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play so hard
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Quote :
"even if he truly is talking to someone there is no indication it is or isn't the people who disappeared"

the "they said they sent or are sending someone to help" bit made me think it was departed people his dad was talking to.

7/8/2014 2:21:07 PM

26632 Posts
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they were intentionally implying that, it was part of the theme of the episode where they dragged out if you knew the dog guy was real or not

7/8/2014 2:23:46 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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They were intentionally trying to make you consider that possibility, yes. But since there's no reason to truly believe he's not crazy (in fact, more evidence to him being crazy), I don't think anyone can safely assume anything about who he's talking to right now

[Edited on July 8, 2014 at 2:26 PM. Reason : asdf]

7/8/2014 2:25:53 PM

All American
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I'm more interested in the Guilty Remnant than anything, and what would be the fucking reasoning behind smoking as a sacrament?

7/8/2014 2:27:45 PM

Ohhh Farts
12543 Posts
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Quote :
"they were intentionally implying that, it was part of the theme of the episode where they dragged out if you knew the dog guy was real or not"

But even if the dog guy was not real, why does that imply he was one of the taken? If anything they implied that if the dog guy was not real, that the sheriff was dissociating and doing everything himself, not that he could see the departed.

Also in off the wall theories, the daughters friend did not seem to acknowledge the dog guy at all when she walked in, the only people we know for a fact have seen him are members of a family where we know the grandpa sees and talks to people others can't see

[Edited on July 8, 2014 at 2:31 PM. Reason : $$$]

7/8/2014 2:30:23 PM

play so hard
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There was a sign up dealing with the smoking...

Something like "We don't smoke for enjoyment, we smoke to proclaim our faith" but yeah I don't think they've fully explained that part yet

7/8/2014 2:31:05 PM

26632 Posts
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some of you people are too dumb to watch tv shows

7/8/2014 2:33:19 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Quote :
"I'm more interested in the Guilty Remnant than anything, and what would be the fucking reasoning behind smoking as a sacrament?"

It seems to me like their way of saying that good or bad, there is no correlation to why people departed. It's like an anti-religion cult - hence the "don't waste your breath" thing at the ceremony. That's just my current take, though.

Quote :
"Also in off the wall theories, the daughters friend did not seem to acknowledge the dog guy at all when she walked in"

She may not address him, but it's probably not out of the ordinary that her dad, the chief of police, has a disgruntled person to talk to. Also, the guy hands the daughter a six pack of beer and asks her to put it in the fridge for her dad, to which she obliges.

[Edited on July 8, 2014 at 3:24 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2014 3:24:17 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"the guy hands the daughter a six pack of beer and asks her to put it in the fridge for her dad, to which she obliges."

Right, that's the moment he becomes real.

7/8/2014 3:27:19 PM

All American
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Is 2% of the population disappearing really that big of a deal...

I fail to see how mass hysteria would break out unless they missing were all leaders and important individuals in the community.

I have not seen the show, I just heard about the basic premise...

7/8/2014 3:34:10 PM

26632 Posts
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7/8/2014 3:38:18 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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^^ check page 1 bruh

7/8/2014 4:37:12 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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watched the pilot, I'm in

Quote :
"1) I really hope we, at some point, find out why it's happened"

this will never happen, I promise you that

[Edited on July 13, 2014 at 11:40 PM. Reason : .]

7/13/2014 11:31:00 PM

All American
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^ Are you basing this on the show being directed by the "Lost" peeps?? Or have you read the book?

7/14/2014 7:58:51 AM

Sink the Flagship
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good episode last night.

**Preview Spoiler??**

the previews look like we've got quite a ride ahead/more action. can't wait to see what goes down next week.

7/14/2014 2:56:35 PM

All American
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^^i read somewhere that the creator said the disappearing thing wont be explained. don't have a link though.

7/14/2014 9:35:43 PM

All American
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^ I'm probably in the minority...but I don't think figuring that out is a necessity.

7/14/2014 9:58:28 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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I'm fine not knowing either. Like Rev Matthew in this week's episode--it's not about why, it's a test for after.

That was a great episode.

