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All American
22955 Posts
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Because she lured him in?

Do we know how much time passed between the first and last episodes? I'm wondering how long it took for the world to go to hell in a hand basket.

Also, wtf are we going to do with a show about people on a boat. Obviously something happens to the boat, or they sail to Canada or something and find that the problem is the same everywhere. Or maybe they go to Hawaii and we'll have a live action version of Dead Island.

10/5/2015 2:10:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I am wondering why Strand was detained to begin with. He wasn't showing any signs of any type of sickness or the type of guy that would cause trouble."

He seems exactly like the type of guy that would cause trouble. He basically forced the other guy in the cell with him to have a nervous breakdown and he schemed his way into getting a key to the cell, the guy was really clever and knows how to use people.

I also don't see why people are upset about the plan they used to take out the military installation/medical area. Did you forget that these same soldiers are the ones that locked those people in the arena? Surely many of them were still alive when that happened and they just locked them in to save themselves and likely thousands of people died because of that. And they were trying to rescue their family, how else were they going to get them out? Do you really think they were just going to let them come in and see their family members? That wasn't going to happen, if anything they'd have just ended up trapped inside themselves. Also the soldiers evacuation plan were to get the doctors/nurses out and help some of the wounded but they didn't sound like they were planning on letting any of the people in the cages out. At least they let them out of the cages and gave them a chance to run.

I do agree they should have shut the gate back to the community, but they basically made the point that the neighbors didn't do anything to help them when the soldiers came to take their family members or when they tried to rally everyone's support to oppose the military.

[Edited on October 5, 2015 at 2:43 PM. Reason : .]

10/5/2015 2:42:57 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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Quote :
"I also don't see why people are upset about the plan they used to take out the military installation/medical area."

because as already mentioned, not only did they risk the lives of the military men, some of whom were good people, with families, who were just doing their jobs in trying to contain an apocalyptic outbreak, but they put the nurses and patients lives in jeopardy, and they put the lives of everyone else in the city in more danger too. and all the patients in the hospital were shot in the head as a result of that. it was stupid.... and they probably put their own lives in more danger now that an extra 10,000 zombies are roaming around creating more and more zombies.

[Edited on October 5, 2015 at 2:46 PM. Reason : ]

10/5/2015 2:45:00 PM

All American
33933 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm gonna group myself in the party that now views all the main characters, except Strand, as a huge bunch of assholes. Releasing 10,000 zombies!? You fucking kidding me - they just doomed almost everyone living in that area of LA. Not just soldiers. That was completely fucked up.

I think you're supposed to react this way... the title of the episode indicates that they are pretty much the bad guys here, without question, but in their own minds, they're doing what they need to do to survive and take care of their family. It's not a stretch by any means for me to see people having this mentality.

I liked this finale though, my favorite episode of the season. Will be interesting to see how life on the boat is, assuming they're not all dead already.

10/5/2015 3:32:39 PM

All American
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Well admittedly they can't stay on the boat forever. Anyone who knows anything about yachts... how much fresh water do they carry? And once they do run out of water, it won't be an easy case of just finding a hose and filling up the tank.

So when it comes to Strand, I'm wondering why he cares to bring everyone along. He has to be gaining something from this. There is something about Nick that he saw from the beginning that made him want to stick with him. I guess if it comes to fighting off other survivors, he would need people on his side to defend the boat but I can't help but feel there is more to it.

10/5/2015 4:51:28 PM

7062 Posts
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the first walking dead flight 462 episode is up:

10/5/2015 7:18:56 PM

Duh, Winning
62361 Posts
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OH WE BACK, right off the bat

4/6/2016 2:27:10 PM

All American
7946 Posts
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Finally, a zombie discussion that doesn't involved anything happening right off the bat.

4/6/2016 2:28:43 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27457 Posts
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Right off the boat.

4/6/2016 3:31:58 PM

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I don't think this boat idea is going to work right off the bat, but we will see.

