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All American
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Quote :
"last time I checked Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the highest rates of murder/rape/corruption/etc"

LOL, youre painting a broad brush on a geographic area 5x the size of the US. Something tells me "last time you checked" is "never".

Quote :

Systematic bias is ILLEGAL

LOL, you are dumb.

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 2:06 AM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 2:04:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"There is no evil "racist society" trying to prevent you from succeeding."

Actively preventing success? Maybe not. But active housing discrimination is certainly happening every day. Would you argue that a lack of access to affordable, stable housing is an impediment to success?

3/2/2016 2:25:57 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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wow i had no idea people still read HUR's posts.

3/2/2016 8:53:03 AM

All American
11995 Posts
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Hard to believe gangs are still a thing. The "Beat it" music video came out in 1983. Did we learn nothing?

3/2/2016 8:55:32 AM

Save TWW
38011 Posts
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Quote :
"I wonder what the bleeding-heart excuses are for Africans in Africa that go around causing a lot of crime (last time I checked Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the highest rates of murder/rape/corruption/etc). They don't have evil racist white cops or a uber secret governmental conspiracy of shady white politicians plotting to hold down people of color lol "

Is that serious? Many of the major problems in Africa can be traced back to colonial leaders emphasizing tribalism to split the populace, and strong men coming tomorrow powered as a necessity to get the colonials out.

3/2/2016 9:05:57 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"I wonder what the bleeding-heart excuses are for Africans in Africa that go around causing a lot of crime (last time I checked Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the highest rates of murder/rape/corruption/etc). They don't have evil racist white cops or a uber secret governmental conspiracy of shady white politicians plotting to hold down people of color lol "

holy shit, do you know literally anything about the modern history of the african continent? how have you not even picked up little bits and pieces from movies or tv?


3/2/2016 9:22:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"wow i had no idea people still read HUR's posts."

3/2/2016 9:34:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
White privelege isn't a personal judgement or accusation of someone, it's a reality of our society.

If you are a white person in America, you have majority systemic biases* in your favor. "

Bullshit. You are throwing a blanket statement over millions of people based on skin color alone. That alone is racist. The only thing that has been in my favor is having a parent who taught me to respect others, work hard, be responsible, and accept consequences for my actions.

Individual merit is lost and fairy tale excuses like white privilege is only going to make things worse for the black community. No decent, civilized citizen wants an entire community to suffer because of a lie.

3/2/2016 9:34:27 AM

All American
11446 Posts
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Quote :
"Does black privilege exist in Africa, what about Asian privilege in Asia"

continents ain't countries. apples <> oranges. credibility: - 1

3/2/2016 9:36:43 AM

All American
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The country's reaction to these incidents are going to have one long-lasting consequence. All good police officers that can do something else, will. These reactions will continue to cull the more intelligent, responsible police officers because they can do something else, as there's no need to put up with it all.

What will be left will be the dredges who will continue to mistreat others and just perpetuate this caustic environment we have toward police officers.

3/2/2016 10:08:53 AM

26632 Posts
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"These reactions will continue to cull the more intelligent, responsible police officers because they can do something else, as there's no need to put up with it all."

bruh, those cops are able to do something today

3/2/2016 10:14:03 AM

All American
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Ha I doubt it.

This will push the dredges out. Once we start holding cops accountable, like everyone else, they will respect themselves more, the public will respect them, and we'll have better police as a result.

it's funny how cpistano is throwing around "personal responsibility " like he has any idea what it means above, while advocating for cops to get off easy for breaking laws and rules that wind up with people dead.

If you actually support personal responsibility then you should be best friends with black lives matter, because this is what they want the police to have. Or do we want police shielded from wrong doing by prosecutors, internal investigations, judges, mayors, presidents, etc?

