scotieb24 Commish 11085 Posts user info edit post |
I think my favorite part was the Hummer Salesman 11/8/2012 10:27:57 AM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148208 Posts user info edit post |
i thought it was the best one of the season11/8/2012 3:47:22 PM |
thx1138 Veteran 301 Posts user info edit post |
definitely best episode of the season, IMO... lol "joobacca" 11/8/2012 4:27:30 PM |
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
pretty sure its jewbacca
it was solid, really love the cheesy general tso's chicken jokes] 11/8/2012 4:33:54 PM |
sand robot Sand Lion 2227 Posts user info edit post |
one of my favorite episodes ever 11/8/2012 4:45:45 PM |
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
Are you kidding me? Back from his kickass performance in "Purity Rings," Mickey Mouse rides in to kick some ass in Boba Fett's aircraft is AWESOME! 11/8/2012 7:37:39 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
It wasn't bad, but I have seen better episodes in the past. 11/9/2012 9:25:21 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
Here is a list of every celebrity that has been on South Park. 3/2/2013 12:34:57 PM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
That was pretty funny. 9/25/2013 11:36:06 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
It wasn't bad and made a point, but I have seen better. 9/26/2013 12:39:28 AM |
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
I thought it was pretty damn funny, and was spot on in its satire and point.
I have said it before and Ill keep saying it, South Park is still the smartest satire of our times. A bad episode of south park is still smarter and funnier than 95% of anything else on TV 9/26/2013 12:41:45 AM |
GrayFox33 TX R. Snake 10566 Posts user info edit post |
Seemed like it ended kind of abruptly. 9/26/2013 9:15:53 AM |
ElGimpy All American 3111 Posts user info edit post |
Thought it was one of the better episodes they've had in recent memory
My favorite episodes are often the ones that make fun of exactly all the people I hate, which this one did
[Edited on September 26, 2013 at 1:36 PM. Reason : asdf] 9/26/2013 1:35:09 PM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
that list is missing Brian Boitano, they had a song about him and everything
nvm, someone in comments said the list was specific to the show, and he was in the movie
[Edited on September 26, 2013 at 7:59 PM. Reason : ] 9/26/2013 7:58:19 PM |
JasonNSCU85 All American 2176 Posts user info edit post |
Finally watched in on the DVR. Thank you Butters and Cartman to pull all the weight in an episode, again. I agree the ending was a little abrupt, like they had a different ending, but re-did it last minute. Still funny. My favorite part was Butters reverse Jahova Whitnessing the Jahova Witnesses at the door. The hit list was pretty long this episode with who they made fun of; loud cell phone users on speaker phone, NSA, Jahova witnesses, DVM, religion, Hispanics, social media geeks, Alec Baldwin, what am I missing? 9/26/2013 11:33:50 PM |
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
You forgot stupid fucking liberals who pray to government as the answer to all lifes problems 9/27/2013 7:23:50 AM |
Wraith All American 27243 Posts user info edit post |
9/27/2013 9:36:40 AM |
Vulcan91 All American 13893 Posts user info edit post |
Tonight is a Randy episode so it will probably be awesome. 10/2/2013 8:46:40 PM |
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
I love me some Randy episodes
what is the best one?
I tend to go with the "biggest shit" one 10/2/2013 9:52:58 PM |
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
Ha! I fucking love investigation discovery 10/2/2013 11:07:12 PM |
neodata686 All American 11577 Posts user info edit post |
So I don't have cable so I didn't get any of the show references but I loved the Minecraft references. I didn't fully understand the connection between Minecraft and the adult crime shows though.. 10/3/2013 12:48:55 AM |
titans78 All American 4035 Posts user info edit post |
Don't think there was suppose to be a direct connection between the two. 10/3/2013 10:52:38 AM |
Ken All American 608 Posts user info edit post |
Boo Wendy boo 10/4/2013 11:02:49 AM |
jimmypop All American 1405 Posts user info edit post |
Topic: Playing video games will cause kids become violent.
South Park's take on the topic: Watching murder porn will cause husbands to dress in lingerie and kill their wives. 10/4/2013 10:37:33 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148208 Posts user info edit post |
Zimmerman episode tonight 10/9/2013 7:28:40 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
LOL! That was the best one of the season by far. 10/9/2013 10:37:40 PM |
arhodes All American 1612 Posts user info edit post |
Very weak episode. Made light of the Zimmerman situation without any real twists. 10/9/2013 11:25:53 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
^I thought it was better than the other two. I liked how it poked fun at Zimmerman and made fun of the presses fear of a race war being started in Zimmerman got off.
