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 Message Boards » » NC GOP Credibility Thread Page 1 ... 38 39 40 41 [42] 43, Prev Next  
All American
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they just really, really love being assholes

5/23/2024 11:10:43 AM

All American
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Regardless of the public health aspect, the issue of masking for protests is something to explore as well, as is mentioned in the article. If you asked me a first year, I would be revolted by the government doing this, especially given facial recognition technology and stuff developing, but now I'm not sure how I feel. I still have that instinct, but... I don't know man.

what do you guys think about this? thanks to tgl3 for sharing the article

5/23/2024 1:24:29 PM

Tom Joad
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jfc the people with masks on that they're targeting have no power except for their ideas

If they did, they wouldn't march legally-masked stormtroopers in there to bring down the batons for disobeying the system.

Some people out here rooting for the dogs and fire-hoses in the Civil Rights videos.

[Edited on May 23, 2024 at 1:38 PM. Reason : +]

5/23/2024 1:38:09 PM

All American
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I think this guy is a total asshole

(NC Senator Warren Burke of Buncombe County)

Quote :
"Sen. Warren Daniel, R-Burke, wrote back to suggest her opinions on tourism mattered little: “Nobody vacations in New Jersey,” he said in his response to her, which he also sent to other lawmakers."

Quote :
"Daniel stood by his responses to out-of-state critics — who also included a concerned medical professional from Chicago, who said she’d be afraid to visit her family in North Carolina. “I don’t visit Illinois because of their overly restrictive gun laws that make it impossible for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves in crime-ridden murder zones like Chicago,” Daniel wrote to her."

Quote :
"When asked about the emails by WRAL, Daniel said he was more conciliatory to actual constituents of his district who have raised concerns, even if he dismisses critics from places like New Jersey and Illinois.

“Our office has been getting a lot of emails from out-of-state people, from high-crime, high-tax, poorly run blue states,” Daniel said."

What a fuckin' asshole.

5/23/2024 1:38:42 PM

Tom Joad
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Again, the same party that ran the flag up the pole at UNC, declaring "This flag stands for all Americans."

5/23/2024 1:40:31 PM

All American
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They're at it again!

Quote :
"North Carolina's state constitution already says that only citizens can vote.

But some of North Carolina's top Republican state lawmakers Thursday proposed amending the constitution to say the same thing — just with slightly different wording."

5/24/2024 12:10:14 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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The crux of the issue:

Quote :
"But since it doesn’t appear the amendment would make any real changes, critics have said it's nothing more than an effort to boost Republican voter turnout in this year's presidential election by misleading people into thinking they need to take action to stop immigrants from voting."

5/24/2024 2:47:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
148118 Posts
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Quote :

Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican, posted that he was shocked by the verdict and that the case should have never been brought forward. “From the beginning, it was clear that a radical, politically-motivated state prosecutor was using the full weight of his office to go after President Trump at the same time he turned a blind eye to violent criminals,” Tillis said. “I expect and hope that President Trump will appeal this verdict to address fundamental questions, including whether President Trump received a fair trial and whether the Manhattan D.A. even had jurisdiction on a federal election matter.”

Republican Sen. Ted Budd called the verdict, “a total disgrace” and said other officials turned down prosecuting the case because Trump “committed no crime.” “President Trump deserves the same Constitutional rights as any American,” Budd said. “But from the start, this was a rigged charade designed to weaponize the justice system to interfere in the presidential election and hurt President Trump. If Americans can be found guilty of a crime based on underlying allegations that were never charged, all of our constitutional rights are at risk.”

Rep. Virginia Foxx, a Republican, said in a news release that the district attorney “engaged in legal alchemy that has set a very damning precedent” and said that the verdicts are “steeped in partisan animus.” She said she believes the verdicts will be thrown out on appeal, but the damage to Trump has been done. “This is beyond outrageous,” Foxx said. “The rule of law has long served as the foundation for our country, but today, a dark, new chapter has been opened — one where judicial warfare is given a higher priority than fairness.”