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 10:21 AM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 10:20:48 AM

All American
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It's not worth it guys. There are a few in here that truly believe their life would be no different for them if they were born black, or even if they were born into poverty in the ghetto to single crack-addicted mother and basically raised by bloods. It's crazy, but they truly believe that years of slavery, racist laws, segregation, etc. etc. has no effect on our society today. They believe that's long in the past, and to even recognize that it may have a lingering effect on today's society is "racist" (as Mr. Denny keeps repeating).

3/2/2016 10:40:30 AM

26632 Posts
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the warrant they were trying to serve was for a missed court date

3/2/2016 10:41:51 AM

balls deep
89855 Posts
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Sounds a lot like that cop used his handgun as a punishment for the suspect running away....

3/2/2016 11:01:05 AM

All American
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Here are a couple of demands from BLM:

Quote :
"“We will seek justice for Brown’s family by petitioning for the immediate arrest of officer Darren Wilson and the dismissal of county prosecutor Robert McCullough. Groups that are part of the local Hands Up Don’t Shoot Coalition have already called for Wilson’s swift arrest, and some BLM riders also canvassed McCullough’s neighborhood as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the case."

They want to arrest a guy who is not guilty, ruin the career of the prosecutor for not prosecuting a guy who was not guilty. By the way, the "hands up don't shoot" is still a lie.

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"And we will advocate for a decrease in law-enforcement spending at the local, state and federal levels and a reinvestment of that budgeted money into the black communities most devastated by poverty in order to create jobs, housing and schools. This money should be redirected to those federal departments charged with providing employment, housing and educational services.”"

So BLM wants to reduce the police and their capabilities. I want all of those affected by poverty to be able to succeed as well, through equal opportunity and not handouts. I just do not think this is the right way to do it. Without law and order, whatever money pumped into these communities will be gone. No business in their right minds will invest in areas with high crime. These areas need MORE police.

Even the reforms demanded by the DOJ would cost Ferguson economically. After the lies spread about Mike Brown and inciting a riot, the city is in the hole by 2.5 million from those riots. The poor people in this city will suffer more by raises in taxes to either fight a lawsuit or pay for the reforms. It's currently a no win.

Quote :
"it's funny how cpistano is throwing around "personal responsibility " like he has any idea what it means above, while advocating for cops to get off easy for breaking laws and rules that wind up with people dead. "

It would be hypocritical to advocate for illegal activities by cops while asking citizens to be responsible. Cops should be held accountable if they break the law.

Quote :
"It's not worth it guys. There are a few in here that truly believe their life would be no different for them if they were born black, or even if they were born into poverty in the ghetto to single crack-addicted mother and basically raised by bloods. It's crazy, but they truly believe that years of slavery, racist laws, segregation, etc. etc. has no effect on our society today. They believe that's long in the past, and to even recognize that it may have a lingering effect on today's society is "racist" (as Mr. Denny keeps repeating).

If I was born into poverty, in the ghetto, to a single crack-addicted mother and raised by the bloods, taught that all of my problems are due to systemic white racism, every opportunity to me denied because laws, policies, schools, housing, and healthcare are all racist and if they aren't technically racist, they used to be a long time ago or if you can't find evidence of racism it just has to exist then I would not stand a chance because why even try???

The only real privilege people are born with are their parents or parent who might teach their kid what it means to work hard and be responsible. It is a disservice to poor black kids to teach them that their problems come from "white privilege" and not from poor individual life choices their parents made, or their peers are making.

I agree with most of you that there is a problem with poverty and I also want all Americans to succeed, I just cannot agree with you why the problem exists and how to fix it.

3/2/2016 11:07:33 AM

26632 Posts
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please tell us more about what black people should do

3/2/2016 11:08:55 AM

All American
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Why would I tell you what black people should do only? Common damn sense does not apply to one race, it should apply to all races

3/2/2016 11:27:02 AM

26632 Posts
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how do you prevent them from learning that inequality exists?

