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Forgetful Jones
147760 Posts
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pee on them i hear that helps

5/4/2020 2:47:57 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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^Also helps encourage social distancing.

5/4/2020 3:26:58 PM

All American
27209 Posts
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Quote :
"how are yous guys sterilizing your masks?"

Could you just leave them in a separate room for a few days? The virus wouldn't be able to live without a host for more than a few days, right?

5/4/2020 3:28:55 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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leave them out in sunlight

5/4/2020 3:46:53 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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I'm not going out enough to really use it other than maybe once or twice a week - I figure the virus doesn't live that long.

5/4/2020 4:01:25 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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Fabric masks? Soap and water because that kills da rona.
N95 masks? Let them sit for 72+ hours or put em in the oven

5/4/2020 4:27:57 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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Yeah N95 or in my case KN95.

5/4/2020 4:31:07 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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I was considering soaking in hydrogen peroxide, rinsing, dry under sunlight.

5/4/2020 4:49:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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Yeah I think the big no-no's with n95s are soap and alcohol.

5/4/2020 5:01:38 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"Just had my annual physical and Dr and I discussed these.

Quest wants $120, total ripoff. There are false positives and false negatives. The tests aren't specific to this particular coronavirus, so you may have coronavirus antibodies from some other infection

(im not a dr, trying to regurgitate what she told me)

so we decided to not bother with the antibody test, as I'd be out $120 and no closer to knowing anything."

I got an email today saying that my results were null/void due to "improper collection methods" and that I'd be getting a refund. Super weird, but I'll take my money back, thanks.

5/4/2020 5:15:21 PM

50084 Posts
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IMHE has been sort of all over the place and wrong so take with grain of salt.

Also, what happened with Gottlieb? Wasn’t he part of the Trump admin? He is way more competent and communicative than anyone actually currently in the admin.

5/4/2020 5:24:52 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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they took my blood today

how long did it take you to hear back?

5/4/2020 6:07:34 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Got my test at 10:45am on Saturday, and heard back around 12:00 PM today.

5/4/2020 7:33:42 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Michael Every of Rabobank:

Quote :
"All the news that’s fit to print. It’s a classic phrase, but it’s clearly not One Size Fits All in our fractured political/media landscape. Want to hear how awful party X or country Y is? There is a media outlet for you. Want to hear the complete opposite? There is another channel for that. Want to get an objective opinion? Well good luck with that - but there are some slim pickings out there in blog-land. The best approach is arguably Hegelian – follow everything. Read The Telegraph and The Guardian; read The Washington Times AND The Global Times; watch MSNBC AND Fox News; then compare and contrast – and this runs true for financial press and market news too.

For example, yesterday’s Daily underlined expectations that US-China relations would go off a cliff. Subsequently we saw two bombshell Reuters stories. The first is that according to anonymous officials, the Trump White House is going to “turbocharge” the extraction of supply-chains from China, taking an ‘all of government’ approach; this including financial incentives such as tax cuts or subsidies for those firms; the US is considering higher tariffs and targeted sanctions of Chinese individuals, and even close relations with Taiwan as well; and it wishes to bring other countries with it in a so-called new “Economic Prosperity Network”, which sounds like a combination of the TPP and the Cold War. At any point during the 2018-19 trade war, this would have been front page news. Instead, it got hardly a mention. It did rightly see markets dip somewhat yesterday, but arguably not to the extent the story deserved. It also ignored Peter Navarro following up that “Buy American would soon be the law of the land” for some US government departments. Perhaps the market, in its infinite wisdom, believes this is all electioneering and/or that Trump won’t follow through? There is form there - but such certainty in the face of such uncertainty!

Later in the day Reuters was at it again. This time with news that an internal Chinese report seen by Xi Jinping has concluded that in the post-pandemic era Beijing will face the toughest international anti-China pushback since 1989, and that in a worst-case scenario it needs to be prepared for armed confrontation between itself and the US. Reuters states that the report is regarded by some in China as their version of the 1946 “Novikov Telegram”, which was the former USSR’s response to George Kennan’s infamous telegram from Moscow that concluded the Soviets did not see the possibility of peaceful coexistence with the West, and that a US policy of containment was needed. One might think THAT would be front-page news. It wasn’t. It was hardly news at all. Yet there is no election coming up in Beijing.

It is probably not a coincidence that both of these stories emerged yesterday. The US clearly wants China to know that economic sabres are being sharpened in the hope that they don’t have to be used, just rattled; and China wants the US to know that they know the sabres are being sharpened – and that the outcome would be awful for both sides if they are used. Duelling with words is certainly preferable, after all.

