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All American
3877 Posts
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anyone have any experience with this class? If so, do you get to watch movies lol? I gotta take one more humanities...suggestions?

10/11/2010 9:59:06 PM

All American
4073 Posts
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talk to Biofreak70

10/11/2010 10:02:15 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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take a philosophy course!

10/11/2010 10:02:34 PM

balls deep
89904 Posts
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Take biopsych

it's a pretty interesting class

10/11/2010 10:02:40 PM

All American
1885 Posts
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any soc 200?

10/11/2010 10:03:03 PM

21958 Posts
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I enjoyed my intro to film class. Yes, you get to watch movies. Some of them are actually good movies. And yes, you take tests.

10/11/2010 10:04:16 PM

All American
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Nvm to ENG 282:

Would prefer the least amount of work, especially 0 (zero, none, nada) papers

10/11/2010 10:04:45 PM

All American
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I hear this one is pretty awesome.

10/11/2010 10:05:39 PM

All American
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you should take metaphysics, ethics or bio medical ethics

10/11/2010 10:07:35 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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I loved that class when I took it.

10/11/2010 10:10:46 PM

Tom Joad
72872 Posts
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take two film classes

10/11/2010 10:11:01 PM

All American
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Intro to film is an awesome course, when taken with Wallis. You watch movies and talk about them. In the 5-week summer session, there were only 3 tests and a paper (and the paper could be about any movie he's seen, so long as you got his approval). You are graded on in-class participation, though (answer questions, participate in discussion... easy grade), so if you're looking for a class to skip, this isn't it.

I actually thought he was the only one who taught the course, but apparently not.

If Philosophy of Science is still being taught by the same guy it was when I took it, you should go for that (seeing as you're looking for a simple no-work course). Most of the out-of-class work is just for extra credit, the tests are all online and you have 24 hours to complete them, and he tells you up-front that you never have to attend the course unless you really care about the material. There used to be a required paper/essay but I think he got rid of that or made it extra credit.

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:13 PM. Reason : .]

10/11/2010 10:11:59 PM

Tom Joad
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Maria Pramaggiore taught my intro to film class

but that was a billion years ago

there used to be a guy named Jim Morrison who taught history of film and was some sort of hitchcock expert, but i think he peaced out to california not too long after i had him

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:19 PM. Reason : +]

10/11/2010 10:18:22 PM

All American
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When marko took the class it was all silent films, though

10/11/2010 10:20:37 PM

All American
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^^She's still listed as the other co-author of the film textbook (along with Wallis). And it was published in 08 or 07.

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM. Reason : .]

10/11/2010 10:21:04 PM

Tom Joad
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yeah i think she was department head for a while, too

Quote :
"When marko took the class it was all silent films, though"

lol actually a good chunk was... i was in "history of film to 1940"

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:23 PM. Reason : +]

10/11/2010 10:23:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Maria Pramaggiore taught my intro to film class"

I took her Robert Altman/Stanley Kubrick class circa 2003, was one of my favorite classes.
Does that class still exist and does she still teach?

10/11/2010 10:40:55 PM

Double Entendre
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can you take film and literature? I LOVED THAT CLASS!!!

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:43 PM. Reason : the woman of the married couple taught mine.]

10/11/2010 10:42:15 PM

All American
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^did you have to do a lot of work?

10/11/2010 10:43:13 PM

Double Entendre
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well, we had to read books and compare it to the adaptation. If you don't like reading, I would not recommend this class. We did read things like The Postman Always Rings Twice, one of the quickest reads ever and a graphic novel called Ghostworld...things of that nature.

10/11/2010 10:44:41 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"ClassicMixup: Would prefer the least amount of work, especially 0 (zero, none, nada) papers"

I dunno about finding a course with no papers.

But you could try to take a course where you got some background and some interest so the paper would flow more easily...?

10/11/2010 10:45:44 PM

Double Entendre
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we did write short papers and one big paper. So this might be considered too much work. I am assuming the intro class is fairly hefty with busy work as well.

10/11/2010 10:47:16 PM

All American
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^ only offered in the fall

I wouldn't mind a class where I read novels either. I hate short stories, essays, poems, etc. Novels = good. Whatcha got minds of tdub?

10/11/2010 10:49:06 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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^^I loved that class too!
I had Orgeron? (sp?)
Adaptation was fun

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:50 PM. Reason : .]

10/11/2010 10:50:05 PM

Double Entendre
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I had the woman Orgeron.

10/11/2010 10:51:04 PM

All American
9667 Posts
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Quote :
"I am assuming the intro class is fairly hefty with busy work as well."

Like I said, when I took intro to film, the only outside of class work was one paper (7 pages, I think? ...and it could be on just about any movie). There were three in-class tests, some pop quizzes, and graded participation, but really all that stuff just came with showing up. None of the tests or quizzes are hard at all if you pay attention to the class discussions, too. Take the class with Wallis and you should enjoy it, if you care at all about artistic/entertainment media and the discussion of it.

10/11/2010 10:52:55 PM

Double Entendre
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I took a intro to film class at another was crazy with work. I would take ^ word since he went to state for the intro class.

[Edited on October 11, 2010 at 10:54 PM. Reason : I went to state too but not for the intro to film class. ha!]