3/2/2016 11:30:44 AM

All American
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inequality does exist, i wouldn't want to prevent anyone from learning that

we probably disagree on why it exists

3/2/2016 11:36:14 AM

50085 Posts
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Probably because it's only been four generations or so since blacks were treated as heavy machinery and one generation since they could stand in the presence of everyone else in large swaths of the country?

3/2/2016 11:41:16 AM

All American
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^^Why do you think it exists? Do you think that black are inherently bad parents?

Do you not think it has anything to do with that^?

3/2/2016 11:42:46 AM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"Bullshit. You are throwing a blanket statement over millions of people based on skin color alone. The only thing that has been in my favor is having a parent who taught me to respect others, work hard, be responsible, and accept consequences for my actions."

Have you ever thought about anyone other than yourself? If you don't want to throw a blanket on millions of people, start with not assuming your life experience applies to everyone. Example: SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE PARENTS, let alone those who are good teachers.

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"The only real privilege people are born with are their parents or parent who might teach their kid what it means to work hard and be responsible."

Money and rights are certainly fucking privileges, whether you want to admit it or not. Lots of people don't work a single day in their lives and do whatever the fuck they want because they were born into money.

For an example that doesn't include money, let's take two poor kids, born in the the same southern city in the '50s. They live down the street from each other and want to become Olympic swimmers. The white kid goes to the city pool every day to train, but the black one can't because he's LEGALLY BARRED FROM THE POOL DUE TO HIS SKIN COLOR. How is free use of a facility not a privilege?

3/2/2016 11:48:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^Why do you think it exists? Do you think that black are inherently bad parents?

No, I think that would be racist to say that. Don't you?

3/2/2016 11:49:48 AM

All American
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Yes, I do. But I think you might be more racist than you think.

Can you answer the question? Why do you think inequality exists?

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 12:04 PM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 11:52:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"inequality does exist, i wouldn't want to prevent anyone from learning that

we probably disagree on why it exists

Seems like you understand the problem, youre just suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Was it bad personal choices that prevented black soldiers from getting VA loans for houses? Was it bad personal choices that created red lining? Was it bad personal choices that required a little black girl to be escorted to school by the national guard? Was it bad personal choices that causes a black job applicant to be less likely to get a call back just for being black? Etc., etc.

These things have a direct and on-going impact on the level of wealth in the black community (not that wealth is the only dimension, but it's the one most people can see the connection to reality with). The initial actions and the cycles that resulted create a double standard that means a black person and a white person can make the same exact choices, but the black person ends up in poverty while the white person goes on to be very successful.

No one should be telling black children not to work hard or do their best, what #blacklivesmatter wants, and what any American should want is that when the black kid makes the same choices as the white kid, they get the same results-- we know this doesn't happen still based on studies of the issue.

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 12:01 PM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 12:00:48 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"How is free use of a facility not a privilege?"

While I agree with the premise, I disagree with how this argument is framed, including the whole white privilege idea. Yes, there is inequality between the races, but labeling and thinking of this in terms of white privilege, to me, serves only to blame all white people and berate them for simply living the life they were provided, like they should have to give up something. But that's not the problem. The problem is the past treatment of blacks and the current systemic racism in many systems of our country. It should really be framed as the black disadvantage. I should not feel, or be pressured into feeling. as though I am to blame and that I need to give something up. What I should be subject to, is understanding the reality of the world, why things happen, and the best way to rectify these issues. Same end result, but framed around the problem and not scapegoated.

3/2/2016 12:06:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Have you ever thought about anyone other than yourself? If you don't want to throw a blanket on millions of people, start with not assuming your life experience applies to everyone. Example: SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE PARENTS, let alone those who are good teachers."

You're right, some people have shitty parents and they will probably never succeed in life and it has nothing to do with skin color. What does apply to everyone is they are responsible for the life decisions they make whether they want to accept that or not. It annoys me that you think I've had a great life experience because I think white privilege is not real.