7/14/2014 10:06:11 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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First legitimately good episode

7/15/2014 2:28:16 AM

25075 Posts
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i want to know why they disappeared - knowing that they won't tell me makes me want to maybe stop watching

7/15/2014 9:03:55 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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Really liked this episode. I was amazed at how suspenseful the roulette game was for me and how much I was pulling for him even though in real life I would probably be rooting for less churches...great scene

I think it makes for a better show knowing that there isn't going to be an answer about what happened. The show isn't about what happened, it's about how everyone deals with it. That being said, I am very cautious about this whole Wayne story line. So far I care about it the least, and if it turns out he truly does have magic hugs I will be very disappointed that they are adding something otherworldly into the show outside of the departure.

I don't think I'm explaining this as well as I'd like, but the gist is that as a single, standalone unexplained phenomenon the departure makes for a good show without being explained. If you start adding other magical things in the show's "world" starts to get jumbled and becomes a different kind of I might not be interested in

7/15/2014 9:32:10 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Quote :
"Really liked this episode. I was amazed at how suspenseful the roulette game was for me and how much I was pulling for him"

Yeah, I was surprised how much I got invested in this episode and how much I was pulling for him, it's not something I usually do

7/15/2014 10:32:39 AM

Sink the Flagship
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so do we think that the Rev killed the guy in the casino parking lot, or just fucked him up? Also, wouldn't security normally escort somebody out who's carrying that kind of cash?

I thought the thug was going to get away with it but the attack and the girl screaming in the background - well done.

7/15/2014 11:09:06 AM

All American
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I think he killed him.

And I also thought that security should have walked him out...but it was also more than likely a shitty casino where I doubt they do or think of everything.

I also kept thinking to myself..."he better pocket a couple grand to pay his wife's caretaker just in case it lands on black."

7/15/2014 11:12:37 AM

All American
14288 Posts
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The casino scene was really done in terms of the suspense factor, not so much in terms of how it would have gone down in real life. An Indian casino is more than likely not going to take an 80k bet from a person strolling in with no relationship with them. Also: A) winnings that large would have been subject to tax withholdings of 35ish percent. B) more than likely the casino cage at a shitty northeastern Indian casino isn't going to have $160k in cash readily available, they would have preferred a wire transfer. C) if they do hand you cash, they sure as hell are going to walk you to your car. No casino would want to be known for not taking care of their winners.

Small nitpicks on an otherwise good scene in terms of dramatic buildup.

7/15/2014 12:51:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"explicit portrayal of underage sex"

might just check this out

7/15/2014 2:15:05 PM

Sink the Flagship
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it's really not that explicit. I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal about it in this show and GoT.

7/15/2014 3:13:29 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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^^If that's the reason you're gonna tune in, then you're gonna be sorely disappointed

7/15/2014 3:20:03 PM

All American
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7/15/2014 5:20:44 PM

Save TWW
37948 Posts
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Quote :
" liked this show a lot, but if this turns into another Lost where they are just making up shit as they go I'm going to hit someone"

If you don't like people making shit up, you should maybe avoid the genre or fiction...

Also Lost was a great show the first 4-5 seasons

Quote :
"So for a while I was thinking the dog killing guy might be a figment of Kevin's imagination (since that's the way the show was presenting him), a la Fight Club...but it turns out he's real.

Looks like the Mayor was pretty close with Kevin's dad...the way she kissed him as she was leaving the mental hospital was pretty intimate."

I'm a bit embarrassed for you that you felt that need to write any of this out.

Quote :
"I think it makes for a better show knowing that there isn't going to be an answer about what happened. The show isn't about what happened, it's about how everyone deals with it."

Thank you!

7/15/2014 11:45:17 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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As long as we're getting a little catty, dtownral doesn't quite know what a theme is.

7/16/2014 12:04:02 AM

26632 Posts
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as long as we are catty, it should be obvious from the context that I did not mean the literary theme

7/16/2014 8:52:03 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Very disappointing episode. It did not feature nearly enough Justin Theroux.

7/18/2014 1:14:59 AM

All American
749 Posts
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Just finished E2 and I'm losing interest.

I understand you gotta build a plot, but this shit is moving too slow.

I find myself reaching for my laptop or phone.

7/18/2014 9:29:55 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I watched the third episode twice. Not very closely, but I figured two viewings would be enough to get most of it.

Anyway, I have no clue what happened.

