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 Message Boards » » i love vegetarians... Page [1] 2 3 4, Next  
All American
46641 Posts
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who eat fish.

You ignorant slut cows

fish are animals that are living breathing beings

they are almost 100% meat

you can't be a vegetarian and still eat fish.

5/10/2007 5:36:27 PM

All American
10804 Posts
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5/10/2007 5:43:26 PM

All American
10768 Posts
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you got a problem with pescetarians? what other groups of people do you hate?

5/10/2007 5:43:29 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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he hates all kinds of people, he's the angriest guy i ever met

5/10/2007 5:44:26 PM

19447 Posts
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OMFG I HATE IT SO MUCH when people are like "you know vegetarians are allowed to eat fish" when they find out I'm vegetarian.

First, I'm not playing by your "rules" and second, WTF is wrong with you?

5/10/2007 5:53:09 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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Seung-Hui Cho

5/10/2007 5:55:14 PM

All American
3580 Posts
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Chae Mu Bae

5/10/2007 5:58:50 PM

New Recruit
41 Posts
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What are you so sore about? If the only meat you have in your diet is fish, it's much easier (when someone has you over for dinner, when you're ordering at a restaurant, etc) to say you're vegetarian and keep it simple. Also, most places you go in Europe will assume if you're "vegetarian", then you eat fish & other sea food (especially Spain, for example). Being vegetarian isn't some game where you've cheated if you eat fish, it's someone's dietary choice for whatever reason (in large part, for "health reasons" broadly).

5/10/2007 6:58:55 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
9654 Posts
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what about the ones who only don't eat red meat?

5/10/2007 7:00:11 PM

All American
57594 Posts
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What are your views on eggs, gelatin, beef broth and caesar dressing

5/10/2007 7:20:59 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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what about vegetarians that eat pork?

how about dairy products?

5/10/2007 7:26:39 PM

25077 Posts
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they are usually cheap dates

5/10/2007 7:27:20 PM

All American
57594 Posts
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A lot of stuff you think would be vegetarian isnt. Grand asia market sells a packet called "Tofu Burger Mix." You would think a tofu burger would be vegetarian, but it has bonito flake in it.

5/10/2007 7:36:18 PM

1747 Posts
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plants are living breathing things

5/10/2007 7:37:38 PM

All American
7033 Posts
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who cares?

5/10/2007 7:38:28 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"what about vegetarians that eat pork?

how about dairy products?"

They aren't vegetarians. Buck, however, has the reading skills of a retard. He assumes when someone says they are moving towards a vegetarian diet, that they said they are a vegetarian.

5/10/2007 7:49:02 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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Quote :
"he hates all kinds of people, he's the angriest guy i ever met"

5/10/2007 8:12:26 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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he doesn't hate them.

It says, right in the thread title, that he loves them.

5/10/2007 8:21:13 PM

All American
20735 Posts
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but fish aren't cute, except for nemo

5/10/2007 8:25:58 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"He assumes when someone says they are moving towards a vegetarian diet, that they said they are a vegetarian.

I assume when someone says they are moving towards a vegetarian diet that they are actually moving towards a vegetarian diet. substituting pork for red meat is not a step towards a vegetarian diet.

5/10/2007 9:42:05 PM

All American
1245 Posts
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u know u be lovin some fried shrimp from smithfields now son

5/10/2007 9:42:46 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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chickens aren't cute, but they taste good!

5/10/2007 9:43:32 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"plants are living breathing things"


Replicators FTW.

5/10/2007 10:20:37 PM

All American
5138 Posts
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5/10/2007 10:32:05 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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"you know what we call vegetarians who eat fish on my planet? liars"

5/10/2007 10:34:59 PM

1332 Posts
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Quote :
"who eat fish.

You ignorant slut cows

fish are animals that are living breathing beings

they are almost 100% meat

you can't be a vegetarian and still eat fish."

okayyyy well would u rather them ONLY eat fish, or them say eff it and just eat any and every kind of animal? *shrug*
yeah...don't hate. i was a "vegetarian" for a couple years but still ate fish. i think its easier for me to accept eating fish because they werent raised in tiny over-packed cages, without ever seeing the sun...their entire lives and then slowly tortured and slaughtered....whereas, fish live their lives with no care in the world until the day they get caught and die. but thats just my look on it. yeah, i still feel guilty, but not AS bad. maybe i'm a bad person? whatever

5/11/2007 12:04:42 AM

1332 Posts
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Quote :
"what about vegetarians that eat pork?

how about dairy products?"

u can be a vegetarian and have dairy...if you DIDNT have dairy, you'd be a vegan.

5/11/2007 12:06:14 AM

All American
57594 Posts
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im a vegetarian but i eat steak.

5/11/2007 12:07:52 AM

50085 Posts
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My girlfriend called herself a vegetarian but ate seafood. I never understood but there was no point in arguing about it so I didn't care.. now she eats beef and chicken and is healthier..

