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 Message Boards » » Dont be a black woman & "stand your ground" in FL. Page [1]  
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5/11/2012 8:11:46 PM

Not an alcoholic
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i agree that she shouldn't be able to use the law when she goes back into the house with a gun, but like.. 20 years for firing a shot into a wall that doesn't hit anybody? good job florida

5/11/2012 8:17:13 PM

All American
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If she'd have killed him she'd be sitting at home

5/11/2012 8:17:21 PM

All American
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Good job 10-20-Life law

5/11/2012 8:18:19 PM

All American
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5/11/2012 8:20:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dont be a black woman & "stand your ground" get away, come back with a gun, and fire a warning shot in the direction of your kids"

People need to stop watching the news. This woman admitted to getting away and going back inside to get her keys & fire at her POS husband. She didn't "stand her ground". She committed the crime she was accused of and was stupid by not accepting the 3 year plea deal that she was offered. Actually, she was stupid for not just killing the asshole to begin with. Then she could have lied about SYG and gotten away with it and Florida would have one less abusive asshole. She was stupid when she didn't run away once she was out of the house and call the cops. She was stupid when she picked up a gun and pulled the trigger without caring that she was aiming it in the direction of her goddamn kids.

Does the sentence suck? Yes. Did she get 20 years because of a racist judge? No. She got 20 years because it's a mandatory sentence for her crime. She was stupid and now she (unfortunately) has to pay for it.

5/11/2012 8:23:10 PM

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The stand your ground law applies when you are threatened anywhere you may legally be.

5/11/2012 8:30:39 PM

All American
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Before standing your ground be sure to cast Unsteady Ground so your ground goes everywhere.

5/11/2012 9:04:51 PM

All American
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^^ That's right. Once she ran away, she was no longer being threatened. You can't get threatened, run away, get a gun, and then come back. That's what she did. She should have ended him when she had the chance and then lied about the sequence of events but she didn't do that. She ran away, came back, and got herself into trouble.

It's not a game of "Well this guy threatened me so I can kill him later and say I was standing my ground." When she left, the immediate threat was over. Therefore, no SYG.

[Edited on May 11, 2012 at 10:05 PM. Reason : .]

5/11/2012 10:04:45 PM

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5/11/2012 10:06:10 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Dont be a black woman & "stand your ground" in FL. Page [1]  
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