Rep. David Rouzer, a Republican, said the trial had weak evidence, questionable witnesses and bent rules. He called it “a failure of what is suppose to be an impartial judicial process.”

Rep. Dan Bishop, a Republican, said Americans will have the ultimate verdict when they vote Trump back into office. Election Day is Nov. 5, and the conviction does not prevent Trump from running for office.

Rep. Greg Murphy, a Republican recovering from surgery on a tumor near his brain, said, “We are officially now a banana republic,” using a derogatory term used to describe tyrannical countries in the tropics.

Rep. Wiley Nickel, a Democrat, said in a news release that the American people had been “lied to enough by the former President.” “It’s no wonder that trust in government is at an all-time low,” Nickel said. “I’m glad to finally have some honesty and truth from this verdict so that our country can begin to heal from President Trump’s divisive rhetoric and extremism. Donald Trump should never be in a position of power again.”

Read more at:"

[Edited on May 30, 2024 at 7:13 PM. Reason : fight like nobody fights]

5/30/2024 7:12:08 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Call me crazy, but I don't feel like my Constitutional rights are under threat because a serial criminal and system abuser was finally found guilty and will receive a modicum of accountability. These politicians vocally defending Trump who is clearly an objectively terrible person are shameless.

5/31/2024 4:36:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The ad begins with a clip of Robinson speaking to state Rep. Jeff McNeely (R-Iredell) in 2023 on his radio show. Robinson said, “Let’s say I was the governor, I had a willing legislature. We could pass a bill that says you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.”

Michael Lonergan, a spokesman for Robinson’s campaign, called the clip “deceptively edited.”

How was it deceptively edited, you ask? Let Mark's spokesman tell you how the evil democrats twisted his words:

Quote :
"He [Lonergan] pointed out Robinson went on to say, “Would that stop abortions? No, sir. People would get in their cars, they’d go to Georgia, they’d go to South Carolina, and they’d go to Virginia. They’d go wherever they could, order pills online and have abortions.”
“Once again, he is twisting words to falsely smear his opponent because he has no real plan to offer the voters,” said Lonergan."

Oh, I see. What a smear campaign!

6/5/2024 9:26:49 AM

All American
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6/6/2024 3:24:43 PM

All American
11347 Posts
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surprised they didn't add in a religious exemption for the mask thing. I mean, what if Jesus told me to mask up? aren't they fringin' on muh rahts???

[Edited on June 7, 2024 at 12:50 PM. Reason : MAGA masks were a missed opportunity. Should have marketed those and made billions]

6/7/2024 12:48:52 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4951 Posts
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Quote :
"Under existing North Carolina campaign finance law, corporations and labor unions cannot contribute directly or indirectly to state campaigns or committees. This prevents the main national fundraising vehicles for gubernatorial campaigns — the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) and the Republican Governors Association (RGA) — from donating to North Carolina political committees. These committees, known as 527s, accept unlimited contributions from corporations and individuals.

The changes proposed by North Carolina Republicans would allow the RGA and the DGA (or any other 527) to donate unlimited amounts to any '[s]tate, district, or county executive committee of any political party or an affiliated party committee.' Should these changes become law, the only requirement is that the 527s must create two 'accounts' — one accepting corporate money and another accepting individual donations in any amount. The Republican proposal would allow the 527s to donate unlimited amounts to North Carolina committees from the account that accepts individual donations."

6/10/2024 11:55:31 AM

All American
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They aren't going far enough. I think the state legislature should be allowed to donate to campaigns they vote to support. After all, isn't their job to work for the betterment of the people and if they think a certain politician does that well, then why not? The Democrats can weaponize the courts, but we'll do this the right way, through law, just as Schoolhouse Rock taught us! Hallelujah!

6/10/2024 3:52:04 PM

All American
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I don’t think anybody here is considering casting their vote his way, but anybody who is should read this.