4/7/2016 8:59:51 AM

Save TWW
37305 Posts
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Are we supposed to understand why everything is on fire all of a sudden??

Oops spoke 2 seconds too soon, still not sure why the beach is on fire though

[Edited on April 10, 2016 at 9:31 PM. Reason : A]

4/10/2016 9:30:42 PM

Duh, Winning
62361 Posts
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he killed the eel right with a bat

So it looks like we are going to have waterworld mad max style

4/10/2016 10:39:49 PM

All American
43390 Posts
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maybe it's just me, but the lot of those people seem pretty ungrateful to Strand. He's giving them shelter on a 8 figure yacht and they seem to have no problem wanting to put the well being of everything at risk. Understandable to be leery of his motives, but it seems a bit ridiculous to me.

4/11/2016 8:50:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"still not sure why the beach is on fire though"

Yeah I was thinking that too. Just random fire on the beach. I guess parts of explosions made their way to the beach. I guess the government was bombing the city in hopes of destroying the zombies?

Quote :
"maybe it's just me, but the lot of those people seem pretty ungrateful to Strand. "

Agreed. Homeboy saved all of their lives. He could have booked it to his giant house, then gone out to the yacht by himself and lived comfortably alone away from everything for years. Prob could have eventually found an uninhabited island somewhere and lived a relatively stress free life away from all the shit that goes on when society crumbles. But nope, now the dumb daughter gave away their position and the brooding kid decides to jump in the water WHEN THERE IS VISIBLE SMOKE AND CLEARLY SOMETHING BAD HAPPENING like 20 ft away. Seriously, the kid has SEEN multiple zombies TRY TO EAT HIM and he takes a swing at his dad for shooting his mother so that she doesn't become one? After she asks him to? Come on dude.

lol and the junky is STILL wearing the clothes that he stole from the old man in the hospital. My thoughts: acne steak knife kid from Season 1 will end up saving Rick & co. from Negan. With his steak knife.

4/11/2016 9:25:47 AM

5830 Posts
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Quote :
"My thoughts: acne steak knife kid from Season 1 will end up saving Rick & co. from Negan. With his steak knife."

4/11/2016 11:07:03 AM

Duh, Winning
62361 Posts
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im thinking it will be a long drawn out conflict with losses on both sides and showing how terrible war is

4/11/2016 2:09:36 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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I wish they would kill off all children on these tv shows

4/11/2016 11:30:15 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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I'm with the people above who mentioned how grateful the group is to have a place on this boat. They have booze, a nice dinner area, great accommodations, etc... Most importantly, they didn't meet a fiery hell storm and/or zombie bites. It's not hard to say to yourself, his boat, his rules. If I don't like it, I can get the fuck off at the next stop.

4/12/2016 9:40:20 AM

All American
24640 Posts
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could barely make it through the premier, which isn't a good sign for the rest of the season. I still find myself hating every character (especially the kids), another bad sign when there isn't anyone to root for. I guess I like Strand the best. Highly doubt I make it more than another episode or two in this series.

4/12/2016 11:14:44 AM

All American
43390 Posts
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Man, that daughter really turned up the hotness factor.

4/12/2016 12:45:15 PM

All American
15411 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe it's just me, but the lot of those people seem pretty ungrateful to Strand. He's giving them shelter on a 8 figure yacht and they seem to have no problem wanting to put the well being of everything at risk. Understandable to be leery of his motives, but it seems a bit ridiculous to me."

agreed. Then again, these people haven't been through shit at all yet. 6 Seasons of character development in walking dead vs this, is pretty stark contrast to revert back to.

4/15/2016 12:56:20 PM

All American
16807 Posts
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Agreed. How about comparing it to Season 2 aka the "Khorl get in the house!" season

4/15/2016 3:34:03 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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that episode was much better than the one before. a decent amount of suspense and a decent amount of character progression.

