Kickstand All American 11751 Posts user info edit post |
Pretty solid episode. 9/26/2012 10:48:03 PM
stowaway All American 11770 Posts user info edit post |
Holy disgusting and funny. 9/26/2012 11:49:57 PM
Big4Country All American 11919 Posts user info edit post |
It was ok, but I've seen better. 9/27/2012 1:23:47 AM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
eeh, I thought it was pretty weak. I kept waiting for them to define the message, but the sarcasm kept derailing it. Although maybe that was the point of the episode... 9/27/2012 1:10:49 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
friendship compass 9/27/2012 1:16:54 PM
Dammit100 All American 17605 Posts user info edit post |
this is cum 9/27/2012 1:33:53 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
creamy center 9/27/2012 2:01:03 PM
CapnObvious All American 5057 Posts user info edit post |
Eh, the episode was pretty bad. Instead of trying for actual jokes, they went for primarily gross out tactics. It was like watching a cartoon designed by kids in Middle School.
So much promise, so little delivery. 9/27/2012 2:08:34 PM
Dammit100 All American 17605 Posts user info edit post |
if you thought that was primarily about gross out tactics, you missed a LOT of the jokes. 9/27/2012 2:26:18 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
yeah south park is only for really intelligent people
I'm Krallum and I approved this message. 9/27/2012 2:51:40 PM
CapnObvious All American 5057 Posts user info edit post |
^^No, I got the jokes. The scene that mocked Monday's game was great, but other real jokes were few and far between. The sarcasm was the primary topic throughout, but it felt just like a single joke badly drawn out for the entire episode. It really had no punchline (think "little green man in little green car" joke). Then, they used Butter's creamy goodness as the climax to put everything together.
The Cartman CBBA episode had a similar aim in terms of its subject, but it was delivered significantly better. 9/27/2012 5:03:48 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
I was a little intoxicated, so i don't remember it greatly, but i thought one of the running jokes was that "no shit, football gives you concussions" and mocking the time and money being put into making the public aware of this fact, while there are plenty of folks with dementia and alzheimers that don't put their heads in harms way, who don't get near the attention that the football players do. Or something like that.
[Edited on September 27, 2012 at 5:07 PM. Reason : ] 9/27/2012 5:07:21 PM
Dammit100 All American 17605 Posts user info edit post |
^pretty good recollection of it. 9/27/2012 5:27:35 PM
Big4Country All American 11919 Posts user info edit post |
I think they should have focused more on the bad refs in the NFL instead of concussions. They could have had the grade school refs go on strike, or something like that. 9/28/2012 12:45:22 AM
scotieb24 Commish 11094 Posts user info edit post |
I thought it was funny. I thought the on going sarcasm was great.
What if the comments about this episode are sarcastic? 9/28/2012 8:33:24 AM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
that was just the best episode ever. they might as well just quit now because they will neeeeeever be able to top that 9/28/2012 2:41:11 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
So I don't watch reality TV so I don't know who Honey Boo Boo is but I've been watching some of her youtube videos and I'm excited about tonight's episode. I hope Cartman pulls it off. 10/3/2012 8:32:05 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
lol not even half way through and this is already a classic 10/3/2012 10:12:07 PM
Førte All American 23525 Posts user info edit post |
WITH RANDY NEWMAN 10/3/2012 10:17:39 PM
logo Veteran 426 Posts user info edit post |
James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron 10/3/2012 11:06:42 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
Holy shit that was awesome. South Park still got it. 10/4/2012 2:57:00 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
"Insecurity" Cartman signs up for a home security system. 10/10/2012 5:25:11 PM
Førte All American 23525 Posts user info edit post |
ahahaha that was awesome, loved the Bane masks 10/10/2012 10:30:29 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
lol at the guy from Pet Semetary. 10/10/2012 11:25:02 PM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
^ +1 the pasteurized joke was the best part. 10/11/2012 12:05:34 AM
Big4Country All American 11919 Posts user info edit post |
That was by far the best episode of this fall 2012 season so far. I liked how they kept mentioning "white men breaking into houses." 10/11/2012 1:26:27 AM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
Gotta say, this week's episode was kinda meh. 10/19/2012 1:01:06 PM
JasonNSCU85 All American 2176 Posts user info edit post |
It had potential with an Angry Butters episode, but it was poor execution 10/19/2012 1:04:10 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
of course you Howlies wouldn't like it 10/19/2012 1:18:57 PM
JasonNSCU85 All American 2176 Posts user info edit post |
My favorite part was when Butters called out all of the other kids on their character flaws one by one. Downhill from there. 10/19/2012 2:07:41 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
haha maybe it was because I was a little inebriated but when butters sank the cruise liner, I about died laughing 10/20/2012 9:29:52 AM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
10 minutes in and this one is hilarious 10/24/2012 10:32:11 PM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "My favorite part was when Butters called out all of the other kids on their character flaws one by one. Downhill from there." |
What? That whole episode was pretty great. My favorite part was Butters' "The only good haole is a dead haole" speech. 10/25/2012 11:51:09 AM
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
Randy episodes are always great. 10/25/2012 8:16:02 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Rocked by the recent news of drug use by a beloved icon, the world is left feeling lost and betrayed. The boys, join with the rest of the nation, and remove their yellow wristbands. Everyone is on board, except for Stan, who just can’t seem to cut off his bracelet." |
10/29/2012 10:09:52 AM
BIGcementpon Status Name 11321 Posts user info edit post |
The Dr. Seuss bit was pretty excellent. 10/31/2012 10:50:23 PM
HiWay58 All American 5111 Posts user info edit post |
I was totally expecting lance armstrong, which I guess was the point. I had TOTALLY forgotten about the W.W.J.D. thing. Bout lost my shit. 11/1/2012 9:33:48 AM
BIGswoll187 All American 3729 Posts user info edit post |
A scause for a cause, that shit was hilarious and Jesus juicing with HGH 11/1/2012 10:24:32 AM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
I can't even begin to imagine how the hell these guys come up with these episodes.
That was AWESOME on so many levels! 11/1/2012 6:40:45 PM
Moox All American 612 Posts user info edit post |
FREE PUSSY RIOT 11/1/2012 6:58:48 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
wow, surprised at the reaction. I didn't really like it 11/1/2012 8:07:16 PM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
^Did you like the Halloween blockbuster episode? I didn't really care for it. 11/2/2012 9:03:42 AM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
haha, ya I loved that one. Then again I love the shining so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it 11/2/2012 12:21:15 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148828 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Obama Wins!" Eric Cartman is hiding something in his bedroom that could change the outcome of the presidential election" |
damn these dudes are up to date 11/7/2012 2:12:48 PM
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
It's not like it was hard to guess the outcome of the election.  11/7/2012 2:26:18 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
Eh. 11/7/2012 11:19:16 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
somewhere in Africa kids are watching the Romney wins version of south park 11/8/2012 6:23:48 AM
JasonNSCU85 All American 2176 Posts user info edit post |
Weak episode. Had potential, but weak overall. 11/8/2012 9:31:52 AM