6/10/2024 4:49:16 PM

6703 Posts
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Anything maga related is a hard pass from me. I voted R in presidential election once

6/10/2024 8:52:35 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"furniture upholsterer and incorrigible Facebook shitposter"

6/10/2024 9:40:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It’s being pushed by Sen. Michael Lazzara, R-Onslow, who WRAL reported last week has received at least $7,500 from the developers behind the project. Nearly all of that money came in May 2022. That same month, state officials wrote an initial memo detailing their interest in the “unassessed prehistoric archaeological sites” that the developers had accidentally stumbled across.

Lazzara said the campaign contributions from the developers had nothing to do with his advocacy for changing the law, and that he wanted to make the change to help developers anywhere in North Carolina."

6/12/2024 9:57:25 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Of course! Complete coincidence! He just wants to help developers develop!

This is actually found footage of Michael Lazzara and his contagious enthusiasm:

6/12/2024 10:06:10 AM

All American
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they’re soulless ghouls who only care about money

6/12/2024 11:10:23 AM

All American
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Yes, I'm really starting to think most Republican politicians are just awful, awful human beings.

(and I may be biased and naive, as i'm sure plenty of democrats are terrible people as well, but republicans, in general, seem to be on a whole other level)

[Edited on June 12, 2024 at 12:35 PM. Reason : WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE DEVELOPERS?!?!?!]

6/12/2024 12:34:50 PM

All American
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I have a feeling most members of Moms for "Liberty" couldn't pass the citezenship test

6/12/2024 1:21:32 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I agree they couldn't pass, but I don't have a real problem with adding the requirement. Is it too much to expect to have a basic grasp of government and history in order to be conferred an optional diploma?

6/12/2024 1:36:45 PM

40551 Posts
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Quote :
"Four Social Studies credits which shall be:
Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina: Civic Literacy
Economics and Personal Finance
American History
World History

6/12/2024 1:54:31 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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And if they have to prove it?

Look, I'm not trying to give them credit for anything. I'm just saying I don't have a particular problem with demonstrating a basic proficiency as a requirement to graduate. You can pass a class, but still need acceptable scores on standardized end of grade / end of term evaluations. It's likely a stupid waste of time and resources, but of all the things they can and do waste time and resources on, so far this is one of the least infuriating. Happy for them to sink time into this to reduce time spent on their even worse impulses.

6/12/2024 2:00:15 PM

All American
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just another excuse for them to stigmatize and other people for “not being American enough”

6/12/2024 2:01:52 PM

40551 Posts
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passing classes is how high school students demonstrate a basic proficiency as a requirement to graduate

[Edited on June 12, 2024 at 2:07 PM. Reason : It's likely a stupid waste of time and resources + ^]

6/12/2024 2:06:21 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I also enjoy trying to cultivate arguments against people who fundamentally agree with me.

They could be using that time to focus on harming minorities and women and amplifying lies.

There's a lot of fundamentally dumb people graduating from high school.

Will it be the full 100 questions or a random selection? If a selection, does everyone get the same selection, or a random assortment? What constitutes a passing score?

6/12/2024 2:26:32 PM

All American
2703 Posts
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I for one, think

6/12/2024 2:45:51 PM

6703 Posts
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Quote :
"There's a lot of fundamentally dumb people graduating from high school."

Not that this has ever caused problems in society before

6/13/2024 12:18:07 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :



6/13/2024 6:22:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"As she walked in, she was confronted by a man who shouted expletives and called her a liberal for wearing the mask. The man identified himself as a conservative, she said, and he falsely told her that wearing a mask in public was illegal.

According to Stuart, she told the man that it was dangerous for her to go into public without a mask because of her diagnosis. It’s not a political statement, she said, and she showed the man a medical card describing her condition.

He then proceeded to approach her and feigned coughing on her repeatedly before telling her that he hopes the cancer kills her, she said. Stuart said she called Cary police but ultimately didn’t file a complaint."

6/13/2024 9:11:48 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"When made aware of Stuart's allegations, House Speaker Tim Moore said no one should be harassed for wearing a mask if they chose to for health reasons.

"If somebody immunocompromised like that is being harassed, that’s wrong," he told reporters Wednesday."

Thanks for clarifying, Tim. What a stand-up guy!

