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 Message Boards » » Black Women Wanted Page [1]  
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Mahogany refers to a variety of dark colored woods (Trees). Trees are the strongest living organisms in the forests that survive off elements and nutrients of mother earth. They are known for their workability, durability and less likely to rot. They are preferred for making drums and acoustic guitars because they create a warm and rounded tone. *African Mahogany *

Dreams are aspirations, goals or aims. They can be serious, wild or fancy but they are yours to keep and share.

Mahogany Dreams are the strongest living organisms in the world that survive off the elements and nutrients of each other. They are known for their strength, hard work and collective efforts to make the world a more beautiful place. Mahogany women can make beautiful music through music, words, dance interpretation, writing or how ever they may choose. They stand out because their skin is smooth and sun-kissed. Their hair is kinky refined and full of life. Their eye sparkle and their smile is wide and genuine. But what separates one Mahogany from the next can’t be seen, heard or touched but can be given freely. Their Heart.

Mahogany Dreams:Circle of Friends
*This is a new group being formed. If you are between 23-29 and interested in joining, please contact All women are welcome.

7/8/2008 12:34:16 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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Even if I was tripping balls on some mushrooms and felt like I was the wisest mother fucker in the world, this shit would make absolutely no sense to me at all.

7/8/2008 12:36:11 PM

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7/8/2008 12:36:37 PM

All American
15028 Posts
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ibt pad

7/8/2008 12:40:49 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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this for serious?

7/8/2008 12:42:32 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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buy an ad?

7/8/2008 12:46:23 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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this sounds like a facebook group

in before the racism

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 12:47 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2008 12:47:26 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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Oh snap I brought the corporate racial marketing.

7/8/2008 12:50:22 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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Perhaps you should give more details about the purpose of the group, what activities you intend to partake in, and what self-esteem-boosting affirmations you plan to discuss, rather than simply posting a few paragraphs of shallow inspiration that wouldn't even pass muster in an amateur open mic poetry slam. Kudos for representing the diaspora, but rep harder next time, please.

7/8/2008 12:50:59 PM

All American
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in before the black reverse racists posts

7/8/2008 12:51:47 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 1:11 PM. Reason : double post]

7/8/2008 1:10:58 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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See, you did so much better on Craigslist. Stick to that, instead of all the fluff.

Here, I'll help you out:

Quote :
"Mahogany Dreams: Circle of Women

Seeking black women ages primarily 23-30 yr olds to start women’s group.

Please come if ANY of the following apply:

*Your lonely and want to meet friends
*You feel unaccepted in white America
*You just broke up with your boyfriend
*Divorced or Separated
*New to Raleigh
*Need to get away from the kids
*Just Graduated
*In school
*Enjoy a nice glass of wine
*Like going out to eat
*Like cooking or eating
*Want to understand the black community
*Are bi-racial or in an interracial relationship
*No father or father of your child
*Perfectly fine
*Just want to get away

Even if none of these options apply, I would still encourage you to come or email me. This isn’t a self-help group, this is a group geared towards fellowship. (Not religiously based). A place we can cook, laugh, cry and lift each other up. Everyone is welcome. I hope to make lifelong friendships and networks that will last a lifetime. Let’s all begin to have solution-oriented dialogues and forums about ourselves, the community, our relationships and pasts. Let’s begin to change the world one woman at a time.

Please email me for more details. First meeting tentatively scheduled for July 26th 7pm."

7/8/2008 1:11:38 PM

All American
6787 Posts
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Quote :

7/8/2008 1:12:18 PM

37709 Posts
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dark colored woods (Trees)

thanks for clearing that up

7/8/2008 1:17:32 PM

All American
3613 Posts
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7/8/2008 5:03:26 PM

68205 Posts
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buy a fucking ad

Post new threads in the right section - Save us the trouble of having to move your topic to the correct section. Post in the right section to begin with. Additionally, if you post the same topic in multiple sections or post a dummy topic pointing to a topic in another section, this is grounds for immediate suspension. Nothing pisses us off more than seeing "I posted this in but no one looks there so now I am posting it in to get more attention". The Wolf Web does provide free advertising and attention, in the CORRECT places.