10/11/2010 10:53:51 PM

All American
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^^Wallis only teaches a 6-10pm section. Can't do it mane

10/11/2010 10:55:02 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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Take Intro to Film, definitely more enjoyable than any Philosophy course.

I'm in a 4-hour one-day-a-week Intro to Film with Wallis this semester. 4-hour class time is brutal, but he's cool and the movies are cool.

The obvious downside is that the majority of the class is people just fitting in electives, and usually they bitch and moan when a movie isn't Michael Bay.

10/12/2010 12:01:36 AM

All American
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^I suppose I was spoiled somewhat by taking it over the summer... most of the people in the course (about 15 people) actually wanted to be there, and we could openly mock Transformers 2 without disagreement.

10/12/2010 12:18:16 AM

All American
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any ENG class that doesn't assign any papers is a fucking joke

10/12/2010 12:23:39 AM

All American
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10/12/2010 12:26:47 AM

All American
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I think writing papers is kind of fun

I haven't written any REALLY long ones though - I think my longest is like 30 pages

10/12/2010 12:27:59 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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I took ENG 282.

We had two papers and one or two tests.

We screened:
La Jetti (sp?)
Modern Times
The Searchers
Citizen Kane
Singing in the Rain
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind
and maybe one or two other ones.

We talked about lighting, sound, editing, etc.

It was only a M-W class so that was nice.

10/12/2010 12:51:12 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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This class is fucking awesome. I had Wallis and assuming Mensch is still around, she's supposed to be sweet as well.

10/12/2010 1:44:34 AM

All American
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^did you take it in the 4 hour block?

10/12/2010 1:58:38 AM

All American
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I took it Tuesday-Thursday, however all of my friends took the 4-hour block and they loved it.

10/12/2010 2:10:43 AM

All American
1086 Posts
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Definitely take this class

10/12/2010 8:58:18 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"Like I said, when I took intro to film, the only outside of class work was one paper (7 pages, I think? ...and it could be on just about any movie). There were three in-class tests, some pop quizzes, and graded participation, but really all that stuff just came with showing up. None of the tests or quizzes are hard at all if you pay attention to the class discussions, too. Take the class with Wallis and you should enjoy it, if you care at all about artistic/entertainment media and the discussion of it."


I took it with Wallis over a summer and it was one of my favorite courses I took in college.

[Edited on October 12, 2010 at 9:04 AM. Reason : ]

10/12/2010 9:03:51 AM

All American
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Does anyone have any experience taking this with Mensch? How does she compare to Wallis? I'd rather not take Wallis' 4-hour class because I'd have to quit my hockey team and habitually miss the Office

[Edited on October 12, 2010 at 9:12 AM. Reason : .]

10/12/2010 9:11:56 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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I took it, and it wasn't bad... I can't remember my teachers name, but I do know it was a woman who was a very big femminist. For every paper and essay on a test, you had to bring in how the film was trying to either hold back or move forward the plight of the female... which was rediculous because so many movies didn't have anything to do with that cause. You could tell when it was her or her TA grading (TA actually focused on what mattered). Anyway, her husband teaches there too, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she kept her own last name.

all in all, a pretty cool class- it just kinda stunk to spend over 3 hours 2 times a week for one class

10/12/2010 9:15:12 AM

All American
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I took it with Pramaggiore. Love all the film profs. Pramaggiore, the Orgerons, JOE GOMEZ!!!, Tom Wallis, Barnhardt ... love love love.

Took the Kubrick/Altman class in 2003. Amazing class. Wanted to take the Coen Brothers class the next year, but it didn't fit my schedule.

Film classes made it possible for me to take 21 credit hours per semester and never need to study.

10/12/2010 9:38:56 AM

Deucefest '04
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you gotta take it with Wallis

it's fricking sweet. My buddy and i drank during one of the movies, it was sweet

[Edited on October 12, 2010 at 9:53 AM. Reason : There are two papers when Wallis teaches it]

10/12/2010 9:53:07 AM

All American
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Wallis is easiest, particularly if you're a guy.

I found all of the profs easy, but I'm a girl ... and I've heard rumors that some of the film profs are easier on female students. A couple of the chick profs interpret everything from a feminist perspective. Gomez is easy, but only if you interpret everything to have sexual undertones/implications.

10/12/2010 9:55:57 AM

All American
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if you're any good at criticism you can probably read anything from any perspective

10/12/2010 9:57:35 AM

All American
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And that's why I got all As in my film class. But if that's not your strength, stick with Wallis. Much safer bet.

10/12/2010 10:00:04 AM

Bee Hugger
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I took it, but like Marko it was a billion years ago

All I remember was that it was way harder than I expected it to be. But that was probably because I never went to class.

10/12/2010 10:05:09 AM

All American
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Wallis has a much lower grade distribution though

10/12/2010 10:41:22 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Took it back in like 2000 with Pramaggiore. Good class, watched some good stuff, minimal effort and you had to be pretty stupid to do badly in the class. Plus, and maybe this was just me, I though Pramaggiore was kind of sexy.

10/12/2010 10:59:01 AM

All American
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I actually had a chick crush on Pramaggiore. She has that Tina Fey smart, cute appeal.

10/12/2010 11:03:55 AM

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