more collegial atmosphere. Asked why they would choose Villanova Law again, I think most students would give the community as their #1 reason.

4/26/2006 8:26:19 PM

Walt Sobchak
All American
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Tip of the day: Don't go to law school.

4/28/2006 1:39:29 AM

All American
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I second the above comment, unless they did away with contracts and the ucc. I hate the ucc.

4/30/2006 11:56:52 AM

All American
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at howard they dont teach ucc with contracts, its a seperate class. I hate contracts as well

4/30/2006 1:53:31 PM

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