Quote :
"Money and rights are certainly fucking privileges, whether you want to admit it or not. Lots of people don't work a single day in their lives and do whatever the fuck they want because they were born into money.

For an example that doesn't include money, let's take two poor kids, born in the the same southern city in the '50s. They live down the street from each other and want to become Olympic swimmers. The white kid goes to the city pool every day to train, but the black one can't because he's LEGALLY BARRED FROM THE POOL DUE TO HIS SKIN COLOR. How is free use of a facility not a privilege?


I wasn't born into money but I was born with the same rights as everyone else. I used a shitty public school system to go to college and paid my own way, because my mom made just enough money to support her family but couldn't even afford the meal plan on campus let alone books and tuition. No privilege here, so maybe I'm not white?

As far as the pool is concerned, I despise that policy and if you want I'll meet you down there and shit in the pool in protest, with you because if they want to be racist, they can scoop out my turds and close down for the day

3/2/2016 12:07:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Would you argue that a lack of access to affordable, stable housing is an impediment to success?"

I would argue that the current year is 2016, not 1950.

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"LOL, you are dumb."

Yes, me referencing federal law sure is dumb. Maybe I should just post white-guilt HuffingtonPost links and moan about thug-martyrs getting shot by the evil racist white police at a statistically insignificant rate... but who cares if it is statistically insignificant, since when does that matter to the liberal media when they fabricate narratives and race-bait, and since when does that matter to me, a gullible bleeding heart SJW, all I want to do is be outraged and call everyone else racist as I spam links in the echo chamber.

3/2/2016 12:07:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I would argue that the current year is 2016, not 1950."

LOL, so what happened a couple generations ago has no effect today? (and it happened well beyond 1950)

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 12:09:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I would argue that the current year is 2016, not 1950."

That's 2-3 generations. Your grandparents' opportunities have had no effect on your life?

3/2/2016 12:10:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"LOL, so what happened a couple generations ago has no effect today? (and it happened well beyond 1950)"

JCE doesn't have the capacity to think more then 2 steps out, he's doomed to being confused by the world his entire life.

3/2/2016 12:25:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Seems like you understand the problem, youre just suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Was it bad personal choices that prevented black soldiers from getting VA loans for houses? Was it bad personal choices that created red lining? Was it bad personal choices that required a little black girl to be escorted to school by the national guard? Was it bad personal choices that causes a black job applicant to be less likely to get a call back just for being black? Etc., etc.

No, those were actual systemic racist policies unlike the "systemic racist" America we are today. Every single thing you said is illegal now and has been for some time and I would never support any such policy. If you find a law that is currently racist, I will protest with you.

If an employer does not hire someone simply because they are black, or hispanic, or white, I hope they get sued and lose business.

3/2/2016 12:26:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"No, those were actual systemic racist policies unlike the "systemic racist" America we are today."

White soldiers could get a VA loan for a house. A black soldier of the same age could not. You think people aren't better off because their grandfathers owned real estate when other people couldn't?


3/2/2016 12:33:50 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"JCE doesn't have the capacity to think more then 2 steps out, he's doomed to being confused by the world his entire life."

Moron lives in a liberal echo chamber, so its no wonder he thinks society today "is just as racist as when we had slavery". It must be tough being a social justice warrior in 2016.

3/2/2016 12:35:18 PM

All American
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(quotations are usually used when you're actually quoting what somebody said, not disingenuously making up strawmen)

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 12:38 PM. Reason : or did he actually say that?]

3/2/2016 12:36:41 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"If an employer does not hire someone simply because they are black, or hispanic, or white, I hope they get sued and lose business."

Not only is that not how it works, that's not even how it would work.

3/2/2016 12:40:45 PM

26632 Posts
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jtdenny, why do you think that inequality exists?

3/2/2016 12:41:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"No, those were actual systemic racist policies unlike the "systemic racist" America we are today. Every single thing you said is illegal now and has been for some time and I would never support any such policy. If you find a law that is currently racist, I will protest with you.