[Edited on May 11, 2007 at 12:08 AM. Reason : ^^ and it was for that reason too... crazy women]

5/11/2007 12:08:04 AM

8017 Posts
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^^^^ you do know they do that too fish aswell

5/11/2007 12:09:11 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"i think its easier for me to accept eating fish because they werent raised in tiny over-packed cages, without ever seeing the sun...their entire lives and then slowly tortured and slaughtered....whereas, fish live their lives with no care in the world until the day they get caught and die"

are you really that stupid? do vegetarians really believe this garbage? farm raised livestock are treated much better than farm raised fish. Do you honestly think that cow you're eating was raised in a cage? Your chicken and turkeys weren't either. Your farm raised fish might have been though.

5/11/2007 9:01:01 AM

All American
1128 Posts
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It's ok to eat fish 'cause they don't have any feelings.

5/11/2007 9:03:25 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"u can be a vegetarian and have dairy...if you DIDNT have dairy, you'd be a vegan.

wrong. only octo-lavo vegetarians eat dairy products, and there's a hell of a lot more to being vegan than cutting out dairy products. A lot of people think of dairy products as being animal friendly, when that is far from the case.

5/11/2007 9:04:25 AM

1332 Posts
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the rules of being vegan/vegetarian are too complex for me to even care anymore.
i'm sittin here eatin a cheesesteak.

5/11/2007 9:08:22 AM

63151 Posts
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5/11/2007 9:09:03 AM

stuck flex
All American
4566 Posts
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Yeah there are alllll kinds of milk derived substances that wind up in food. I read the labels of everything I buy when I shop. If I slip up it's usually because a) I had no prior knowledge of the ingredient being off limits or b) when I order something when dining out the waitor/kitchen does not have enough knowledge to do a run down of every ingredient for me. Rule of thumb, learn the main off limit foods and most common mistakes in food prep and when in doubt stay with the safe bet. Plus I'm learning more and more about food every week, the main thing is to set a goal, do your best, and not beat yourself up when you make a slip up.

5/11/2007 9:15:50 AM

All American
42557 Posts
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all this boils down to semantics.

if you say you are a vegetarian, but you eat fish, then i am sorry, you are not a vegetarian, as simple as that.

a pesci-vegetarian, yes, but not a vegetarian.

5/11/2007 9:33:11 AM

40929 Posts
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i stopped eating altogether a few years ago and i'm much happier for it

5/11/2007 9:34:27 AM

All American
14423 Posts
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im fat

5/11/2007 9:35:47 AM

All American
42557 Posts
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Quote :
"only octo-lavo vegetarians eat dairy products"

you mean ovo-lacto

ovo = egg

lacto = milk

5/11/2007 9:38:34 AM

40929 Posts
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lavo = body wash soap

5/11/2007 9:41:10 AM

All American
2427 Posts
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I don't think he hates pescetarians, I think he hates people that say they are vegetarians when they actually are pescetarians because they eat fish.

5/11/2007 9:41:46 AM

63151 Posts
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i'm an eight soap vegetarian too

5/11/2007 9:42:12 AM

40929 Posts
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Quote :
"I think he hates people that say they are vegetarians when they actually are pescetarians because they eat fish."

[Edited on May 11, 2007 at 9:42 AM. Reason : i'd be jealous too if i didn't have a soul]

5/11/2007 9:42:37 AM

All American
42557 Posts
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and octo = 8


octo-lavo vegetarians = vegetarians who also eat 8 soaps?

5/11/2007 9:42:51 AM

40929 Posts
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now you got it.

don't ask me why, i think all variety of vegetarians are crazy anyways

5/11/2007 9:43:24 AM

63151 Posts
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you're way late

5/11/2007 9:43:25 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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nutsmackr hates everybody and everything.

5/11/2007 9:44:03 AM

All American
26072 Posts
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i agree with this thread

My brothers wife is a true vegetarian and she even comments on this exact situation, while she may not hate them she realizes they are not true vegetarians and they usually come up with excuses to make them feel better to eat fish, as you have seen several people already do


5/11/2007 9:44:54 AM

All American
29309 Posts
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i'm not going to wade through the stupid comments sure to emerge in this thread, but some people are vegetarians for purely health reasons and therefore are not being hypocrites by eating fish. (well, oep did make a good point about it being semantics. Since you're saying you're a "vegetarian," that does imply that you eat vegetables only. However, it could also imply no beans, since they're not "vegetables," and neither are fruits... so really, that gets TOO semantic.

others are vegetarians for environmental reasons, because animal husbandry these days is full of waste, but if they eat wild caught fish, they're also not being hypocritical (but they are if they eat farmed fish).

Others don't eat meat because animals are kept in small cages where they can't turn around, are abused, etc. Those people also aren't being hypocrites when they eat wild caught fish .

those who are vegetarians because they don't want to eat animals but then eat fish, yes, are being ridiculous.

[Edited on May 11, 2007 at 10:08 AM. Reason : .]

5/11/2007 10:04:15 AM

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