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Tom Joad
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AOC ride or die

3/3/2025 9:58:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
" Tell you what, you give me an honest response to my questions first, and then I'll answer your question.

How are my responses Republican lite and how is Jeff Jackson Republican lite?"

I was calling the bullet points that were posted Republican Lite, not your responses

the think tank that made those recommendations is Third Way:

Quote :
" What's not mentioned in this excerpt is that this was sponsored by Third Way, a think tank that is singlemindedly devoted to convincing Democrats to cut the left out of the party. God knows the DNC has its problems, but it's misleading to frame this as a mainstream Democratic conference."

all of this is to say, the way to win back power is to show a spine, not to move further to the right

[Edited on March 3, 2025 at 10:27 AM. Reason : ^]

3/3/2025 10:27:30 AM

Burn it all down.
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So your answer is "no" then, got it.

3/3/2025 11:35:29 AM

All American
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3/3/2025 1:21:49 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Patriotism shouldn't really be part of any platform. It's hacky.

3/3/2025 1:39:55 PM

All American
28638 Posts
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Imagine there's no countries

3/3/2025 1:50:15 PM

All American
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I wish people like TGL would stop sabotaging Democrats.

3/3/2025 2:07:53 PM

All American
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3/3/2025 2:41:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"1. Today, Senate Democrats showed spine, and killed a national transgender sports ban bill via filibuster.

Not a SINGLE Democrat voted for cloture.

S. Baum writes about what happened today, including some of the speeches.

Subscribe to support our journalism."

3/3/2025 9:30:35 PM

41010 Posts
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Quote :
"Elon Musk is not a scientist. He is not an engineer. He is a billionaire con man with a lot of money :fire-emoji:"

a good demonstration of why neither TheDemocrats nor AOC are fit for the task and why voters will continue to reject them

3/4/2025 1:52:43 PM

All American
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I don't understand your perspective. Why is her statement bad and why will voters reject it?

3/4/2025 2:27:12 PM

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it's this thing

Quote :
"people who have grievances with him (almost always on the politically left) will diminish/ignore/lie about his accomplishments"

you can't say "Elon Musk is not a scientist. He is not an engineer." and expect to be taken seriously. he very clearly knows far more than the average person about science and engineering, and not only that has used that knowledge to build several innovative and successful businesses over the years, making himself a billionaire in the process. the average american knows this and finds those to be admirable achievements (regardless of how they might feel about his various other qualities and behaviors), so AOC and the Dems trying to pretend otherwise only continues to destroy their own credibility.

3/4/2025 2:38:53 PM

All American
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Looks like walz, Pritzker, Buttigieg and newsome are the ones making moves so far to try and be candidates.

^ he’s not a scientist by any stretch of the word scientist. Saying he’s an engineer has some truth to it since at one point he seems to have been an engineer, but he’s in actuality not an engineer now. He is a successful entrepreneur unquestionably, and also a conman. So i think AOC is generally correct and accurate on all counts there.

[Edited on March 4, 2025 at 3:02 PM. Reason : ]

3/4/2025 2:56:07 PM

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Quote :

3/4/2025 3:07:07 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^^^Let's see his accredited STEM degree, though.

He has a physics degree, but it's a BA, not a BS. Now that's some BS.

3/4/2025 3:11:02 PM

All American
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he is a psychopath who is destroying the country who proves on an hourly basis how much out of his depth he is and the “average American” will soon see how much of a conman he is when he is responsible for destroying their lives

3/4/2025 3:25:37 PM

All American
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^ degree doesn’t matter he’s never worked as a scientist, and doesn’t act or speak like a scientist. No scientist would claim him as a scientist. My former CEO had an engineering degree but never worked as an engineer, no one would ever accuse him of being an engineer

3/4/2025 3:27:42 PM

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surprise, surprise, my Democrat of choice these days just said what I said

3/4/2025 4:11:33 PM

All American
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what expertise does he have in approving medical devices?

3/4/2025 4:13:32 PM

Burn it all down.
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I have zero issues with Dems calling Elon a conman. I'm not trying to downplay his impact across several industries, but he's not an engineer, he's not a scientist.

At no point should he be considered an expert on the technology behind any of those things.

3/4/2025 4:42:12 PM

All American
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There’s far more evidence musk is a Nazi sympathizer, than he’s a scientist. I’d rather focus on his work as a white supremacist, that worrying about how much of a scientist uninformed people see him as.

3/4/2025 5:01:18 PM

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Quote :
"this is a great strategy for further alienating center right and center left Americans and losing federal elections."

3/4/2025 5:04:30 PM

Save TWW
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Do you have any polling or data to support that claim?

