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10409 Posts user info edit post |
Might as well jump into this disaster of a thread:
I drive 5 over in city conditions, and usually 9 over in highway conditions. Sometimes I even go 15-20 over. If I am consistently passing people doing the legal speed limit then I will stay in the left lane. If I see someone catching up, I will find a hole in the right lane and let the person pass. If there isn't a hole, I'm not going to hit the brakes and cut into the line. That is stupid and dangerous. Everyone should follow the two second rule. If you ride my ass, or flash your brights when you get on me, I will brake check you before your eyes can adjust back from you flashing your brights. I will get out of the way when it is safe to do so. NC drivers education and training states that when passing, you should use your turn signals, and honk your horn to alert the other driver. Also, if you are hauling ass, if is acceptable to flash your brights [b]from a distance[/] so I have notice to move the hell out of your way. In short, don't go slow in the fast lane. Don't be a jackass and follow too close. I'll move out of your way when I am able to. If you were in that much of a hurry, you should have left earlier.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 9:18 PM. Reason : yeah] 10/30/2007 9:17:15 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I'm the kind guy who flashes my lights at you when you're going slow in the left lane. Hell, I'll move into the left lane and flash my lights if you and I are the only damn cars on the road and you're going slower in the left lane.
If I'm in the left lane and someone even less patient than I am tailgates me then it's no big deal. I just move over to the right lane as soon as I can. That's how the system works; slower traffic keep right. If you are slower, then move right. I don't get mad because I'd do the same thing if I were them." | You're an asshole. If someone is actively passing in the left lane someone slower in the right lane and it's obvious they're going around the other person, you should at least have enough courtesy to let them finish passing before you flash your lights at them. If they pass and they won't move over then by all means flash your lights. But if someone is actively passing, give them a chance to get around and get over before you be an asshole. You'll find people drive a lot less stupidly when you don't drive like such a jerk.
P.S. I'd brake check your ass and cruise in the left lane if you do that shit to me.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 9:33 PM. Reason : ^ Amen. I drive a Maxima too. We're a sensible breed.] 10/30/2007 9:31:32 PM
ncsutw New Recruit 34 Posts user info edit post |
I spent some time in Germany one summer. It was an internship, where I had to drive an Opel Calibre (kinda like a toyota celica) every day between Frankfurt, Hanau, and Giessen. It would hit about 140 tops, but I'd cruise control it at about 110 on the autobahn. The rule in Germany is very simple. Pass on the left. Stay in the right. Surprisingly, people seemed to observe that rule, which has the same teeth, wording, and enforcement it does here in the US. Many times, I'd see, in the review mirror, flashing headlights resembling the grill pattern of an S-class, or a 5-series. Far behind me. Perhaps 1 or 2 km behind me. I'd bolt upright, and whip the steering wheel to the right, to get into the right lane (becuase I'm a typical american driver, complete retard behind the wheel of 4000 speeding pounds, loving the left lane) before those flashing headlights would pass me about 2 seconds later in a blur. While the 5-0 (a.k.a polezei) wouldn't ticket either driver in an authobahn rear-end collision, the "points" would go on my insurance for being in the left lane. Many German drivers have developed the coordination required to nudge or tap a bumper at autobahn speeds without causing a wreck, to suggest the proper position of a slower driver (typically american tourists who come to germany and rent cars just to open it up on the authobahn, only to realize Hertz put a fucking governer on the Ford Focus). BTW, the autobahn isn't as fun as you think. You can only get up to speed for about a few minutes. They passed some law where there is a speed limit within populated areas now due to noise pollution or something. But it is freaking cool to drop the hammer and not have to worry about tickets for a while. 10/30/2007 9:56:46 PM
JeffreyBSG All American 10165 Posts user info edit post |
signed 10/30/2007 9:57:55 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
^^ It also costs like $4000 dollar bucks to get a license in germany and they have significantly more training to get a license than we do here.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 9:59 PM. Reason : .] 10/30/2007 9:59:47 PM
Fumbler All American 4670 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You're an asshole. If someone is actively passing in the left lane someone slower in the right lane and it's obvious they're going around the other person, you should at least have enough courtesy to let them finish passing before you flash your lights at them. If they pass and they won't move over then by all means flash your lights. But if someone is actively passing, give them a chance to get around and get over before you be an asshole. You'll find people drive a lot less stupidly when you don't drive like such a jerk. " |
What the fuck are you talking about? I never mentioned flashing my lights at someone in the left lane who is going faster than the right lane traffic.
I find people drive a lot less stupidly when they aren't dipshits like you.
You can quit making assumptions and STFU.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 11:00 PM. Reason : you fucking n00b] 10/30/2007 10:57:15 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I'm the kind guy who flashes my lights at you when you're going slow in the left lane. Hell, I'll move into the left lane and flash my lights if you and I are the only damn cars on the road and you're going slower in the left lane." |
So sorry... I was assuming that since you're enough of an asshole to do something like this that you did it all the time whenever someone was slowing you down. You're not a douche at all. My humblest apologies... 10/30/2007 11:06:55 PM
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