[Edited on October 9, 2013 at 11:43 PM. Reason : .] 10/9/2013 11:39:16 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148208 Posts user info edit post |
supposed to be a new episode, but its the Scott Tennerman episode? 10/16/2013 10:01:54 PM |
Førte All American 23525 Posts user info edit post |,104316/
they finally got F'ed in the A 10/16/2013 10:03:30 PM |
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
I love SP, but I never understood why they always wait until the last possible minute to finish a new episode. Reminds me of me in college. I know some episodes they try to put out in a hurry based on current events, but they havent done that in a long time. 10/17/2013 1:37:20 PM |
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit post |
^Exactly. There was nothing in World War Zimmerman that couldnt have been put in two months ago...did they really wait until October 3rd to say "So what should we do next week?". 10/18/2013 12:49:22 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39174 Posts user info edit post |
if you're a fan of the show, why would you question their process?
it's obviously worked/been perfected 10/18/2013 1:23:42 PM |
ElGimpy All American 3111 Posts user info edit post |
I am not sure exactly when the switched over to doing everything in 1 week, but it definitely wasn't always like that.
I'm a huge fan of the show, and I think even the most mediocre of episodes that comes out is better than most alternative TV. However, I will readily admit that there have been a fair share of episodes over the last few years where the last 5-10 minutes of the show have seemed a mess, like they started with a good idea but didn't have time to polish the whole episode. I don't think it makes me less of a fan to question whether or not an extra day or two might yield a better overall episode in some cases 10/18/2013 2:36:36 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39174 Posts user info edit post |
been doing it the same way since 2000
they're both on the record saying it wouldn't be the same show if they took more time on each episode
[Edited on October 18, 2013 at 4:43 PM. Reason : yeah] 10/18/2013 4:42:39 PM |
ElGimpy All American 3111 Posts user info edit post |
better would not be the same as rushed, so I agree with them 10/18/2013 4:47:19 PM |
dingus All American 552 Posts user info edit post |
the earliest episode i can remember that seemed to start the short turnaround was "trapper keeper," which aired shortly after the 2000 presidential election and parodied the whole vote recount thing in florida. i don't know if they did every episode after that in a week's time. frankly, seasons 5 through 8 just seem way too good for those guys to have put out so many quality episodes in just a few days every single time.
then again, they managed to get "woodland critter christmas" done in like 2 or 3 days as the last episode of that season after they were completely burnt out from doing south park and team america, so who knows.
[Edited on October 18, 2013 at 4:51 PM. Reason : words] 10/18/2013 4:50:48 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
I don't watch tv shows, or movies all that much. What one were they making fun of tonight? It just looked like they were making fun of a movie sort of like how they made fun of Tron on the facebook episode. 10/23/2013 11:07:30 PM |
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "woodland critter christmas" |
Is like one of the all time best episodes10/24/2013 1:20:48 AM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148208 Posts user info edit post |
^^pretty sure they were making fun of Emo/Goth/Vampire kids 10/24/2013 1:28:51 AM |
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
For those that are curious there is a documentary on Netflix Instant Watch called 6 Days to Air about the process of making South Park. 10/24/2013 6:54:50 AM |
Crede All American 7339 Posts user info edit post |
yay blood orgy yay!! 10/24/2013 10:05:21 AM |
dingus All American 552 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Is like one of the all time best episodes" |
i know. it's so good. and they threw it together at the last minute.10/24/2013 9:55:33 PM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
Well done tonight! I liked how they ripped Miley and Obamacare all in one episode. 10/31/2013 12:40:13 AM |
Pupils DiL8t All American 4953 Posts user info edit post |
10/31/2013 1:01:53 AM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
the Van Halen symbol coming together and the music intro had me rolling 11/7/2013 7:21:40 PM |
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
It had its moments but I wouldn't watch it again. Were they making fun of some specific current event that I missed? 11/7/2013 8:44:09 PM |
jimmypop All American 1405 Posts user info edit post | 11/8/2013 8:45:15 AM |
Big4Country All American 11907 Posts user info edit post |
^^Same, it wasn't that great. I don't think it was making fun of anything. It was hyped as a Cartman vs Kyle episode and that is all it was. 11/8/2013 10:48:52 PM |
Sweden All American 12288 Posts user info edit post |
looking forward to trying to pick up a brack friday bunduru in a couple of weeks. 11/15/2013 10:58:41 AM |