Dean Phillips doesn't seem like the best source for what is and isn't popular among voters.

3/4/2025 5:22:41 PM

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Quote :
"Do you have any polling or data to support that claim?"

that's a good question and I don't have any data off the top of my head to support it. if I remember or come across any, I'll be sure to post it. in the meantime, i'm presenting it as my intuition of the American public.

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"Dean Phillips doesn't seem like the best source for what is and isn't popular among voters."

that's basically just another way of saying Dean Phillips is a relative unknown in the public discourse. which I agree, but I'd also like to see more people hear him out. if Dem party leaders had done that in July 2022 when he was the first member of Congress to say Biden shouldn't run again, maybe we wouldn't have to be losing our minds these days about whether or not elon musk is a nazi.

[Edited on March 4, 2025 at 5:58 PM. Reason : moved to primary thread]

3/4/2025 5:35:03 PM

Save TWW
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Fair enough

3/4/2025 8:29:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
" the average american knows this and finds those to be admirable achievements"

it’s odd when a politician talks like this. even odder when a normie does.

[Edited on March 4, 2025 at 9:12 PM. Reason : .]

3/4/2025 9:11:59 PM

All American
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Elon musks approval rating is worse than trumps. I don’t even think the average person even likes him. Following the data, it’s a good tactic to kick him while he’s down

3/4/2025 9:29:04 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^^Normal people don't use the term normie.

3/4/2025 9:36:43 PM

8086 Posts
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Yeah i think i saw that the other day and found it peculiar then

3/4/2025 9:42:09 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I think that means I'm not one of the cool kids, which is great news.

3/4/2025 10:39:20 PM

All American
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god forbid someone uses a shorthand

3/4/2025 11:00:09 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Normal and normie are exactly the same number of characters, but the difference is one sounds silly and unserious.

3/4/2025 11:05:05 PM

All American
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normals sounds sillier than normies

3/4/2025 11:07:21 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Sure, if that's the strange way you choose to phrase your sentence.

I don't pretend I can end the use of cutesy slang, but I don't have to like it.

3/4/2025 11:16:51 PM

8086 Posts
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I feel like this slotkin lady is making a lot of sense, delivering well, etc etc etc. But falling into the same trap as 2024...People don't like actual facts, that much is clear

3/4/2025 11:17:51 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Just keep repeating complete lies as if they are fact.

[Edited on March 4, 2025 at 11:21 PM. Reason : Crap, she just said doom scrolling didn't count as engagement.]

3/4/2025 11:18:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
" the average american knows this and finds those to be admirable achievements"

it’s odd when a politician talks like this. even odder when a non-politician does.

3/5/2025 12:02:50 PM

41010 Posts
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there is no such thing as an admirable achievement, got it.

3/5/2025 12:06:34 PM

All American
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I didn't say that

3/5/2025 12:21:45 PM

41010 Posts
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help me understand then. there is such thing as admirable achievements, but politicians and non-politicians aren't supposed to acknowledge them??

3/5/2025 12:26:41 PM

Burn it all down.
18443 Posts
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To what end? Why does one need to make sure to give Elon all the accolades you think he deserves before criticizing him.

He is not a scientist. He is not an engineer.

3/5/2025 1:59:15 PM

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i'm not saying worship the dude (like the apu weird nerds meme implies) and i'm not saying don't criticize him. i'm just saying acknowledge all the relevant aspects of actual reality, whether or not they align with your preferred ideologies and tribes.

and in that sense, he has indeed done many impressive things (whether you want to call him a scientist or an engineer or not just seems petty and avoidant) and the distorted characterizations and indeed contempt with which many Americans now hold him is reflective (imho) of not elon's flaws as a human, but their own. how do we expect MAGA to heal themselves of their own delusions when "the smart Americans" can't even do it.

3/5/2025 2:07:32 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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It's a very strange defense of what amounts to concerning behavior.

There's an historical parallel, but it's too easy to make.

3/5/2025 2:08:21 PM

All American
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^^Honest to God, it really seems like it's all centering in on this tiktokification of the Democrats. I have no issue with people calling out Elon Musk, but it's all done in this irritating way even if I agree most of the time

Tweet: "sat down ready to hear some bullshit"

Come on, man

"betrayed by billionaires" pins.
it's like the command of the party is just full of local community organizer PTA moms, which is fine... for local communities

[Edited on March 5, 2025 at 2:36 PM. Reason : e]

3/5/2025 2:31:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"distorted characterizations and indeed contempt with which many Americans now hold him is reflective (imho) of not elon's flaws as a human, but their own"

This is just so weird. The contempt that citizens have for that insecure psychopath who's dismantling departments he doesn't understand and destroying thousands of lives is reflective of the citizens' flaws as humans? I can't even begin to understand your perspective.