If an employer does not hire someone simply because they are black, or hispanic, or white, I hope they get sued and lose business."

No, those were just racist polices.

What we have now is systemic racist-- the result of these policies. It is because of these policies that wealth in the black community is 10x less than wealth of white americans, and it is because of this present-day lack of wealth that black communities have inadequate access to education and jobs.

You are missing the key definition of the word "systemic". This is analogous to if there was a track competition, and one person started 20ft ahead of another person, just by saying that each racer has the same opportunity to run as fast as possible doesn't mean the race is fair.

3/2/2016 12:44:20 PM

5608 Posts
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So are we now defining "White Privilege" as "being less likely to be born poor"?

So if there is one poor white person and one poor black person, how does the white person benefit from privilege?

3/2/2016 12:58:44 PM

All American
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^ that's one aspect, it's not THE definition

3/2/2016 1:00:25 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"So if there is one poor white person and one poor black person, how does the white person benefit from privilege?"

3/2/2016 1:02:39 PM

All American
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It's funny that the guy who repeats "false narrative" ad nauseam, is the King of the Strawmen.

3/2/2016 1:03:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"White soldiers could get a VA loan for a house. A black soldier of the same age could not. You think people aren't better off because their grandfathers owned real estate when other people couldn't?


Everything has consequences. You are saying that because black people in the 50's were discriminated against, they were denied equal opportunity and I agree. The wealth they could have accumulated and passed down was diminished or non existent. Being poor however, does not mean you have to make bad choices and we happen to live in a country where in one generation, you can go to school, get a job and build wealth.

Maybe compare the single motherhood rate of 1950 to today's(black or white, since poverty is not exclusive to black people). As far as consequences go, do you really think racist laws in 1950 have more of an impact than individual life choices today? What forces surround a kid, born in the inner city, to influence them to either go to school, study, graduate high school, get a job, get married before having a kid, maybe go to a college or do none of those things and continue a life in poverty and possible crime that usually coincides?

BLM might actually do some good if they allocate responsibility where it is due. Start with the highest threat to black lives for instance and no, do not leave out police misbehavior but don't pretend like it's anywhere near the biggest threat.

3/2/2016 1:03:21 PM

All American
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so you're not going to explain why you think inequality exists?

3/2/2016 1:04:28 PM

All American
34407 Posts
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This discussion needs to move to the ->

Already ~26 pages of JCE being dumb there.

3/2/2016 1:04:49 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"So if there is one poor white person and one poor black person, how does the white person benefit from privilege?"

When they both call the slumlord about the apartment and leave messages, the white person gets the apartment, because the slumlord never calls back black applicants.

Quote :
"What forces surround a kid, born in the inner city, to influence them"

Go ask one, and maybe you'll find out. The idea that you can take your experience and apply it to their life is incredibly shortsighted.

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 1:06 PM. Reason : 3]

3/2/2016 1:05:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Go ask one, and maybe you'll find out. The idea that you can take your experience and apply it to their life is incredibly shortsighted."

I tutored kids at an after school facility off Martin Luther King downtown so I don't need to "go ask one."

I was at the boy's fourth grade table and honestly they didn't really need tutoring so much as a place to sit down and just do homework before going outside to play. They were smart and were in a similar economic position I was in growing up.

3/2/2016 1:17:53 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"So if there is one poor white person and one poor black person, how does the white person benefit from privilege?"

Notice how any time specifics are mentioned Moron retreats?

@Bullet, that was an actual moron post. (If you are actually that stupid and aren't trolling me).

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 1:20 PM. Reason : .]

3/2/2016 1:19:34 PM

All American
34407 Posts
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^ more specific information than your tiny brain can handle are in this thread:

Not that information does you any good, you have chose ignorance on this issue.

[Edited on March 2, 2016 at 1:28 PM. Reason : ]

3/2/2016 1:27:54 PM

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