6/13/2024 9:46:04 AM

All American
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it seems to be getting more ridiculous and scarier by the day

6/13/2024 12:15:44 PM

Sup, B
52820 Posts
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Fuck that guy. Charge him with assault and move on.

6/13/2024 7:26:44 PM

All American
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I don't know much about this, but half the State's budget on private school vouchers seems like a lot. Right?

Quote :
"$487 million for private school vouchers, over two years.
$350 million to cover cost overruns in Medicaid.
$225 million on raises for teachers and other state employees.
$180 million for renovations to N.C. State University’s Poe Hall.
$150 million on road construction for a massive Toyota factory being built in Randolph County.
$135 million on child care subsidies, to partially replace expiring federal aid.
Nothing extra for the State Health Plan, which State Treasurer Dale Folwell has said is underfunded by $240 million."

6/18/2024 4:48:18 PM

6703 Posts
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I feel like 487 is closer to 1/3

6/19/2024 1:49:10 AM

All American
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Sorry, half of the budget surplus

6/19/2024 1:21:52 PM

All American
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7/5/2024 10:54:54 AM

All American
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This guy (^that guy)

Quote :
"“I need for you to go look in your Bible and find out how Satan came to Earth,” Robinson said. “Satan comes to Earth as an angel of light. Television is literally light particles broken down through the airwaves come down and reformulated. Where? Inside your TV.""

Quote :
"Robinson has also previously said he’d fill government agents' “britches with some lead” if they tried to take his firearms. He has also suggested that people be ready to fight the FBI, if law enforcement comes knocking. Democrats also pointed out those statements during their news conference."

Quote :
"Robinson's lack of press conferences could be a familiar pattern through election season, as he seeks to become North Carolina’s first Black governor.

His official calendar as lieutenant governor shows no events scheduled for the rest of the year, and he rarely attends sessions of the state legislature, where he serves as Senate president and is technically in charge of presiding over that chamber. He also didn't attend last month's Council of State meeting, a gathering of all executive branch officials to conduct state business."

7/11/2024 9:50:46 AM

All American
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How can the Lt. Gov have nothing on his official calendar for the next 5 months? That's not normal is it? What does he "do"?

7/11/2024 10:26:49 AM

Tom Joad
72816 Posts
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He makes money for people in the hate industry.

7/11/2024 2:25:37 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
25489 Posts
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And bidness is good!

7/11/2024 5:12:06 PM

Tom Joad
72816 Posts
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And the shittier it gets, and the more it breaks, the more customers you have!

7/12/2024 9:48:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"New allegations from state public health officials come a day after the agency published a report accusing Balanced Nutrition of record-keeping, hiring and monitoring violations."

7/25/2024 4:21:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The video was one Morrow posted on social media on Jan. 6, 2021, after she attended the rally that turned violent at the U.S. Capitol.

In the video, Morrow called on then-President Donald Trump to use the Insurrection Act to activate the military and put “the Constitution to the side” in order to stay in power.

“They can all be arrested for treason,” Morrow said in the 2021 video. “And if the police won't do it and the Department of Justice won't do it, then he will have to enact the Insurrection Act, in which case the Insurrection Act completely puts the Constitution to the side and says, ‘Now the military rules all.’”

On Tuesday, Morrow said she didn’t ask for people to be arrested for treason.

“My words were not to arrest people for treason,” she said. “I was stating that when our government is not protecting the God-given inalienable rights of our citizens, that it is our duty to make sure that they understand that they work for us.”

She continued: “I thought that it was time for us, as we the people, to stand up and say, ‘You guys work for us,’ because I believe everybody that's an elected official works for the people of the United States of America, and government doesn't give us our freedoms. It's actually God-given inalienable rights, right?”"

8/14/2024 10:17:25 AM

All American
14222 Posts
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So weirdly warped

8/14/2024 12:54:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"“They can all be arrested for treason,” Morrow said in the 2021 video.
“My words were not to arrest people for treason,” she said. "

These people

8/14/2024 1:11:59 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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She said they CAN be!

8/14/2024 8:23:17 PM

All American
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USA Today interview

8/19/2024 11:22:10 AM

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