4/18/2016 10:22:19 AM

All American
27225 Posts
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Given how easily Maddie decides to help people, it won't be long until she ruins their whole set up. lol if they had actually stopped for that boat full of people it would have been a madhouse.

4/18/2016 10:25:17 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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while that guy would have sooner or later given the pills to his family, maddie's involvement definitely expedited things a bit. she needs to realize that leaving everyone to their own devices could be the best for everyone.

4/18/2016 1:50:22 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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I don't understand why the lady wants them to take her kids... seems like the island may be one of the safest places to be for now.

4/18/2016 1:56:53 PM

Save TWW
37305 Posts
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Bc the dad was going to murder them?

4/18/2016 4:09:06 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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I got the impression that the suicide pills would only be used as a last resort, if the island was overrun or something.

I mean, he gave the whole speech about how he's doing what he has to do to survive, and he's actively building a fence to keep the walkers out, so I don't think he was just going to murder them.

4/18/2016 4:24:38 PM

All American
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I was thinking that too but the kid mentioned something about taking "Power Pills". I guess it is possible that the dad told them to take them if they ever get overrun with zombies or something. Still, the island is definitely one of the better places to be in such a situation. Nick's junky sense must have really been tingling to look at that globe an immediately know it was a hiding place.

[Edited on April 18, 2016 at 4:29 PM. Reason : ]

4/18/2016 4:28:48 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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OMG When Travis is al "Chris was over there killing zombies he's supposed to be a kid"

Travis man, that is a good thing #1your child is peak angsty teen woe is me anyway, this gives him an outlet #2 it's kind of a good time to learn to kill zombies... ya know, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse ...just my thoughts

really I think he is mad that his son is holding up better than him

Also, Why wouldn't you stay on the island? it seemed like they were doing ok considering. Team up and pool your resources, fuck that Victor Strand, if he wants to leave, let him.... everyone is picking up on ulterior motives for a reason


no, just no
anyway, end rant

4/19/2016 9:41:41 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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At this point I'm only going to be satisfied if that kid never changes out of the old man clothes throughout the entire run of this show

4/20/2016 9:51:25 PM

All American
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^I think he just put the coat back on. The rest of the clothes are new?

My only thoughts on staying with the island is how much fresh water would they have. It's probably not that big an island so I'd assume not that much. Would be the best survival option though, there are probably quite a few boats in that resort/fair area if they needed to leave due to lack of water or something.

4/21/2016 10:18:11 AM

All American
1121 Posts
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Maybe now he'll wear the bloody shirt for the rest of the season

4/24/2016 10:22:46 PM

All American
43390 Posts
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WTF is up with that kid wearing shitty clothes? Why voluntarily put on a captain's shirt that's covered in stains.

This episode was fucking horrible. They should just rename the show "bunch of idiots trying to kill themselves".

4/25/2016 8:36:24 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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I have mixed opinions on the episode but overall I think it was decent enough. I've only seen 2 or 3 of the FTWD shorts, but I thought they did a good enough job connecting the story without needing to rely on that too much.

My major issue with the episode was that the LA crew started fighting off a massive zombie heard that Rick's experienced crew would have run from.

To me, Stran's Baja place sounds like a compound for a drug lord. Not really sure that whomever he is calling will be excited to maintain his crew of 7.

I was entertained by the Asian girl, who was willing to kill others to support and secure her half-dead friend but couldn't understand why the people on the boat were unwilling to let her stay on the boat. Honestly, I was pretty happy to see her get let go.

4/25/2016 10:53:06 AM

All American
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That shit was just super frustrating. The crew on the beach had PLENTY of time to take their haul of recovered clothes/drugs down to the beach and launch the boat, well before they would have been overtaken by the horde. Instead, they just stood there like a bunch of assholes, squandered away what bullets were in the pistol, and managed to get themselves backed into a corner on the edge of a cliff.


Additionally, Nick was apparently amused by a half dead guy in a ravine to the point that he had no problem standing on the edge of a questionably structurally sound cliff.