This does not mean that something important is not happening here: it is. Neither does it mean markets should be ignoring it: they shouldn’t. Geopolitical tensions are escalating rapidly far beyond the extent to which markets are pricing for - apart from US Treasury yields, where the 2-year is hovering around a record low of just 18bp. An extra 10% US tariff on Chinese goods at this stage, as a random example, would actually be a very benign outcome given the rhetoric being flourished. Of course, one can make the point that USD/CNH is hardly moving. Yet as was stressed yesterday, this is not really a market. When it starts moving sharply we know that at least one sabre is already being used.

Meanwhile, on a different front, there are lots more headlines today about virus lockdowns being rolled back. It seems that real life will begin again in many developed economies within the next few weeks to some extent. That obviously generates one set of headlines – mainly “V-shaped” in tone. The problem is that once we get out of our houses we will see what the real economic damage is: no more hypothesizing what a post-pandemic recovery will look like. As alluded to yesterday, it’s likely to be very ugly due to lingering restrictions and prudent changes in behaviour (the kind of risk prudence markets aren’t showing re: US-China relations). For example:

•As 3 in 4 Brits remain sceptical of leaving lockdown, the UK Chancellor is warning that half the population is now being supported by the government. Imagine what the bill is going to be. Imagine how we don’t need a Magic Money Tree to get out it.
•New Zealand, which is seeing zero new infections, has seen PM Arden stress its borders will be staying closed for a long while yet. No tourism, sorry.
•Australia, also doing well versus the virus, also has closed borders….and the RBA left rates on hold and pledged to keep them there until the economy is back at full employment, which could be years – or ever, depending on immigration policy. The RBA also pledged to do more QE if needed. (Which stopped AUD from ramping at this meeting for once.)
•Showing the mental confusion when post-Covid geopolitics meets traditional “because markets” neoliberal thinking, Aussie Treasurer Frydenberg has stated that the country must avoid the evils of protectionism…while ensuring it is self-sufficient. Mate, self-sufficiency *requires* protectionism else everyone would already be buying Aussie because it’s cheaper. And perhaps it requires an Economic Prosperity Network too?

But back to what’s fit to print. Also not exactly screaming to the top of the front pages, Germany’s constitutional court will today rule on what Reuters (again!) is calling “an existential challenge to the ECB’s bond purchases”. Will judges give the green light for ECB operations to continue as normal, or place real limitations on them? Might that be an important story, perhaps, given the key role the ECB is playing, the risk downside, and the uncertainty of the outcome for markets? Apparently not. It’s more pressing for Bloomberg to tell us that US stock futures are heading higher along with oil. Perhaps to stop us all from having a fit."

5/5/2020 9:03:28 AM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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Great now my primary doc says they have antibody testing and all insurances are covering it

5/5/2020 10:30:41 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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^But is it that garbage from Quest?

5/5/2020 11:05:05 AM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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well i don't think quest is the manufacturer of the tests. they are just administering it.

you'd have to figure out who is making the test and determine its effectiveness from there.

5/5/2020 11:11:40 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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I really would like to know for myself as well, but if it is just going to tell you that you've had "some" coronovirus in the past, it won't be any good to us right now.

5/5/2020 12:01:49 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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i would need to see some studies or something to make that determination

5/5/2020 12:05:30 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Better head to Wendy's and get your last Single.

5/5/2020 2:46:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
147760 Posts
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Cooper about to announce some kind of phase 1 opening info

5/5/2020 5:02:24 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"The city of Houston, Texas could furlough all of its employees except for police and firefighters, Mayor Sylvester Turner said at a news conference on Tuesday.

The furloughs are likely to take place to make up for a $200 million budget shortfall and would likely start on July 1, Turner said.

"All subject to the budget being approved by the city council. And then we will see whether or not between now and then, Congress provides us with any additional flexibility on the dollars that have already been provided through the federal CARES Act, which could help to minimize those furloughs," he added. 

Turner reiterated that the city is looking at the possibility of utilizing some of those dollars to prevent furlough in some categories. 

Some background: Late last month, Turner said Houston was facing a budgetary shortfall due to the coronavirus, and it was "the worst in the city's history."

He said both reopening the economy and extending the stay-at-home order is in the hands of Gov. Greg Abbott.

On Tuesday, Abbott announced that certain business sectors would be allowed to reopen in the coming weeks, albeit with restrictions."

5/5/2020 10:02:13 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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US researcher close to making significant coronavirus findings shot to death

And let's not forget this:

Three Russian doctors on COVID frontline mysteriously fall from hospital windows

One fell "during a meeting with regional health officials" (WTF???); another was going to be discharged soon, but 'fell' from a window? They had both criticised some aspect(s) of their jobs.