[Edited on March 5, 2025 at 2:42 PM. Reason : ]

3/5/2025 2:42:09 PM

Burn it all down.
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I really don't understand. Yes Elon has done a significant amount to shape the directions of two different industries...and?

Quote :
" the distorted characterizations and indeed contempt with which many Americans now hold him is reflective (imho) of not elon's flaws as a human, but their own."

Like what the fuck is this shit man? Musk is a billionaire who thinks because he's done a few tremendous things, he can destroy lives and federal agencies without a second thought? He's putting 20 year olds in charge of firing people, who literally do a ctrl-f for the word "Trans" to cut programs, he can't even read the SSA table correctly.

Respectfully, you did this with Andrew Yang. You seem to idolize the idea that an ultra super tech clique should really rule the country because they really know best.

Elon Musk is ruining the country and causing irreparable damage that will 100% get people killed, and you think "Oh, that criticism is just a reflection of the people saying that"...bruh

3/5/2025 2:50:18 PM

Burn it all down.
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What a surprise.

3/5/2025 2:51:55 PM

All American
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On Elon, I don't think you can say that his critics are wrong for what he plans and what he is doing... he has said it all himself. He's open to a strategic economic suffering if he can rebuild the country to how he sees fit. Some people don't mind that, most people do
as it has been in history

he isn't really hiding what his ideas are

^the more you hear from Yang, the more he sounds like a grifter... despite whatever his intent may be

[Edited on March 5, 2025 at 3:04 PM. Reason : 1]

3/5/2025 3:03:57 PM

Burn it all down.
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"Some of you may die, and that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" - Entitled Billionaire con man

I don't give two shits what he's done in the past, he's destroying this country without a second thought.

The rule of goats applies.

3/5/2025 3:08:10 PM

41010 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes Elon has done a significant amount to shape the directions of two different industries...and"

and nothing. that's the simple baseline i'm asking people to be capable of doing. too many people can't even bring themselves to say this. they'd rather say "elon didn't actually found tesla" and "how can he be a scientist he doesn't even wear a lab coat" give me a break

Quote :
"Musk is a billionaire who thinks because he's done a few tremendous things, he can destroy lives and federal agencies without a second thought"

and if we want to talk about what DOGE is actually doing, that's great. but too many people are starting from a point of "rocket man bad" and jumping straight from there to "DOGE bad" it's just lazy man.

Quote :
"He's putting 20 year olds in charge of firing people"

I do not care about if somebody is 20 or not. that's not enough to determine whether a person is capable of doing a particular job. it's just lazy man.

Quote :
"who literally do a ctrl-f for the word "Trans" to cut programs, he can't even read the SSA table correctly."

see, THIS is a reasonable criticism. let's do more of this.

Quote :
"Respectfully, you did this with Andrew Yang. You seem to idolize the idea that an ultra super tech clique should really rule the country because they really know best."

and this just demonstrates that you don't understand me, or Yang. I don't idolize people or ideas. I merely support them based on their merits. And that support can change over time as new information becomes available. Yang's background was in economics, law and entrepreneurship. Not tech. Lazy people who want to dismiss Yang (because he wasn't in THEIR political clique) without bothering to listen to or understand him said he was a "tech bro" because he talked about the coming impact of AI. and oh guess what he was right!

Quote :
"Elon Musk is ruining the country"

we have no idea yet what the impact of DOGE or Trump 47 will be on the United States.

Quote :
"causing irreparable damage"

what, Dems can't campaign in 2028 on a promise to re-fund USAID?

Quote :
"that will 100% get people killed"

what. there's far too much of this catastrophizing hysteria to take seriously.

Quote :

What a surprise."

Elon supported democrats for decades. When he decided he'd had enough of their nonsense, who would you have rather he gravitated to? Yang and his party of election reform moderates, or Trump?

and just to bring it back to "Democrat party credibility watch" Thread

my entire point has been that while the Democrats lose their minds again about what Trump and Elon are up to, they completely ignore the fact that in the end it was a generation of Clintons, Bushes (and for sure these mfers were the worst of the lot), Obamas and Bidens who through their own forms of incompetence, cowardice and corruption fumbled what could have been the start of a REAL 21st century golden age for America.

Trump and MAGA will pass soon enough. But if Dems (and especially our generation who as I said will soon inherit this nation) do not properly learn the lessons of history, we will indeed continue to decay into yet another once great nation who couldn't survive their own mistakes.

3/5/2025 3:33:38 PM

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