Just die, all of them. They deserve it.

4/25/2016 11:09:22 AM

All American
28092 Posts
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I thought it was one of the better episodes.

Quote :
"It's probably not that big an island so I'd assume not that much {water}."

You could set up rain-catching systems if you had large enough tanks and would have plenty of water, even if it rarely rained.

Quote :
"Why voluntarily put on a captain's shirt that's covered in stains."

I thought it was clean when he first put it on.

4/25/2016 11:17:42 AM

All American
7946 Posts
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It was literally a repeat of the last episode.

They dock. They meet new people. Shit goes to hell quickly. They escape back onto their boat with no casualties. Rinse and repeat.

I get they're doing this to build the characters and to set some of the backdrop of the world they live in now, but still, it felt like a useless episode. Basically a "well our cast is safe on the boat now, let's make them need to dock for things just to create unnecessary drama and suspense." I mean the girl running out of antibiotics and "needing warm clothes" was a bit much.

4/25/2016 1:04:22 PM

All American
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^ I think that you'll see a lot of that for some time. It's really the easiest way to develop the characters since the boat restricts a lot of plot points. Having the crew dock and roam the land would be too much like TWD, so I suspect we'll continue to see the repeat above until the writers figure out how to make the show stand on it's own or until they capture enough of a vested audience that the show could be just like TWD and keep a sustaining audience.

4/25/2016 1:18:48 PM

All American
43390 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought it was clean when he first put it on."

It had several yellowish/orange blotches on it already.

4/25/2016 4:55:25 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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who cares.

even in the first episode, prior to the point where he stole old dude's clothes and willingly wore them for an extended period, Nick was wearing baggy, dirty clothing.

He may just feel more comfortable that way. personally, i think having a pilot's uniform made him feel important and valued.

but mostly, who cares about the motivations for Nick wearing a dirty shirt.

4/26/2016 2:26:11 PM

All American
43390 Posts
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I thought he had finally got his life together when, earlier in the episode, he was wearing a nice blue polo.

4/26/2016 2:32:36 PM

All American
27225 Posts
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^lol yep. I admit that it annoys me more than it should but it looked like the pilot's shirt literally had dried blood stains on it before he even put it on. They probably won't have access to laundry facilities for a while so you'd think they'd want clean stuff. Whatever though, he's a junky.

4/26/2016 3:12:11 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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I don't care that much about my clothes now, I'm certainly not going to worry about stains on my shirt if the world ends and the dead come back to life and try to kill me.

4/26/2016 3:26:41 PM

All American
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Ha well there is certainly a difference between having a few stains from food/oil/dirt on your clothes and having literally blood of the previous owner/zombies on it. Especially if there are plenty of alternative clean clothes options in a world where laundry facilities aren't available. They don't even know at this point how the zombie virus spreads, for all they know, Nick could be contaminating everyone right now.

[Edited on April 27, 2016 at 8:32 AM. Reason : ]

4/27/2016 8:31:07 AM

All American
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I mean, I think they've seen enough now to know that you don't have to be bit to turn when you die, so I'm sure they realize it's not just spread from bites/touching infected.

They might not know they all have it, but it wouldn't be crazy for them to have figured that out by now.

4/27/2016 8:56:10 AM

Save TWW
37305 Posts
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So since Asian girl knows where they are heading, will she pop up again with the mystery boat?

4/28/2016 1:04:01 PM

Duh, Winning
62361 Posts
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well that was gay

5/2/2016 2:06:05 PM

All American
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Probably the best episode in the last 3-4 weeks.

Some backstory for Strand and finally progressing the story a little bit more with the pirates.

5/2/2016 2:16:23 PM

All American
28092 Posts
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Yep, I'm enjoying this more now

[Edited on May 2, 2016 at 2:33 PM. Reason : ^^not that there's anything wrong with that]

5/2/2016 2:33:12 PM

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