Gonna need dtownral to help me out here.

[Edited on July 18, 2014 at 8:43 PM. Reason : not a job]

7/18/2014 8:41:51 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"If you start adding other magical things in the show's "world" starts to get jumbled and becomes a different kind of I might not be interested in"

Yup, that's one of the reasons I stopped watching True Blood.

For E3, I'm not sure we needed an entire episode for the rector. Let's move this shit along...

Quote :
"I'm a bit embarrassed for you that you felt that need to write any of this out. "

I'm a bit embarrassed for you that you felt the need to respond to it.

7/19/2014 1:02:15 AM

All American
27275 Posts
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Just watched the third episode. I found it way more interesting and intense than the first two. Maybe it's just the priest's backstory. Eccleston did a great job.

7/21/2014 10:21:40 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Gonna need dtownral to help me out here."

parallels with the Christ story

7/21/2014 12:17:30 PM

Sink the Flagship
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watched the newest episode last night. this shit is like an enigma wrapped in an enigma.

I thought the white clad people were going to murder the townsfolk or something. They weren't wearing gloves, though, so maybe they could be arrested for B&E now if they have prints on record?

Also, Laurie comes off as a huge bitch. Just peacing out into the cult and coming back around Christmas asking for a divorce. I'm interested to see where it goes, hopefully she has a good reason.


They show somebody fucking but I can't make out who it is. Laurie and Kevin? The kid and the Asian girl?

7/22/2014 2:37:53 PM

All American
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^ I think it's going to be Kevin and Nora.

7/22/2014 2:42:58 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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that would be cool, didn't think of that

7/22/2014 2:54:32 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Didn't think of that? Do you people even watch these shows? The schools scene pretty much screamed that possibility

7/22/2014 3:50:56 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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^Yeah I figured those two were gonna get it on soon...especially with the wife wanting a divorce and all the foreshadowing.

Can someone tell me what all those bodies in/out the back of that truck were tho? I assume GR bodies...but they didn't really go into it. Educate me plz.

7/28/2014 12:41:58 AM

All American
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as far as we know, GR is localized to Mapleton. you miss out on all the talk about cults throughout the country/the ATF now being called the ATFEC (C as in Cults)?

that's what the final scene was for. there are truckloads of dead cult members shipping to that facility in DC.

7/28/2014 1:24:29 AM

All American
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i was under the impression that those were fake bodies, used by families to ceremoniously bury their loved ones.

7/28/2014 8:06:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"as far as we know, GR is localized to Mapleton"

(I haven't seen last night's episode yet)

But last week's episode there were some GR standing at the bus stop where the cop's son was and handed him the empty brochure. He definitely wasn't in Mapleton at the time.

[Edited on July 28, 2014 at 8:55 AM. Reason : .]

7/28/2014 8:55:08 AM

All American
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forgot about that

in last nights episode there are mentions of other cults throughout the country

and after reading a bit, this:

Quote :
"i was under the impression that those were fake bodies, used by families to ceremoniously bury their loved ones."

is right. I watched the episodes back to back so I thought the ending had everything to do with truckloads of dead cult members as opposed to fake, plastic bodies (like the ones shown in the beginning of that episode)

my b.

[Edited on July 28, 2014 at 11:42 AM. Reason : falling asleep, too]

7/28/2014 11:20:47 AM

Save TWW
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wait what? that was the Gladys's body they burned. Those trucks are all the deaths related to cults and they were marking them "notify" or burn. Not sure how they make the distinction but i'm less sure what makes you think the bodies are plastic. what am i missing?

7/28/2014 10:14:41 PM

All American
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I was referring to the "bodies" that fell out of that wrecked 18-wheeler in the previous episode

in my near-sleep post, I thought that there was a connection to that wreck and the ATFEC facility, but after reading a few reviews of both eps, I realized that those "bodies" were more than likely fakes made by a company who sells them to people who lost loved ones

7/28/2014 10:31:22 PM

Save TWW
37948 Posts
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oh so last ep's body's were fake? gotcha, i guess i can see that.

this ep, the first crate got a green sticker that said "NOK" and "notify" and Gladys got a red/orange one, guy's hand covered the text all i saw was a "9"

7/28/2014 10:36:40 PM

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