Two schoolboys collapse and die just six days apart in China while wearing face masks

They were taking mandatory PE exams (running) while wearing face masks

Family of New York doctor who took own life after getting COVID say virus ‘altered her brain’

Woman falls to her death posing for photo to celebrate lockdown easing

5/6/2020 7:52:24 AM

All American
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RIP professor Liu.

5/6/2020 8:38:33 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24768 Posts
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5/6/2020 8:42:22 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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He is another LIU/LAU/LEW/LOW

5/6/2020 8:46:44 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
"US researcher close to making significant coronavirus findings shot to death"

Would it be considered not kosher to point out both the researcher and the person that died in a car nearby of a self-inflicted gunshot wound both had Chinese names?

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 9:11 AM. Reason : /]

5/6/2020 9:10:20 AM

All American
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The rumor is that the communists sent the killer to murder him. I think it’s believable.

5/6/2020 9:19:18 AM

All American
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If true, every alien Chinese living in US should be potentially considered as terrorist.

5/6/2020 10:33:32 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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^ Well in Silicon Valley it's known that Chinese, Russian, Israeli intelligence are all over (pre-health crisis). In California, Chinese agents seek out help from all the diaspora living there. Some are willing volunteers and some are less willing but they coerce through threats to harm family at home.

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 10:39 AM. Reason : /]

5/6/2020 10:37:28 AM

All American
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But this happened in Pittsburgh, PA, the highly confidential region of this country.

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 10:50 AM. Reason : And it's said that the victim is American citizen]

5/6/2020 10:45:47 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Classified and critical stuff gets worked on everywhere.

I didn't dispute he was a U.S. citizen.

5/6/2020 11:04:40 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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I'm talking about the region, district, not his work.

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 11:15 AM. Reason : The commies are ISISs]

5/6/2020 11:07:11 AM

All American
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This is good news:

Explainer: South Korean findings suggest 'reinfected' coronavirus cases are false positives

And of course, conspiracy theories surrounding the murder:

Coronavirus: Professor Bing Liu's murder fuels wild theories

5/7/2020 2:19:57 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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Some people think he could be killed by CIA.

5/7/2020 8:37:32 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Traders now pricing in negative interest rates by November.

5/7/2020 2:16:14 PM

50084 Posts
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Can’t remember if it was on my terminal or somewhere on twitter but I saw some hilarious Taylor rule outputs based on some consensus estimates that had the fed funds rate at like -15% and staying negative until 2025.

5/7/2020 3:05:31 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27368 Posts
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Does this mean people will pay me to borrow money?

5/7/2020 3:13:16 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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Not you. You're not rich enough.

5/7/2020 3:32:27 PM

All American
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A few years ago a biocomputational professor in UCLA was murdered too, by his student via gunshot. This case may be related with his character and personal life, not the results of his work.

5/8/2020 11:54:24 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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This is very informative:

And follow her on twitter and read her other Guardian articles, she is amazing!

This is another good one:

Coronavirus is revealing how broken America’s economy really is

Some of you might know her from The Fix (Netflix).

5/8/2020 1:31:34 PM

All American
8598 Posts
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[Edited on May 11, 2020 at 9:38 AM. Reason : .]

5/11/2020 9:37:21 AM

50084 Posts
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The scenes from this weekend in this state and all over the country.... wow.

Without passing judgment I really pray that there is a yet fully unproven connection between COVID transmission and warmer weather. For the sake of the people in our country.

5/11/2020 12:11:08 PM

Save TWW
37177 Posts
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This is pretty interesting

5/11/2020 5:08:40 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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Need moar of this:

5/12/2020 9:45:25 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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Maaaan... white people

5/12/2020 10:00:01 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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So the official death count of the disease is at 290k. What does everyone think real is, accounting for the excess deaths not officially attributed to the disease as well as countries deliberately undercounting (Mexico is now in this group)? Half million globally sounds right to me.

5/13/2020 10:09:54 AM

All American
8598 Posts
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It's tough because the miracle that happened in China

5/13/2020 10:24:19 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24768 Posts
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It's no miracle. It's the steady and wise leadership of the Chinese Communist Party demonstrating their superior system of governance to imperialist stooges. If you don't believe me, watch their LEGO Movie.

5/13/2020 10:28:40 AM

Forgetful Jones
147760 Posts
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Apparently the test that they've been using in the White House that gives really fast results might be wrong half the time

5/13/2020 6:38:01 PM

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